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    仁爱七年级下册 Unit5 & Unit6语言要点Unit 5   Topic 1 1.at the school gate 在校门口        2.-Happy New Year !   -The same to you !3. -How do / does sb. usually go to sp. ? -sb. usually / always / sometimes go to sp. by bus / by bike /on foot -某人通常怎么去某地?-某人通常/总是/有时乘汽车/ 骑车/ 步行去某地。4.Its time for sth. / Its time to do sth. / Its time for sb. to do sth. 现在是(某人)做某事的时间了。/ 该做某事了。5. go to sp. by subway / by bus / by train / by ship / by boat   乘地铁/ 乘公共汽车/ 乘火车/乘轮船/ 坐小船去某地= take the subway to sp./ take a bus to sp./ take a train to sp./ take a ship to sp./ take a boat to sp.      6. go to . by bike =go to . on a bike = ride a bike / ride bikes to . 骑自行车去某地7.go to . on foot = walk to . 步行去某地    8.go to by plane = take a plane to . = fly to . 乘飞机去某地9.The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 ( 笨鸟先飞)       10.have a short rest短暂休息 11.eat out 在外面吃   12.on school days 在上学的日子       13.in ones free time 在某人空闲的时间   14. and so on   等等 15.after lunch 午饭后       16. after school 放学后       17.go dancing 去跳舞18.Classes begin at 8:00 a.m./ Classes finish at 5:00 p.m. = School is over at 5:00 p.m.早上8:00开始上课 / 下午5:00 放学19.read books 看书      20.play the guitar 弹吉它     21.play sports 做运动         22. Work must come first 工作(学习)必须放在第一位23.-How often do you go to the library ? -Once / Twice / Three times a week / Very often / Every day / Seldom 某人多经常做某事?一周一次 / 一周两次 / 一周三次 / 很经常 / 每天 / 很少 。25.watch TV for a little while ( do sth. for a little while ) 看一会儿电视 (某事做了一会儿)26.have breakfast / have lunch / have supper / have dinner 吃早餐 / 吃午餐 / 吃晚餐 / 吃正餐Topic 2.1.teachers office 老师办公室 2. like doing sth. best 最喜欢做某事    3.on the playground 在操场上    4. at the moment = now 此刻,现在        5.make cards 做卡片  6 .have a physics class 上物理课 7.borrow sth. ( from sb. / sp. ) (向某人)借(进)某物         8 .lend sb. sth.= lend sth. to sb. 把某物借(出)给某人 9 have classes = have lessons 上课10.a few / few + 可数名词复数 几个/ 几乎没有11.look for sth. / find sth. 寻找某物 / 找到某物12.do well in ( doing ) sth. / do better in ( doing ) sth. 在某方面做得好/ 在做得更好     13 .return sth to sb. / sp. = give sth. back to sb. / sp. 把某物归还给某人 / 某地14. -How long can I keep the book ?   -Two weeks . 这本书我能借多久? 两星期。15.return sth on time 按时归还某物  16.What else ? = Anything else ? = What other things ? 还有其他什么吗?疑问词+else , something / anything /nothing / someone / anybody / nobody +else ,  other +名词复数17.-Thank you .   -Its a pleasure . = Its my pleasure .= My pleasure . 别客气,不用谢。18.at the lost and found 在失物招领处 19.Thank you all the same . = Thank you anyway .         20.in the center of  在中心   21.on the left / right ( of sb. / sth.) ; on ones left / right   在(某人或某物的)左边 / 右边22.next to 紧邻,在近旁      23.at the back of 在(内部)的后面 ,behind sth. 在(外部) 的后面 24.some photos / friends of + mine/ hers/ ours名词性物主代词 某人的一些照片/ 朋友25.between and 在和之间 between you and me;     between the + 名词复数; between the buildings   between +复数宾格    between us                                                  26.watch a ( soccer ) game 看(足球)赛 27.show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 把某物给某人看28. look happy 看起来很高兴          29 .talk to / talk with sb. 和某人谈话     30. on the Great Wall 在长城上          31. Attention , please ! 请注意!  32.of course = sure = certainly 当然        Topic 3 1.-What day is it today ?   -Its Wednesday . -今天星期几? -今天星期三。2.-What class are they having ?   -They are having a music class . -他们正在上什么课?-他们正在上音乐课。3.-What time does the class begin ?   -At ten oclock . -这节课几点开始上? -十点。4.-What time is the class over ? -At a quarter to eleven .这节课几点结束?十点四十五。5.the first class 第一节课 6.do outdoor activities 课外活动 7.work on math problems 演算数学习题  8.draw pictures 画图画       9.learn about the past 了解有关过去的事情          10.school life 校园生活11.-What do you think of English ? / How do you like English ? -你觉得英语怎么样? -Its easy and interesting . / Its difficult and boring . -很容易也有趣。/ 既难又无聊。 What do you think of ? = How do you like ? 你觉的怎么样?12.-How many history lessons do you have every week ?   -Only one .13.Which subject do you like best ? = Which is your favorite subject ? 你最喜欢什么科目?14.-Why do / dont you like it ?-Because its -你为什么喜欢 / 不喜欢它? -因为15 be useful 有用的     16.I dont like math at all. 我一点都不喜欢数学17. like a lot .= like very much 非常喜欢 18. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好             19.tell sb. something about . 告诉某人有关的一些情况20.read newspapers / read stories 看报 / 看故事 21.learn a lot from 从中学会了很多22.Thank you for your hard work . 谢谢你辛勤的工作 hard work 艰苦的工作Thank you for sth. / Thank you for doing sth. 为了某事感谢某人 / 感谢某人做了某事23. work hard 努力工作 / 学习   24.in the newspaper (内容)在报纸上       25.wash ones face 洗脸Unit 6Topic 1    There be 句型 就近变化1.There is a +名词单数+在某地   在某地有某物     There is a bathroom on the first floor. 在一楼有一间浴室There is +不可数名词+在某地     There is some milk in the bottle.   在瓶子里有些牛奶There are +名词复数+在某地 There are two pairs of shoes under the bed . 在床下有两双鞋There is a lamp , a computer and some books on it . ( 近邻原则 )2.There isnt a / any +名词单数/不可数名词+在某地     在某地没有某物 There isnt a computer in Picture 1.    在图1里没有一台电脑 There isnt any food in the fridge .    在冰箱里没有食品 There arent +数字/any +在某地 There arent any trees in the garden. 在花园里没有树3.-Is there a / any ? -Yes, there is . / No, there isnt .    -Is there a sofa in your study ? Yes, there is . / No, there isnt . 在你的书房里有沙发吗?- Is there any food in the fridge ? -Are there +数字/ any ?   -Yes, there are . / No, there arent -Are there any boats on the river ?   -Yes, there are . / No, there arent .在河里有船吗?4.-Whats +在某地? - There is / There are    -在某地有什么? -有 -Whats in the drawer ? -There is a magazine . / There are some keys . 在抽屉里有什么?有一本杂志/一些钥匙5.How many +名词复数+are there +在某地? There is / There are +数量   在某地有多少? How many model planes are there on the desk ?   There are three . 6.on the second floor ( of ) 在二楼        7.Why not do sth.? = Why dont you do sth.?   为什么不做某事呢?8.go upstairs 上楼 9.have a look ( at sb. / sth. ) 看一看    10.living room 起居室,客厅    11.so many +可数名词复数   这么多   12.dining room 餐厅    13.put it / them away   把它 / 它们收起来14.in front of 在(外部的) 前面    15.in the front of  在(内部的)前面     16.in the study 在书房    17.behind the door 在门后     18. Which is your favorite room in your house ? 在你家里,你最喜欢哪一个房间?19.my family photo = a photo of my family 我的全家福照片  20.play on the computer 玩电脑 (在电脑上玩) 21.play with sth. 玩耍           22.play with sb. 和某人一起玩         23.put sth.+在某地 把某物放在某地  24.You must look after your things 你必须看管好你的东西             25.get a letter from sb. 收到某人来信26.in the tree 在树上(不是树上长的东西)    27.on the tree 在树上(是树上长的东西)Topic 21.-Whats your home like ?    -Its an apartment building. / I live in a town house . -你的家是什么样的?   -是公寓大楼。 / 我住在一座城市住宅里。2.in the countryside 在农村 3.in the suburbs 在郊区 4.would like sb. to do sth. = want sb. to do .想要某人做某事5.in our group 在我们小组      6.a small apartment for students 适合学生住的小公寓  7.a house with three bedrooms 有三个卧室的房子8.call sb. at +电话号码   挂号码电话给某人9.a house with furniture for a family of three   带家具的适合三口之家居住的房子         10.looking for a quiet single room under 300 yuan per month   求租一间月租300元以下安静的单人房。11.rent a house from others ( rent sth. from sb.) 从其他人那里租进一间房子。12.rent a house to others (rent sth. to sb.)   把房子租给其他人。 (把某物租给其他人)13.on the street corner 在街道拐角         munity service center 社区服务中心15.on the corner of Xinhua Street and Zhongshan Road 在新华街和中山路的拐弯处 on the corner of 在拐弯处16.park cars 停车       17.keep money 存钱     18.mail letters = post letters 寄信        19.post office 邮局   20.keep and show things 保存和展示东西   21.parking lot 停车场            22.train station 火车站 23.see the doctor 看医生      24.clothing store 服装店           25.Im afraidits too loud. 恐怕太大声了26.I hear you playing the piano.       hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事27.Im really sorry about that. 为那事我真的很抱歉 28.at the end of 在的尽头,在末29.Many families with young children live here 很多带小孩的家庭住在这里           30.in the area在这个地区    31.be close to  靠近    32.be far from  离某地远           33.call sb.for help打电话请求帮助     34. right now = at once 立刻,马上  35.I live in Apartment 606 , Building A 我住在A座606单元          36.sth. dont / doesnt work . = There is something wrong with sth. = Something is wrong with sth. 某物坏了Is there anything wrong with ?           There is nothing wrong with 37.Ill get someone to check it 我将派人去检查一下    get sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事   38.move to sp. 搬家去某地       39.move from cities to the suburbs 从城市搬到郊区 40.Its noisy in cities.城市很吵 ( be noisy 吵闹的 ) 41.The traffic is heavy. 交通很拥挤42.few people 几乎没人       43.at noon 在中午           44. a lot of = lots of 很多(跟可数或不可数名词)只能放在肯定句中,否定和疑问时 改为many + 可数名词 much + 不可数名词45.The cost of living is high in cities.= Living in the cities costs too much. 城市生活费用很高  sth. costs sb. some money 某物花了某人钱46.The suburbs are clean and quiet郊区干净也宁静47. houses with big yards 有院子的房子    48.a house with a garden 一座带花园的房子       49. kitchen fan 厨房排气扇50.There are no houses on the right .= There are not any houses on the right .在右边没有房子      51.I cant hear you . The line is bad . 我听不见你说的话,线路不好。         Topic 3 问路的几种方式1.Excuse me , is there a near here ?      请问,这附近有吗 ? Excuse me , how can I get to (the ) ?    请问,去路怎么走? Excuse me , which is the way to (the ) ? Excuse me , could you tell me how to get to (the ) ? Excuse me , could you tell me the way to (the) ? Excuse me , where is (the) ?    请问在哪儿?2.Go up / down this street to the end , and youll find / see it on your left / right .沿着这条街走到尽头,你会看到它在你的左边 / 右边 。 Go along Xinhua Street and turn left / right at the first street . 沿着新华街走,在第一个街口往左 / 右拐。 Go across the bridge .= Cross the bridge . 过桥 Its about meters / kilometers along on the right / left . 它在右 / 左前方大约米 / 公里处。 Go along this road until you get to / see . 沿着这条路一直走到(看到)为止。 Walk on . 继续走        You cant miss it . 你不会找不到的。 Its about kilometers away from here . 离这儿大约公里远。 You need to take bus No. 108 .It will take you there. 你需要乘108路车,可以直接到那里。 Then you should change to the No. bus at . It will take you there . 然后,你应该在换乘.路车,可以直达。 Go straight along Road / Street . 沿着路 / 街直走。 Turn left / right at the traffic lights . 在交通灯处往左 / 右拐。3.Im new here . 我是新来的            4.across from 在对面            5.public phone 公用电话 6.on Zhongshan Road 在中山路 (on the road 在马路上)            7.Traffic lights 交通灯  8.-How far is it from here ? 离这有多远 ? - Its about kilometers away from here . 离这儿大约千米。9.Turn left / Turn right 左拐 / 右拐     10. No right turn / No left turn 禁止右拐/ 左拐   11.No parking 禁止停车       12.No U-turn 禁止掉头      13. Go straight 直走14.Parking 停车处       15. Danger 危险     16.obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则17.cross the street / road= go across the street / road 过街 18.get hurt 受伤      19.(in)traffic accidents (在)交通事故(中)  20.In China , traffic keeps on the right of the road . 在中国,车辆靠右行驶。21.Before we cross the road , we must stop and look both ways -look left , look right and look left again .在过马路之前我们必须停下来往两边看看,往左边看,往右边看,再往左边看。22.Its good to help children and old people to cross the road . 帮助小孩和老人过街是好行为 Its +形容词+to do sth. 做某事是23.We must never play on the street . must never = must not = mustnt + 动词原形 不允许做某事24.a ticket for speeding 超速罚款单            25.a ticket for drinking 酒后驾车罚款单  26.a ticket for parking in the wrong place 乱停车罚款单    27.a ticket for making a wrong turn   错误转弯罚款单 28.Dont drive too fast ! 车别开太快                   29.Keep quiet in class!在课堂上请保持安静   keep our classroom clean keep safe30.Wait for your turn when the traffic lights are red .当交通红灯时,请等候。wait for ones turn 等候轮到某人31.be careful 小心,担心         32.Dont be late for school . 上学别迟到。    be late for  做某事迟到


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