rates organization topic Conference, implementation specific processing measures. And to follow up the reply, from product and service levels which will allow owners of bbmg city had a new awareness. Also for the upcoming delivery of the property to lay a solid foundation. 4, the housing process optimization through rooms at the owner's market understanding, combined with "+ Internet" platform of practical, to reduce the percentage of the time cost, improve efficiency and actively introduced during this focused unit of Bank of China and other third party service, to withhold business value-added services to improve the follow-up of fast and easy. 5, room simulation training, exercises; November 16, and 17th for two days of combat walkthrough work advance has according to vocational shoe accountability of work pattern, collaborative action, and formed Heli of make with situation show of is has Organization, and has discipline, and effective force, and has concept of "four has" spirit, on all participation make room staff for rhetoric training, etiquette practice, on make room situation, and site regional, and post duties be propaganda clear. For the following fast, efficient processing work done ready for house owners. (B) further promote the "two grasp" policies, improve service efficiency. This work, we insist on attaching the housing inspection work, one hand and engineering implementation of rectification, and in-house communication many times, adjust and optimize the delivery details. Especially publicity section of responsibility distinguish and the on guest form of with word sentence, one by one research, carefully, height reflected has responsibility big enterprises meticulous of rigorous style, make room site organization closely, operation specification, staff signed reception enthusiasm courtesy, key issued shortcut accurate, costs settlement precision correct, whole make room site orderly, scheduling well! show has ahead of service consciousness and standard of etiquette style. During the delivery, mainly officials visiting the scene, organized meetings of rectification, instant processing, correction, coordinating and solving major problems, find a corrective entry. Focus on quality and timeliness of rectification, the staff has overcome many difficulties, give up a lot of rest, overtime inspection related issues in repairs in time to adjust. (C) focused on human services, focus on improving gold examples of good reputation. During the delivery, in order to improve efficiency to save time, the Ministry of finance and property companies make up a one-stop service team for rapid and effective procedures for their owners to handle. Housing site, broken down by service areas, such as sign in . First, standardize financial management pilot projects in villages and towns and the overall situation is to strengthen the pilot organization and leadership. Established its normative Township financial management work leading group, overall guidance pilot projects. Meanwhile, the towns governed by the financial management of township finance thematic training pilot, the pilot project was a comprehensive arrangement to ensure that pilot to achieve tangible results. Second is to standardize the villages and towns finance business operations. Enacted the further regulating the Township financial management advice, on rural reform of the budget management, Treasury, financial management, financial discipline, team building and other aspects of a comprehensive specification. Third, establishing pilot evaluation mechanism. County Bureau of Township Code municipal financial management pilot project and evaluation of the effectiveness, objective assessment by the evaluation results into the villages and towns finance and incentive grants given to notable towns and villages. II, and specification Township financial management pilot work carried out situation for further deepening Township financial reform, effective strengthening Township financial management, constantly improve Township financial shoe vocational service capacity儋州市儋耳路二期及配套工程施工监理规划及细则甘肃西北信诚工程建设监理公司二零一三年十一月according to province Department of Finance on further specification Township financial management of views (chuan fiscal base (2015) 4th,), and dazhou City Finance on carried out specification Township financial management pilot work of notification (up city fiscal pre (2015) 22nd,) requirements, effective implementation good I County specification Township financial management reform pilot work, Combined kaijiang actual, developed and reported has kaijiang County 2015 full specification Township financial management pilot work implementation programme (open fiscal pre 201525,), and developed and issued has further specification Township financial management of implementation views (open fiscal pre 201527,), County 20 a township financial by active from specification business run, and serious financial discipline, and strengthening institutions team construction three big aspects carried out pilot work, powerful promoted has specification Township financial management work. Three main practices, standardize financial management pilot projects in villages and towns (a) Township financial budgeting the fine. Strictly implement implementation budget method, to deepening tax reform for opportunity (kaijiang County deepening tax reform General programme has County Standing Committee considered through), insisted "Xiang fiscal County tube, and budget total series" principles, developed Township budget prepared programme and description, full, and science, and fine do 2015 Township financial budget prepared work, according to allocation ratings fixed management, approved Township basic spending, insisted "insurance wage, and insurance running, and insurance livelihood" guarantees principles, basic spending, and refinement public spending, and Optimization of project expenditure, in accordance with the "income in a cage, spending into the plate" principle, strictly implement the two lines of income and expenditure management, the Township financial budget management, implementation of the villages and towns finance comprehensive budget and department budgets, further strengthen the budget bind, and effectively safeguard the basic operation and special work and other public services need. (B) the standardization of State Treasury centralism payment reform. I County beginning in 2011 to the full implementation of the State Treasury centralism payment reform in villages and towns. Adhere to the "all parts of the budget, accounts Commission based, centralized payment, purchasing system, Bill little, County and networking", "Xiang Xiang CAI County pipe" principle, relying on the County Treasury centralized payment network . Debt, and up to now has replacement stock of debt of 178 million yuan in villages and towns, stimulating development of villages and towns, alleviating rural stability under pressure. (F) the village class accountant principal-agent service. To further promote the work of village class accountant principal-agent. One is the implementation of systems management. According to kaijiang County established and perfect village level delegate agent accounting Center full implementation agent service business of operation approach, and kaijiang County township village level delegate agent accounting Center post duties, and kaijiang County township village level delegate agent accounting Center management system, and kaijiang County township village level delegate agent accounting center business operation specification, the regulations and timely issued, strictly according to delegate agent service work system provides carried out work. Second, refined assessment oversight (VII) strengthening the push Guide, standard accounting system in villages and towns. To further promote scientific and standardized accounting work in villages and towns in our County runs, intensify the supervision and management, improve the quality of information and improve efficiency to ensure open and transparent financial management, financial management and reform needs effectively to儋州市儋耳路二期及配套工程 施工监理规划及细则儋州市儋耳路二期及配套工程施工监理规划及细则审定:审核:编制:甘肃西北信诚工程建设监理公司二零一三年十一月西北信诚监理公司目 录1、工程概况12、监理工作目标52.1监理范围:52.2监理目标:53、监理工作依据64、监理组织74.1 监理组织机构74.2人员配置85、监理工作内容95.1 质量控制95.2进度控制165.3投资控制195.4 合同管理215.5 组织协调246.现场监理人员的主要职责276.1 总监理工程师的职责276.2 总监代表职责286.3 专业监理工程师286.4监理员的职责:297.监理工作制度307.1 施工组织设计/方案审查制度307.2 开工报告审批制度317.3 图纸会审、交底制度317.4 分包审批制度327.5 设计变更处理制度347.6 原材料、构配件及设备质量控制制度357.7 隐蔽工程报验制度367.8 工程质量事故报告处理制度367.9 监理协调会制度387.10 签证/索赔处理制度407.11 工程计量支付制度437.12 工程竣工验收制度438监理工作程序459、施工监理用表4610、工程质量监理重点4911、 旁站监理方案5012、 安全监理方案5413、工程质量监理细则66一、城市道路工程66 (一)、质量监理工作程序66(二)、道路测量放线工程质量监理67(三)、道路路基工程质量监理70(四)道路基层工程质量监理74(五)、道路路面工程质量监理78(六)、道牙、人行道工程质量监理83二、雨水管道工程86(一)、质量监理工作程序86(二)、管道测量放线工程质量监理87(三)、管道沟槽工程质量监理89(四)、管沟基础工程质量监理93(五)、雨水井、支管工程质量监理95西北信诚监理公司文件更改一览表更改号章节号更改通知单号更 改 内 容日 期批准人儋州市儋耳路二期及配套工程施工监理规划及细则1、工程概况1.1 工程名称:儋州市儋耳路二期及配套工程 1.2 建设单位:儋州市城市建设投资有限公司1.3 工程地点:儋州市 1.4 设计单位:长春市市政工程设计研究院1.5 道路等级城市主干路,设计车速50km/h,交通等级按中等交通1.6工程概况:文化北路南起中兴大街,沿线与兴隆路、儋耳路、伏波路、南昌路、兰洋路等相交,终点至那洋公路,道路全长2912.192m,红线宽40m,城市主干路。原旧机动车道及非机动车道路面均有出现病害,人行道年久失修,破损严重,故对其进行整治。道路整治建设内容为道路(路基层及路面)工程、照明工程、交通工程等。1.7工程特点:1、文化北路南起中兴大街,终点至那洋公路,但中兴大道至那洋 公路另有其他路段可通行至那洋公路,本工程可以进行分段封闭式施工,本次拟改造路段机动车道及非机动道根据路面结构可划分为两段。2、第一段中兴大道至伏波路,路段长约1.2km,该段道路机动车道原旧沥青砼路面全部铣刨后,以旧水泥砼路面作为基层,根据旧水泥砼路面的质量,对原有水泥砼路面修补、病害处理后,铣刨1cm,在原水泥砼路面上喷洒热沥青封层油,再满铺聚酯玻纤布,然后进行6cm AC-20C型中粒式沥青混凝土铺设,再喷洒粘层油后进行面层5cmAC-13C型细粒式沥青混凝土摊铺。该段非机动车道原旧水泥砼路面病害处理后,在原水泥砼路面上喷洒热沥青封层油,满铺聚酯玻纤布,然后再进行路面层5cmAC-13C型细粒式沥青混凝土摊铺施工。3、第二段伏波路至那洋路,路段长约1.7km,该段道路机动车道以原水泥稳定层作为基层,先对原旧沥青砼路面病害进行处理及铣刨2cm后,在原沥青砼路面上喷洒粘层油,然后再进行路面层5cmAC-13C型细粒式沥青混凝土摊铺施工。该段非机动车道旧路面处理及现路面施工同机动车道。4、由于沥青混凝土加铺后改变了路面的高程,故必须将原水泥面上的各种井或盖板提升至加铺后的路面设计高程,并且必须保证沥青路面标高与井顶或盖板标高偏差在容许范围内,(5mm),才能达到良好的行车质量和视觉舒适性,对现有雨水口、排水检查井及管线不进行新建改造,只进行提升井口更换井盖及雨水篦子。5、两侧人行道树根系将人行道面拱起,表面高低起伏、坑洼不平,年久失修破损严重、部分段面存在积水,面板色样陈旧,部分路段未铺设人行道情况,本工程对两侧人行道进行改建6cm混凝土预制彩砖+3cm厚M10砂浆卧底+12cm厚4%水泥稳定石屑,对花带石、路缘石、侧边石、侧平石、树池石全部进行改造。6、本工程对现原有两侧绿化进行保护,原有两侧绿化整齐、茂密、遮阴效果较好,施工期应加强水土保持工作,采取绿化、护坡、驳岸等工程措施,防止水土流失,强化道路两侧绿化,形成绿色屏障。7、本工程为儋耳路二期及配套工程路灯工程,设计内容为伏波路、工业北路、科技北路和交通北路,路灯照明系统施工,有箱式变压器两座,箱变容量选定为80KVA;伏波路采用9米单臂路灯,沿道路两侧绿化带对称放置,灯杆间距为30米左右,选用功率为70W+40W LED灯,灯具选用半截光型,中投射配光;工业北路采用12米双臂路灯,沿道路两侧绿化带对称放置,灯杆垂直间距为35米左右,灯具选用半截止型高压钠灯,蝶形配光,功率为250W+100W;科技北路采用10米双臂路灯,沿道路两侧绿化带交错放置,灯杆垂直间距为25米左右,灯具选用半截止高压钠灯,蝶形配光,功率为250W+150W;交通北路采用12米双臂路灯,沿道路两侧绿化带对称放置,灯杆垂直间距为35米左右,选用功率为180W+70W LED灯,灯具选用半截光型,中投射配光,在主要交叉路口处,增设15米路灯,功率为2×180W或3×180W LED灯,以弥补路口照明不足;路灯局部间距视道路布置情况作适当调整,灯具外壳保护等级为IP54,防触电保护等级为级;高压钠路灯均设单灯补偿方式;控制方式为手动与自动两种形式,自动控制采用时控仪;照明配电主干线为YJV22-0.6/1KV-5×16mm平方及YJV22-0.6/1KV-5×10mm平方电缆,直埋地敷设,埋于绿化带下,埋深度距地不小于0.7米等;采用TN-S接地系统,每盏路灯灯杆重复接地,箱式变电站设环式接地系统,保护接地及防雷接地共用一套接地系统,接地电阻不大于4欧。8、本段道路交通工程主要包括交通标志、标线两个部分内容;交通标志有大型指路标志牌、小型指示牌,警告标志、禁令标志、指示标志底板为玻璃钢材料制作,指路标志底板为铝合金制作;交通标志立柱为钢管,钢柱进行防腐处理,路面标线部分材料为热熔性涂料,预混玻璃微珠,热熔施工时再撒布玻璃珠。1.8建设工期:2013年11月1日至2014年1月1日1.9施工单位:河南高速发展路桥工程有限公司2、监理工作目标2.1监理范围:2.1.1监理工程范围施工图范围内的施工阶段(含包修阶段)监理。2.1.2监理工作范围全面进行工程质量、工程进度、工程投资控制;工程合同管理及现场协调工作。2.2监理目标:2.2.1 监理工程目标: a、质量控制目标:必须达到国家规定的质量评定等级合格标准; b、投资控制目标:总投资必须严格控制在批复的概算范围以内; c、工期控制目标:按合同工期控制;d、安全、文明施工控制目标:不发生安全事故,争创省级文明工地。2.2.2 监理工作目标:甘肃西北信诚监理公司按GB/T19001:2000标准建立了监理服务质量保证体系,详细规定了各部门、人员的职责和权限,覆盖监理服务全过程的工作程序文件和作业指导文件。按照本公司监理服务质量保证体系文件规定,监理责任分解到每个监理工作岗位上。公司各部门和现场各监理人员认真履行各自的职责,并有效合作,保证全面实现监理控制目标。3、监理工作依据3.1 本工程施工合同;3.2本工程委托监理合同;3.3 GB/T19001:2000标准及本公司的质量体系文件;3.4国家和海南省、儋州市有关工程建设方面的法律、法规、政策和规定;3.5设计图纸和其他有关文件(包括经上级主管部门批准的施工组织设计、施工方案以及技术核定单);3.6现行的工程建设规范和质量检验评定标准;3.7本工程应严格按照现行施工监理验收规范进行监理。主要采用的规范有:城市道路路基施工及验收规范(CJJ44-91) 市政道路工程质量检验评定标准(CTJ1-90) 道路交通标志与标线(GB6768-1999)连锁型路面砖路面施工及验收规范(CJJ79-98)沥青路面施工及验收规范(GB50092-96)公路改性沥青路面施工技术规范(JTJ036-98)给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范(GB50268-97) 市政给排水管渠工程质量检验评定标准(CJJ3-90)城市道路照明工程施工及验收规程(CJJ89-2001)电缆敷设运行规程4、监理组织4.1 监理组织机构实施本项目监理的组织机构为项目监理部。项目监理部组成如下图所示:儋州市儋耳路二期及配套工程项目监理机构职能框图信 息档 案承包单位合同管理体制进度控制投资控制安全管理质量控制其他相关单位承 包 方设 计 单 位委托人(业主、顾客)协 调专业监理工程师总监理工程师(项目总负责)委托方(业主、顾客)测 量结 构给排水电 气道 桥西北信诚监理公司 第 7 页儋州市儋耳路二期及配套工程 施工监理规划及细则4.2人员配置序号职 务姓名性别年龄专业技术职称注册资格1总监理工程师陈东男43市政公用工程房建建筑工程高级工程师国家注册监理工程师2专业监理工程师洪振英男58给排水工程师甘肃省监理工程师3监理员杨孟卿男31工程管理助理工程师海南省监理员4见证员许泽宗男24见证助理工程师海南省见证员5安全员薛献岸男28安全助理工程师海南省安全员6西北信诚监理公司 第 8 页5、监理工作内容为了使本工程达到高质量的要求,必须在原材料、半成品的检验上,在施工工艺、施工工序的选用上,在分部分项工程的验收上均需要严格监理,最终使完工的工程符合市政道路工程施工质量验收标准,达到业主预期的质量目标。5.1 质量控制5.1.1 质量控制的程序1. 质量控制程序框图整改本分项分部工程是否全部完成?自检合格整改转入下一分项分部工程施工附有:l 施工组织设计l 施工人员到现场情况l 施工设备到现场情况l 材料到场情况l 材料检验情况l 分包单位(如有)资质材料开工准备承包单位检验批完成后自检承包单位签署报验申请表监理单位检查检验批质量监理单位填报报验申请表承包单位分项分部工程施工承包单位批准开工申请监理单位审查开工条件监理单位提交工程开工报审表承包单位 开工准备承包单位签署报验申请表监理单位本单位工程的各分项分部工程是否均完成申请工程竣工验收承包单位审核竣工验收申请监理单位填写报验申请表承包单位审查分项分部工程质量监理单位整改承包单位补充再准备签署工程竣工验收申请监理单位现场检查是否合格?文件资料是否符合要求?指示整改竣工验收文件资料准备承包单位进行内部竣工预验承包单位组织工程验收建设单位西北信诚监理公司 第 15 页儋州市儋耳路二期及配套工程 施工监理规划及细则2. 质量控制程序在开工前,监理工程师应提出对工程项目进行质量控制的程序及说明,以供所有监理人员、承包人的自检人员和施工人员共同遵循,使质量控制工作程序化。质量控制程序如下:a.开工报告:在各单位工程、分部工程或分项工程开工之前,驻地监理工程师应要求承包人提交工程开工报告并进行审批。工程开工报告应提出实施计划和施工方案;依据技术规范列明本工程的质量控制指标及检验频率和方法;说明材料、设备、劳力及现场管理人员等项的准备情况;提供放样测量、标准试验、施工 图等必要的基础资料。b.工序自检报告:监理工程师应要求承包人的自检人员按照专业监理工程师批准的工艺流程和提出的工序检查程序,在每道工序完工后首先进行自检,自检合格后,申报专业监理工程师进行检查认可。c.工序检查认可专业监理工程师紧接承包人的自检或与承包人的自检同时对每道工序完工后进行检查验收并签认,对不合格的工序应批示承包人进行缺陷修补或返工。前一道工序未经检查认可,后道工序不得进行。d.工程报验当工程的单位、分部或分项工程及检验批完工后,