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    基本语法表格1.人称代词和物主代词第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数单数复数单数 (现在时, 动词+s/es)复数人称代词主格Iweyouyousheheittheythese宾格meusyouyouherhimitthemthose物主代词(的)物主性myouryouryourherhisitstheirthese名词性mineoursyoursyourshershisitstheirsthose反身代词自己myselfourselvesyourselfyourselvesherselfhimselfitselfthemselvesthemselves2.可数名词的复数构成举例1在名词后面加s Americans, Germans, apples, bananas2以s, x, sh, ch, 结尾的,加esboxes, glasses, dresses, watches, wishes, foxes buses3以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加esbaby-babies, family-families, duty-duties, comedy-comedies,4以元音字母加y结尾的直接加sday-days, boy-boys, toy-toys, key-keys, way-ways5以o结尾加s(外来词);但如是辅音加o的加esradios, photos zoostomatoes, potatoes heroes6以f或fe结尾的变f为v再加esthief,wife,shelf,knife, loaf,leaf,wolf,half,7一般只有复数,没有单数的有clothes;p0lice, people, crew, staff, police; pants, shorts, shoes, glasses, gloves, socks, trouses; scissors; (由两部分组成的东西)8特殊形式的有child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goose-geese, mouse-mice, sheep-sheep; man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen,Englishman-Englishmen10如果是由man或woman所组成的合成词的复数,则前后两个词都要变为复数man doctor-men doctors, woman teacher-women teachers 11既可以是单数也可以是复数的一些集合名词class班,同学;family家,家庭成员;organization机构;army军队; audience 观众;enemy 敌人;navy 海军;committee 委员会;group, team.12单复数相同fish, sheep, deer鹿子, Chinese, Japanese13单复数意思不同fish鱼 fishes鱼的种类,paper纸 papers报纸,卷子,论文work工作 works作品,工厂glass玻璃 glasses玻璃杯,眼镜orange桔子水 oranges橙子light光线 lights灯cloth布 clothes衣服people人 peoples民族time时间 times时代, 次数chicken 鸡肉 chickens 小鸡water水 waters水域;公海wood 木板; woods树林14常用的不可数名词water, milk, fruit, meat, food, paper, air, weather, rice, ice, furniture家具sheep羊肉, fish鱼肉 (动物表示肉类)3.名词所有格(某人/物“的”东西)构成举例1单数:在后面加sbrothers, Mikes, teachers2复数:以s结尾的直接在s后加,不以s结尾的,加sTeachers Day教师节 classmates books同学们的书籍 Childrens Day六一节 Womens Day三八节 动词+ed的构成方式 构成举例1直接在词尾加ed work-worked; play-played; want-wanted; act-acted2以不发音的e字母结尾的动词,直接加dlive-lived; move-moved; taste-tasted; hope-hoped, 3以辅音字母+ y结尾的,把y变为i 再加edstudy-studied; copy-copied; cry-cried; carry-carried4以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,要双写这一辅音字母,再加edstop plan fit refer prefer cancel travel quarrel drop 4.动词+ing的构成方式构成举例2以不发音的e字母结尾的动词,要去掉e再加ingmake-making, write-writing, skate-skating, closeclosing, come-coming, take-taking,have-having, dance-dancing, liveliving; hope-hoping3若结尾的e 发音, 就不能去掉see-seeing4以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,要双写这一辅音字母,再加ingrun-running, swim-swimming, get-getting, sitsitting, putputting, beginbeginning, hit-hitting, stop-stopping, forget forgetting5在少数几个以ie 结尾的动词后:须将ie 变作y,再加ing。diedying; tietying, lielying躺/位于 lie- lied - lied - lying撒谎 lie - lay - lain - lying 躺/位于 lay - laid - laid - laying下蛋/放5.时态语态公式时态主动被动 be + done (过去分词)1一般现在时do / doesam/is/are done2一般过去时did used to dowas/were done3一般将来时will/shall do am/is/are going to dowill/shall be done4现在进行时am/is/are doingam/is/are being done5过去进行时was/were doingwas/were being done6将来进行时will be doingwill be done7现在完成时have/has donehave/has been done8过去完成时had donehad been done9将来完成时will have donewill have been done10现在完成进行时have/has been doinghave/has been done11过去将来时would dowould be done 6.主动/被动主动被动: be + done (be-am/is/are-was/were-being-been)1一般现在时I do my homework every dayMy homework is done (by me) every day.2一般过去时I did my homework yesterday.My homework was done (by me) yesterday.3一般将来时I will do my homework tomorow.My homework will be done (by me) tomorrow.4现在进行时I am doing my homework now.My homework is being done now.5过去进行时I was doing my homework at 3:00 yesterday afternoon.My homework was being done at 3:00 yesterday afternoon6将来进行时I will be doing my homework tomorrow.My homework will be done tomorrow.7现在完成时I have already done my homework.My homework has already been done.8过去完成时I had done my homework before yesterday afternoon.My homework had been done before yesterday afternoon9将来完成时I will have done my homework tomorrow.My homework will have been done tomorrow.10现在完成进行时I have been doing a half of my homework.My homework has been done a half.11过去将来时I said that I would do my homework next week.I said that my homework would be done next week.7.不规则动词巧记表 AAA型   过去式、过去分词与原形一致原形过去式 过去分词词义原形过去式 过去分词词义cutcutcut切、割、剪shutshutshut关、闭(门窗)putputput放置hurthurthurt受伤;疼痛letletlet让costcostcost值钱;花费setsetset设置readreadread朗读;阅读hithithit撞击;打spreadspreadspread展开;铺开AAB型   过去式与原形一致原形过去式 过去分词词义原形过去式 过去分词词义beatbeatbeaten 击败;打败ABA型   过去分词与原形一致原形过去式 过去分词词义原形过去式 过去分词词义runranrun跑步;逃跑comecamecome来becomebecamebecome变得;成为ABB型   过去式与过去分词一致原形过去式 过去分词词义原形过去式 过去分词词义buyboughtbought买lead led led 领导;致使bring  broughtbrought带来mislead misled misled 误导fightfought fought 打架;打仗feed fed fed 喂养;喂食think thought thought 想;认为flee fled fled 逃跑seek  sought               sought寻找;探究meetmetmet遇见;碰到catch caughtcaught抓住;接住shoot shot shot 射击;投篮teachtaught taught 教;教书light lit / lighted lit / lighted 点燃lendlentlent借出getgotgot 获得;得到sendsentsent送;派遣win  won  won   获胜;赢得spendspent spent 花(时间、钱)sit sat sat  坐下buildbuilt built 建设;建立dig  dug  dug  挖掘feelfelt felt 感觉;摸起来stick stuck stuck 刺;戳leaveleft  left  离开hang hung hung 悬挂keepkeptkept保持;保留hang hanged  hanged 绞死sleep slept slept 睡觉sellsold sold 出售;卖oversleep overslept overslept 睡过头tell told told 告诉sweep  swept  swept  打扫smell smelt smelt 闻;嗅meanmeantmeant意思是spell spelt spelt  拼写learnlearnt / learnedlearnt / learned学;学会hold held held 拿着;举办burnburnt / burnedburnt / burned 燃烧;烧伤findfound found  找到;发现hearheardheard听见standstood stood  站立have/hashadhad有understandunderstood understood 理解makemade made 制作paypaid paid 付款shine  shone / shined shone / shined照耀saysaidsaid说loselostlost丢失;失去laylaidlaid下蛋layingdealdealtdealt处理lieliedlied撒谎lyinglielaylain躺/放lyingABC型   原形、过去式、过去分词不一致原形过去式 过去分词词义原形过去式 过去分词词义beginbeganbegun  开始taketooktaken拿走drinkdrankdrunk喝;饮mistakemistookmistaken错拿ringrangrung铃响;打电话shakeshook shaken摇动;握(手)singsang sung唱歌eat ateeaten 吃sinksanksunk 下沉fallfell fallen落下;摔倒swimswamswum 游泳rise  rose(玫瑰)risen上升;上涨blowblewblown吹;刮风drive drovedriven驾驶flyflewflown 飞;放(风筝)give gavegiven给knowknewknown知道;懂得forgiveforgave forgiven 原谅growgrewgrown种植;生长seesawseen 看见throwthrew thrown扔;投ride roderidden 骑(车、马)draw drew drawn 绘画hide hidhidden 躲藏show showed shown 出示;给看bite  bit bitten咬breakbrokebroken  打破;不服从forbidforbade/forbad forbidden 禁止;不许speak spokespoken 说话writewrotewritten 书写stealstolestolen偷bear (熊)boreborn忍受choosechose chosen选择tear (眼泪)tore torn 撕破freeze froze frozen 冻结wearworeworn穿、戴wakewoke woke / woken 醒来;唤醒am / iswasbeen是strikestruckstruck/stricken打击;撞击arewere been是forgetforgot forgotten 忘记do / doesdiddone 做gowent gone去lielay lain躺;卧8. 介词at; in; on的用法表时间构成举例 具体时间,“几点几分”用atShe goes to bed at eleven oclock. “在早上,在下午,在晚上”用in,且the不能省略;“在某年、某月” 用in,不加冠词; “在中午,在夜里”用at,不加冠词in the morning; in the afternoon; in the eveningin 2000; in June at noon; at night 表示“在星期几”、 “在星期几的上午、下午、晚上” “在某天”、 “在某月某日”、用onon June 13; on Monday/Tuesday/Sundayon Monday morning/afternoon/evening/nigjt 在this, last, next, every等词前面既不加介词,也不用冠词What are you doing this afternoon?I do it every Friday.表地点 在小地点用atat school; at home; at railway station; at the corner 在大地方用inin Beijing; in China; in Amarica; in Asia 在上面用onon the desk; on the top of the montain常用介词before(时间)在前;截至(到)in front of(地点)在前面 in the front of在前部after(时间)在之后behind(地点)在后面until(till)直到为止 (动词如果是点动词,则必须用否定句)about在各处;到处;在附近; 关于; 大约 by直到为止;以计,后跟度量单位“靠手段”,“用方法”,“凭借动作”away离开; 离多远beyond超出范围(或能力)for为;表示一段时间;用交换around在周围,围绕during在(时间)内into进入through一直(从开始到结束);穿过along沿着from表示“是哪里人”,以及“时间或地点的起始点to到(目的地)去,向 since自从以来across横穿in过后(未来时间);在里面(地点)in“用语言” 常与write, speak, talk, answer等连用within不超过的范围 be made of表示从成品仍可看出原料outside在外面be made from表示从成品已看不出原料between在之间(指二者)with表示用什么工具,所用的东西都是具体的物among在之间(指三者以上)without =but for没有on在上面,表面相互接触like像一样above只表示“在上方或位置高出”,与below相对as作为below在下方,低于near在附近,与far相对over“在正上方”,与under相对under在正下方against紧靠、倚靠 反对(反义词是for)beneath在下方beside =by(地点) 靠近,在旁边,比near距离更近except for除之外(主要用来谈论不同类的东西)besides除之外还有except除之外没有了(主要用来谈论同类的东西)9.形容词的比较级和最高级构成举例1一般在形容词后加er/est如果是以e结尾则直接加r或stgreat-greater-greatest, short-shortershortest, tall-tallertallest, long-longerlongest, nice-nicer- nicest, large-larger -largest2以重读闭音节结尾且1个元音字母1个辅音字母结尾的,双写结尾的辅音字母, 再加er /est (与动词+ed和+ing一样)big-bigger-biggest thin (字母组合除外,如few-fewer-fewest) red-redder-reddest hot-hotter-hottest3以辅音字母y结尾的,变y为i,再加er/est (与动词+ed;名词+es一样)happy-happier-happiest, sorry-sorrier-sorriest, friendly-friendlier-friendliest (more friendly-most friendly),busy-busier-busiest, easy-easier-easiest4多音节形容词(比较长的形容词),比较级在词前面+more; 最高级在词前面+the mostcomfortable-more comfortable-the most comfortable difficult-more difficult-the most difficultexpensive- more expensive the most expensive importantbeautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful wonderfulconvenient-more convenient-the most convenient方便 interesting5特殊情况:(两好多坏,一少老远)good/wellbetterbest many/muchmoremost bad/illworseworst    littleless least oldolder/elderoldest/eldest farfarther/furtherfarthest/furthest10.不定冠词a(an)的用法构成举例1a用于发辅音开始的可数名词单数前a girl; a university; a useful book (这里的u为元音字母, 但发辅音)2an用于发元音开始的词前 an English book; an hour, an honor, an honest boy (h不发音, 从元音o算起)11.定冠词the的用法构成举例4用来表示世界上独一无二的事物the sun, the moon, the sky, the earth, the world5用于表示阶级、党派的名词前the Chinese Communist Party; the working class6用于江河、湖海,山脉,群岛等名词前the Yellow River;the East Sea;the Himalayas;the Pacific Ocean7用于由普通名词构成的国名The People's Republic of China;the United States8用于机关、团体、朝代、时代、报刊杂志等名词前the United Nations;the State Council;the Tang dynasty;the People's Daily;the Summer Palace;the Peace Hotel; the British Museum9用于表示方位的名词前the east; the southwest; the middle; the Far East;  on the left10用于西洋乐器名词前,但汉语拼音的乐器前不用冠词play the piano; play the violin;play erhu; play guzheng11用于复数的姓氏前,表示两夫妇或全家,在此情况下,这类名词作复数对待When we got there, the Lius were waiting for us.The Smiths watch TV every day.12用于某些形容词或过去分词前,表示一类人或事物the poor; the rich; the living; the young; the wounded; the beautiful12.不用冠词的情况2三餐饭的名词前breakfast lunch supper3节假日等名词前on National Day; on Christmas Day; on Teachers Day4球类和棋类运动的名词前play pingpang, play basketball; play chess9季节、月份、星期等名词前1.Monday 2.Tuesday 3.Wednesday 4.Thursday5.Friday 6.Saturday 7.Sunday1.January 2.February 3.March 4.April 5.May 6.June 7.July 8.August 9.September 10.October11.November 12.December20081.spring 2.summer 3.autumn 4.winter12在某些固定词组里on foot; by train/ boat / plane /bus / bike; in fact; as a matter of fact; in classin church; in danger; in hospital; in town; in bed; at home; at schoolat daybreak; at sunrise; at dusk; at sunset; at night; at noon; go to school; go to class; go to bed; from morning till night; ; from door to door13.(一)基数词范 围特 点实 例112无规律one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve1319以teen结尾thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen2090以ty结尾twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety hundred, thousand, million, billion )具体的数字两无,无s 无of,如:5 hundred students 500个学生。模糊的数字两有,有s有of.of。如:; hundreds of students成百上千的学生14.(二)序数词范 围特 点实 例119各基数词尾加th其中七个例外:first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth 其余,如:four forth, six sixth, nineteen nineteenth2090把y变i后加eth twentieth, fortieth, ninetieth21以后多位数最后一个数用序数词,其余用基数词 21st twenty-first, 110th one hundred and tenth说明first, second, third 通常可缩写为1st, 2nd, 3rd。凡是以th结尾的序数词可缩写为“基数词+th”:4th, 5th, 9th, 11th, 60th, 128th等。. hundred, thousand, million 等序数词形式为 hundredth, thousandth, millionth 等;这类词前用数字“1”时,这个“1”只用one,不用a:one hundredth 第100 (不说a hundredth)          ten thousandth (10, 000th) 第1000015.不定数量词“多”的表示法  修饰可数名词dozens of 几十、许多scores of 许多many, a good(great) many, many a (修饰单数可数名词)许多、大量hundreds of 数以百计thousands of, thousands upon thousands of 成千上万millions of 数百万billions of 亿万a large (great, big, small) number (majority) of 许多、大量修饰不可数名词much, a great (good)deal of, a large amount of, large amounts of, a large (great, big)sum of(sum特指钱) 许多、大量二者都可a lot of /lots of, plenty of, a (large) quantity of , large quantities of 许多、大量16.主谓一致分类构成与举例1谓语动词单数 不定式、动名词、名词性从句作主语时To learn a foreign language is not easy. =Its not easy to learn a foreign language. Working with you is pleasant. =Its pleasant working with you. 事件、国名、书名、作品名称作主语时 China is a big country. 表示时间、金钱、距离、体积、数字等的名词词组作主语表示总量时Two hours is enough for us to finish the experiment 由every,each,no,many a,a great deal of,more than one.等+单数名词作主语时Every man and woman attends the meeting Many a student and teacher is watching the football match the number of + 复数名词作主语时 (如是a number of,谓语动词则用复数)As you can see, the number of cars on our roads is rising these days.As you can see, a number of cars on our roads are rising these days. 由each,either,neither或由some,any,no,every构成的合成代词作主语时Neither of them is interested in Englis


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