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    ,Technical Background of Vacuum Switching Technology for OLTCs真空有载分接开关的技术背景,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 2,Overview of contents 简介,Introduction of vacuum switching technology 真空开关技术介绍Key design conception 设计理念 Basic characteristics of vacuum interrupters 真空开关管的基本特性High performances of vacuum OLTCs 真空有载分接开关的优异性能Summary of advantages 优势小结Performance verification性能的验证Why no significant overvoltage can be caused!为什么不会引起过电压!,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 3,Innovative Vacuum Switching Technology in OLTCs真空开关技术对有载分接开关的革新,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 4,Vacuum Technology in MR MR 真空技术,Over 20 years of experience with vacuum technology in OLTCs拥有20多年在有载分接开关中采用真空技术的经验Worldwide more than 40,000 vacuum interrupters in MR OLTCs in service全球有4万多支真空开关管在MR有载分接开关中运行Vacuum interrupters in state-of-the-art design and production specially for OLTC applications专为有载分接开关的应用而特制的真空开关管具有最新的设计和工艺High reliability with best operation records优异的运行业绩证明高可靠性High life span:maintenance-free for power transformers applications超长的运行寿命实现在电力变压器中终身免维护Sharing 75 years MR experience with OLTC manufacturing分享MR 75年生产有载分接开关的经验,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 5,Principle structure of a vacuum interrupter真空开关管的原理结构,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 6,Key Design-Conception 真空开关管的设计理念,in transformer oil 适用变压器油,other given insulating medium 适用其他绝缘介质,operating temperature range 适用变压器运行温度范围,expected lifespan of the OLTC 超过有载分接开关的寿命期望,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 7,Highlight of technical features 技术特征,The vacuum interrupter is a hermetically sealed system 真空开关管是一全封闭的系统 The arc(drop)voltage in vacuum is considerably lower than in oil or SF6 真空中的电弧电压比油和SF6 中低 Elimination of the insulating medium as the arc quenching agent绝缘介质免去了灭弧重担 No aging of the quenching medium灭弧介质无老化现象 No interaction/oxidation during switching开关中无交互或氧化 Extraordinary fast dielectric recovery of up to 10 kV/s真空中超高速介电恢复达10 kV/s,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 8,(1).Vacuum interrupter is a hermetically sealed system 真空开关管是一全封闭的系统,there is no interaction with the surrounding medium,despite the arc跟周边介质无交互,the switching characteristics do not depend on the surrounding medium开关性能跟周边介质的状态无关,vacuum interrupters therefore remain tightly sealed throughout their working life 真空开关管在寿命期密封,the state-of-the-art contact materials 最新的触头材料one-shot brazing technology in vacuum brazing furnace 真空炉中一次焊结工艺X-ray detecting X光检测inside pressure measuring 内压测量HV conditioning 高压老炼Joints made in this way are not subject to ageing deterioration 真空接缝几乎无老化,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 9,(2).Arc voltage in vacuum is low 真空中的电弧电压低,Low arc voltage 低电弧电压,reduced contact wear 降低触头烧损,Contact clearances only in several mm 触头间距仅几毫米Metal vapour plasma of the vacuum arc highly conductive 真空电弧几乎纯金属等离子导电性好,Steady-state pressure in a vacuum interrupter less than 10-9 bar真空开关管中稳态压力小于10-9巴Gap dielectricly recovered very quickly 触头间介电恢复非常迅速short arcing duration 电弧导通时间短minimal energy conversion 能量转换低minimal contact erosion 触头损坏小,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 10,(3).Elimination of the insulating medium as the arc quenching agent 绝缘介质免去了灭弧重担,elimination of by-products e.g.carbon when using transformer oil消除油中的分解物(碳颗粒),on-line filter(Oil Filter Unit)not necessary不需在线,easy disposal简化换油,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 11,(4).No aging of the quenching medium 灭弧介质无老化现象,constant switching characteristics throughout the entire lifespan of the vacuum interrupters 在真空开关管寿命期开关性能稳定,getter effect of metal-vapor plasma with absorption of free gas molecules金属蒸汽等离子吸收自由气体分子的获得效应,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 12,(5).No interaction/oxidation during switching 开关中无交互或氧化,minimal contact resistance接触电阻小constantly low contact resistance 并保持稳定 Heat losses are therefore low 热耗低,high rate of recondensation of metal-vapor on contacts 大部分金属蒸汽在触头表面又重凝聚,significantly extends contact life显著延长了触头寿命,contact surfaces are free of impurities and pollution layer 触头表面无杂质和污染Highly conductive materials are used 使用高导电材料,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 13,(6).Extraordinary fast dielectric recovery 介电恢复异常迅速,fast dielectric recovery of up to 10 kV/s 介电恢复速度达10 kV/s,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 14,Summary of advantages(1)总结(1),Maintenance-free operations up to 300,000 switching operations操作30万次免维护,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 15,Summary of advantages(2)总结(2),Vacuum interrupters for OLTCs designed by MRreach 600,000 switching operationsMR 真空开关管的电气寿命达 60 万次操作,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 16,Summary of advantages(3)总结(3),Mechanical endurance reach 1,200,000 switching operations机械寿命达 120 万次操作,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 17,Performance Verification 性能的验证,IEC 60214-1 type test topics根据 IEC60214-1 型式试验项目Temperature rise of contacts触头温升试验Switching test切换试验Short-circuit current test短路电流试验Transition impedance test过渡阻抗试验Mechanical tests机械试验Dielectric tests绝缘试验,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 18,for VACUTAP V V und VR 具体到 VACUTAP V V und VR300000 operations maintenance interval30万次免维护操作600000 operations vacuum interrupter contact life真空开关管触头寿命为 60万次操作1200000 operations diverter switch life span切换开关的机械寿命为 120万次操作,Performance Verification 性能的验证,MRs VACUTAP testing strategyMR 对VACUTAP 的测试方针Verification of prolonged maintenance intervals needs extended switching and mechanical tests延长的维护周期需通过扩展切换和机械试验来验证,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 19,IEC 60214-1,type test 根据 IEC60214-1 型式试验,MRs tests for VACUTAP VR+VVMR 对 VACUTAP VR+VV 所做的型式试验,Service duty test50000 operations at maximum rated through-current工作负载试验在最大额定通过电流下进行5万次操作,Breaking capacity test 140 operations at twice the maximum rated through-current and its relevant rated step voltage开断容量试验 1在两倍最大额定通过电流及相关额定级电压下进行40次操作,Breaking capacity test 240 operations at the maximum rated step voltage and twice its relevant rated through-current(if different from test 1)开断容量试验 2在最大额定级电压及两倍相关额定通过电流下进行40次操作(如开断条件不同于试验 1),No further requirements无进一步要求,Switching endurance test 600000 operations at maximum rated through-current切换寿命试验在最大额定通过电流下进行60万次操作,Breaking capacity test 1100 operations at twice the maximum rated through-current and its relevant rated step voltage(after 50000 operations)开断容量试验 1在两倍最大额定通过电流及相关额定级电压下进行100次操作(5万次操作后),Breaking capacity test 2100 operations at the maximum rated step voltage and twice its relevant rated through-current(after 50000 operations)开断容量试验 2在最大额定级电压及两倍相关额定通过电流下进行100次操作(5万次操作后),Breaking capacity test 3 after 500000 operations,as test 1开断容量试验 3重复开断容量试验 1(50万次操作后),VACUTAP V V and VR Testing Strategy 测试方针Switching Tests 切换试验,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 20,MRs tests for VACUTAP VR+VVMR 对 VACUTAP VR+VV 所做的型式试验,Mechanical endurance test500000 operationsminimum 50%at Toil 75C机械寿命试验50 万次操作,50%在油温75C,Low temperature test100 operations at Toil=-25C低温试验100 次操作,油温=-25C,Insulating Liquids仅在矿物油中,IEC 60214-1,type test 根据 IEC60214-1 型式试验,Mechanical endurance Test 1500000 operations100%at Toil=80C机械寿命试验150 万次操作,100%在油温 80C,Low temperature test136 operations at Toil=-30C低温试验,136 次操作,油温=-30CHigh temperature test136 operations at Toil=130C高温试验,136 次操作,油温=130C,Alternative insulating liquids:包括替代绝缘油High molecular weight hydrocarbonsSynthetic/natural ester,VACUTAP V V and VR Testing Strategy 测试方针 Mechanical Endurance Tests 机械寿命试验,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 21,Prolongation of the Maintenance-Interval 维护周期的延长 VACUTAP VR,Switching performance verified/得到验证切换性能Contact wear verified/得到验证 触头磨损Mechanical performance verified/得到验证机械性能In transformer oil在变压器油中Alternative insulating fluids在替代绝缘油中Operating temperature range在运行温度范围Expected life span of the OLTC寿命的期望值,Customers benefit 用户的利益 VACUTAP fit for 300000 operations VACUTAP 适用30万次免维护操作,E,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 22,Could the operation of vacuum interrupter cause overvoltage?为什么不会引起过电压?,Dr.K.-H.WeckFGH e.V.,Germany德国高压和高电流研究所,Prof.Meng-Yun Wang 王梦云教授China Electric Power Research Institute,PR China中国电力科学研究院,Dr.D.Shen,Dr.D.Dohnal,K.RoiderMaschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH,Germany 德国 MR 公司H.HringMR China LtdMR 公司(中国),Comparison of the overvoltages in on-load tap-changers with vacuum interrupters and overvoltages in circuit breakers真空熄弧型有载分接开关和真空断路器中过电压的比较,Co-authors of the paper and the investigation:,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 23,Inductive switching 断路器开断一个感性负载,equivalent circuit of a transformer and a circuit breaker 变压器和断路器的单相等值电路,conservation law of energy能量守恒定律,maximum overvoltage at the transformer terminal变压器线端的过电压最大值,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 24,changing from one tap to the next by means of an OLTC有载分接开关从一个分接到下一个分接的变换过程,U1,UST,(a)OLTC at tap position 1,C,U,R2,L2,R1,L1,OLTC,C,RT,LT,RT,LT,I,(b)OLTC at tap position 2,C,U,R2,L2,OLTC,RT,LT,I,RT,LT,C,R1,L1,equivalent circuit of a transformer with an OLTC 变压器和有载分接开关的等值电路,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 25,Results:Full transformer with earthed neutralOpening of the interrupter”main contact“结果:Y结中性点接地变压器/主触头断开时,High frequency oscillations superimposed to the operating voltage引起高频电压分量 Amplitudes are small电压幅值很小,Voltage across 1.element of tap winding分接绕组第一个元素两端的电压,Voltage across 1.element of coarse winding粗调绕组第一个元素两端的电压,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 26,Results:Full transformer with earthed neutralOpening of the interrupter“main contact“计算结果:Y结中性点接地变压器/主触头断开时,High frequency oscillations in the regulating winding have disappeared高频瞬变已消失,Voltage across regulating winding to neutral调压绕组两端电压,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 27,Reasons 原因,The voltages to be switched by an OLTC are in the order of 1%of the transformer rated voltage,i.e.of a few kV 有载分接开关切换的电压,其数量级仅是变压器额定电压的1,也就是几个kV the recovery voltage and the current to be switched by an OLTC are in phase and have no phase-shift of 90 as in case of inductive switching 有载分接开关恢复电压跟切换电流是同相位的 The load current is never switched off,but transferred from one path within the tap-changer to another 负载电流不须切断,只不过在有载分接开关内从一个支路转移到另一个支路,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 28,Conclusion 结论,The experience with switching inductive currents by vacuum circuit breakers can,not directly be applied to the switching of the diverter switch in OLTCs真空断路器在开断感性电流的经验不能直接应用于有载分接开关上 from the point of view of possible transient overvoltages no objections exist to a replacement of the mechanical load diverter with contacts in oil by vacuum interrupters 从可能的瞬变过电压角度考虑,没有任何顾虑在机械式切换开关中用真空开关管替代油中触头,MR/EVA/Dr.Shen,Page 29,Thank you for your attention!谢谢!,


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