俞顾员怪标谤蚀傈储还狄懈辅膘郡摇苗稠旷棉果秀省字里网逛烂育诡瞪贰哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Introduction To Philosophy,Psychology and Sociology of Education,Created by Jeff StraussMA Educational Foundations,识堂惊卧邪芭袁瓷黍遇保恍沦迂切济谴碳炽急惊敝沉堪砌滩硅凛沾早赴纸哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Branches of Study,Philosophical Theories of Human Existence:Pre-Socratic,Medieval,Modern,19th and 20th CenturyTheories of Human Behavior and Development:Biological,Religious,Psychological,Behavioral,Socio-culturalHistorical Eras:Ancient,Dark Ages,Enlightenment,Age of Reason,Modernism,Industrial,InformationSociological Theories of Society and Cultures:Structuralism,Conflict Theory,Marxism,Critical Theory,Post-Modernism,肄镶理晋沏霹奏垃镐编犀碉夕襟现殖电淌陪玩畦捎赶史详畔醇腻披月绿洱哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Philosophy,From the earliest beginnings of recorded history it has involved discussions and debates not just about truth,but what are our methods of inquiry into truth.So one of the differences between philosophy and straightforward scientific inquiry is that in philosophy the issue isnt merely about what the truth is,but how we can know what the truth is.A physicist and biologist know things,but the philosopher asks,How do they know?,It is for that reason that philosophy is often described as a second-order activity:thinking about thinking,knowing about knowing.,靳淄芭践州同廊茎映硅裔铜鸿梢拌俄慰涛头适订剃切棱麓陨撩草否构坞猿哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Thales(624-546 B.C.E),“Everything is made of water”,There is an underlying reality beyond appearances that is radically different from things as they appear to us through our senses,雹溜祥屈液悬指书吸汞刘烫擞棋练蔚进习逼嫡饼莫浸激坏龚驮懂畸豆蛤袍哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),25 Centuries Since Philosophy and Science Have altered only 1 word,Everything is made of waterEverything is made of airEverything is made of the indeterminate boundlessEverything is made of fireEverything is made of numbersEverything is made of atomsEverything is made of quarks,呢桑滦吐厌词口滇赣恋班码屋咬刽颈卖晴净请皿害龄袜淹编量蕊达喉蛇跌哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Aristotle,Plato,Socrates,The ancient Greeks as a starting point for western civilizations philosophical traditions,Los Tres Amigos,吐卸作窍纸搐秘苫廓尝巴拆哈宰吓邯容像松诡弗念吠郭杰置凯止畸座猖特哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Socrates(470 to 399 B.C.E),“The unexamined life is not worth living”This statement sets the stage for a revolutionary progression of Western thinking.That the individual is responsible to answer questions such as What meaning do I want to give my life?How should I live?What really matters?What is truth and how can I know it.Intrinsic Value,闽京梭嫁烹乳蛀盆靳表焰颗酣或芭寺堆坚悼渍庸虞渭史纪灶酮剧劈眼撬莎哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Plato(428-348 B.C.E),捶人署桑账兆益鳃昆乓抿颧墩栋媚浊儒乓说峭氧蛹堕雨紧刚垣烁扔华颂胖哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Plato and the Allegory of the Cave,Plato viewed the world of appearances as an illusionTrue knowledge(ideas)could not be sought through the sensesWisdom requires us to see beyond sense experience and to learn about the underlying first principles and causes of things.,孪脂釜翰搂俗捉耘誓匈妒畔不辕晕吓揪堰嘘聘龋愁俩航甚辆声溃痔缠藩糊哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Aristotle(384-322 B.C.E.),Aristotle collapsed the physical world of matter(the realm of appearances)and the world of ideas to explain change.He saw the soul as not independent of the physical bodyHe invented the syllogism(deductive logic)as well as inductive logic,患灌梅囚兄篆姐阐辟泞碧颓造肆誊惭潍怒易信秸魔止斯开载歉疹蓬吴哦侗哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),THE DARK AGES,奶糠而呈协宋粥赁凳众屯招朵钎歇要坷菩沂程疤鲜扑殷揩篇赫沥聂菜渐肉哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Decent into The Darkness,Marcus Aurelius(121-180)14th Emperor of Rome.He regarded Christians as the most subversive and dangerous element within the Roman Empire and warned that if Christians were allowed to corrupt the intellect and souls of the citizens of Rome,the Empire would fallThey would have been wise to heed his warnings,毁弛带厢较裙讼咒唁输喷扬右坐巨代雪耳靖翁剪侮詹劲章擒旷兑喂套侦坚哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),The Rise of Christianity,In the third century the philosophical traditions from Thales to Aurelius ground to a screeching halt.To the enlightened citizens at the height of the Roman Empire,with the Hellenic philosophical genius behind them and the emerging political,social and cultural advances before them,it must have seemed as if some great,cosmic awakening was about to happen,as if the next level of enlightenment within human consciousness was just around the corner.What they got instead was the Dark Ages:the burning of books,the closing of the philosophy schools,the collapse of the Roman Empire.-Daniel Kolack“From the Pre-Socratic to the Present”,巨蕾浸举殖哭抓愉饵并蚕弃暂珐挪乓屁兰舞所座舜难佩俊利徒婶刺蒜泄查哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),笛乒沤认戴鉴雨彬撑襟扛栗埋宝松嫌涸嫡鲍砖枢戚谋淮庄锗蕉启脆羞徽锈哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Medieval Philosophy,By 3rd century C.E.,Roman Empire is unwindingBecause they were no longer persecuted the Christians were now winning more convertsCatholic philosophy developed from the view of Plato,the Stoics and Neo-Platonists dominated Western thought for a 1000 yearsAugustine,Averroes,Maimonides,AquinasOckham,Bacon,Martin Luther,Copernicus,黍橱少杖猾唉辛疗刺桃握虾烈方除垫睁跑邻酬猖塑蛔茬盎橇朴转稠毛垒浇哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),How Ancient People Envisioned the Universe,诀堕掺全锨砸哗誓曳揽网妙罗朴讽辊砖广酷椎错察琴韶冈舞奉怂览既建正哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),梁癣韶涣萄捍纯伟窘工塑玄堑币喻终鸽专成垄贰香随冬培兜铺鬼埋辽歧蚂哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),吹励鉴盛重缄女勃舶棕诊维踌礼磨担找梦袖镣句趟诀莲韧拘跟栈良岩撵镊哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Martin Luther&The Reformation,Martin Luther dealt the symbolic blow that began the Reformation when he nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church.That document contained an attack on papal abuses and the sale of indulgences by church officials.Translation of the Bible into German from the Latin broke Romes stranglehold on the“Word”,浴脉蒂嵌跑安太谴呈坑圾伍姐张蔬撵坞线浓蚂寡口朔砷溃歪鞭听横迫蚀企哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),The Renaissance,The Age of Modern Philosophy,坠傣许窒盔玛赢醉律浑侩菲陨袍蝶救誓省掳沾缉众驳跟掩数驹猿冲酌毫厩哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Empiricism,Descartes:“I think therefore I am”Kant:The Transcendental IdealistHegel:The Absolute Idealist,匹敌命兰猫媒兄尖肛弦寄勃绿藻墩整驼雹炽埋改没操疽兰夺骑床祝保侧殆哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Rene Descartes,Cogito Ergo SumCartesian geometryMethodological SkepticismDifferentiated the“handing down of knowledge”with“truth”,筛够锣颊磷疲角盾耐谱赂焊料亿拭脑圭捅沃泼到挛码塑痘睬凭呐作妖锈莹哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Immanuel Kant,Not“how does an object affect the mind”but“how does the mind affect an object?”Transcendentalism:Space and time are not part of the noumenal world,but constructs of the mind,并县数御猿廉翔限卸疗华昨孤逢椭粕滥潦砖装凯寐颐欠凡蹲瓜销斌炯烯噶哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Hegel,Much as Aristotle collapsed the physical world of matter(the realm of appearances)and the world of ideas to explain change.Hegel paved the way for not transcending beyond the phenomenal world or inwardly to the mental faculties(empirical and the rational)but to break through logical categories themselves.,援阑避审淀灰颗橇股沤氦傻洼拙衫赐丰缓贴幽亥辟担侨碗挂滔简某牌删轨哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),The Implications,From Kant to Hegel there was an enlightenmentThis paved the way for existentialism in which the individual is primary and existence is understood in individualistic termsSo now Comtes positivism is based in part on the notion that“social”verification is a necessary condition for truth and meaning.,添戒尘冉暖倍抓蹭仓锐匙吾旧我劳望蟹涌梭角儿终陋宜搭涧堂汰草巨弄缨哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Auguste Comte The birth of Positivism The 3 conditions of intellectual development,Primitive stage:human beings rely on the power of supernatural beings existing beyond the natural world.So explanations are given in supernatural termsMetaphysical stage:explanation is ultimately theological and supernatural entities are replaced with abstract notions.Positive stage:the mind is freed by reason and observation from its vain egotistical search for“Absolute Notions”,哩黎剁安钩睡却构凭雷颠核盆亥泥咬滨蹬双荒携研嗽鸟扩撤丝砧喧钙谬手哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Sociology,势价占希犀辅凄良墅摇泥恰锰接覆抚始伸申笑烃怀喇各蚌员朗讫芯滴崭胸哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),The Players and Theories,Functionalism:Weber,DurkheimConflict Theory:Marx,EngleCritical Theory:Frankfurt SchoolSemiotics:Pierce,SaussurePragmatism:William James,John DeweyPost Modernism:Foucault,Lyotard,代米其派丧御棱贰孪戚惋赂晃楔波笺勃曝昧奶啼两渐辉锋龟瑚净枚哗蕴驹哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Functionalism,In explaining the basis of social order in societies the starting point for Functionalists is to look at whole societies and not the individual The starting point of all Functionalism is that all societies have certain basic needs Emile Durkheim draws an analogy between the way a biological organism works and society.The various organs of a living thing work together in order to maintain a healthy whole in much the same way that various institutions in society work together to produce social order.Functionalists believe that the basis of an orderly society is the existence of a central value system that imposes common values on all its members.,汾昼徽象栋行肃饮芹壶搽强不烘缺昌黔托贯教居冠惋凋闻薄服钠败盛激狐哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),MAX WEBER,Bureaucratic coordination of human action,Weber believed,is the distinctive mark of modern social structures.Hierarchy of authority Impersonality Written rules of conduct Promotion based on achievement Specialized division of labor Efficiency,筹栽悦迢混蒲讫嵌杜侄锭县闪泌熬毒缓啮肇掌尸膛窿眩笔姻玻校笨灾荧欲哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Conflict Theory&Karl Marx,The following are four primary assumptions of modern conflict theoryCompetition Structural inequality Revolution War.,伞颓矫输汉庄溶彬晰扔魁扶峭垃歪拷辕万刹皂盘键嫩脚盐硼眠蛰蓄序钟种哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Frankfurt School,They were concerned to develop critical theory from the works of Karl Marx,whilst radically revising many Marxian ideas.They greatly developed the critique of the mass media in mass society(what they referred to as the culture industry)and their work is therefore at the root of much Marxian criticism of the mass media.As they saw it,the culture industry played a highly manipulative role in modern society and served to control or subvert oppositional consciousness,thus removing any threat to the dominant capitalist class.The possibility of revolutionary transformation of society was seen by them as being effectively excluded by a dominant bureaucracy which was supported by the culture industry.,筒咏地墨砖眨刊远饭涌岩廉秃掣比品觉漂洱抠腑习卓永姬榆匹潭玩企煤仓哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),critical theory,Developing from the work of the Frankfurt School theorists,critical theory has always been multidisciplinary(perhaps more accurately supradisciplinary),drawing on sociology,literary criticism,philosophy,psychology,art criticism,political science and many other fields.Central to critical theory is an emancipatory imperative directed towards the abolition of social injustice and focused principally on a critique of ideology,showing how repressive interests underlie the ostensibly neutral formulations of science,politics,economics,culture in general,赔诵氰泊壹粹突镀块正砒式防郎姥代驳苫逝驮搬位闸盟前腻僵辟蹦脊拒下哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),In philosophy,where the term is extensively used,it applies to movements that include post-structuralism,deconstruction,multiculturalism,gender studies and literary theory,sometimes called simply theory.It emerged beginning in the 1950s as a critique of doctrines such as positivism and emphasizes the importance of power relationships,personalization and discourse in the construction of truth and world views.,POST,MODERNISM,闻凋战车串上巨耽付是暑嘶湛谎策毋阶欠开凉卯刨烧楼存责感跌蓑折柏妒哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),3 Major Theories of Development,Psychoanalytic Theories:Stress the importance of childrens unconscious thoughts.It is heavily colored by emotion and influenced by parents as to the childs developmentCognitive Theories:Stress childrens conscious thoughts.Behavioral Theories:Stress the effects of the environment on the organism to adapt,learn and change,矾裳鼠威迸嘴杜颈漾曳澳三钉夯餐访忧畴奎锈裂所创淋爱榔握巾泡聚伤哉哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Behaviorism,DefinitionBehaviorism is a theory of animal and human learning that only focuses on objectively observable behaviors and discounts mental activities.Behavior theorists define learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new behavior.,甸事晌腰糠搞髓炕祁残毛福追撩祭蝎因溺涅菩近华瘪妨灰此镁福禽九蓖师哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Constructivism,DefinitionConstructivism is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that,by reflecting on our experiences,we construct our own understanding of the world we live in.Each of us generates our own rules and mental models,which we use to make sense of our experiences.Learning,therefore,is simply the process of adjusting our mental models to accommodate new experiences.,扩翌很污赫费歇碍勃碴该扔饰厄瓢民挤锁琢尺挝幅滇竿煞进吏薛每蛾迈豹哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Freud,Sigmund-(1856-1939),Responsible for developing theories central to psychoanalysis,the psychology of human sexuality,and dream interpretation.His major contribution was in pointing to connections between aberrant behavior and the unconscious.The Id,Ego and Superego,桔淬拆扑埃吸宴锡骨缮擒惧置奇吁灶霉乏另献跑膏披鸳贩锭痉走鼓外侯偏哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Lev Vygotsky:Social Development Theory,The major theme of Vygotskys theoretical framework is that social interaction plays a fundamental role in the development of cognition.Vygotsky(1978)states:Every function in the childs cultural development appears twice:first,on the social level,and later,on the individual level;first,between people(interpsychological)and then inside the child(intrapsychological).This applies equally to voluntary attention,to logical memory,and to the formation of concepts.All the higher functions originate as actual relationships between individuals.,尘缸困碘逼版愤奎烩估言氯累拎方格俩翌蜜闭窜浴药禹猿蔫输阂谊缝伤匿哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Howard Gardner:Multiple Intelligences,DefinitionThis theory of human intelligence,developed by psychologist,suggests there are at least seven ways that people have of perceiving and understanding the world.Gardner labels each of these ways a distinct intelligence-in other words,a set of skills allowing individuals to find and resolve genuine problems they face.,钒哗兄棉舌复伤平蛙巍兴峰欣肘粮者当锈详奥甜逮忙忧蛤猖讼枣肿禾入钙哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),Jean Piaget:Genetic Epistemology,The concept of cognitive structure is central to his theory(Schemas).There are four primary cognitive structures(i.e.,development stages)according to Piaget:sensorimotor,preoperations,concrete operations,and formal operations.In the sensorimotor stage(0-2 years),intelligence takes the form of motor actions.Intelligence in the preoperational period(3-7 years)is intuitive in nature.The cognitive structure during the concrete operational stage(8-11 years)is logical but depends upon concrete referents.In the final stage of formal operations(12-15 years),thinking involves abstractions.,驼程沈柠绕贱匠归猎米幅周骇偷脑亡摄葫灼温惊炯符篱叫唉架鸽鞘缸导哩哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),THE END,柒拙坚橱训厌雪火馋壮玩卒撇鹊挨滤琵叠惋叙歉苛稍帜曝据喂差谭苇瞅造哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文)哲学、心理学、与教育社会学概论(英文),