毕业论文(设计)外文翻译题 目: 机器人 系部名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 2011年03月11日机器人机器人是典型的机电一体化装置,它综合运用了机械与精密机械、微电子与计算机、自动控制与驱动、传感器与信息处理以及人工智能等多学科的最新研究成果,随着经济的发展和各行各业对自动化程度要求的提高,机器人技术得到了迅速发展,出现了各种各样的机器人产品。机器人产品的实用化,既解决了许多单靠人力难以解决的实际问题,又促进了工业自动化的进程。目前,由于机器人的研制和开发涉及多方面的技术,系统结构复杂,开发和研制的成本普遍较高,在某种程度上限制了该项技术的广泛应用,因此,研制经济型、实用化、高可靠性机器人系统具有广泛的社会现实意义和经济价值。 工业机器人是在生产环境中用以提高生产效率的工具,它能做常规乏味的装配线工作,或能做那些对于工人来说是危险的工作,例如:第一代工业机器人是用来在核电站中更换核燃料棒,如果人去做这项工作,将会遭受有害射线的辐射。工业机器人亦能工作在装配线上将小元件装配到一起,如将电子元件安放在电路印刷板,这样,工人就能从这项乏味的常规工作中解放出来。机器人也能按程序要求用来拆除炸弹,辅助残疾人,在社会的很多应用场合下履行职能。机器人可以认为是将手臂末端的工具、传感器和手爪移动到程序指定位置的一种机器。当机器人到达位置后,它将执行某种任务。这些任务可以是焊接、密封、机器装料、拆装以及装配工作。除了编程以及系统的开停之外,一般来说这些工作可以在无人干预下完成。一、如下叙述的是机器人系统基本术语:1.机器人是一个可编程、多功能的机械手,通过给要完成的不同任务编制各种动作,它可以运动零件、材料、工具以及特殊装置。这个基本定义引导出后续段落的其他定义,从而描绘出一个完整的机器人系统。2.预编程位置点是机器人为完成工作而必须跟踪的轨迹。在某些位置点上机器人将停下来做某些操作,如装配零件、喷涂油漆或者焊接。这些预编程点贮存在机器人的贮存器中,并为后续的连续操作所调用,而且这些预编程点像其他程序数据一样,可在日后随工作需要而变化。因且,正是这种可编程的特征,一个工业机器人很像一台计算机,数据可以在这里储存、后续调用与编辑。3.机械手是机器人的手臂,它使机器人能弯屈、延伸和旋转,提供这些运动的是机械手的轴,亦是所谓的机械手的自由度。一个机械人能有3-16轴,自由度一词总是与机器人轴数相关。4.工具和手爪不是机器人自身组成部分,但它们是安装在机器人手臂末端的附件。这些连在机器人手臂末端的附件可使机器人抬起工件、点焊、刷漆、电焊弧、钻孔、打毛刺以及根据机器人的要求去做各种各样的工作。5.机器人系统还可以控制机器人的工作单元,工作单元是机器人执行任务所处的整体环境,该单元包括控制器、机械手、工作平台、安全保护装置或者传输装置。所有这些为保证机器人完成自己任务而必需的装置都包括在这一工作单元中。另外,来自外设的信号与机器人何时装配工作、取工件或放工件到传输装置上。二、机器人系统有三个基本部件:机械手、控制器和动力源。1机械手机械手做机器人系统中粗重工作,它包括两个部分:机构和附件,机械手也有联接附件基座,如下图所示一机器人基座与附件之间的连接情况。机械手基座通常固定在工作区域的地基上,有时基座也可以移动,在这种情况下基座安装在导轨或者轨道上,允许机械手从一个位置移动到另外一个位置。正如前面所提到的那样,附件从机器人基座上延伸出来,附件就是机器人的手臂,它可以是直线型,也可以是轴节型手臂,轴节型手臂也是大家所知的关节型手臂。机械臂使机械手产生各轴的运动。这些轴连在一个安装基座上,然后再练到托架上,托架确保机械手停留在某一位置。在手臂的末端上,连接着手腕,手腕由辅助轴和手腕凸缘组成,手腕是让机器人用户在手腕凸缘上安装不同工具来做不同种工作。机器手的轴使机械手在某一区域内执行任务,我们将这个区域为机器人的工作单元,该区域的大小与机械手的尺寸相对应,一个典型装配机器人的工作单元。随着机器人机械结构尺寸的增加,工作单元的范围也必须相应增加。机械手的运动由执行元件或驱动系统来控制。执行元件或驱动系统允许各轴在工作单元内运动。驱动系统可用电气液压和气压动力,驱动系统所产生的动力经机构转变为机械能,驱动系统与机械传动链相匹配。由链、齿轮和滚珠丝杠组成的机械传动链驱动着机器人的各轴。 2.控制器机器人控制器是工作单元的核心。控制器储存着预编程序供后续条用、控制外设,及与厂内计算机进行通讯以满足产品经常更新的需要。控制器用于控制机械手运动和在工作单元内控制机器人外设。用户可通过手持的示教盒将机械手运动的程序编入控制器。这些信息储存在控制器的存储器中以备后续调用,控制器存储了机器人系统的所有编程数据,它能存储几个不同的程序,并且所有这些程序均能编辑。控制器要求能够在工作单元内与外设进行通信。例如控制器有一个输入端,它能标识某个机加工操作何时完成。当该加工循环完成后,输入端接通,告诉控制器定位机械手以便能抓取以加工工件,随后机械手抓取一未加工工件,将其放置在机床上。接着,控制器给机床开始加工的信号。控制器可以由根据时间顺序而步进的机械式轮毂组成,这种类型的控制器可用在非常简单的机械系统中。用于大多数机器人系统中的控制器代表现代电子学的水平,是更复杂的装置,即它们是由微处理器操纵的。这些微处理器可以是8位,16位或32位处理器。它们可以使得控制器在操作工程中显得非常柔性。控制器能通过通信线发送电信号,使它能与机器手各轴交流信息,在机器人的机械手和控制器之间的双向交流信息可以保持系统操作和位置经常更新,控制器亦能控制安装在机器人手腕上的任何工具。控制器也有与厂内各计算机进行通信的任务,这种通信联系使机器人成为计算机辅助制造(CAM)系统的一个组成部分。存储器。基于微处理器的系统运行时要与固态的存储装置相连,这些存储装置可以是磁泡,随机存储器、软盘、磁带等。每种记忆存储装置均能贮存、编辑信息以备后续调用和编辑。3.动力源动力源是给机器人和机器手提供动力的单元。传给机器人系统的动力源有两种,一种是用于控制器的交流电,另一种是用于驱动机械手各轴的动力源,例如,如果机器人的机械手是由液压和气压驱动的,控制信号便传送到这些装置中,驱动机器人运动。对于每一个机器人系统,动力是用来操纵机械手的。这些动力可来源于液压动力源、气压动力源或电源,这些能源是机器人工作单元整体的一部分(本文译自)RobotsRobot is a type of mechantronics equipment which synthesizes the last research achievement of engine and precision engine, micro-electronics and computer, automation control and drive, sensor and message dispose and artificial intelligence and so on. With the development of economic and the demand for automation control, robot technology is developed quickly and all types of the robots products are come into being. The practicality use of robot products not only solves the problems which are difficult to operate for human being, but also advances the industrial automation program. At present, the research and development of robot involves several kinds of technology and the robot system configuration is so complex that the cost at large is high which to a certain extent limit the robot abroad use. To development economic practicality and high reliability robot system will be value to robot social application and economy development.The industrial robot is used in the manufacturing environment to increase productivity . It can be used to do routine and tedious assembly line jobs , or it can perform jobs that might be hazardous to do routine and tedious assembly line jobs , or it can perform jobs that might be hazardous to the human worker . For example , one of the first industrial robots was used to replace the nuclear fuel rods in nuclear power plants . A human doing this job might be exposed to harmful amounts of radiation . The industrial robot can also operate on the assembly line , putting together small components , such as placing electronic components on a printed circuit board . Thus , the human worker can be relieved of the routine operation of this tedious task . Robots can also be programmed to defuse bombs , to serve the handicapped , and to perform functions in numerous applications in our society .The robot can be thought of as a machine that will move an end-of-arm tool , sensor , and gripper to a preprogrammed location . When the robot arrives at this location , it will perform some sort of task . This task could be welding , sealing , machine loading , machine unloading , or a host of assembly jobs . Generally , this work can be accomplished without the involvement of a human being , except for programming and for turning the system on and off . First.The basic terminology of robotic systems is introduced in the following : 1. A robot is a reprogrammable , multifunctional manipulator designed to move parts , materials , tools , or special devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of different task . This basic definition leads to other definitions , presented in the following paragraphs , that give a complete picture of a robotic system . 2. Preprogrammed locations are paths that the robot must follow to accomplish work . At some of these locations , the robot will stop and perform some operation , such as assembly of parts , spray painting , or welding . These preprogrammed locations are stored in the robots memory and are recalled later for continuous operation . Furthermore , these preprogrammed locations , as well as other program data , can be changed later as the work requirements change . Thus , with regard to this programming feature , an industrial robot is very much like a computer , where data can be stored and later recalled and edited .3. The manipulator is the arm of the robot . It allows the robot to bend , reach , and twist . This movement is provided by the manipulators axes , also called the degrees of freedom of the robot . A robot can have from 3 to 16 axes . The term degrees of freedom of freedom will always relate to the number of axes found on a robot .4. The tooling and grippers are not part of the robotic system itself ; rather , they are attachments that fit on the end of the robots arm . These attachments connected to the end of the robots arm allow the robot to lift parts , spot-weld , paint , arc-weld , drill , deburr , and do a variety of tasks , depending on what is required of the robot .5. The robotic system can also control the work cell of the operating robot . the work cell of the robot is the total environment in which the robot must perform its task . Included within this cell may be the controller , the robot manipulator , a work table , safety features , or a conveyor . All the equipment that is required in order for the robot to do its job is included in the work cell . In addition , signals from outside devices can communicate with the robot in order to tell the robot when it should assemble parts , pick up parts , or unload parts to a conveyor .second.The robotic system has three basic components : the manipulator , the controller , and the power source .1 . Manipulator The manipulator , which does the physical work of the robotic system , consists of two sections : the mechanical section and the attached appendage . The manipulator also has a base to which the appendages are attached . Fig.1 illustrates the connection of the base and the appendage of a robot .The base of the manipulator is usually fixed to the floor of the work area .Sometimes , though , the base may be movable . In this case , the base is attached to either a rail or a track , allowing the manipulator to be moved from one location to another . As mentioned previously , the appendage extends from the base of the robot . The appendage is the arm of the robot . It can be either a straight , movable arm or a jointed arm . the jointed arm is also known as an articulated arm .The appendages of the robot manipulator give the manipulator its various axes of motion . These axes are attached to a fixed base , which , in turn , is secured to a mounting . This mounting ensures that the manipulator will remain in one location。At the end of the arm , a wrist is connected . The wrist is made up of additional axes and a wrist flange . The wrist flange allows the robot user to connect different tooling to the wrist for different jobs . The manipulators axes allow it to perform work within a certain area . This area is called the work cell of the robot , and its size corresponds to the size of the manipulator . Fig.2 illustrates the work cell of a typical assembly robot . As the robots physical size increases , the size of the work cell must also increase .The movement of the manipulator is controlled by actuators , or drive systems . The actuators , or drive system , allows the various axes to move within the work cell . The drive system can use electric , hydraulic , or pneumatic power . The energy developed by the drive system is converted to mechanical power by various mechanical drive systems .The drive systems are coupled through mechanical linkages .These linkages, in turn , drive the different axes of the robot . The mechanical linkages may be composed of chains , gears ,and ball screws.2. ControllerThe controller in the robotic system is the heart of the operation. The controller stores preprogrammed information for later recall, control peripheral devices, and communicates with computers within the plant for constant updates in production The controllers is used to control the robot manipulators movements as well as to control peripheral components within the work cell. The user can program the movements of the manipulator into the controller through the use of a hand-held teach pendent. This information is stored in the memory of the controller for later recall. The controller stores all program data of the robotic system. It can store several different programs, and any of these programs can be edited.The controller is also required to communicate with peripheral equipment within the work cell. For example, the controller has an input line that identifies when a machining operation is completed. When the machine cycle is completed, the input line turns on, telling the controller to position the manipulator so that it can pick up the finished part. Then, a new part is picked up by the manipulator and placed into the machine. Next, the controller signals the machine to start operation.The controller can be made from mechanically operated drums that step through a sequence of events. This type of controller operates with a very simple robotic system. The controllers found on the majority of robotic systems are more complex devices and represent state-of-the-art electronics. That is, they are microprocessor-operated. These microprocessors are either 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit processors. This power allows the controller to be very flexible in its operation.The controller can send electric signals over communication lines that allow it to talk with the various axes of manipulator. This two-way communication between the robot manipulator and the controller maintains a constant update of the location and the operation of the system. The controller also controls any tooling placed on the end of the robots wrist. The controller also has the job of communicating with the different plant computers . The communication link establishes the robot as part of a computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM) system.As the basic definition stated , the robot is a reprogrammable , multifunctional manipulator . Therefore , the controller must contain some type of memory storage . The microprocessor-based systems operate in conjunction with solid-state memory devices . These memory devices may be magnetic bubbles , random-access memory , floppy disks , or magnetic tape . Each memory storage device stores program information for later recall or for editing .3. Power supplyThe power supply is the unit that supplies power to the controller and the manipulator . Two types of power are delivered to the robotic system . One type of power is the AC power for operation of the controller . The other type of power is used for driving the various axes of the manipulator . For example , if the robot manipulator id controlled by hydraulic or pneumatic manipulator drives , control signals are sent to these devices , causing motion of the robot .For each robotic system , power is required to operate the manipulator . This power can be developed from either a hydraulic power source , a pneumatic power source , or an electric power source , These power sources are part of the total components of the robotic work cell .