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    5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,1,An Evacuation Algorithm for Large Buildings,Xingxuan WangHuan LiuDept.of Electronic Engineering,Fudan University,轧崔核纫谢尿瘪葡褐墙真犀盼宾躲篷砍盗再哥惮花氧悍嫂扬卿槐庚撮棱惊an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,OUTLINE,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,2,IntroductionImplementation purposesNetwork approachModelBuilding ModelEvacuation TimeEvacuation AlgorithmSingle-SN-single-ED problemMulti-SN-single-ED problemSingle-SN-multi-ED problemMulti-SN-multi-ED problemAlgorithm SimulationSingle-SN-multi-EDMulti-SN-multi-EDConclusion,瓦民潭妻斤奉落卉闺花忆哼喳跌盟缴尾景狼那牟苗盘涛宋跑阑耿款砧耻遏an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,INTRODUCTION,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,3,Implementation purposes,SimulationSIMULEX,EXIT89,EXODUS,SGEM and EGRESS Simulate the entire evacuation process and describe the behavior of each evacueeOptimization EVACNET+,SAFE-R and Fast Flow Give optimal evacuation profiles and make reasonable arrangements of the evacuation routes for each evacuee,溺埠经疙候漆寡此惯埂遭拔绽呜妈襟柏闺浪粗轰驹淘象宋那堪朱椭迹聚叫an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,INTRODUCTION,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,4,Fine network approach Considered evacuees behavior and buildings internal environment.Close to real environment.Coarse network approachLess accurate but more efficient.Could be developed for real-time evacuation.,Network approach,裴受嚎搽培统酵纹启誉瑚民仁诧旦篙框埃盈让龄忆陵霉削梦土观讽帮憾仕an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,MODEL,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,5,Nodesrepresent building components such as rooms,halls,and stairs.Arcspassageways between the objects represented by the nodesExitshas a Dynamic Capacity(DC)and it is the number of people that can pass through an exit in a given time.,Building Model,漏刑骆钠阂埔遍琉朱贝蠕裕饶学店闯踩估症膝括赋箱巧勘宜匪宴峨穴运合an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,MODEL,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,6,Floor plan of a building,烂论末愈褒杏匿辊星他赞摆窍栋躲碟秀先胡约击链山顾弃恍谓情抉保凿辖an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,MODEL,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,7,Example of building network,疡天疹绅呐漱胳只轰却凛费耽才泽恐诞倦鞘腻忌懊韶圃隅洗醋页食树胃折an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,MODEL,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,8,Evacuation Time,All situations single source-node single exit(single-SN-single-ED)multiple source-nodes single exit(multi-SN-single-ED)single source-node multiple exits(single-SN-multi-ED)multiple source-nodes multiple exits(multi-SN-multi-ED),Ta and TeTa denotes the time needed for the evacuees to walk through the arcsTe denotes the time needed for the evacuees to pass through the exit,T=Ta+Te=L/V+N/DC.,蔼咬帘隧肤轧深佑卵冒潮抡喊蹬呜芝哪疽滔村颤暗鼠骑辑赂伍硼删虾本辟an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,EVACUATION ALGORITHM,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,9,Single-SN-single-ED problem,SN1 has N1 evacueeslength between SN1 and ED3 is Lp13dynamic capacity of ED3 is DC3,TT=Td3=Lp13/V+N1/DC3.,振霉旅喧黎船陡优燃曹点绘蜒忧孙随涨豁考窥佳瑶是伺燎淑骨碌歧砾缕褐an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,EVACUATION ALGORITHM,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,10,Multi-SN-single-ED problem,Situation 1:Lp13/V+N1/DC3Lp23/Vbefore evacuees in SN2 arrive at ED3,evacuees in SN1 have already passed through ED3.,Situation 2:Lp13/V+N1/DC3Lp23/Vevacuees in SN1 have not entirely passed through ED3 when the evacuees in SN2 arrive at ED3.,TT=(Lp13/V+N1/DC3)+N2/DC3.,TT=Lp23/V+N2/DC3,趁风支准袁稼壹成严缀儿靡炸狠疑明夯约根撩缆熏绸胶她袋傈拉疫畜新廖an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,EVACUATION ALGORITHM,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,11,Using recursive method to calculate TT,善矩娟铬槽异茨哩忘拄夹暮谊琳嫡脓樟冕描怎系噪促毕稿碉吭懂萤套巨涡an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,EVACUATION ALGORITHM,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,12,Single-SN-multi-ED problem,Recursive methodEach recursive step just consider one evacuee.An evacuee needs 1/DCj to pass through EDj.Use a random recursive order.Each exit has a evacuation time and initialize the evacuation time array of each exit to zero.After one recursive step,one evacuee will assigned to one exit and initialize the assignment array of evacuees to zero,察予隅躯钵传倾痘矽狡楞誓妨锨笨奴燎叹毯韧挡慰隶瞥丈星矫趁聪圃直枣an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,EVACUATION ALGORITHM,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,13,Recursive process,宁时嘴莆今憾樟债县泌沫惜铰返甩狞氦鲜磕俯永惩瘩篱粕蚊私古肛衍柿匣an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,EVACUATION ALGORITHM,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,14,Multi-SN and multi-ED problem,Recursive methodEvacuees may belong to different source-node and have different distance to exits.Use an improved recursive order.Calculate the evacuees who have short distance first.Use an assignment matrix and initialize the assignment matrix of evacuees to zero.,净嘱葡吻科桶簿滞杖屎辑畸锨闺抛劣烹答友甫肆谆僻紧赡朔艘状住串蝴屿an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,EVACUATION ALGORITHM,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,15,Recursive process,执裙釜侨焚曲迭垮沉弹映眩絮阳括香卤铰璃擞泻报眨并饶馋袖澡举两横矮an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,ALGORITHM SIMULATION,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,16,Single-SN-multi-ED,Assume SN7 is a source-node and the walking speed of evacuees V is 1(m/s).,Shortest path from SN7 to exits,Dynamic capacity of exits,畜命嗓弧授沮堕畴蓄护棒隅鹤帮赡猾壶互弄恐厂勾揪蓉妮蒙傈橱租苔彼净an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,ALGORITHM SIMULATION,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,17,Assignment result of evacuees,Evacuation time of exits,椒蕉氓逛龄助赦岿着烬羽袒衙岔靠跑他噎帜刺篱邹碑患捐槽的课纽楷浊极an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,ALGORITHM SIMULATION,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,18,Multi-SN-multi-ED,Assume SN1,SN4,SN6,SN7 are source-nodes and each source-node has 80 evacuees and the walking speed of evacuees V is(1 m/s).Use a random orderTd13 Td15 Td16 Td17=49.75 49.63 49.67 49.67 and the overall evacuation time is TT=49.75s.Assignment result of evacuees,房亨蟹鬃简谦摇衡抽萝忽木婆弱作命麦你于芦咸脊谢梢嗅贝肘一轩词扫壤an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,ALGORITHM SIMULATION,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,19,Use a improved orderTd13 Td15 Td16 Td17=39.25 43.63 39.00 43.33 and the overall evacuation time TT=43.63s.Assignment result of evacuees,口庶谜型剂央欠幕唯醇蘸卒胺御茫勉妖也绒备又榆学俗令苏拙揩撒止黍只an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,ALGORITHM SIMULATION,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,20,Algorithm Stability,Use random order,耶遮究湿瘪烂棵扎凭泥仅托氰沏惕恰勤毋揣釜蹲默预透座搪窘怔朗壁晰炕an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,CONCLUSION,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,21,Use recursive method.Lowcomputational complexity.Can be used in real-time environment.No limitation(Multi-SN-multi-ED).,磺伍却盐慈蔫口窃笨蹄驳始熟会必酱范蜒蝴申抖壶媳旗严巧贯功瓮踌援卵an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,5/16/2023,Dept.of Electronic Engineering,22,Thanks,步瓢唯害锁蓬咒南刮延镑窒瓣坞绎尧捂椅绕遍敢途灯常众剖荐寞建二纪否an evacuation algorithm for large buildingsan evacuation algorithm for large buildings,


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