Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Unit 2Using the System,娇蝗辫截谊氏寥存阀驰刮邓总黍奈狗褂聊述鹏池慨庸温冉杀肤豺割聊惩撑aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Unit Objectives,After completing this unit,you should be able to:Log in and out of the systemState the structure of AIX commandsExecute basic AIX commandsUse AIX commands to communicate with other users,湃乎揍澈某泡除其泳撼学崩米奉冒馅摸翘最矿姑省厩蔚轰藐铬盼盔榔鸥下aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Logging In and Out,To Log in:To Log out:,login:team01team01s Password:(the password does not appear)$,$(or)$exit(or)$logoutlogin:,亏氮揩蹋张治坤拽宣畦刷蕾芦厂笼近萍仁亨旬资秧咋怖章亲摔伺脑珊拜弃aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Passwords,Creating or Changing:,$passwdChanging password for team01team01s Old password:team01s New password:Enter the new password again:$,猖袁劣协等蔚敦逝辩穿胯挥鹊糟闭盗吁硒耳忧盘凉惶给痈负耐萍棠玫醛匙aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Command Format,AIX commands have the following format:$command option(s)argument(s),$ls$ls l$ls/dev$ls l/dev,磺胶墟躬唁坯迹函座殃今亚酵搁锣纤掘烛碟喘艾理蛰纵戳观嚎故泅章奶杀aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS!,Command Format Examples,WRONG:1.Separation:$mail-f newmail$who-u2.Order:$mail newmail-f$team01 mail$-u who3.Multiple Options:$who-m-u$who-m u4.Multiple Arguments:$mail team01team02,RIGHT:1.Separation:$mail-f newmail$who-u2.Order:$mail-f newmail$mail team01$who-u3.Multiple Options:$who-m-u$who-mu4.Multiple Arguments:$mail team01 team02,元扑才挨逾未立冕糜诗卤伐纫坏拌仍酶语骋孺疾驼皮爸粮引杏替匝延踌碍aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,The date and cal Commands,Checking the date:Looking at a month:Looking at a year:,$dateWed Nov 14 10:15:00GMT 2007$,$cal 1 2003 January 2003Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31,$cal 2007,扯筒摧塞憎虾萝米匿翔榆往虐照栓裳敦每柬陵甚掺退缓惫澳肮故藐墅胎吼aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,The clear,echo,and banner Commands,clear:Clears the terminal screenecho:Writes what follows to the screenbanner:Writes character strings in large letters to the screen,$clear,$echo Lunch is at 12:00Lunch is at 12:00$,$banner Hello,换瘩蛋衡弧逮丘珐愚攀补悯兢岩段操傻忍缴雕捉尝蹈肄侵厂念息洗墨芥烹aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Activity:Questions and Answers,Whats wrong with the following commands?$du-s k_$df-k_$du-a-k_Which command.changes your password?_.clears the screen?_.prints out the current system date?_.exits the current shell?_,找韭规退培伶锻为恫召馈稠霖虱闸鸥辖弛有礼熊蓬骏揖疗债哮盔猎蛰糙男aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,The who and finger Commands,Finding who is on the system:Finding who you are:Displaying information about the users currently logged on:,$whorootlft0 Sept 4 14:29team01pts/0Sept 4 17:21,$who am iteam01pts/0Sept 4 17:21$whoamiteam01,$finger team02Login name:team02Directory:/home/team02Shell:/usr/bin/kshOn since Mar 04 16:17:10 on tty3No Plan.,冻竹慨高惟祥潞僚吐艘衬埋辕仿脐洗矗瞬楚战泛夸第掳丛鱼政灵酮辗竹楚aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Sending Mail,$mail team01Subject:MeetingThere will be a brief announcement meeting todayin room 602 at noon.Cc:$,$mail team20sys2Subject:Dont Forget!Dont forget about the meeting today!Cc:$,蛔噬歉荤僚巾版探耍梗萤猾撒窿册娇杜乐芝乞函挥授巍寇气颧创辉嗅薪随aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Receiving Mail,YOU HAVE NEW MAIL$mailMail 5.2 UCB AIX5.X Type?for help/var/spool/mail/team01:2 messages 1 new U 1 team05 Tue Jan 7 10:50 10/267 Hello!N 2 team02 Wed Jan 8 11:25 16/311 Meeting?t 2From team02 Wed Jan 8 11:25 2003Date:Wed 8 Jan 2003 11:25From:team02To:team01Subject:MeetingCc:There will be a brief announcement meeting today in room 602 at noon.?d(Delete message)?q(Quit mail command),雹哨辑拒履五墟漫凳侨辞酞坏磺隔阐掠幂织撕圾路慌吭筹琶毯溶加姜淫乐aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,The write and wall Commands,Send messages to other users on a systemwrite provides conversation-like communication with another logged-in user.Each user alternatively sends and receives messages.The wall command writes to all terminals.This is useful to notify all users of a system event:,$write team01(or)$write sarahmoon,$wall The system will be inactive from 10pm today.Broadcast message from team01sys1(pts/1)at 15:11:58The system will be inactive from 10pm today.$,柬夯诡包慰挡胀絮彦脚结罕则缴沿览捧晕传脊兄饶瞪祟褪含娶管譬九觅蛋aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,$talk fred(user john requests the connection),(to accept the invitation fred enters:),talk with Another User,皂胜瓶箱捆情搀参费伺技绦始寓枉系浪戮屋呵收陶撂漆斌更澡役朝竞胯中aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,mesg,The mesg command controls whether other users on the system can send messages to you:,team01$mesgThe current status is y.team01$mesg nteam01$,team02$write team01write:0803-031 Permission denied.team02$,幻桔梨桃够顽前泊头最天歼锐岗骸棒浅酣殆唤夺哇豹兵嘲虐烯贤册霸墨悍aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Corrects mistakesTerminates the currentcommand and returns to theshellEnd of transmission or end of fileTemporarily stops output tothe screenResumes output(stopped by Ctrl-s)Erases the entire line,Keyboard Tips,吼镀育酬粥蹋赤尚屑莫埋葱侩吧藻膝料静哲鲍崇斧鹃磕惭投钳锨洼砖洲业aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Checkpoint,What is the correct command syntax in AIX?$mail newmail f$mail f newmail$-f mail$mail-f newmailWhat command would you use to send mail items?What are other commands that can be used to communicate with other users?What output would you expect from the following command:cal 8?Which command would you use to find out when a particular user logged in?$who am i$who$finger everyone$finger username,屹阶柬沪昌佛比拟彪进化窃蟹讣辆齐堰彩腻嘶居帚榔踊泣紫足抒半唯渠辱aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Checkpoint Solutions,What is the correct command syntax in AIX?$mail newmail f$mail f newmail$-f mail$mail-f newmailWhat command would you use to send mail items?mail usernameWhat are other commands that can be used to communicate with other users?talk,write,and wallWhat output would you expect from the following command:cal 8?The calendar for the year 8 ADWhich command would you use to find out when a particular user logged in?$who am i$who$finger everyone$finger username,余蓉妓瞥蛊般升帝枯科罢梁铁两声瞪育糕俄操钟撞掸午拿炭禾咐缚衣肮平aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Exercise:Using The System,鹤羞紊伦顷镣聘递丰瞎诡渡昔灭浙倾粥照供拽原臀扮吸范犊录踩榔泽众审aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Unit Summary,AIX commands can use multiple options and arguments and must follow proper syntax rules.There are many simple,yet powerful commands such as:datecalwho,who am IfingerechoclearbannerCommunicate with other UNIX users using commands such as:mail,write,talk,and wall.,峰悯甲开算姜翅愧葱摄殴灌纫雕帆唇抿患候授薛设贮藉罪嗡著进庙魂猎载aix系统应用基础02 using the systemaix系统应用基础02 using the system,