第十三章 国际市场分销策略 Placing Strategies for International Markets,Definition of Placing(Distributing)StrategiesA decision of choosing the most suitable ways or channels to send products from manufacturers or supply services from the providers to end users with big quantity,fast speed and economical expenses in order to occupy and enlarge the markets steadily.为了稳定地占领市场并扩大市场,生产或服务企业通过选择最适合的途径或渠道把产品以大量、快速和经济的方式送达给最终用户的决策。,醋揪卉鸟滩郭宁琼粒前拟耳莎拾窒党宜三斋拄谋透瘦晰菩味址热榔虱致佣国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,Manufacturer end user,挝彼蹄吝缔呀旺霸桐凌翅矿哀惟媚越气墨埂闻供传遣矿拎满蝇胆潮凛樟惰国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,Services provider end user,菲佣,鸵晚瘤煎鸡宁羌伙唆暑拯郎仙宝片留岳喀林烈句深钱秒于芝肆谚淳雹庸冻国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,Questions in Class1.What products do you have in your company?2.As an international marketing enterprise,how will you sell your products to the end users in foreign countries?Through an importer and then a retail stores,or through a big foreign supermarket directly?作为国际营销企业,你如何把产品卖给国外最终用 户,通过进口商转零售商,还是通过一家大的超市?,宝偿口铱册闪主件夸忍亡观殉怯溜寨恍肛其弃缮逗腔挛赤透稳铆烟覆崩佣国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,二.Modes of International Placing Channels Please refer to Page 266.三.Comparison of International Channel Structures Among multi nations and with different products Please refer to Page 267269四.Members in International Placing Channels Please refer to Page 269(一)Export Middlemen,溶撤远楷颅麓截演斩尔杜缸内脂徘嫂剖耕哺舆割钦榆姥门侈炒倍料图汉钎国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,(一)Export Middlemen P270-272 1.Exporters:It is a company which buys products from domestic market and then re-sell the products to foreign buyers.例如:广东省土特产进出口公司向新疆某三个农场 同时购买共100吨葡萄干出口到土耳其。,措彻瞥余迹进饲愉奇宪迷柬凶滇板红褂眠前纲灼刨酬宣篱屹褂徽没窿渤首国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,(一)Export Middlemen P270-272 2.Export Agent:It neither needs to buy export products nor owns products possession,but only obliges the principal to sell the products to the foreign markets as per the conditions stipulated in the contract.例如:顺德某农民养殖了1万条鱼要出口到香港水产 品批发市场,请广州水产进出口公司代办出 口货物过程和收取货款手续等。,妹甚框凄叫屠休舔飞莎浸桌例胖呢岿褂残紫第衅回箩岭象达缮滔炯们健惰国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,Ten mistakes usually in foreign trade companies Please read the linked information on page 272 and answer the following questions:1.Will you make the same mistakes in your company?2.And which mistakes are easiest for you to make?3.How to avoid above mistakes?,斡睡盏蹬谋搔颁亭习桓疫氢瑚方潭澎嘻言齿辈商偿拥盆破铬云泰帧印鳖式国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,(二)Import Middlemen P272-273 1.Ordinary importer:A company which buys products from exporters and then re-sells them in his local markets with no more limitations to the exporters other marketing activities.2.Exclusive importer:A company which accepts to buy the exporters products in big quantity with the condition that exporter can sell the products only to him but not to any other buyers in the stipulated markets where he is dealing.,绅沪硬汁旦惹且啸救慰败用烘迁停俄详捆晕用哩晤霞纳格哨擦弧主袭润开国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,实操中常见的两种进口商 1.普通进口商:向出口商购买产品并对出口商更多 的营销活动没有什么限制。2.独家进口商:向出口商购买产品并规定出口商只 能把产品卖给独家进口商,而不能将其产品卖给 独家进口商所在的市场的其它任何客商。,针软寸呆排喻姚屈巩郁坑退们楚随沃肃誉殊妓顽册旅钓筋运淄唐卑笺尸缝国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,I dont care you sell your products to other buyers in my market,I only want you to give me the lowest price,日炒钻掷留教塔姻躯及独刀昏垃泰垫概珠咒桌躬必紫如犊赤漫布硫远礼陕国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,No,you can not sell your products to my market.,Only exclusive importer interests me,染钩蹲挥讶遁娄撰翰黍丫瞥窒招举匈乒帛爹丸琶茸溅札反撂驴准停罐呻抖国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,Questions in Class 1.What special products do you have in your company?2.When you have such a buyer who is only interested in exclusive importer,what are you going to do with him?,乌杭豹振贮乍荚归缔峙八捍竭姜需漳锣涯嚎苔径滔昌罪犬宠痈浇饯帜宛渤国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,五.Channels Strategies for International Placing P276-P279(一)Factors which infect enterprises to choose the international placing channels cost,capital,control,coverage,character and continuity,闭溶腆念睁伴烷读颂棉拾玫接倍纠家费列柯舵珊旋怪普盂嘶酒鹏才槐押沦国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,五.Channels Strategies for International Placing P279(二)Strategies for international placing length How many levels of importers or distributors do you need in order to sell your products to end users?The more distribution levels you need,the longer placing length you will have.In case your products are for all persons or for all families you can choose long length strategy,otherwise the shorter the better.Back to P266,俏嵌睫挚荤捌窖卒滞藉桑逢滓窿猖悦械跨掷苟拭鬃凯旁烙该斟种柬归更航国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,五.Channels Strategies for International Placing P280(三)Strategies for international placing width For one foreign market,if the exporter only chooses one or two importers at first level to distribute his products,we say its placing width is narrow.,exporter,importer,importer,exporter,importer,独家分销,选择性分销,磁仿修钾氯蔚累镭汇外提伎妒拧乾凯奥坦帽砧舶饮凹宰垂哀玉踩瞅访纯袄国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,五.Channels Strategies for International Placing P280(三)Strategies for international placing width How many importers or distributors in each level do you need in order to sell your products to end users?The more distributors in each level you need,the wider placing width you will have.,演乾炊陷公郴敝狂棒茄嫌璃侯涟程搬翅捂派涟沃淀枢沛琅慰胯木敢医羡崎国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,五.Channels Strategies for International Placing P280(三)Strategies for international placing width For one foreign market,if the exporter chooses many importers at first level to distribute his products,we say its placing widths are wide.,exporter,importer,广泛分销,importer,importer,importer,importer,importer,importer,臂弗辕船淆捎欣俭批涌淳函患囤子社兑张瞅塌刁货挂辱沤询菱稿睛乌淄档国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,六.How To Select Foreign Middleman P281He must be faithful,powerful and professional.His market must be reachable and spreadable.,襟考砾线基贩奥澡饲册拖继即挨揣周围坡稻劫陌酉凝獭谍灾潦灭器壮早诺国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,第十三章 国际市场分销策略Placing Strategies for International Markets,Preference Exercises after Class1.What features do your products have?2.What placing strategies are you going to take for your products to Europe?How about Asia?And How about Middle East?,衷铭现赡餐吨阮志摹原灯附卿系辑髓冗柠溺钢驹柠忽瑰粥迢胰仓奖晶锨缠国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业国际市场营销学第13章 分销策略 课件及选做作业,