1-1,Quiz 1International Economics,痔杠版镶污音臣嗽惩具帜绑厢屡艳腑厩态铱牲牲眉敞尚冬托乏秦晾牙黄勋国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-2,Historians of economic thought often describe _ written by _ and published in _ as the first real exposition of an economic model.A)Of the Balance of Trade,David Hume,1776B)Wealth of Nations,David Hume,1758C)Wealth of Nations,Adam Smith,1758D)Wealth of Nations,Adam Smith,1776E)Of the Balance of Trade,David Hume,1758,垮裴钦嚏雅褒渝锈柄稿凿旨蝎搜镁烁茨勇披再傈孰壁虽暖豢番粪畏椅硬灰国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-3,Answer:EPage Ref:1Difficulty:EasyNote:Wealth of Nations,Adam Smith,1776David Hume(7 May1711 25 August 1776)was a Scottish philosopher,historian,economist,and essayist,known especially for his philosophicalempiricismandskepticism.Of the Balance of Trade,was an essay in the book Essays Moral and Political”,碎已阉胆壁贱舶旱历拙澳病返墙成潭水垂伪萤按蛔蟹哨宗缠跟木恬节绎鬃国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-4,Cost-benefit analysis of international tradeA)is basically useless.B)is empirically intractable.C)focuses attention primarily on conflicts of interest within countries.D)focuses attention on conflicts of interest between countries.E)never leads to government intervention in international trade.,莹忽猖露掺检澄幅躯妓倦扮呻捧押赴膏隋揍掐佛铱摄付势磅挠邯残汗林侩国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-5,Answer:CPage Ref:6Difficulty:Easy,石侨型镇揽貉遭带凭故嚎舍雷氏录期搂释挫脸炉贸绘访坷爽靳帕孽暗兴阔国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-6,Approximately what percent of all world production of goods and services is exported to other countries?A)10%B)30%C)50%D)100%E)90%,陷柴陛虚婴砖阉类炕船壬恍啪值洗傀湍儡丝芥镊辜炙摩美幸郊牧菊煎素纵国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-7,Answer:BPage Ref:10Difficulty:Easy,漱剿标拽帜轻俘屁霄吞筐墒咬含百缠赵生厂变界泣填杜胺臻已豁觉躯捏猜国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-8,Since the period following World War II(the early 1950s),the proportion of most countries production being used in some other countryA)remained constant.B)increased.C)decreased.D)fluctuated widely with no clear trend.E)increased slightly before dropping off.,歼洼截奏英弟秽亭泽撮驶踩侯瘸莽匪说胜逞鼻旱语窟培队陛渭摔强恳诅鬼国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-9,Answer:BPage Ref:17Difficulty:Easy,朽咋般制砚氖慷必圾柄罢伺袍羚笛撂拽颁涛仕寝效细陕检功魏瞎滓牌捍嚎国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-10,Trade between two countries can benefit both countries ifA)each country exports that good in which it has a comparative advantage.B)each country enjoys superior terms of trade.C)each country has a more elastic demand for the imported goods.D)each country has a more elastic supply for the exported goods.E)each country produces a wide range of goods for export.,害辆妇异鹤棵乌群专晾好体鸿贪趾访客绣锌叠丈斜由呐崭辣硒馋姐碧氢隐国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-11,Answer:APage Ref:24Difficulty:Easy,俊坠畜罗账匡朴扬估糕尧忍栗开会婪琼象露千祥菇诺巾哟父炉蹬姥姻穆竟国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-12,Given the information in the table aboveA)neither country has a comparative advantage in cloth.B)Home has a comparative advantage in cloth.C)Foreign has a comparative advantage in cloth.D)Home has a comparative advantage in both cloth and widgets.E)neither country has a comparative advantage in widgets.,帛虹晰竣委渊辖粘耪恭炉稳逝鸣具剖奎耗重谗谐镁害醛寝均导萧匡趁盟施国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-13,Answer:BPage Ref:29Difficulty:ModerateNote:CAAA,翘遂苍国媒夯侍囤吓姐价吉仿赚拟聊牌屉卷饱狼另毙棍侍签殆消底肉偏领国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-14,If a production possibilities frontier is bowed out(concave to the origin),then production occurs under conditions ofA)constant opportunity costs.B)increasing opportunity costs.C)decreasing opportunity costs.D)infinite opportunity costs.E)uncertain opportunity costs.,殷凸团裹窘货废册掸楼绰嘿辱呻咐媒周直嘻泛纲挽婶陷坯莆膳诵拳升退微国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-15,Answer:BPage Ref:34Difficulty:Easy,玄赵朋园映蜒忍皱座杭巍守炙栖汲砰唁宗侄崔啄鞘票迎扶扮肺鬼嚼仟技意国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-16,The Ricardian model of international trade demonstrates that trade can be mutually beneficial.Why,then,do governments restrict imports of some goods?A)Trade can have substantial effects on a countrys distribution of income.B)The Ricardian model is often incorrect in its prediction that trade can be mutually beneficial.C)Import restrictions are the result of trade wars between hostile countries.D)Imports are only restricted when foreign-made goods do not meet domestic standards of quality.E)Restrictions on imports are intended to benefit domestic consumers.,师术媒乡于幻来标剖缕逢锹卤价伞解契舷谬黍蹈易肤垃柬膨阉敏戮两庄呆国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-17,Answer:APage Ref:50Difficulty:Easy,嘿行烈蛔献胡政纷尾柬峦要吏辈坡引贷甲蝉岁批彻吩滞叼澎丫离豌丛莫鄙国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-18,In the specific factors model,the effects of trade on welfare are _ for mobile factors,_ for fixed factors used to produce the exported good,and _ for fixed factors used to produce the imported good.A)ambiguous;positive;negativeB)ambiguous;negative;positiveC)positive;ambiguous;ambiguousD)negative;ambiguous;ambiguousE)positive;positive;positive,袒悬速尿靡貉控择照便效淀乓衙袭菏者契烃嫌睫季宾蜡戏鳃笨容丁怜萎陈国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-19,Answer:APage Ref:63-65Difficulty:Easy,猴卿雹爹涡景雾羡瘁圃目口馋弯栖尾曲泊解搓瘁酚质恿鬼报埔样咙虱喝凯国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-20,Those who will lose from free trade are _ factors in sectors that produce goods that are _.A)mobile;untradedB)mobile;also importedC)immobile;exportedD)mobile;exportedE)immobile;also imported,捅庆沃蝗齐溜叼售鼻苗轻圈船温饼尼鸡虚舀沁内年场胸激绸哲钮蒲塑续控国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-21,Answer:EPage Ref:65-68Difficulty:Easy,昏脓濒晰蓄裹凤转急薄愚瓦盆噶葵邑棍每缅湃寒爆勒义咆架优誊榜呕巳岂国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-22,In the 2-factor,2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model,an influx of workers from across the border wouldA)move the point of production along the production possibility curve.B)shift the production possibility curve outward,and increase the production of both goods.C)shift the production possibility curve outward and decrease the production of the labor-intensive product.D)shift the production possibility curve outward and decrease the production of the capital-intensive product.E)shift the possibility curve outward and displace preexisting labor.,州凸竭韶邵湾熔狐游须傻甜蛤稼饭宛遣惰汹框皱追牲逼亲砍汝告挣蔽尽烂国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-23,Answer:DPage Ref:89Difficulty:Moderate,郁度滦痘躇痒杆贩仰摆佑轨着絮砌您架捐匈炸廓脆旨南添伤诅昧事隶斯滩国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-24,In the 2-factor,2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model,trade will _ the owners of a countrys _ factor and will _ the good that uses that factor intensively.A)benefit;abundant;exportB)harm;abundant;importC)benefit;scarce;exportD)benefit;scarce;importE)harm;scarce;export,硫秦成蓝佐逢琳裔涌疯害忠担刺扼刊亏龚锁篮壳楼倾冤蔫睹阐阅缨楼贱勃国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-25,Answer:APage Ref:91Difficulty:Easy,钮垦介胞憎抉区丈储制蹋橙醉粉旅炙矫迷计五纬庐颧宵担战纵垦贮耐悄迷国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-26,The Leontieff ParadoxA)failed to support the validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin model.B)supported the validity of the Ricardian theory of comparative advantage.C)supported the validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin model.D)failed to support the validity of the Ricardian theory.E)proved that the U.S.economy is different from all others.,嘱牡僚翠悍梢迄续泊盟凛逻坐橇蛹的迢丰胖喷缘辨瘪闸敦滥婴纯榴顾祥腰国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-27,Answer:APage Ref:98-99Difficulty:EasyNote:One would expect the US to be an exporter of capital-intensive goods and an importer of labor-intensive goods.Surprisingly,however,this was not the case in the 25 years after WWII.This result is known as the Leontief paradox.,澈羞苇肯舒诺儒涩弊方予眠旭贯僵汁卡设奔梗各摊敏啼宫赖且晨习姻逾吨国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-28,The meaning of terms of trade isA)the quantities of imports received in free trade.B)the amount of exports sold by a country.C)the price conditions bargained for in international markets.D)the price of a countrys exports divided by the price of its imports.E)the tariffs in place between two trading countries.,锨岩瞅虫桨雏部恩笛麓随篷捉最晾敌苇咯渤擅编尤连禾佐夏国鹰引喷哟肌国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-29,Answer:DPage Ref:112Difficulty:Easy,必各炸银药丁椰莉毖酉歧红估抚属蔑倔筐月镊拆漠萧锋七堂巾粱记授译糊国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-30,If the U.S.(a large country)imposes a tariff on its imported good,this will tend toA)improve the terms of trade of the United States.B)have no effect on terms of trade.C)improve the terms of trade of all countries.D)cause a deterioration of U.S.terms of trade.E)raise the world price of the good imported by the United States.,瓤牲妥肘胞楞宫奥迪宁帆脑联判缩不埔盘捍坐挞久挎背靠旅缓衔些泡彼蔼国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-31,Answer:APage Ref:125Difficulty:Easy,赢典窃殆糜话苇垛怖绰菱敖庭砂事展昂酶染瑞敢益棕歪震卿睫食碉紫赠寒国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-32,International borrowing and lending may be interpreted as one form ofA)intertemporal trade.B)intermediate trade.C)trade in services.D)unrequited international transfers.E)aid to offset trade advantages.,洽段述崇坦钓压吉贱诡系月然撮僵栈哄迭鹿雹晤皑溺掘聂耕趟灸挫夷暇累国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,1-33,Answer:APage Ref:127Difficulty:Easy,津诗戳搔缘产革荫愿故狱旗捐肄哭顾滥诬彻筒汞毕咳逗症掠颤土火吐慢斯国际贸易学 quiz1国际贸易学 quiz1,