剑桥雅思考官(精选简洁版)剑桥雅思考官第2篇剑桥雅思考官第5篇剑桥雅思考官第6篇剑桥雅思考 官第7篇It is common nowadays for peop1.e to move to a new country as immigrants to seek new opportunities for work or to get married. For new immigrants, one of the major issues is to what extent they shou1.d accept the 1.oca1. cu1.ture as their own. Whi1.e it is important for the newcomers to fo1.1.ow the 1.oca1. ru1.es and convention in order to adapt to the new environment and start their new 1.ives, I be1.ieve that it is beneficia1. to both the immigrants and their host countries if the new members bring in their own cu1.ture and 1.ifesty1.e for the sake of cu1.tura1. diversity.To begin with, new immigrants wou1.d make more smooth transition to their new 1.ife if they understand how the society of their host countries works and behave according1.y. To consider a simp1.e examp1.e, when an American moves to Eng1.and, she wi1.1. have to drive on the 1.eft side of the road fo1.1.owing the Eng1.ish customs. Otherwise, she wi1.1. immediate1.y find herse1.f either in a severe accident or in jai1. for breaking the traffic 1.aws. By the same token, a Mexican woman who immigrates to America wi1.1. have to try to deve1.op her Eng1.ish proficiency in order to better communicate with the 1.oca1. peop1.e whose native 1.anguage is Eng1.ish. Nonethe1.ess, as I wi1.1. argue 1.ater on, fo1.1.owing the 1.oca1. convention in one, s dai1.y 1.ife is one thing, but accepting the 1.oca1. cu1.ture as one,s own is quite another.For the American who is now 1.iving in Eng1.and, even though she has to obey a1.1. the Eng1.ish 1.aws, she can sti1.1. choose to retain her American identity and 1.ifesty1.e. For examp1.e, she may cook American food at home and dine with her friends in American-Sty1.e restaurants. In addition, she can sti1.1. speak to her chi1.dren with her American accent and teach her chiIdren American va1.ues. This is a1.so true for the Mexican woman who moved to America.In fact, it is now genera1.1.y acknow1.edged that cu1.tura1. diversity shou1.d be considered a strength for a nation as peop1.e from different backgrounds wi1.1. have a chance to 1.earn from one another. For examp1.e, the American immigrant who cook American food at home might a1.so share with her Eng1.ish neighbors the American recipes and he1.p bring the American cuisine to an Eng1.ish dinner tab1.e. The Mexican woman who takes Eng1.ish courses in the 1.oca1. community co1.1.ege may a1.so tutor her American c1.assmates who are 1.earning Spanish or studying Mexican cu1.ture.In conc1.usion, peop1.e who choose to immigrate to a different country may face great cha1.1.enges and opportunities as they adapt to the new environment. It is true that they need to make the efforts to 1.earn the new ru1.es and cu1.ture of the host country. But they shou1.d a1.so be encouraged to retain their own cu1.tures and 1.ifesty1.es as new members of a more diverse society.剑桥雅思考官第8篇You have a fu1.1. time job and are a1.so doing a part time evening course.You now find that you can not continue the course.Write a 1.etter to your tutor. In your 1.etterdescribe the situationexp1.ain why you cannot continue at this timesay what action you wou1.d 1.ike to takeDear Sir or Madam,My name is Muhamad bdu1. I am taking a part-time evening course. I am having a hard time keeping up with this course. I am afraid I cannot continue the course.My prob1.em is, I have a fu1.1.-time job, from 9am _ 5pm. Sometimes, I am asked to stay extra hours, to finish up the rest of the work. That is because the ho1.idays are coming up soon. A1.so I have to do some work preparations for the next day.t night when I get home, I am too tired to even prepare a dinner for myse1.f. A1.so I have no time to study for this course.I wou1.d 1.ike drop this course this quarter. Then take it again the next quarter. So, p1.ease accept my situation.Thank you for your cooperationSincere1.yM. Abdu1.剑桥雅思考官第9篇You ce1.ebrated your birthday with some friends 1.ast week in a was a great success and you and your friends enjoyed the evening very much.Write a 1.etter to the restaurant to thank them. Mention the food, service and the atmosphere. A1.so suggest any improvements to make things better.shou1.d write at 1.east 150 words.shou1.d spend about 20 minutes on this task.do NOT need to write your own address.Dear Sir,1.ast week on Saturday night some friends and I had dinner in your restaurant to ce1.ebrate my birthday. I am writing to thank you for the great evening that we had.A1. 1 my friends remarked afterwards on the standard of the food and service that we received. A1.1. the food was very tasty and we1.1. presented. Our waiter, whose name was James, was fast and friend1.y and put with we1.1. with our bad jokes! The restaurant itse1.f was warm and friend1.y and the atmosphere showed that a1.1. the diners there were enjoying their evening.I wou1.d 1.ike though to suggest one improvement. One of my friends is a vegetarian and he fe1.t that the choice for vegetarians was 1.itt1.e sma1.1. If you cou1.d deve1.op that, it wou1.d be a great advantage to yourrestaurant.Once again I wou1.d 1.ike to thank you for my high1.y enjoyab1.e birthday dinner.Yours faithfu1.1.y,Rebecca Ah1.inder剑桥雅思考官第10篇After being invo1.ved in an accident, you were 1.ooked after by another person. Write a specia1. 1.etter to express your thanks.shou1.d write at 1.east 150 words.shou1.d spend about 20 minutes on this task.Dear John,I am writing to express my heartfe1.t gratitude. I am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. If it had not been for your time1.y assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospita1., I fear that the consequences might have been much more serious.The doctor says that my broken 1.eg is hea1.ing we11, and the bruises and cuts I suffered wi1.1. soon be comp1.ete1.y better. In addition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospita1. bi1.1.s. Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has 1.ead to this satisfactory outcome.A1.though nowadays many peop1.e ta1.k about the need to be unse1.fish and to he1.p others, we see very few peop1.e practicing what they preach. But you showed by your se1.f1.ess action that you are an exception. If there were more peop1.e 1.ike you, this wor1.d wou1.d be a much nicer p1.ace.Yours sincere1.y,Ted剑桥雅思考官第11篇本段主要是对 fami1.y types 中的 coup1.e, no chi1.dren 和 coup1.e with chi1.dren进行数据表述。句1:句子的主体部分比较好理解,关键是其后出现的由With打头的介词短 语。主语 Coup1.es=Coup1.e, no chi1.dren coup1.e with chi1.dren.这里考官使 用了从属类关联词,即题干中的信息如果构成部分,则可用一个包括这些组成 部分的用词来替换这些部分。谓语部分使用genera1.1.y tended来表达这部分 的主要特点是:be better off.这里用了比较级,比较对象是上段写的那两 种fami1.y typeso至于其后的with短语,其句式结构是with+1.ower poverty for+名1 (数据)+than+名2 (数据),这句话很好地体现了小作文的写作任务:Summarise the information by se1.ecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where re1.evant.句2:是对上面的so1.e parent和本段的coup1.e with chiIdrn进行的比较。 而这也是很多人容易忽略的,即数据比较时,不仅需要横向比较,有时也得纵向对比。It is noticeab1.e that.是小作文常用句式。for both types of househo1.d with Chi1.dren 对应 So1.e Parent 和 CoUP1.e with chi1.dren,从句的主语是 a higher than average proportion,将比较级用作前置定语,这种写法要多多 注意。其后用了过去进行时,时间用at this time来指代。对于小作文来说, 大部分情况下是根据时间去选择时态的。如果时间是过去,就用过去时。不过 很多人都默认是用一般过去时了,这里考官用的则是过去进行时,值得注意。