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    动词不定式(The Infinitive)定义:动词不定式是非谓语动词的一种,它没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能独立作谓语,但它仍保持动词的特点,既可以有时态和语态的变化又有自己的宾语和状语。 一、不定式的构成 (以动词write为例)主动形式被动形式一般式to write进行式无完成式完成进行式无 动词不定式的否定形式是由not或never加不定式构成。主动形式: to do (表示现在或将来) to have done (表示已做) to be doing (表示在做) 被动形式: to be asked (表示将被做) to have been done (表示已被做) 否定形式: not/never to do not/never to have done not/never to be doing1) 尽量下次不要Try not to be late again next time.再迟到。(try)_2) 他希望我们不要再He wished us never to meet her again. 同她见面。(wish)_二、动词不定式的用法:动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,因此在句中可以做主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语。(一)不定式做主语: 不定式做主语时,一般表示具体的、个别的、一次性或具有将来意义的动作。e.g: To finish the building in a month is difficult. 中文: _To lose heart means failure. 中文: _完成句子: 眼见为实To see is to believe.To wait is better than to leave.。 English: _等待比离开好。 English: _ 注意: 1) 不定式作主语时,谓语用_数2) 当主语较长,谓语较短时,常用it做形式主语,而将不定式放到谓语的后面。it做形式主语,不定式放在谓语动词之后常用于下列结构中:句型I: It is +adj.+ ( of sb.) + to do sth. 形容词有:good, kind, nice, stupid, rude, clever, wise, foolish, honest, thoughtful, thoughtless, brave, considerate, silly, selfish等,用于描述人的智力和表现等,不定式的主语可以被该形容词修饰.We were silly to believe him. It was silly of us to believe him.You were considerateIt was considerate of you to give me that coat. to give me that coat. _You were careless to leave your umbrella on the bus. _You are very kind to tell me the good news. _句型II: It is +adj.+ ( for sb.) + to do sth. It is +adj.+ for sth + to be done.形容词有: easy, difficult, hard, important, possible, impossible, comfortable, necessary, better等,表示对某事、某种行为进行评论. Its hard for me to find a new job. 中文: _ Its important to learn English well. 中文: _ Its difficult for the problems to be solved. 中文: _句型III: It is + 名词 + ( for sb.) + to do sth.It is + 名词 + for sth + to be done.名词有: the first time, a pity, a shame, a pleasure, a pleasant thing, ones duty, an honor, a crime , no easy job等Its a good idea for the books to be given to her. 中文: _ Its the first time for Tom to be here. 中文: _Its our duty to help the boss receive visitors. 中文: _句型IV: It takes (sb.) some time / courage / patience to do sth.It costs sb. some money to do sth.It requires courage / patience / hard work to do sth.TranslationIts kind of you to help me。 Its silly of the students to cheat in the examination.Its an honor for us to attend such an important meeting.It is important for us to learn English very well.Its good manners to wait in line. It made us very angry to hear him speak to his mother like that.It is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes.It takes us two hours to fly to Paris from here.:a) 你帮我是好的。English:_b) 学生考试作弊是愚蠢的English:_c) 参加这样重要的会议我们对我们是一件荣誉的事。English:_d) 对我们来说学好英语是非常重要的。English:_e) 排队等候是很有礼貌的。English:_f) 听到他那样跟他妈妈说话我们很生气。 English:_g) 十分钟完成这件工作是难的。English:_h) 从这乘飞机到巴黎用我们连两个小时的时间。English:_i) 在河里游泳对你有许多好处。English:_j) 评论这部电影让我很疲劳。English:_(二)不定式做表语e.g.: My idea is to climb the mountain from the north. 中文: _Your mistake was not to write that letter. 中文: _注意:Ø 当主语部分有实义动词do时,做标语的不定式可省略to。The only thing you should do is (to) wait and see.Ø 疑问词how/what/when/where/which等可加不定式作表语。The question is how to improve our English.TranslationThe problem is how to get there on time.Our plan is to set up another middle school for the peasants children. :1) 问题是怎样才能准时到达哪儿。The problem is _ 2) 我们的计划是给农民子弟再成立一所中学。Our plan is _(三)不定式作宾语 句型1:主语 + 动词 + to do.句型2:主语 + 动词 + for + 宾语 + to do.句型3:主语 + 动词 + 疑问词 + to do.主语 + 谓语 + it + 宾补 +(for sb)+ to do sth(真正的宾语).句型4:用it作形式宾语:afford, agree, aim, appear, arrange, ask*, attempt, beg*, campaign, care, choose*, claim, dare*, decide, demand, expect*, fail, fight, guarantee, happen, help*, hesitate, hope, intend*, long, manage, need*, neglect, offer, pause, plan, prefer, prepare, pretend, promise, prove, refuse, seem, strive, swear, tend, threaten, trouble*, undertake, wait, want*, wish*句型5:主语 + 动词 + there to be + 名词或代词.说明:Ø 以上带有“”号的动词可用于“动词+for+宾语+to do”的结构例如: Ive arrange for a car to pick them up at the station.Ø 以上带有“*”号的动词可用于“动词+宾语+to do”的结构例如: He doesnt really expect her to pass the exam.只能用动词不定式作宾语的口诀(接不定式作宾语的动词) 想要学习 早打算( want、 learn 、plan) 快准备 有希望( prepare 、hope、 wish、expect) 同意否 供选择(agree、offer、choose) 决定了 已答应(decide、be determined、promise) 尽力去 着手做(manage、undertake) 别拒绝 别假装(refuse、pretend) 失败不是属于你(fail)说明:以上动词不能接动名词TranslationJack cant afford to buy such a big house.Have you decided where to go?We are waiting for the train to stop.I dont know whether to take up teaching after graduation.Ill arrange for the musical instruments to be delivered on Monday.We think it better to translate the medical term in this way. I feel it my duty to serve the people heart and soul. The professional feels it a great honor to be invited to speak at the meeting before so many students. Do you consider it better not to go? I expect there to be a wonderful performance tomorrow. :a) Jack不能承担起买这样一幢大房子。(afford)English:_b) 你已经决定去哪儿了吗?(decide)English:_c) 我们正等火车停下来。(wait)English:_d) 我不知道毕业后是否从事教学。(know)English:_e) 我会安排这些乐器在星期一被运送。(arrange for)中文: _f) 我们认为这样翻译那个医学术语更好。(think) 中文: _g) 我们觉得全心全意为人民服务是我们的职责。(feel)中文: _h) 这位专业人士觉得被邀请在会上面对这么多学生发言是一件很光荣的事情。中文: _i) 你认为不去更好吗?(consider)中文: _j) 我期待得明天会有一场精彩的演出。(expect)中文: _ (四)不定式作宾语补足语advice, allow, ask, beg, cause, challenge, command, dare, determined, direct, discover, drive, enable, expect, encourage, forbid, force, get, inform, invite, oblige, order, permit, persuade, prepare, recommend, remind, request, require, send, teach, urge, want, warn, wish1. 下列动词可用于“主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + to do.”结构中:一感(_), 二听(_,_), 三使役(_,_,_),五看(_,_,_,_,_)2. 下列感官动词和使役动词用于“主语 + 动词 + do.”结构中:说明: 1)以上动词在被动结构中都必须还原to;2)let的被动常用allow/permit/give permission的被动形式代替;3)动词help后接动词作宾语补足语, to可加可不加。3. 下列动词用于“主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + to be + 形容词或名词.”结构中:believe, consider, count, declare, deny, feel, find, guess, imagine, judge, know, prove, realize, suppose, think4. hope, demand, suggest, agree, refuse等后不能接动词不定式做宾语补足语。I hope / demand / suggest you to come on time. (错误)I hope that you can come on time. (正确)I demand / suggest that you (should) come on time. (正确)说明:将不定式作宾语补足语的句子改为被动语态时, 动词不定式就成为了主语补足语,如: I thought him to be the best player of the basketball. He was thought to be the best player of the basketball. We saw him enter the hall. He _ I believe him to have turned down the job. He _TranslationI would like you to help me with my English exercises.Jack is thought to have died in the air crash three year ago.We never expected there to be so many people. : a) 我想请你帮我做英语练习。(would like)English:_b) Jack被认为三年前死于那场空难(air crash)。(think)English:_c) 我们从来没料想到会有如此多的人。(expect)English:_d) 我将让他再试一次get也有“让”“叫”的意思,和使役动词意思相近,但它后面的不定式作宾语补足语必须要有to。Ill get him to try it again.。(get)English:_ e) 尽管他经常弄哭他的小妹妹Though he often make shis little sister cry, today he was made to cry by his little sister.He is often heard to sing the song.,但今天他却被他的小妹妹弄哭了。English:_f) 经常听到他唱这首歌。(hear)English:_g) 我们同意他参加这次英语比赛。(agree)English:_ (五)不定式作定语 不定式作定语,有时几乎等于一个定语从句,大多用于表示即将发生的动作。 1. 在某些由动词派生的名词后常接不定式作定语。agreement, arrangement, attempt, claim, decision, desire, determination, failure, need, offer, plan, pleasure, promise, refusal, tendency, threat, warning, wish等u I dont trust his promise _ (come) for a visit.中文: _u He has persisted in her refusal _ (spend) Christmas in Paris.中文: _u Mary has no intention _ (practise) law like her father.中文: _注意:在intention或hope后常接“of + 动名词或动名词的复合结构”形式。ability, ambition, anxiety, capability, curiosity, eagerness, freedom, patience, readiness, willingness等2. 在某些由形容词派生的名词后常接不定式作定语。u Your ability _ (analyze) the problem really surprises me.中文: _u He has fulfilled his ambition _ (be) an architect. 中文: _3. 用于说明某些名词的内容,常接不定式作定语。appeal, campaign, chance, courage, effort, evidence, opportunity, position, power, reason, right, sense, skill, struggle, talent, way等u You must have the courage _ (say) “No”.中文: _u We have good reason _ (believe) that he is lying.中文: _4. 用于某些名词或不定代词后,表示它们所起的作用。u Have you anything _ (cure) my headache?中文: _u I need a box _ (hold) my books.中文: _5. the onlythe 形容词最高级 + 名词 + 不定式顺序词(the last, the next)序数词(the first, the second)u Linda是唯一一个在那所著名的教育机构工作的老师。English:_u 出席讲座的最年轻的人14岁。English:_注意:A. 作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或所修饰的名词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,应有必要的介词; 带直接宾语的不定式修饰一个间接宾语时,也应加上相应的介词。B. 如果不定式修饰time, place, way,可以省略介词:Completea) to cut apples with.(削苹果)to live in (住) especially in Beijing.b) The fox found a box to stand on (站在上面).c) Could you lend me a pen to write with(写字)d) This is the tool to work with (劳动).Give me a piece of paper to write on(写字).I have no idea whom to give this letter to.e) He has no place to live.This is the best way to work out this problem. the sentence:a) Give me a knife .(削苹果)b) Some people have no house (住), especially in Beijing.c) The fox found a box (站在上面).d) Could you lend me a pen (写字).e) This is the tool to (劳动).f) Give me a piece of paper (写字).g) I have no idea (把这封信给谁).h) He has no place (住).i) This is the best way (阻止这两人打斗).(六)不定式做状语不定式做状语修饰动词、形容词、副词等,表示目的、结果、条件、原因或程度。1、 作目的状语(4种句型) 句型1:_例如(in order) to + 动词原形:To learn a foreign language well, you must try your best He came here in order to see Charlie.句型2:_例如so as to + 动词原形(不位于句首): I turned the radio down so as not to disturb him Check your composition so as to avoid mistakes.句型3: for there to be 例如: For there to be no mistake, you must recheck your composition. 中文:_ For there to be life, there must be air and water. 中文:_句型4: for + sb(不定式本身的主语)+ to + 动词原形例如: My father bought a new book for me to read.中文:_ Exercise:a) 为了保护幼苗不被太阳晒坏In order to protect the young plants from the sun, Mother put them in the shade.,妈妈把它们放到了阴凉处。 (to)English:_b) 今天早上他起身很早以免上学再迟到He got up very early this morning so as not to be late for school again.。(so as to)English:_


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