shall assign a person in custody; Acceptance can be carried out operations, acceptance or unqualified acceptance not made the next processes work; 10, the construction site . Construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-7 content security technology to give the low-down the content to the hopper cars, against a measure, not too much force and withdrawal, on the feet may not be in the hopper, rises below shall not stand. When cleaning the hopper of concrete stone, two bucket chain must be fastened; When running in a blender, tools may not be inserted into the drum; Derrick transport, car steering wheel shall not be extended outside the cage, wheel wedge before and after; Water frame beams and concrete, to observe the formwork, formwork systems, unusual in reporting in a timely manner, no operations directly on the template or support; Irrigation structures when the edge of the concrete columns, beams, external platforms necessary security measures; Water in deep Foundation pit base during construction before, you should check whether the pit slope soil collapse collapse danger, if found, should be reported immediately and to take measures; Should wear protective equipment when using vibration, with leakage protection switch move switch box; Acceptance before for work, not to unqualified acceptance or acceptance not made the next processes work; Pumping concrete should be independent and reliable support; 10, site specific security cards; 11, the other. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Assembly and disassembly of tower crane safety technology gives the low-down (reference tables) construction construction construction organization name project name 4-2-8 content security technology to give the low-down the content strictly according to the tower crane, remove programme implementation operations, operating personnel must have professional training and with valid ID to work; Special command, coordination, and ensure safety in production; Working at height strictly comply with the safety specifications; The erection and removal of prohibited people who stay within the operating area; Carefully check the lifting wire and clasps, strictly according to the updated standards update; Carefully check all bolts, lock shaft damage, fatigue, cracking to update in a timely manner; Solid hydraulic jacking system of ministries in charge of the joint; Removal affect the safe operation of wires, check the insulation of cables and wires are good, motor connection is correct, the switch movement is sensitive and reliable; Must have a good grounding facilities, grounding resistance value shall not be more than 4 ohm; 10, to ensure that effective safety devices, such as lifting the limiters, torque limiters, height restrictions, stroke and hooks insurance, reel safety devices; 11, acceptance may behraje lék kontejner a pebaly, po pouití, k centralizované spalování, obsadit uvolnný, by nemly být ztraceny. 5, kadá jednotka pomocí vysoce toxické látky musí být zaznamenány v detailu, vetn jméno, íslo, mnoství a zabavování personálu, píjemc a tak dále. 6, pouívání vysoce toxických látek musí projít bezpenostní výcvik a terciární vzdlání, obeznámen s drogami nebezpené vlastnosti hry. Sektor zpráva, a do návratu do normálu. 3.3. kadé oddlení podle jejich vlastní odpovdnosti, nouzové záchranné riziko komunikaní nástroj provádí kontroly v pravidelných intervalech. Kontrola skryté není na míst, není zpráva vedení úraz, odpovdnost za vánou zodpovdnost. 4. Správa nouzové záchranné zaízení 4.1. pozice podle nebezpené povahy nebezpenosti a postoj, oznámil v plné výi k ízení bezpenosti záchranného zaízení. 4.2. post je vybaveno nouzovým vybavením specializované archivy, vetn platebního období, jednotky zakázek, odpovdný za péi, uívání, inspekní záznamy a jiné záznamy. 5. nouzové záchranné vedoucí skupiny v ízení 5.1 nouzové záchranné cviení, vedoucí skupina by mla mít alespo velení, operací, plánování, logistika, administrativa sloené z 5 základní havarijní funkcí. 5.2 nouzové záchranné cviení by mly být plánovány a pipravené nouzovou. pohotovostní plány pro vechny aspekty ohroení záchranu podrobnosti jsou v pedstihu, je vasné, ádné a úinné kroky prvodce pro nouzové záchranné práce. Nouzové postupy a by ml organizovat experti na revizi, podepsané hlavami velkých vydavatelství implementována po pijetí a zvyování povdomí, vzdlávání a kolení a neustálé zlepování. 5.3 podle plánované vrty, rzné typy pracovník podílejí na opotebení vrtáku nouzové záchranné symbolem své identity v procesu. Návod vech kategorií zamstnanc v divizi pro n tvoí jasnou linii velení zajistit správnost rozhodnutí a celistvost a úinnost reakce. 5.4 po skonení návod, vyhodnotit výsledky návod a návod zprávy, ekl dobe návod problémy v kurzu, a v dalím návodu zlepení nebo nápravných opatení. 6 nouzové management 6.1, po nehod, zjistila, e jednotky nebo lidí v okolí hláeny. Pole bezpenostní opatení mají být pijata, dosah do sanitky, ne slep nebo pohotovost pi nechránném personál. 6.2, jednotka vedení po obdrení hláení nehody podle nehody k urení, zda chcete aktivovat havarijní plány. Pokud potebujete rodie pomoc a záchranu, spadají pod nadazenou jednotku a poádat o podporu. 6.3, nouzové záchranné ústedí na základ zmny scény, vasné pizpsobení nouzová opatení, likvidaci havarijní personál v souladu s mimoádná opatení. 6.4, vedoucí týmu, pedák poslouchat píkaz píkaz v regionu, aktivn pijímat opatení k ústupu ádné organizace zabezpeení polí. 6.5, stránky personáthe principle of simplified EIA of construction projects in the region. In terms of land, linked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas project. Charges, into the projects of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential policies. In the area of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal incentives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, and construct "Government credit + business credit" credit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financing platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, encourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To create "policy lowlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, development land" as the goal, to optimize the area under development environment. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel stationed in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated with businesses in this sector. When there are substantial issues, sector leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval items, simplify examination and approval links, improve efficiency; according to the .Since the educational practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central "eight rules" and opposing "the four winds" and practicing "three Suns", and check the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding problems checked swing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the party's political discipline, eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the party's political disciplines. Conscientiously abide by the party's political discipline, abide by the Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideological and maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no violation of the party's political discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central authorities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-roots units, primary first-hand an inadequate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in accordance with the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, culture involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical needs of invention notifications, this area needs further目 录第一章 编制依据51.1编制依据51.2编制原则5第二章 工程概况62.1 工程简介62.2水文地质72.3地下管线142.4 施工现场情况152.5地质条件对隧道影响16第三章 施工总体平面布置173.1 施工总体布置说明173.2临时用电173.3现场用水203.4 总体计划安排20第四章 主要施工方法及技术措施234.1工程测量234.1.1 工程测量234.1.2测量工作注意事项264.2 竖井、隧道施工方法及技术措施274.21隧道施工流程274.22 竖井龙门架安装及竖井布置274.2.3竖井施工方法364.2.4竖井提升、运输系统394.2.5马头门施工394.2.7 隧道施工444.2.6竖井和隧道施工的全断面注浆加固土体474.2.7隧道土方开挖514.2.8钢格栅、钢筋网加工制作及安装514.2.9初期支护喷射混凝土544.2.10初衬背后充填注浆554.3 隧道供风措施564.4洞内供水、供电及照明584.4.1隧道内供水系统584.4.2隧道内排水系统584.4.3隧道内供电及照明系统584.4.4隧道内管线布置594.5背后注浆604.6防水层施工604.7雷达探测654.8二衬施工654.8.1二次衬砌钢筋绑扎654.8.2二次衬砌模板664.8.3二次衬砌混凝土施工664.8.4为保证隧道二衬模板及支撑的体系674.8.5混凝土施工684.8.6伸缩缝施工694.9热机施工694.9.1热机施工工艺流程694.9.2热机安装断面图694.9.3下管704.9.4对口及焊接704.9.5管件安装714.9.6压力试验724.9.7管道清洗75第五章 风险源辨识及管理措施765.1 工程风险源影响因素分析与评价765.2 标段内主要风险源分析765.3 各类施工风险级别的管理及上报程序775.4 重大风险源控制方法79第六章 地下管线及地上设施加固保护措施816.1 管线保护措施816.2预防土方坍塌826.3过路沉降观测82第七章 隧道监控量测与信息反馈857.1概述857.1.1监测目的857.1.2监测原则857.1.3监测重点857.1.4监测项目867.2隧道内部监测867.3隧道周围环境监测877.4建立信息化监测系统887.5监测组织管理907.6监测质量保证措施90第八章 质量保证体系及措施921质量保证体系922质量目标923质量保证体系923.1项目经理质量责任制度923.2项目副经理质量责任制度933.3项目总工程师质量责任制度933.4技术员质量责任制度933.5质控员质量责任制度933.6施工员质量责任制度943.7材料员质量责任制度943.8施工队质量责任制度954质量保证措施954.1施工管理保证措施954.2施工技术文件、资料管理984.3砼质量保证措施984.4结构防渗漏保证措施1004.5原材料质量保证措施1014.6隐蔽工程的质量保证措施1024.7对预埋件、预留孔洞的保证措施1034.8为确保质量所采取的检测试验手段及措施104第九章 安全施工技术措施1061 安全目标1063 物质保证体系964 安全生产管理制度965 安全教育966 现场临时用电安全措施967 一般控制措施97第十章 安全应急预案991 应急措施的处理原则992 组织机构993 施工应急预案的物资准备994 启动条件99第十一章 雨季施工技术措施1091组织措施1092具体措施:1092.1准备工作1092.2主要项目雨季施工技术措施1092.2.1基坑防雨和排水1092.2.2钢筋工程1102.2.3现浇混凝土工程1102.2.4砂浆搅拌1102.2.5架子工程1112.2.6机电设备方面1112.2.7临建工程1112.2.8回填土工程1112.3雨季施工技术措施1112.4安全措施112第一章 编制依据1.1编制依据1.1现行工程建设领域的规范、规程、标准以及有关的行业法规和法令。1.2房山良乡区鸿顺园锅炉房集中供热体系(供热管网)工程施工图纸。1.3现场实际调查情况和相关部门提供的信息、资料等。1.4本工程有关法规、规范、技术和质量评定标准(1)锚杆喷射混凝土支护技术规范(GB50086-2001)(2)铁路隧道喷锚构筑技术规则(TB101082002)(3)地下工程防水技术规范(GB50108-2008)(4)地下防水工程质量验收规范(GB50208-2002)(5)混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范(GB502042002);(6)钢筋焊接及验收规程(JGJ182003);(7)北京市市政基础设施工程暗挖施工安全技术规程(DBJ01872005);(8)建设工程施工现场安全资料管理规程(DB11/3832006);(9)其他由甲方或监理工程师指定的工程规范和技术说明。1.2编制原则 本方案,针对地质状况,地面建(构)筑物及管线情况、地理位置及设计要求,确定编制原则如下:(1)采用成熟、可靠、先进、有效的科学施工方法,确保实现设计意图,完成工程任务是施工方案编制的首要考虑原则。(2)控制地面沉降、保证建(构)筑物安全是本施工组织设计编制中的重要原则。(3)施工监测、环境监测项目作为编制重点,信息化施工是本施组设计的原则。(4)加强管理,科学组织,保证工期按期实现,是本工程施工组织设计编制的重点。第二章 工程概况2.1 工程简介1工程地理位置本工程为房山区良乡鸿顺园锅炉房集中供热体系(供热管网)工程,位于北京市房山区良乡。设计隧道横穿现况京周路、西潞大街、拱辰大街、长虹路。穿越京周路穿越西潞大街穿越拱辰大街穿越长虹路鸿顺园锅炉房集中供热工程由良乡西路及良乡中路供热管网,长虹路供热管网,拱辰西街供热管网,良乡东路阳光北大街供热管网,昊天塔街及良关大街供热管网,翠柳大街供热管网,良乡东区八号路供热管网,苏庄东街供热管网,西潞大街至南关西路供热管网,长虹路供热管网组成。管线大部分位于现况路下,且多数道路为主要街道,交通流量大、人多车多,地下管线繁杂,施工难度较大。其中良乡西路供热管网为DN500管线,沿良乡西路敷设,穿越西潞大街,良乡中路DN400供热管线沿良乡中路敷设,穿越拱辰大街,揽秀大街DN600供热管网沿揽秀大街敷设,穿越长虹路,太平庄地区DN350供热管网穿越京周路,不具备明开槽施工条件,因此采用暗挖法施工。京周路暗挖结构为内净空为2.2×2.0、长虹路2.9×2.3、西潞大街及拱辰大街为2.6×2.3的半圆拱直墙的断面形式,由钢隔栅加喷射混凝土的初期支护与注模混凝土的二次衬砌构成,两次衬砌之间设柔性防水层,钢榀架间距50cm。本工程采取超前小导管注浆加固。初衬喷射C20混凝土,二衬模注C30抗渗P8级混凝土。导管采用普通型32×3.25钢管。暗挖防水以结构自防水为主,外包卷材辅助。结构采用P8级防水混凝土,外包ECB/EVA复合共挤卷材,变形缝部位设置中埋式止水带。变形缝设置:隧道与施工竖井衔接部位各设置一道变形缝,隧道中间部分每隔25m设置一道。暗挖竖井采用锚喷倒挂施工,暗挖工程具体情况如下: 部位项目揽秀大街西潞大街拱辰大街京周路6#7#2-1#3-1#10#13#15#16#竖井规格7.82米×5.22米8.82米×5.22米7.82米×4.92米10.32米×4.92米7.82米×4.92米10.32米×4.92米4.02米×4.22米9.22米×5.82米竖井侧墙0.3米0.3米0.3米0.3米0.3米0.3米0.25米0.25米竖井深度12.07米11.57米11.561米11.70米11.561米11.708米6.34米6.491米隧道净断面2.9米×2.3米2.6米×2.3米2.6米×2.3米2.2米×20米暗挖长度91米69米94米71.4米埋深8.5米9米8米4米热力管线规格DN600DN500DN400DN350初衬厚度(强度)250(C20)250(C20)250(C20)250(C20)二衬厚度(强度)250(C30P8)250(C30P8)250(C30P8)250(C30P8)防水做法无纺布、ECB/EVA共挤复合防水卷材无纺布、ECB/EVA共挤复合防水卷材无纺布、ECB/EVA共挤复合防水卷材无纺布、ECB/EVA共挤复合防水卷材2.2水文地质根据地勘报告显示:在勘探期间,场地在15.00m勘探深度范围内未见到地下水,近35年最高地下水位标高28.00m米,因此可不考虑地下水对施工的影响。本场区在20.00m勘察深度范围内,自地表向下主要地层为人工堆积层(Q4ml)、第四纪冲洪积(Q4al+pl)的砂质粉土、粘质粉土、粉质粘土、粗砂、卵石及第三纪(E)强风化砂砾岩、白垩纪(K)强风化粘土岩等,现分述如下:2.2.1 人工堆积层(Q4ml)粘质粉土、砂质粉土素填土(地层编号):黄褐色,以粘质粉土、砂质粉土为主,含砖块、灰渣。稍密,稍湿。厚度:0.505.00m,平均厚度1.61m;层底标高:30.6553.35m,平均层底标高40.92m;层底埋深:0.5012.50m,平均层底埋深2.46m。场区绝大多数钻孔中见到该层。 杂填土(地层编号1):杂色,由砖块、水泥块及混合土等组成,局部地段见少量生活垃圾。稍密,稍湿。厚度:0.4011.50m,平均厚度1.90m;层底标高:31.6545.15m,平均层底标高40.69m;层底埋深:0.5011.50m,平均层底埋深1.95m。场区多数钻孔中见到该层。2.2.2 第四纪冲洪积层(Q4al+pl)砂质粉土(地层编号):褐黄色,含云母、氧化铁,局部见粉质粘土及粉细砂薄夹层。中密,稍湿湿。厚度:0.806.90m,平均厚度2.97m;层底标高:22.6540.97m,平均层底标高36.17m;层底埋深:2.4020.00m,平均层底埋深6.53m。场区多数钻孔中见到该层。粘质粉土(地层编号1):褐黄色,含云母、氧化铁,局部见粉质粘土及粉细砂薄夹层。中密,稍湿湿。厚度:0.706.80m,平均厚度3.06m;层底标高:27.6546.41m,平均层底标高36.35m;层底埋深:1.6015.00m,平均层底埋深6.58m。场区绝大多数钻孔中见到该层。粉质粘土(地层编号2): 褐黄色,含云母、氧化铁,局部见粘土、粘质粉土薄夹层。可塑,很湿。厚度:1.008.00m,平均厚度3.95m;层底标高:30.0738.78m,平均层底标高34.76m;层底埋深:3.7010.00m,平均层底埋深7.35m。场区少数钻孔中见到该层。粗砂(地层编号): 褐黄色,主要矿物成分为长石、石英,含云母、氧化铁。稍密、湿。厚度:1.302.00m,平均厚度1.60m;层底标高:32.2833.86m,平均层底标高32.86m;层底埋深:7.508.00m,平均层底埋深7.83m。场区仅在6#、7#、8#三个钻孔中见到该层。卵石(地层编号1): 杂色,主要由石英岩、砂岩组成,亚圆形,微风化,一般粒径2-3cm,最大粒径大于7cm,含量60%,充填40%非均匀分布的中粗砂、圆砾。密实。厚度:4.30 m;层底标高:33.43m;层底埋深:8.00m。场区仅在83#钻孔中见到该层。粉质粘土(地层编号):褐黄色,含云母、氧化铁,局部见粘土、粘质粉土薄夹层。可塑硬塑(个别地段为软塑),很湿。厚度:0.5010.10m,平均厚度5.03m;层底标高:23.7133.36m,平均层底标高26.50m;层底埋深:8.0020.00m,平均层底埋深16.40m。场区仅在6#、7#、33#、39#、40#、43#、62#、67#、74#九个钻孔中见到该层。粘质粉土(地层编号1):褐黄色,含云母、氧化铁,局部见粉质粘土及粉细砂薄夹层。中密,稍湿湿。厚度:3.104.70m,平均厚度3.84m;层底标高:20.4331.52m,平均层底标高26.41m;层底埋深:13.0020.00m,平均层底埋深16.26m。场区仅在7#、33#、39#、43#、62#五个钻孔中见到该层。砂质粉土(地层编号2):褐黄色,含云母、氧化铁,局部见粉质粘土及粉细砂薄夹层。中密,稍湿湿。厚度:1.407.50m,平均厚度3.23m;层底标高:20.7728.94m,平均层底标高26.07m;层底埋深:15.5020.00m,平均层底埋深17.40m。场区仅在33#、39#、40#、43#、62#、67#、74#七个钻孔中见到该层。卵石(地层编号): 杂色,主要由石英岩、砂岩组成,亚圆形,微风化,一般粒径2-3cm,最大粒径大于7cm,含量60%,充填40%非均匀分布的中粗砂、圆砾。密实。厚度:0.602.70m,平均厚度2.10m;层底标高:23.3824.52m,平均层底标高24.15m;层底埋深:20.0020.00m,平均层底埋深20.00m。场区仅在33#、39#、40#、42#、43#五个钻孔见到该层。2.2.3第三纪(E)砂砾岩强风