1,Chapter 3,National Trade and Investment Policies,痞舀栗域策骸袱罗腾捂扎听吏新染疆伯忧往摄耍令军肮露颤锗黑倔室骋虹国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,2,Learning Objectives,To see how trade and investment policies have historically been a subset of domestic policies.To examine how traditional attitudes toward trade and investment policies are changing.To see the effects of global links in trade and investment on policymakers.To understand that nations must cooperate closely in the future to maintain a viable global trade and investment environment.,棘乍锭躁枝搀聂伤以优孤概液柴猾券香枚柄雌技膀扰刺勾试沈柠杂肤哀民国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,3,Rationale and Goals of Trade and Investment Policies,Government policies are designed to regulate,direct,and protect national activities.The exercise of these policies is the result of national sovereignty,which provides a government with the right to shape the environment of the country and its citizens.The domestic policy actions of most governments aim to increase the standard of living of citizens and to improve the quality of life,and to achieve full employment.These policies affect international trade and investment indirectly.,瘤畴科丽料躇玖挝顿权力镊酚夹蔚糠袭零痪拆翔喘现日武颓氯滥坎闰馋刀国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,4,Rationale and Goals of Trade and Investment Policies(cont.),In more direct ways,a country may also pursue technology transfer from abroad or the exclusion of foreign industries to the benefit of domestic infant firms.Government officials can also develop regulations on imports to protect citizens.Nations institute foreign policy measures designed with domestic concerns in mind but explicitly aimed to exercise influence abroad.A major foreign policy goal is national security.,答档驭凤盆烩掌弟臻庭曼文庭极檀象若谤琅摄孽鱼典窿秉战藩铜查皿通纯国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,5,International Organizations,International TradeOrganization(ITO),General Agreement onTariffs and Trade(GATT),World Trade Organization(WTO),邯棍洱袁佐蚌菲便褥兰空聋疮妓暑仙摇丁撅老熏屋陵双傻仁租糕撕孝侍炉国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,6,The International Trade Organization,In 1948,the ITO represented an agreement among 53 countries to:Aid in international commercial policies,restrictive business practices,commodity agreements,employment and reconstruction,and economic development and international investment.It developed a constitution for a new United Nations agency.The ITO was never implemented.,啄肠砍赣担闹厂耿壤叉和萄掉肄澡质显替赡锐纹懂票薄盘呵澳残酥韵秸扰国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,7,The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,GATT started in 1947 as a set of rules to ensure nondiscrimination,transparent procedures,the settlement of disputes,and the participation of the lesser-developed countries in international trade.GATT used tariff concessions to limit the level of tariffs that would be imposed on other GATT members.The Most Favored Nation clause calls for each member country to grant every other member country the same treatment that it accords with any other country with respect to imports and exports.,波显较糠檀醉颊整羊此谜榔玫宝卢懦详诚肯剩尝隧莱翻生商帘有逝箔驴县国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,8,The World Trade Organization,The WTO was introduced in 1995 and administers international trade and investment accords.In 2002,the Dola Round ended the first stage of implementation.The aim is to further hasten implementation of liberalization to help the impoverished and developing nations.,碎骋檬坡俯就亿谆蚌列忙乌又瑶烈晴供弟催什考郝锨丧跨丛踊篡巴甚茸葬国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,9,Changes in the Global Policy Environment,Three major changes have occurred over time in the global policy environment:a reduction of domestic policy influence;a weakening of traditional international institutions;and a sharpening of the conflict between industrialized and developing nations.These three changes in turn have had a major effect on policy responses in the international trade and investment field.,嫩龟侣仿狗挡星形针轻溃邀紫溶辫庆咀驯恶扦歧贿而匈石猪椎何匣喧驼轿国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,10,Reduction of Domestic Policy Influences,Currency flows have increased from an average daily trade volume of$18 billion in 1980 to$1.2 trillion in 2001.As a result,currency flows have begun to set the value of exchange rates independent of trade,which in turn have now begun to determine the level of trade.The interactions between global and domestic financial flows have severely limited the influence of governments.To regain influence,some governments have tried to restrict world trade by erecting barriers,charging tariffs,and implementing import regulations.,煽卸戚绩刚催筒啸獭烛详挟悸眶槽虎另邦醋保洋侨促呜妈瑰翘蓑倪缘谷必国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,11,Weakening of International Institutions,The intense links among nations and the new economic environment resulting from new market entrants and the encounter of different economic systems are weakening the WTO.The International Monetary Fund does not have the funds available to satisfy the needs of all struggling nations.The World Bank has been unsuccessful in furthering the economic goals of the developing world and newly emerging market economies.Some claim that its bank policies have created more poverty.,敦膊耿介盔鹿嘘爬玫兴噶连咸姜鼻涯寿灭拖盂羽钵基郁吞攀省疹而块硕忘国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,12,Conflict Between Industrialized and Developing Nations,In the past,it was hoped that the gap between industrialized and developing nations would gradually be closed.Although several less-developed nations have emerged as newly industrialized countries,even more nations are facing grim economic futures.An increase in environmental awareness has led to a further sharpening of the conflict.,敞谴坚赛匠泼幻疡剖局移剔蔬穗传辙川殖结钎艺此磷烹骋犯冶粹均戚绊叶国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,13,Policy Responses to Changing Conditions:Restrictions of Imports,Many countries including the United States have passed antidumping laws which help domestic industries by restricting foreign products being sold below the cost of production,or at prices lower than those in the home market.Imports are also restricted by nontariff barriers,such as buy-domestic campaigns.It is difficult to remove these barriers.Imports can also be reduced by tightening market access and entry of foreign products through involved procedures and inspections.,忽撼枯聂芽探还抚吊套葬哮趾哑碟堡梭酚祭渴苯坑蚂扩臀墨椿贾纯宫歇王国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,14,Effects of Import Restriction,Import control may mean that the most efficient sources of supply are not available,resulting in second-best products or higher costs for restricted supplies.Import control may result in the downstream change in the composition of imports.Due to inefficiency,import controls may cause a lag in technological advancements.,秽热侧碗母期还帽溢兽柳匀欺俐春慎菩宏俘唉弯球题火姚功联铝纬沂虹朔国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,15,Restrictions of Exports,Nations control their exports for reasons of short supply,national security and foreign policy purposes,or the desire to retain capital.National security controls are placed on weapons and high-technology exports.Although restriction of exports is a valuable international relations tool,it may give a countrys firms the reputation of being unreliable suppliers and may divert orders to firms of other nations.,溶搽扳尊腾糟溅蓑阶单白锰宾剥底玄甭供上询猜斤风般凝脆溶福地为她萎国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,16,Export Promotion,Export promotion is designed to help firms enter and maintain their position in international markets and to match or counteract similar efforts by other nations.Various approaches toward export promotion include:knowledge transferdirect or indirect subsidization of export activitiesreducing governmental red tape for exportersexport financing and mixed aid credits to exportersaltered tax legislation for nationals living abroad,绪庶匈葛威总罐换跃卯铆壳档咋湾漏浅惫长吁喂遮试舷继该泌蔬藕沿石尝国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,17,Import Promotion,Countries that maintain large balance-of-trade surpluses use import promotion measures.For example,The Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO)has begun to focus on the promotion of imports to Japan.,聂拨散蛤镭康搁呜潦位弄驱琶挽妇冠饿宠缅壹豪挣顾妈姆档理萌花殴黄诗国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,18,The Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment on Host Countries,Positive Impactcapital informationtechnology and management skills transferregional and sectoral developmentinternal competition and entrepreneurshipfavorable effect on balance of paymentsincreased employment,Negative Impactindustrial dominancetechnological dependencedisturbance of economic planscultural changeinterference by home government of multinational corporation,捐布她翠翘背夺通狱畸盯噶拎虑焚榜曙仆辣惨等声霞黑剿揪粹绽沏摇拟狞国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,19,Restrictions on Investment,Many nations that lack necessary foreign exchange reserves restrict exports of capital,because capital flight can be a major problem.Once governments impose restrictions on the export of funds,the desire to transfer capital abroad increases.This creates problems for gaining new outside investors.,卤目岛虽予焰抗骗礼茬光忘拥遭姬吧赃泌硒搂屋缆页占靛沁砷顽猎流烬李国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,20,Investment Promotion,Fiscal Incentives,Financial Incentives,Nonfinancial Incentives,颓唁矽鞠俊渍荒瘁很曝昧协枣返迷屉关人径懦京慧席氓伶输理角蠕校苇纂国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,21,Investment Promotion(cont.),Fiscal incentives are specific tax measures designed to attract the foreign investor,including special depreciation allowances,tax credits or rebates,special deductions for capital expenditures,tax holidays,and reduction of tax burdens.Financial incentives offer special funding for the investor by providing land or building,loans,and loan guarantees.Nonfinancial incentives can consist of guaranteed government purchases,special protection from competition,and investments in infrastructure facilities.,徊解限饯绰概脖借含乡印旧钩逸料炼呈劫嘘魂磊颧躯缴郡屋痉栈婿伦嗅荣国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,22,U.S.Perspective on Trade and Investment Policies,The U.S.seeks a positive trade policy rather than reactive,ad hoc responses to specific situations.Protectionist legislation can be helpful,provided it is not enacted into law.Trade promotion authority gives Congress the right to accept or reject treaties and agreements,but reduces the amendment procedures,札悔焰治瑶郊考鸦焉号碗玉摩硝解揍注第舒擒郴下赞右潮湍赖椰瓷搓芝动国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,23,International Perspective on Trade and Investment Policies,From an international perspective,trade and investment negotiations must continue.In doing so,trade and investment policy can take either a multilateral or bilateral approach:bilateral negotiations are carried out mainly between two nations.multilateral negotiations are carried out among a number of nations.,佰荒兜全衍妓把竹陡携众魂耽亩伸摔递交疽狂期烹匀簇酶蠕埂菲夹弓棠盲国际商务ch03国际商务ch03,