建筑承包商健康和安全资料 Construction Contractors Health Safety Pack 非洲矿业有限公司AML HSE安全管理制度 英文版.doc
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建筑承包商健康和安全资料 Construction Contractors Health Safety Pack 非洲矿业有限公司AML HSE安全管理制度 英文版.doc
Form:SWI-F0402BRevision:Rev 0Construction ContractorsPROJECT TITLE:SUBCONTRACTORS NAME:TRADE/SUBCONTRACT PACKAGE:Health & Safety PackRevision: Rev 0 Date: 16-04-2010 Contractors Health & Safety Pack TABLE OF CONTENTS:PREAMBLE1.0INTRODUCTION2.0SAFETY POLICY3.0ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES4.0DOCUMENT CONTROL5.0HAZARD IDENTIFICATION & RISK ASSESSMENT6.0JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS7.0SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES8.0OHS INDUCTION9.0WORKERS COMPENSATION & REHABILITATION10.0ELECTRICAL11.0HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES12.0LIFTING GEAR13.0PLANT14.0PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE)15.0FIRE PROTECTION16.0TOOL BOX TALKS17.0FIRST AID18.0INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORTING19.0ALCOHOL & OTHER DRUGS20.0 Working At Heights21.0Emergency Response22.0HSE FormsPreambleThe Contractor Health & Safety Pack has been developed to help formulate a standardized approach to safety management in the construction industry. The Contractor Health & Safety Pack, or its equivalent, is the minimum health and safety requirement for Contractors who engage in work with African Minerals LimitedThe contents of the Pack may not apply to each and every contract trade. The Pack is designed to assist a company which has no safety management system by providing a standardised approach to help develop such a system. The Pack is not designed to replace the existing safety management system of a company. Where such a system exceeds the requirements of the Contractor Health & Safety Pack then the forms and other documentation provided by such a system will be accepted provided they exceed Health, Safety and Rehabilitation requirements outlined in this Pack.The Company signing this document shall be known throughout the document as the Company except where the Companys name is to be entered.1.0 IntroductionThis document sets out the safety management strategy to be adopted by Insert Company nameduring the course of the contract on the Insert tradeInsert site nameproject managed by .Insert Principal Contractor nameThe document is not designed to replace the Schedule of Health & Safety requirements as stated in the Special Conditions of Contract, but will be used to provide verification of the actions of . in relation to these requirements. Insert Company nameThis document and subsequent additions will be made available to African Minerals Limited for review and auditing purposes. 2.0Company DetailsName of Company:Address:Phone: Fax:Email:Mobile:Will provide as the Project Manager responsible for supervision of the Scope of Works and its Health and Safety programmes.Our peak number of employees on the site will be:This Company does/does not intend to subcontract all or part of the works.Trade Name:Contract Job Number: Managing Director/General Manager: Address: Phone: Fax: Email:Mobile: Scope of Work:HEALTH & SAFETY POLICYAt . our Health & Safety Policy is based on a belief that the well-being Insert Company nameof people employed at work, or people affected by our work, is a major priority and must be considered during all work performed on our behalf. People are our most important asset and their health and safety is our greatest responsibility. The public shall be given equal priority to that of our employees.The objectives of our Safety Policy are:· To achieve an accident and incident free workplace.· To make health & safety an integral part of every managerial and supervisory position.· To ensure health & safety is risk managed in all planning and work activities.· To involve our employees in the decision making processes through regular communication, consultation and training.· To provide a continuous program of education and learning to ensure that our employees work in the safest possible manner.· To identify and control all potential hazards in the workplace through hazard identification and risk analysis.· To ensure all potential accident/incidents are controlled and prevented.· To provide effective injury management and rehabilitation for all employees.The success of our health & safety management is dependent on:1. Pro-active planning of all work activities with due consideration given to implementing H&S controls that are suitable to each given situation.2. Understanding the total work process and associated H&S risks.3. Ensuring the work team is totally committed to achieving our objectives.4. Ensuring that open and honest communication exists between management and all employees. . ././DIRECTORs NAME SIGNATUREDATE. . ././PROJECT MANAGERs NAME SIGNATUREDATE3.0ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIESThe Company will provide the following key personnel on site. Their roles. and responsibilities regarding safety on site are outlined below. Project Manager. is responsible for the health and safety on the project and duties include:Insert name-implementing the company Health, Safety and Rehabilitation procedures;-using the principles of the Hierarchy of Controls (Best to Worst guide in this pack) in all design, fabrication and construct activities to minimise the risk to all personnel in the workplace;-carrying out a design review with the AML ECF Project team to assist in the identification of further risk reduction controls measures. -participating in the planning and design stages of trade activities;-stimulating a high level of safety awareness at all times;-identifying safety training needs;-leading by example;-ensuring safe equipment and plant is provided and maintained;-ensuring correct and safe work practices at all times;-assisting in the identification and preparation of safe work procedures;-reviewing safety reports and inspections and initiating rectification where necessary;-participating in accident/incident investigations;-participating in safety meetings and programs;-monitoring compliance with safe work methods (controls);Site Supervisor. duties include:Insert name-implementing the company Health, Safety and Rehabilitation procedures;-observing all H&S requirements and Statutory rules and regulations;-ensuring that all works are conducted in a manner safe and without risk to employees health and safety;-planning to do all work safely;-providing advise and assistance on H&S to all employees;-participating in the planning and design stages of trade activities;-ensuring current H&S and other relevant legislative requirements are met in the workplace;-identifying H&S training programs in advance and allow for employee/s identified as requiring training to attend the training;-actioning safety reports and carrying out workplace inspections;-preparing and participating in safety meetings and safety programs;-facilitating the preparation of Work Method Statements and Job Safety Analysis for the trade;-insisting and ensuring on safe work practices at all times;- investigating hazard reports and ensuring that corrective actions are undertaken;- conducting project inductions, toolbox talks and daily team briefings;-participating in accident/incident investigations;-leading by example and promoting H&S at every opportunity;-supervising and ensuring compliance with safe work procedures;- providing suitable employment to assist rehabilitation initiatives;- stimulating a high level of safety awareness at all times;Site Safety Advisor. duties include:Insert name- assisting the Site Supervisor to develop and implement the Health Safety and Rehabilitation procedures;- communicating safety performance to the Project Manager;- providing advice and assistance on H&S to all employees;- participating in the planning and design stages of trade activities;- monitoring H&S legislative requirements for the trade package;- monitoring compliance with safe work procedures;- co-ordinating rehabilitation for injured employees;- reviewing safety reports and inspections;- preparing and participating in safety meetings and programs;- facilitating Tool Box Talks on a regular basis;- insisting on correct and safe practices at all times;- preparing and conducting project safety inductions;- investigating and developing new H&S initiatives for the trade;- conducting accident/incident investigations;- leading by example and promoting H&S at every opportunity;- stimulating a high level of safety awareness at all times;- communicating with the H&S Site Manager on matters relating to health and safety;- facilitating the maintenance of all records as required under this Pack;- participating in regular workplace inspections and ensure that any improvements resulting from such an inspection are actioned in the required time frame.4.0DOCUMENT CONTROLIssue, Revision and ReviewThe Company is responsible for:· Completing the Health & Safety Pack and providing a copy to African Minerals Limited for review before work commences on site.· Maintaining an up to date version of the Health & Safety Pack. A record of revisions that occur will be kept in the Record of Revision table below. All obsolete pages will be destroyed.· Providing an updated copy to African Minerals Limited whenever changes occur.· Maintaining a register of people to whom the Health & Safety Pack is issued using the Distribution List table below.· Issuing a completed Health & Safety Pack to all those registered.· Ensuring revisions are distributed to all registered people.· Reviewing the Health & Safety Pack at intervals of not more than one month to ensure it is relevant.Record of RevisionEdition/RevisionDateSectionPageRevision DetailsDistribution ListControlled copies of this Contractor Safety Pack have been issued to the holders nominated hereunder.No.UserPositionIssueDate12345.0HAZARD IDENTIFICATION & RISK ASSESSMENTPotential causes of injury and damage can be effectively eliminated through regular hazard inspection programs and the implementation of corrective actions.Hazard ReportingPersonnel are encouraged at all times to identify and control hazards on a "see and fix" basis where it is in their ability to do so.Hazards which are identified, but outside a persons ability to immediately rectify, should be made safe with barricades, warning signs etc. and immediately reported to the Supervisor.Identified hazards should be recorded on a Hazard Notification Record (Form SSP-F01) where rectification cannot be completed immediately or where the same hazard is continually being identified. Hazard ControlIdentified hazards should be controlled giving consideration the Hierarchy of Controls listed below. The preferential order of action is:1st PreferenceELIMINATION OR SUBSTITUTION TO REMOVE THE HAZARD2nd PreferenceREDUCE THE HAZARD AT SOURCE3rd PreferenceENCLOSE THE HAZARD4th PreferenceREMOVE EMPLOYEE FROM THE HAZARD5th PreferenceREDUCE EMPLOYEE'S EXPOSURE TO THE HAZARD6th PreferenceISSUE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Project Health & Safety Implementation InspectionThe Project Manager shall upon occupying the site shall commence implementing the Health & Safety System. The AML HSE Department shall provide advice and checklists for progress to be documented.Daily HSE InspectionsDaily hazard inspections shall be performed by personnel nominated by the Project Manager. The nominated person maybe any member of the Project Team.The Daily HSE Inspection Record (Form SSP-F02) shall be used to record daily checks.6.0JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA)JSA breaks a planned activity into manageable steps, identifies the hazards associated with each step, assess the risks and ensure that appropriate controls and checks exist to eliminate or control the hazards.The benefits of a JSA are:-promotes participation and consultation;-increases knowledge about the job;-provides a pre-start check for the job;-improves safety management;-clearly defines individual roles and responsibilities.A JSA shall be completed for all activities that:-are identified as having a high potential to causing serious injury and/or equipment and material damage;-deviate from standard practices.There are five steps in the JSA activity:a.break the job into basic steps;b.identify any potential hazards for each step;c.assess the risk for each identified hazard;d.identify controls to eliminate or minimize each hazard;e.assign responsibilities to personnel to implement the controls.The Supervisor responsible for the planned work activity shall complete a JSA Work Sheet (Form SSP-F03) together with the relevant personnel involved in the work activity. The Supervisor shall discuss the JSA report with the personnel required to perform the work via a tool box meeting. The JSA Work Sheet shall be distributed as follows:-Original:Site Safety Advisor;-Copy One:Supervisor in charge of the work activity and must be available on site.7.0SKILLS AND COMPETENCIESProcedureThe Company will ensure that its employees are adequately trained to a level of competency sufficient to ensure their health and safety when at work. AssessmentThe Company will undertake a training/competency assessment of all employees prior to the commencement of work on the nominated site. Where skill deficiencies are detected appropriate training will be provided before work commences so that employees can perform their designated duties safely. 8.0H&S INDUCTIONProcedureThe Company will ensure that persons carrying out the nominated work have relevant training including Safety Induction Training and the Cultural Induction. Workers will not carry out construction work until they have received these minimum requirements 1. General Safety Induction (by AML)2. Cultural Induction (by AML, expat staff Only)3. Site Specific Induction (by Contractor)All workers will receive the H&S induction training before work on site commences and a record of the training provided on the Training Record (Form SSP-F04.)9.0ELECTR