the hole and tamp; cannot be abandoned need to be retained and reinforced protection measures. Three, and construction progress meter guarantee measures 1, and total duration we through optimization construction programme, increased mechanical equipment personnel of input, and carefully organization, science reasonable arrangements, combined site construction conditions determine net duration for: 172 days, September 8, 2010 starts-January 31, 2011 completed across earthwork, and drainage, and grass-roots material Pu built, and side flat stone Ann masonry, and sidewalk, and integrated underground pipeline, and green engineering, and lighting, and traffic facilities installation of construction. Paving to the completion of the primary material in December 2010, this time is not conducive to the construction of asphalt pavement and asphalt pavement construction until July 2011. July 1, 2011 July 21, 2011 to complete construction of asphalt concrete pavement and pavement marking. July 22, 2011-July 28, 2011 exit. 1.1 construction schedule through the first section of line of earthwork volume distribution and drainage flow analysis, combined with the transportation system, and the principle of fair allocation of earthwork, the project is bounded by K1+000, on a flat surface is divided into a, b two construction segments: a construction zone: K0+000-K1+000 road project. Excavation of earthwork for subgrade 416,000 square; B construction: K1+000-K2+180 road project. Roadbed earthwork excavation of which 337,000 square. After entering take the time to build sidewalks, concentrating the assault in the early Earth, construction K0+440 hills, ground to a depth of road bed construction depth of K1+480 13.7m,B 9.0M, K1+840 depth 9.8M. Order excavation of hills above Earth, creating the necessary conditions to roll out across the face. Program started 3 days after completion of sidewalk construction, began the assault Earth, earthwork construction for 50 days, after you start Groove finishing 70 days to complete the road, strict pre-moving progress, guarantee the successor operation is not affected. 1.2 the construction sequence of the first section of K0+000-K2+020 for subgrade, only local paragraph to fill subgrade of K1+660-K1+720 and K2+040-K2+180. Based on the above, the project after the first earth-moving drainage, soil excavation and drainage to the road bed elevation, construction of segmented flow order. According to the construction deployment guidelines in general arrangement is divided into nine phases of project construction: construction preparation, earthwork construction phase, drainage construction-order . Main content: drainage pipe trench excavation, pinky, pipe, pipe interface, built well, set aside the branch pipe and backfill gravel to the top 50cm of the construction of pipe and so on. Each face separately a smooth plan completion: September 11-October 30 and November 6-November 29. 2.2.4 road base construction phase the mainels requisits, amb camí adequat materials per compensar la compactació de construcció. Tall carretera-part superior nivell, tenint en sinkage de compte per a la compactació, el valor fixat per la prova. Després de 30cm del grau de compactació del llit paviment no menys de 96%, carretera-part superior del sòl de més de 30cm, la compacitat no és menys de 96%. Excavació de seccions de roques, basat en dades geològiques i escena, roca localment mitjançant canons per trencar. TERRAPLÈ: el primer tram petit de caixa de la carretera, K1 660-K1 + 720, K2 + 040-K2 + 180 local paràgraf només per a l'embarcador, un total de 48,000, profunditat d'omplir en menys de 2m. (1) els següents materials no hauria de ser utilitzat com a material de farciment: llim, farcit de residus, omplir de terra, residus sòlids, residus de la construcció. Conté l'arrel i peribles. 。 Dins la construcció d'estructures de formigó i metro de ciment és incapaç de trencar els obstacles com ara excavadores i excavadores, mètode d'utilitzar armes i recollida pneumàtica de ser eliminat. Primera excavació abans de la línia d'excavació i elevació controlar etiquetes intelligents d'infart, com ara pintades pintura vermella estaques identificar elevació mesurant la quadrícula de punts de control identificat per la calç, per assegurar que l'excavació de la gamma i l'elevació amb precisió aconseguir l'efecte de carretera-brut. L'excavació del sòl abans de la confirmació, utilitzant el mètode Visual i penetració provador per provar l'àmbit de l'excavació, si el sòl compleix requisits de Fundació, cavar directament, altrament informar la supervisió, disseny, qualitat i supervisió tècnica i altre personal relacionats en aquest lloc per confirmar i desenvolupar l'esquema de tractament el tractament Fundació suau. Quan l'excavació a l'elevació, segons sòl adequat es reserva artificialment alt. (3) excavació l'excavació programa de càrrega de treball i reduir volum basat en K0 + 440, K1 130 K1 + 480, K1 + 920 i diversos turons forma conjunt. Una profunditat de secció (secció XI) construcció de llit 13,7 m, B, K0 + 440 turons, terra a profunditat de secció (secció est) de construcció de carretera de profunditat de K1 + 480 9.0M, K1 840 9.8M, excavació horitzontal a adoptar. Abans de l'excavació en costat pendent verdes i installacions temporals drenatge. Prevenció tempesta arrossegada pistes, vessant col. lapse. De la relativament alta a l'inici de l'excavació de cada paràgraf. Fons d'excavació, Banc nivells, gruix de la capa de 3M - 4m. Cap construcció "cavar déus indígenes", sòl tallar pendent de 1:1. 5, pendent de roca amb 1:1. Si terra o pedra excavat, es van establir al vessant peu 1M alçada de la plataforma ample 6m situat 2 plataforma amplària de m, la plataforma presenta un pendent de rases excavació horitzontal. Quan els canvis es troben quan excavar les propietats del sòl, va informar al comissari i propietaris de manera oportuna, modificar el pendent. EnIn order to ensure normal teaching order, protecting students ' healthy growth, ensuring that national (property) is not lost, to prevent or minimize the occurrence of safety accidents, follow the "prevent, rescue each other, ensure safety and reduce losses" principle, according to the local conditions, make the management system. 1, the principal is the responsibility of school safety, school security under the leadership of President security work leading group. The head teacher to the leadership team is responsible for, implementation of the accountability system. 2, school monthly student knowledge about safety education, education should be diversified in the form every safety education for students of classes per week should be targeted. To carry on emergency issues dealing with education in General, self-help and mutual rescue knowledge. Emergency calls (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common sense in education. 3, the establishment of major accident reporting system. School students report major accident within an hour of education; student run and disappearances to report; report of the accident to a written report in triplicate, a correctional centre, a police station, a township people's Government shall not conceal the accident. 4 week, teachers are on duty system, establish and improve the leadership values; strengthen the education, management of teaching activities in schools to ensure normal teaching order; responsible for school safety leadership always maintained close contact and district police stations, canvassing support from the police station on school safety and help. 5, strengthening teachers ' moral education, establish a dedicated love, improving education quality, observe the students ' psychological changes at any time and take preventive measures, no corporal punishment and covert corporal punishment on students, student out of the classroom, schools may not be. 6, units or departments use student Street propaganda or participate in the celebrations, as well as participating in other social work, without approval of the Correctional Centre, school principals consent, without organization. Without the approval of relevant departments, may organize students to participate in fire fighting, disaster relief and so on. 7, schools should educate students to obey the school rules and regulations, on time, on time home to prevent accidents. 8, school to school inspections on a regular basis, found hidden in time, and in severe cases, it is hard to eliminate immediately closed, and reported to the local people's Government, education, and rule of law section. 9, the school should always check the internal walls, retaining walls, ponds, railings, handrails, doors, Windows, staircases and a variety of sports, extracurricular activities, facilities such as fire safety, infrastructure security, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demolition to ensure that teachers and students work, learn, live venues and facilities are safe and reliable. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protection of public property and the life and property safety of teachers and students, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developing the following fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school. According to the requirements of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, reports of fire钢筋混凝土倒虹吸管施工方案1、 工程概况本标段所在地区为中低山及丘陵地貌,沟谷纵横,沿线多为旱田,农田水利设施分布较少。丰都东互通基本都属于挖方地段,为便于互通内水流畅通,在B匝道桩号BK0+130和D匝道桩号DKO+080两处各设一道倒虹吸管。2、编制依据2.1、公路桥涵施工技术规范(JTJ041-2000);2.2、公路工程质量检验评定标准(JTG F80/12004);2.3、重庆涪丰石高速公路两阶段施工图设计(B1标段)。2.4、重庆丰涪、丰石高速公路技术规范。3、工程量表1倒虹吸管工程量表序号中心桩号孔数及孔径基础材料1BK0+1301-1.0C20片石混凝土2DK0+0801-1.0C20片石混凝土4、倒虹吸施工主要施工过程为:测量放样挖基坑铺设砂砾垫层、浇筑管底以下部分基础安装管涵浇注管底以上部分基础防水层施工回填土。详细施工工序见附图1。4.1、测量放样 在路堑开挖施工完成后进行倒虹吸管的基坑开挖施工,开挖测量组先进行施工放样测量,确定涵洞中线位置,同时确定基坑开挖深度,根据基坑边坡坡度放出基坑开挖边线。基坑开挖完成后,先进行高程复测,符合要求后,放出结构物位置,然后进行下步工作4.2、基坑开挖基坑开挖采用人工配合挖掘机进行施工,边坡坡度按1:1进行开挖,同时考虑基坑底的作业宽度,基坑内若有渗水,在基坑一角挖设一集水井,然后用排水泵排出坑外。基坑开挖完成后,进行地基承载力检验,检测采用轻型便捷式触探仪检测方法进行。设计图纸要求,两处地基承载力不得小于90KPa,如果不能满足此地基承载力的要求,要上报监理、设计及业主单位,增加换填设计,然后设计要求对基底进行换填处理。4.3、基础浇筑基坑开挖施工完成后,对其标高及承载力复核检查合格后,准确放样,铺设砂砾垫层,涵洞端部2m范围铺设70cm厚,中间部分铺设20cm厚。管涵基础分两次浇注,第一次浇注至管底,然后安装管涵,安装完成后,第二次浇注管底以上部分基础混凝土,并应保证新旧混凝土的良好结合以及管基混凝土与管壁的结合。管基础采用C20片石混凝土。基础根据沉降缝设置要求,每隔4-6m设置一道沉降缝,缝内填以沥青麻絮或不透水材料。管基浇注时,一定要控制好标高,第一次浇注至管底以下管基混凝土要预留管壁厚度和安放管节的坐浆混凝土2-3cm。4.4、涵管预制涵管采用预制施工,预制采用离心旋转成型工艺制作或向当地城市制管厂定制。标准涵管管节长度为1.99m,另配0.49m调整管节,此外涵洞端部的斜管节,短边是0.49m,用以调整管涵长度。管涵钢筋的制作与安装应满足设计图纸及规范要求。涵管采用C30混凝土。4.5、涵管安装基础施工完毕后,达到一定强度后方可进行涵管安装施工。涵管预制完成,达到设计强度后,运至施工现场安装施工。在运输管节之前,应先检查管节的形状是否符合设计要求、管内外侧表面是否平整光滑,管节混凝土的强度、管节整体强度、管节长度、内外侧直径、管壁厚度是否符合设计要求,防止错装、错运。在装卸和运输过程中,应小心谨慎。运输途中每个管节底面必须铺以稻草或者其他材料,并用木块楔紧,用绳索捆绑固定,防止管节滚动、相互碰撞破坏。涵管安装时可根据地形和设备采取多种安装办法,在本管涵的安装施工过程中,采用吊车安装法。具体的安装方法是用横木架在管节内侧,横木两端用钢丝绳挂在吊车吊钩上吊装就位。管节准确安装就位之后,松下挂钩、卸下横木即可。若施工队有安装更加精准、造价更低的安装方法,必须在现场施工员和监理工程师同意后,方可采用。涵管安装前,底部铺设2-3cm坐浆混凝土。涵管安装过程中,各管节应顺流水坡度安装平顺,当管壁厚度不一致时,应调整高度,使其涵管内壁齐平,管节必须垫稳坐实,涵管内不得遗留泥土等杂物。对插口管,接口应平直,环形间隙均匀,并应安装特质的胶圈或用沥青麻絮等防水材料填塞,不得有裂缝、空鼓、漏水等现象。对平接管,接缝宽度应不大于1-2cm,严禁用加大接缝宽度来满足涵洞长度要求。涵管安装过程中还应设置沉降缝,沉降缝设置应和管基设置保持一致。4.6、出入口施工倒虹吸管进出口形式为竖井结构形式,竖井采用M7.5浆砌片石。片石厚度不应小于15cm,卵形和薄片者不能使用。水泥砂浆的配合比按砌筑砂浆配合比设计规程(JGJ 98-2000)的规定执行。砌筑施工前,片石均应先清洗,使其不能含有妨碍砂浆的正常粘结或有损于外露面外观的污泥、油质或其他有害物质。保证片石砌底饱和,坐浆饱满,在砂浆凝固前所有缝应满浆,片石固定就位。垂直缝的满浆系先将已砌好的片石侧面抹浆,然后用侧压砌置相邻片石;或片石就位后灌入砂浆。当用小石子混凝土填塞垂直缝时,应用扁钢捣实。片石应分层砌筑,一般2-3层组成一个工作层,每层大致找平,砌缝一致,对于竖缝应上下错开。砌缝宽度不大于4cm,也可以用厚度比缝小石片填充宽的竖缝,且片石应被砂浆包裹。同时在砂浆凝固前,应将外露缝勾好,勾缝深度不小于2cm。砌筑完成后保证砌石嵌挤紧密,不松动,稳固耐久,满足施工规范中砌体施工要求。洞口上的帽石,可在事先按涵洞孔径预制或在现场浇筑。洞口要求其与上下游沟槽连接顺适,帽石、墙身平直无翘曲现象。施工时要进行放线定位,基础开挖的同时要开挖好施工排水沟。端墙采用C20混凝土,洞口铺砌采用M7.5浆砌片石。4.7、回填土涵管施工完毕后,先按设计要求铺设防水层,然后涂抹沥青两遍。完成后进行涵背回填施工,回填时分层夯实回填。管涵回填前还需对管涵进行灌水试验,试验合格后方可进行回填施工。5、各工程质量控制标准5.5、圆管涵质量检验评定标准表5 管涵允许偏差表项目允许偏差(mm)轴线偏位50流水面高程±20管涵长度+100;-50管座宽度(包括基础)设计值相临管节面错口(下游低于上游)3(管径1.0m)5(管径>1.0m)6、质量保证措施6.1、项目经理部每月进行一次创优大检查,施工队每旬进行一次。创优检查由主管领导组织有关部门人员参加,工程内实外美且现场管理有序,把工程质量纳入到验收计量中,实施奖优罚劣。6.2、所有施工工序在施工完后经施工对自检、项目部复检合格后,及时报请监理工程师检查确认后,方可施工下道工序。6.3、在各工序开展之前,必须对每一作业班组进行详尽的技术交底和质量达标操作程序交底。每日班组长组织作业人员进行班前讲话;班后对照作业对象填写各单项、分项工程验收评定表。6.4、经理部、施工队设专职质检员,班组设兼职质检员,明确各级责任。开工前报监理工程师审批备案。6.5、项目经理部编制各分项工程的施工方案,下发到各施工工班,指导施工人员施工。本工程整个施工作业过程,贯穿工前交底、工中检查、工后验收的“一条龙”操作管理方法,推进施工工序作业程序化、标准化、规范化,把新技术新工艺、新材料运用到各项施工生产中去,切实保证标准化作业质量。认真做好工程的施工记录、资料收集整理,每月写出质量报表,对施工质量进行统计分析,找出质量缺陷原因,进行质量攻关,及时提出改正措施,从而确保质量目标的实现。项目经理:杨二武总工:苏杰生产经理:郑志杰 安全部:何佳奇测量组:向兴华试验室:张胜生产部:王文科物机部:马俊涛技术部:李忠周质检部:任亮作业队技术员:谢向东;质检员:贺文;测量员:段超民、程敬强;安全员:赵迪;材料员:于成群试验员:张军质量保证体系框图7、安全保证措施7.1、机械设备安全措施7.1.1、机械设备的布局要合理,操作者严格遵守安全操作规程,操作前对设备进行安全检查,机械设备严谨带故障运行。7.1.2、车辆要经常检修,保持完好,动力机械必须由考试合格并持有合格证的司机 上岗。严谨非司机开车,严禁酒后开车。7.1.3、电器设备的安全措施;对电气设备的外壳要进行防护性的接地,防护性接零或绝源;派专人负责电器的安全工作;进行用电安全教育,定期检修电气设备。7.2、施工人员的保健措施为保证施工人员的身体健康,项目经理部设置医务室,配置常用和必要的医疗药品和器械,各施工队设有专制的卫生员,定期或不定期的对施工人员进行体检。施工现场设流动式卫生所,医务人员坚持岗位随时服务,以保证施工现场的急求需要。7.3、其它安全措施7.3.1、凡进入现场的人员,均要服从值班员指挥,遵守各项安全生产管理制度,正确使用个人防护用品。操作人员必须配置安全帽,无安全帽者不得进入施工现场进行施工。禁止穿拖鞋、高跟鞋或光脚进入施工现场。7.3.2、抓好现场管理,搞好文明施工,经常保持现场管线整齐。要做到灯明、路平、无积水。易燃品仓库设专人防守,危险区要设有栏杆和标志,备齐消防器材,并能防盗。7.3.3、吊装施工时,派专人指挥吊装,严格按照吊装操作规程施工。项目经理:杨二武项目副经理:唐剑项目书记:钟奎项目总工:苏杰生产部王文科技术部李忠周质检部任亮物机部马俊涛办公室李铭财务部明平文安全部何佳奇合约部周四玲作 业 层技术员质检员安全员安全保证体系图框8、 环境保护及文明施工措施8.1、环保目标噪声、粉尘、有毒气体和固体废弃物等主要污染物排放符合国家法律法规如中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治法、工业企业噪声卫生标准和环保部门要求,做好水土保持,铸造绿色工程。8.2、环保措施8.2.1、生态环境的保护措施对林木、植被及地下水资源的保护是施工中的环保重点。(1)、保护原有植被,对合同规定的施工界限内、外的植物、树木等尽力维持原状;砍除树木和其它经济植物时,应事先征得所有者和业主及有关部门的批示意见,严禁超范围砍伐。(2)、合理布置现场,最大限度地减少占用耕地,临时用地范围内的耕地施工完毕后及时采取措施进行复耕,裸露地表应植草或种树进行绿化。(3)、不得向河流和设计范围外的场地弃土。(4)、营造良好环境。在施工现场和生活区设置足够的临时卫生设施,经常打扫卫生,有条件时可在生活区周围种植花草、树木,美化生活环境。(5)、工程完工后,及时进行现场彻底清理,并按设计要求采取植被覆盖或其它处理措施。(6)、对有害物质(如燃料、废料、垃圾等)要通过焚烧或采取其它措施处理后运至监理工程师指定地点进行掩埋,防止对动、植物造成危害。8.2.2、水环境保护措施(1)、施工废水、生活污水按有关要求进行处理,不得直接排入农田、河流和渠道。(2)、施工机械的废油废水,采取隔油池等有效措施加以处理,不得超标排放。(3)、生活污水采取二级生化或化粪池等措施进行净化处理,经检查符合标准后方可排放。(4)、在水中施工的临地设施待工程完工后进行彻底清理,恢复原状原貌。8.2.3、大气环境的保护措施(1)、在设备选型时选择低污染设备。(2)、配备专用洒水车,对施工现场和运输道路经常进行洒水湿润,减少扬尘。(3)、对汽油等易挥发品的存放要密闭,并尽量减少开启时间。8.2.4、固体废弃物(1)、施工营地和施工现场的生活垃圾,应集中堆放外运。(2)、施工和生活中的废弃物经当地环保部门同意后,运至指定地点,此外,工地设置专用厕所,派专门的人员清理打扫,并定期对周围喷药消毒,以防蚊虫滋生,消除病毒隐患。(3)、报废材料或施工中返工的挖除材料立即运至现场外指定地点并进行掩埋处理。对于施工中废弃的东西及时收集清理并搞好现场卫生,以保护自然环境与景观不受破坏。8.2.5、降低噪音措施(1)、对使用的工程机械和运输车辆装消声器并加强维护保养,降低噪音。(2)、机械车辆途经居住场所时应减速慢行,不鸣喇叭。(3)、适当控制机械布置密度,条件允许时应拉开一定距离,避免机械过于集中形成噪音叠加。(4)、合理安排施工作业时间,尽量降低夜间车辆出入频率,夜间施工不得安排噪音较大的机械。8.3、文明施工措施文明施工是涉及到工程沿线居民的切身利益,同时又是企业取信于民、维护企业声誉的大事, 一旦在文明施工方面掉以轻心,造成的损失和影响是无法弥补的,我们一定要在保质保量地完成施工任务的同时,做到文明施工,安全生产。8.3.1、与进场施工队伍签定文明协议书,建立健全岗位责任制,把文明施工责任落实到实处,提高全体施工人员文明施工的自觉性与责任心。8.3.2、挂牌施工,标明工程名称、范围、开竣工时间、工地负责人,设立监督电话、接受社会监督。8.3.3、采取有效措施处理生产、生活废水,不得