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    本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文:电子商务网站的设计与实现随着互联网技术的迅速发展和普及应用,一种真正能发挥互联网效能的电子商务技术正在向我们走来。近几年来电子商务的发展非常迅速,电子贸易额剧增。在全球网上购物的商品构成中,虽然以软件为首,但书籍、服装和生活消费品等也已逐步成为网上畅销的品,而且花样将越来越多,数目也将是惊人的。现在已有很多企业从网上购物的快速发展中看到了一个更大、更有前途的市场。因此开发一套方便人们日常生活中使用的商品在线销售系统成为当前比较热门的研究项目,这样的系统使人们能够在网上自由的浏览商品、查寻商品详细信息及在线进行交易等操作,方便人们的日常生活,所以我选择此项目为我论文的研究对象。目前企业电子商务网站建设主要有两类:静态网站和动态网站。动态网站管理员在浏览时可以输入要修改的内容,网站客人也可以以交互的方式查询浏览自己想要的内容,配合数据库操作,能实现非常强的功能,能实时新增、更新内容,是近几年伴随英特网迅速发展起来的一种技术,它与静态网站类似,客户端是一个标准的浏览器,服务器端是Web Server,而Web Server与数据库和应用服务器的紧密结合,使得这种模式的应用范围不断扩大,它的主要优点是便于扩充应用、升级维护简便。另外,网站也必将不断的更新,同时作为网站本身就要经过一个不断自我完善的过程。基于上述考虑,服务器端采用Access数据库系统和ASP组件来构成网站的应用服务系统。本文阐述了电子商务的定义、分析了网站开发的背景和国内外的研究现状;其次以电子商务网站开发建设为主线,介绍开发网站的相关技术、对网站进行需求分析、总体设计以及重要功能模块设计的实现,本网站采用B/S三层结构,并在ASP技术与 ACCESS数据库技术开发下完成的,实现用户注册、商品搜索、在线购物、后台管理等功能;同时兼顾网站安全性,特别对登录安全进行了分析与实现,力图构建出稳固可靠地电子商务网站安全体系。网上购物系统主要指的是一个依赖于互连网这个媒体的虚拟网络商店,它应该具有一般超市让顾客自由选择商品然后结账的特点,同时也具有依靠网络作为媒体的特色,有了这种系统人们足不出户就可以安心采购到自己满意的商品,为人们的生活提供了方便,而且这也将是未来人们购物的一种比较普遍的方式。本文阐述了设计本系统需要实现的功能,设计思路和实现手段。其中的主要功能如下:1.方便顾客的功能,它可以24小时营业,并且顾客可以足不出户就查询到各种商品的详细信息,选购自己所需的商品,在下了订单后可以在网上支付货款,等待商品被邮寄到家,若顾客对某种收到的商品不满意,还可以在规定时间内退货,这大大方便了顾客,使顾客可以放心购物。2.留言功能,该项功能可以让顾客告诉我们哪里做得不好,以便改进。3.公告管理功能,为顾客提供商品的一些打折、特价或热销商品的一些信息,类似于超市前面的公告牌。4.商品类别管理功能,方便顾客可以按照商品类别查找自己需要的商品;5.安全、强大的后台管理功能,方便商家随时添加、修改和删除商品。随着互连网技术的飞速发展,网上购物也已经开始被越来越多的人所接受。然而也有一些人对网上购物的流程并不是很熟悉,或者想制作网络商店来销售自己的商品却无从下手,认为网络商店是复杂而神秘的。如今的网上购物系统大部分界面华丽但操作起来复杂,让消费者感到购物很复杂,这就失去了网上购物方便顾客的原则,同时也让系统管理员感觉操作困难,感觉难于快速上手操作。本系统本着操作简单,容易上手的原则,主要论述网上购物系统的功能与实现方法,并概括地介绍建设网上购物系统所需要掌握的软件及技术,重点讲述了如何基于ADO技术实现ASP网页与ACCESS数据库进行连接和操作。本文介绍的购物系统以ASP和SQL为基础,结构简单,界面简洁,很容易上手操作。由于功能模块的使用,使网站的界面和功能的扩充变得比较容易。对于网站程序设计语言,Active Server Page是创建动态网页的一个很好的工具,它起一种编程语言的作用,可以利用它编写动态产生HTML的程序代码。因此,只要用户浏览Web站点并请求一个ASP页,Web服务器就可以处理相应的ASP代码,生成HTML代码,然后将它传递到用户浏览器并显示出网页,大大提高了交互的速度。因此我选择了ASP作为程序设计语言。网页设计工具我选择了Dream weaver 8,可能是最简单、最容易,却又功能强大的网页编辑工具。网站程序的数据库,我采用的是Microsoft Office Access数据库为网站存储数据。他支持网络应用,属于中小型数据库系统。适合使用在并不复杂的网站系统中。电子商务的优势 今天,互联网技术的迅速发展,正在引领着交易方式的发展。互联网所提供的丰富的资讯,给市场的双方,不论是商家还是消费者,都提供了更多的可选择的余地。同时,市场的范围也不再局限于国家范围内,不同国家的人们,通过互联网,也可以很方便地进行交易了。 无论是消费者到商家方式还是商家到消费者方式,互联网都提供了一个巨大的舞台。对消费者来说,互联网带来的方便和高速,展示了它足够的魅力。而对于商家来说,互联网为他们的商业扩张,提供了一个前所未有的巨大的完全开放的媒介。 虽然,通过在网站,只能展示产品的外观和大小,但这足以吸引那些在线购物者随意地查看和选择。同时,为了发挥电子商务的真实潜能,我们还必须有一个有效的付款和交货模式,来保证买卖双方可以通过互联网顺利和安全地收到货款或货物。如今,人们已经发展除了一种被称为“网际付款”的方式,它使得方便安全的网络交易成为可能。不过,作为一种新兴的商业模式,还需要一个发展和应用的过程,才能充分发挥它的潜力。 全球互联网络甚至可以为一件商品的卖方,联系到一个可能来自一个他们并不知道的国家的买方。电子商务,最终将使整个世界的贸易方式,发生革命性的改变。 由于出于保护本国企业产品的需要,许多政府都对进口产品进行了各种各样的限制,所以买方的选择通常都是有限的,有时候甚至根本就无从选择。而通过互联网,买方就可以在数分钟内,就用最优惠的价格买到满足其要求的世界上最好的产品。 虽然现在,交易者更多地还只是把互联网当作一种广告投放场所,所有地交易流程还只是通过电话或者信件。即使电子商务的大门已经打开,但交易最终仍然离不开一些传统的方式,仍然需要传统交易方式的引导。如今人们已经可以很方便地通过便利连锁店和采用邮购目录的方式,坐在家里完成购物了,但如果再加上因特网,那会是什么情况呢?恐怕连最普通最小地商品,你也可以坐在家里就买到了。电子商务的前景 虽然没有人能判断未来到底会怎样,但我们确实可以判断出来,互联网将给我们带来一个没有国界的世界。因为电子商务的本质就是全球化,所以它就无法戏剧性地促进国际贸易的发展。比如签订信托和安全协议-他们每天都在继续-全球的公司都将不得不为他们的电脑增加商业软件和硬件工具,以满足在线交易的需要。 只有当付款方式安全方便,电子商务才能成为可能。同样的,可行的统一规则的制定,才能使得电子商务在全球范围内得到大规模的应用。 对于卖方来说,经济效益将被赋予全新的意义。货物和服务的卖方能期待的不只是在当地的机会, 同时也是跨越国界的机会。互联网甚至把商业机会扩展到了任何生产有价值产品的小生产者。互联网使来自各个国家的众多商家加入到了竞争的行列中。正如我们已经看到的那样,使用互联网的人数正在以每年100的速度增长,而且,很快这个数字就会显得保守了。为了满足那些不断开发互联网潜能的消费者的要求,越来越多的英特网的网路提供者、服务提供者、各厂商和公司被卷到了一起。在英特网上,每家公司都在全球范围的市场中寻找自己的机会,每个人参与者, 都将成为主角。原文: Design and Implementation of E-Commerce Web SiteWith the development of computer science and rapidly popularization of the network, the Electronic Commerce technology which is one application of the Internet is coming. In recent years, electronic commerce develops rapidly, electronic trade leaping. The composition of global online shopping commodity, that although the software-led, but books, clothing and consumer goods also has become best-selling goods online, and the patterns will be more and more, the number would be staggering. Now many companies realize that a more promising market exits from the rapid development of online shopping. So the online sailing system which would make people's daily life convenient is become more popular research projects, Such a system allows people to freely browse the Internet goods, search for detailed information and online commodity trading and other operations to facilitate people's daily lives, so I chose this project for my thesis study.There are mainly two type enterprise e-commerce sites: static websites and dynamic websites. Dynamic Website allows that the administrators can browse the contents of the input to modify the site, guests can also use it interactively query the contents of the browser you want to, and meet the database operations, to achieve very strong function, real-time new, updated content, it is rapidly developed following the Internet technology in recent years, it is similar with a static Web site, the client is a standard browser, server-side is a Web Server, the Web Server is close combine with the database and application server, making this model expanding the application scope, its main advantage is to facilitate the expansion of applications, upgrade maintenance easy. In addition, the website will also continue to be renewed at the same time as the site itself, which is a process of continuous self-improvement. Based on the above considerations, the server-side adopt the Access database systems and ASP components to constitute the site's Application Service System.Firstly it explained the definition of the electronic commerce,analyzing the background of website development,the recent situation and problems existing in research; secondly illustrating the related technology with developing the website by following the development and construction of electronic commerce website,at the same time,we analyze the website from several aspects,such as the needs,the whole design and the main functional Parts design. The website was built by using B/S structure and assisted by ASP technique and ACCESS database technology. It has functions like user registration,searching for goods,online shopping and background management etc. At the same time,it pays a lot of attention to website safety,To registered specially carries on the analysis with to realize safely, aiming at building safe and solid system of electronic commerce website.Internet Shopping System Based On ASP And ACCESS,it shows itself as an virtual Internet shop which depends on Internet. It has the characteristic of a common Super Market that allows customers choose whatever goods they like first and check-out at last. And at the same time,depends on Internet,it has its own characteristic. An Internet Shopping System includes the following functions:1. A convenience online ordering system 24 hours per-day for customers; that is,it can opens a business 24 hours per-day. Customers could search whatever information of goods they need without going out,and then order and accept goods. It conveniences peoplelife greatly.2. A searching system which is powerful and speedy;3. A background managing system which is safety and powerful;4. A perfect managing system of order forms:5. A humanness system for communicating with customers .With the fast development of Internet technology,Shopping Online is being accepted by more and more people. But there are still some people having problems about how to shop online,or some people want to build an online shop but do not know how to do the first step. They think that online shop is complex and mystery. This article mostly discusses the functions of Internet Shopping System and how to carry out these functions. Lt generally introduces the applications and technic that needed for constructing an Internet Shopping System. And it maily discusses by ADO technic how to operate the database from homepage made by ASP. Hoping after reading this article,you could know the basic technique about the handle and structure of a online shop.Now a majority of Internet Shopping Systems are hard to operate for customers and system administrators because of their brave but complex interfaces. What discussed in this artcle is a Internet Shopping System with simple structure and terse interface based on ASP and ACCESS,and it is easy for handling. It could be very easy to extend the functions or interface of this system because of modules used in this system.For Web programming languages, Active Server Page is a good tool to create dynamic web pages. It plays the role of a programming language, by which you can use it to write dynamically generated HTML-code. Therefore, as long as users browse Web site and request an ASP page, Web server can handle the corresponding ASP code that generates HTML code, and then pass it to the user's browser and display web pages, greatly increased the speed of interaction. So I chose the ASP as a programming language. I chose Dream weaver 8 as Web design tools. Web site's database program, I use the Microsoft Office Access database to store data for the site. He supported the network applications, small and medium database system, which is not suitable for using in a complex web site system.The Advantages of Electronic Commerce Today, the Internet is reshaping the way business transactions are conducted. It is empowering both consumers and business by providing expanding markets and choices to not only national, but also international communities. It enriches competition in provide information and comparative choices. The Internet is a vast new frontier of consumer-to-business and business-to-business commerce. For consumers, Internet-based shopping holds an attraction because of its breadth of coverage and ease of use. For corporations, Internet-based commerce represents an as-yet largely untapped medium for expanding and growing of their business. Putting up a Web site to promote and display products, and then luring online shoppers in to look around at the offerings, however, is only one dimension of conducting business via the Internet. To realize the true potential of electronic commerce, an effective method of receiving payment for products sold or delivered through the Internet is a necessity. Developing and implementing effective and simple “cyber payment” methods is a major focus of current Internet-related research. While it is currently possible to make purchases over the Internet, this form of commerce has got yet gained sufficient popularity to deem it a significant factor in foreign trade. Still, it does have potential. The ability to order and pay for products over the Internet can revolutionize international trade. It can provide purchasers in one country with access to goods and services from another of which they might otherwise not even be aware. Since many governments restrict imports of certain products and regulate advertising and other marketing tools within their national borders, purchasers are often forced to choose from a limited-or even monopolistic-supply of a desired product. With Internet access, purchasers can scour the world in minutes to find the right product at the best price. Until recently, however, supplier used the Internet primarily for advertising purposes. All orders were taken either over the telephone or by mail. While this certainly opened the door and paved the way for Internet commerce, it still required that business be conducted through traditional methods. Shopping at these days is easy and convenient with home shopping networks and mail order catalogs. What has been added is Internet shopping. As you surf in the Internet and come across to some vendors home page youll be able to purchase commodities.The Prospect of Electronic Commerce While nobody is certain what the future will bring, we do know that the Internet recognizes no national borders. Electronic commerce is global in nature, so the Internet cannot help but to dramatically increase international trade. As trust and security issues are resolved-as they continue to be each day-companies around the world will add the software and hardware tools required to conduct their business on-line. Electronic commerce can only be done if the payment methods are secure and usable. Also possible juridical issues have to be solved before commerce can be done on a global scale. For the supply side, economies of scale take on a whole new meaning. Sellers of goods and services can expect not only local opportunities, but also national and global reach. The Internet expands opportunities to small producers with worthy products, and thrusts them into competition with their multinational big brothers.As we can see, the number of people using Internet is increasing by 100% each year. Very soon just plain surfing isnt going to be enough for them. Internet access providers, service providers, vendors and companies involved in Internet development have to come up with fast, secure, anonymous and easy to use solution to be used by customers, in order to make payments, who want to fully exploit Internet. Internet. The first company the hits global market big time, with application that is accepted by everyone, is going to be a major player.8


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