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    Unt14,I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7,Period 2,Grammar Focus,2023/5/18,回首,回忆,回顾按时,准时晨读克服恐惧为艺术节准备,1.look back at2.on time3.morning readings4.overcome fear5.prepare for art festivals,弄得一团糟是的时候了离校沉住气;保持冷静友好又贴心的老师们,美好的记忆,6.make a mess7.Its time to 8.leave school9.keep ones cool10.kind and caring teachers11.wonderful memories,Discussion,Looking back at your junior high school,what will you think of?Try to have a discussion with your partner.Start with“I Remember”.,2023/5/18,Looking back at your junior high school,running to the dining hall when the lunch bell rings,I remember.,training for sports day,starting the first day in Grade 7,slowly making some new friends,helping classmates with homework,preparing for art festivals,going to New Years parties,learning English,trying to be on time for morning readings,How do you feel?,happened,was,won,have,changed,started,have,become,will be,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus,Our team won the school basketball competition.,Ive become much better at speaking English.,I think that Ill have to study much harder for exams.,Im going to join the school volleyball team.,the simple past tense 一般过去时,the present perfect tense 现在完成时,the simple future tense 一般将来时,the simple future tense 一般将来时,The different tenses of these sentences.,一般过去时:动词要用过去式形式;,一般将来时:1)要用“will+动词原形”;2)be going to结构是“be going to+动词原形”结构。,Conclusion,现在完成时:要用“have+动词过去分词”。,现在完成时表示的是与现在有关联的过去事件;而一般过去时则与现在毫无关系,只是单纯的过去的情况。比较:I have seen the film.I saw the film three days ago.,现在完成时与一般过去时的区别,1.I have seen the film Titanic already.When _ you _ it?A.have;seen B.will;see C.did;see D.did;seen2.We _ trees last Sunday.So far we _ over 3,000 trees there.A.planted;planted B.planted;have planted C.have planted;planted D.have planted;have planted,B,C,Practice,1.be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如:He is going to write a letter tonight.He will write a book one day.2.be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。He is seriously ill.He is going to die.He will be twenty years old.,be going to与will的区别,3.be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思,如:She is going to lend us her book.He will be here in half an hour.4.在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to,而多用will,如:If any beast comes at you,Ill stay with you and help you.,Practice,1、There_ ameetingtomorrow afternoon.A.willbegoingto B.willgoingtobe C.isgoingtobe D.willgotobe2、I wonder what it _ be like in the 22nd century.3、The pictures suggest that we _ make good results this year.,C,will,are going to,I used to take dance lessons,but I dont anymore.,Im looking forward to going to senior high school.,I remember being a volunteer.,Read the sentences below,paying attention to the blue parts.,remember+动词-ing形式,表示“记得做了某事”。,looking forward to+动词-ing,表示“期待做某事”。,used to+动词原形,表示“曾经 发生但现在不再发生的事情”。,Conclusion,1.remember to do sth.记住要做某事 remember doing sth.记得做过某事Remember to post the letter for me.I remember seeing him once.2.used to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事或存在的状态”;be used to(doing)sth.表示“习惯于做某事”,to 是介词,后面要跟“(动)名词”;be used to do sth.是被动语态,表示“被用来做某事”。,知识链接,used to do sth.用 did/didnt 或 used/usednt 来构成疑问句或否定句。My father usednt/didnt use to fish on Sundays.Mr.White used to live in China,so he is used to(eating)Chinese food.Cloth is used to make clothes.,HaveyoueverbeentoShanghai?(长沙)Yes.I_thereafewmonths ago.A.havebeen B.went C.havegone D.been,B,中考链接,Myauntisawriter.She_morethantenbookssince1980.(北京)A.writes B.wrote C.haswritten D.willwriteI_ myhometownforalongtime.Ireallymissit!(重庆)A.left B.wentawayfrom C.haveleft D.havebeenawayfrom,C,D,44.Whereismysister,mum?【山东】She_tothelibrary.Shewillbe backsoon.A.hasbeen B.isgoing C.hasgone D.willgo47.Mr.Fan_thiswatchin2005.He_ itfor6years.【四川泸州】A.bought,hashad B.bought,hasC.hasbought,hashad D.hasbought,had,C,A,The young man used to _ to work,but he is used to _ to work now.(宿迁中考)drive;walking B.drove;walked C.drive;walks D.driving;walk,A,_ you _ take a bus to school?Yes.But now I usually go to school on foot.(山西中考)Did;use to B.Were;used to C.Do;use to,A,You arent a stranger,are you?_,dont you remember _ me at the school gate ten minutes ago?(莱芜中考)A.Yes;to see B.No;seeing C.No;saw D.Yes;seeing,B,Imlookingforwardto_(居住)inthe newflat.(常州中考),We are looking forward to _ a trip to your country.A.take B.taking C.be taking D.it is,B,living,Read the sentences in 4a and try to find a timeline.,1.My time in junior high school2.In the first year(Grade 7)3.In Grade 84.This year(Grade 9)5.Next year6.When I get to senior high,2,1,3,4,5,6,My time in _ high school has been enjoyable.In the _ year,I didnt work very hard in class,but I _(join)many different school clubs and had a lot of fun.In Grade 8,I _(study)harder but I still got _ grades in English.I had problems with _ and reading texts.So the _ year,I worked much harder and got better grades.,Read and complete the sentences.,junior,joined,first,studied,poor,pronunciation,next,_ year,with Mr.Trents help,my English level has _ and I _ to get good grades at the end of the year.Next year,I _(am going to/will)be in _ high school.I cant believe how fast the time went by!When I _(get to)senior high,I will join the school swim team.,senior,hope,This,will,get to,been improving,After answering the questions in 4b,try to write an article about the three years life in junior high school.And then share with your partner.,Writing,初中生活马上就要结束了,三年的初中生活一定给你留下了很多挥之不去的回忆。请你给大家讲一个最值得你回忆的故事。包括时间、人物、事情经过和事后你的感想。,Writing,Howtimeflies!Ihavestudiedinmyschool forthreeyears.AndIwillgraduatefrommiddleschoolin3months.Iameagertosharemyhappinessandsadnesswithyou.Ihadsomanymemoriesinthreeyearslife.Oneofthemimpressedmeverymuch.WhenIbegantolearnEnglish,Ifoundittoodifficult.NomatterhowhardItried,Istillcouldntdowellinitandalmostgave,itup.AssoonasmyEnglishteacherfound myproblem,shehadatalkwithmeabout howtolearnEnglishwell.Sincethen,shehaskepthelpingme.Littlebylittle,IvebecomeinterestedinEnglishandImgoodatit now.IthinkIamsoluckytobe oneofherstudents.Ivelearnedalotfromher.Iwilltrytohelpotherswhentheyareintrouble.Ithinkithappytohelpothers.,紧张而又忙碌的初中生活即将结束,请以“My Unforgettable Middle School Life”为题写一篇文章,记录你过去三年中难忘的校园生活,并描述自己对将来学习生活的期望。文章应包括以下要点:,Writing,过去三年校园生活所得,1.学到了很多知识,真的很感激老师的帮助。2.和同学相处得很好,互相学习,彼此帮助。3.喜欢帮助贫困学生,尽自己最大的努力帮助有需要的人。4.(补充1-2点所得),过去三年校园生活所失,1.不太爱好体育运动。2.有时上学迟到。3.(补充1-2点所失),今后的学习打算,(1-2句话描述自己未来的打算),要求:词数100左右;短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数;文中需包括所有写作要点,但不要逐字翻译,可适当加入过渡词句,使短文通顺、连贯;语言规范,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯,书写工整。My Unforgettable School LifeHow time flies!My colorful middle school life is nearly ending.Here is what I think of about myself._,


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