由NordriDesign提供,Directed by Prof.Xu MingwuPresented by Mr.Deng Juntao,Translation for the Abstracts of Scientific Papers,November 19,2011,Non-Literary Translation Course Series,国家标准GB447-86:以提供文献内容梗概为目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。Wikipedia:An abstract is a brief summary of a research article,thesis,review,conference proceeding or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline,and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the papers purpose.,Page 2,I.Definition of“ABSTRACT”,II Criteria for the abstracts of scientific papers,Ei(Engineering Index):Four essentials:the research focus,the research methods used,the results/findings of the research,and the conclusions;No more than 150 English words;Past tense for the work done,present tense for the conclusion;No formulas,diagrams,or references.,AIP(The American Institute of Physics):摘要中不使用第一人称;语句结构上主谓尽量靠近;摘要中不要出现图、表、公式及参考文献;如果文题包含缩略语无法标明全称时,摘要中出现相同缩略语则必须标明全称。,An Example,标题“三峡水库蓄水初期近坝区淤积形态成因初步分析”(水科学进展2011年第四期,清华大学水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室 通讯作者:假冬冬)英文标题:Preliminary analysis on the causes of reservoir sedimentation pattern in the vicinity of Three Gorges Project during its early filling,摘 要:三峡水库蓄水运用后,库区泥沙淤积将显著增加。基于三维水沙数值模型及实测资料分析,对水库蓄水初期近坝区泥沙淤积形态的成因进行了初步探讨。研究结果表明坝前淤积形态的成因既与坝前水流流态的三维特性有关,又与水库蓄水初期坝前淤积物颗粒特性有关。关键词:三峡工程;水库淤积;浮泥;三维数值模拟;泥沙输运,Abstract:Sediment deposition in Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR)is likely to increase significantly after the filling of TGR.The causes of reservoir sedimentation pattern in the vicinity of Three Gorges Project(TGP)during the early filling of TGR are examined using the observed data and a 3D mathematical model for flow and sediment transport.Results show that the sedimentation characteristics in the vicinity o f TGP are not only related to the 3D properties in flow patterns,but also related to the characters of deposited sediment particles during the early filling o f TGR.Key words:Three Gorges Project,reservoir sedimentation,fluid mud,3D mathematical modeling,sediment transport,III Language Features,词汇特点专业性和单一性Carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)plankton(浮游生物)polar orbit(越极轨道)civil engineering(土木工程学)integrated circuit(集成电路),名词化Expandexpansion(膨胀)movemovement(运动)leakleakage(泄露)stablestability(稳定性)humidhumidity(湿度),缩略词的大量使用IT information technologysonarsound navigation and rangingAIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome PDS public domain softwareCPUcentral processing unitCALLComputer-assisted language learning,新词层出不穷cyber culture Scientific Literacydot-commeteorological satellite MicroBlog carbohydratemelaminecybernetics,词汇构成多元化借用:Boeing-737波音737飞机(人名)sputnik人造卫星(来自俄罗斯)Brazilian pebble石英水晶合成:fire-wall防火墙 brain-trust智囊团 sound-proof隔音的 acid-fast耐酸的,混成:Masstige=mass+prestigeMedicare=medical+careComsat=communication+satelliteWebcam=web+camera Webnomics=web+economicsNetcast=net+broadcast,句法特点,非人称主语和被动结构The Doppler redshift and the cosmological redshift are governed by two distinct formulas.Based on the protocol,a rapid prototyping controller is developed utilizing virtual instruments to test the characteristics of system components in bench test experiments.,名词化结构地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。对比:The earth rotates on its own axis,which causes the change from day to night.The rotation of the earth on own axis causes the change from day to night.强度特征是金属被广泛用于建筑的原因之一。对比:Strength is one of the reasons that metals have been widely used as materials of construction.Strength is one of the reasons for the wide use of metals as materials of construction.,后置定语由摩擦而产生的力称之为摩擦力。The forces due to friction are called frictional forces.获得的结果必须加以校核。The results obtained must be checked.时态以一般现在时为主Scientists can be classified into theoretical scientists and applied scientist.The frequency,wave length,and speed of sound are closely related.,IV Translation skills revealed from examples,以专业判定词义Some reactions such as those between soluble acids and bases occur very rapidly.有些反应,在像_之间的反应进行得很快。(化学专业)The base is the foundation of all the machines and is the part on which all other parts are mounted._是所有机器的基础,它也是机器的一个部件,其他部件都装在其上面。(机械专业),Convert the following denary numbers base 8.把下列各十进制换算成以8为_的数。(计算机专业)Large missiles are typically without a rail launching system,and whether tied down or simply standing on their base is subject to wind effects.大型导弹一般是没有导轨发射系统的,不论是系装在_上还是竖立在那里,都受风的影响。(航天科技领域),以搭配确定词义,The area near the North Pole has not yet been developed.北极附近地区还未_。Researchers have developed a computer program to predict wildfire behavior.研究者们已经_一套预测大火走势的计算机程序。It later became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to this disease.很显然,野兔后来对这种疾病_一定程度的免疫力。By experimentation,botanists have developed many new plants.通过实验,植物学家_出许多种新植物。,增补法,Some substances are soluble,while others are not.有些物质是可溶的,而另一些是不可溶的。太阳和沙都是物体,因为它们都是由一定数量的物质组成的。The sun and a grain of sand are both bodies,for each consists of a definite amount of matter.同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。Like charges repel each other while opposite charges attract.气压低时,沸点就低。When the pressure gets low,the boiling point becomes low.,省略法,Stainless steels possess good hardness and high strength.不锈钢硬度大,强度高。由于种种原因,交流电比直流电用得更为广泛。For reasons the alternating current is more widely used than the direct current.水管对通过的水流的阻力取决于下列三个因素:管道长度、管道直径、管道内壁的特性。The resistance of the pipe to the flow of water through it depends upon the length of the pipe,the diameter of the pipe,and the feature of the inside walls.,转换法,Light from the sun is a mixture of light of many different colors.太阳光是由许多不同的颜色混合而成的。火箭已经用来探索宇宙。Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.The amount of vitamins in the milk is not adequate to the demand of the infant.牛奶中维生素的含量不能满足婴儿的需要。本文的目的在于讨论元件材料和元件技术的新成就。This article aims at discussing new development in component material and techniques.,V Formulas in abstracts,表明在论文中“做了什么”介绍:introduce,present考察:survey,examine,investigate分析:analyze论述:discuss,cover,deal with,address总结:outline,summarize,表明研究目的和意义旨在:aim to/at/for the purpose of(旨在)确定/弄清/揭示/挖掘/说明/探索:aim to confirm/identify/make certain/make sure/clarify/demonstrate/reveal/display/show/discover/find/find out/search for带来启示/有意义/有价值/有帮助/带来警示:be an inspiration/learn something/mean something/be of significance/be of value/be helpful/teach a lesson,表明研究所利用或通过的方式Through/by/by means of/by using/by the use of/by drawing upon/usingas指涉研究对象之间的关系As to/concerning/in the light of/in terms of/as for/in view of/based on/on the basis of,表明作者观点或论点的动词认为:Hold/maintain/contend/argue提出:suggest/propose/put forward/present/offer(研究结果)表明/发现/说明/证明/揭示/证实:show/find/conclude/discover/clarify/confirm/demonstrate/reveal/indicate,摘要翻译点评(1),原文:让学生成为其自己,是对教育更高的追求。让学生自由发展,是更高层次的教育。只有让学生成为其自己,才能让学生自由发展。译文:Let students become themselves,which is the higher pursuit of education.And let students develop with freedom,which is the higher level of education.Only let students become themselves,can they develop with freedom.-摘自2010年第11期文章“让学生自由发展-也谈教育的目的”,作者李培根,摘要翻译点评(2),摘要:主要介绍了强优势杂交水稻研发的背景,提出了强优势杂交水稻的概念和技术标准,总结了强优势杂交水稻研发取得的主要进展,提出了强优势杂交水稻的发展目标。Abstract:The background for research and development of strong heterosis hybrid rice was introduced For the first time,the concept and technical standards of strong heterosis hybrid rice were put forward in this paperThe major progress in research and development of strong heterosis hybrid rice was summarized and the developing targets were proposed for strong heterosis hybrid rice-摘自袁隆平等作者2010年9月发表的文章“强优势杂交水稻的研究进展”,参考文献:,参考文献:1张全,黄琼英简明应用翻译教程M昆明:云南大学出版社,20102王卫平,潘丽蓉英语科技文献的语言特点与翻译M上海:上海交通大学出版社,2009,Page 29,Thanks for your time!,Non-Literary Translation Course Series,