d'estar totalment acabats el treball protectora, biga angle racó protecció. Ma Yi que i, II, al final del pont esbiaixar perquè és de 70 graus, per la qual cosa s'utilitzen quan les bigues primers suport coixí per garantir la seguretat. 5. completa revisió de grua d'elevació, biga transport camions rutes de senderisme, no hi pot haver cap assentament de patir depressió també comprovar la grua, vehicle de camió de transport de biga, com grua cordes de filferro intensitat, eixos de camió de transport de biga, pneumàtics, frens bones condicions, suports, feix fix punts del vehicle són segures. 6. Quan llosa d'ascensor de dos cotxes, Ascensor de dos cotxes a velocitat llisa i consistent, rotació, luffing ha d'obeir l'ordre de comanda, sense l'autorització l'operació està estrictament prohibit. 7. bigues i lloses en un remolc cal collocar segons els requisits, estand, pivotar ubicació compleix amb els requisits i segellat amb la cadena. 8. grua aixecament procés, ha de ser equilibrat, segurs i fiables; i ha de ser en els extrems de la direcció de control de biga de corda, per evitar collisions, per garantir la seguretat. 9. l'elevació a la ubicació especificada, ubicació ha de ser configurat, i els extrems de la biga pastilles de forces bons, no-central. 10. Quan la grua d'elevació d'un feix tan lluny, per tal de garantir l'elevació segura, ser segur per primera jàssera penjant a l'embarcador després, variació a l'embarcador en funcionament una altra vegada, aixecament de Pier taula 200 mm d'alçada. (B) la biga de pont en lloc seguretat martells penjant a la línia de punta de costat feix, respectivament, segons la part superior de Pier de línia de la biga i les línies marcades en els costats dels punts biga comprovar i controlar la biga al llarg del pont i creuar el pont a la posició normal. Garanties al llarg del pont a la posició, adoptar les mesures següents: a una distància d'aproximadament un metre a la posició correcta, és a dir, fina ajustaments en els seus inicis, alternant la tracció en ambdós extrems de la velocitat es pot utilitzar per ajustar bigues laterals, lliscar a través de la direcció de diapositiva de canvi d'ajustar. Quan movent transversal a la biga, per tal de garantir la biga es mou a la posició i no bloqueig, quan 5 10 cm des de la localització correcta, començament fil martell alineació, preparat per a o collocació de les marxes i comprovar si la integritat de tija feix. procés de collocació de biga de Jack, haurà de tenir cura que la biga és. Al llarg del pont posició pot ser ajustat per l'alternança de collocació de biga en ambdós extrems. Direcció transversal utilitzant un jack cargol lliscant per ajustar-lo. feix i llosa installar: prop de alinear la biga amb suport, en cas contrari haurà d'aixecar, amb beurada de ciment sec fins el partit. Organització del trànsit Cheung mesura 1, cavalls molta XI Cun, Yan Jia Vila, Ma Yi poble i sortir al final de la vorera. 2, controls deHebei collaborative development, the Yangtze River economic belt development three the construction strategy, multi center, connecting the East and West, North and south through the network, the open area of city development pattern. We must focus on promoting the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Remember that beautiful scenery is jinshanyinshan, protect the environment is to protect productivity, improve the environment is to develop productive forces. Adhere to the green world, green benefits People, adhere to the basic state policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment, accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development, vigorously support the development of green and clean production, and resolutely reject damage and destruction of the development mode of ecological environment and practice, must not be at the expense of the environment in exchange for the moment by the economic growth, working out of a small price, low emission, good benefit, sustainable development path,Talent recruitment and the introduction of the only way to adapt to the development is the new growth and make the good ecological environment become the people's quality of life, let the people breathe fresh air, drink clean water, eat on be at ease food, living in the livable environment, and to feel the economic development brings tangible in the environmental benefits. To focus on the formation of opening to the outside world system. Open and lead the trend of the times. We should not only high quality, but also dares to and good at going out, adhere to internal and external needs coordination, import and export balance, bringing out to both investment and technology simultaneously, to promote synergy strategic mutual trust, economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges, efforts to form a deep integration of mutual benefit Superclass shared development patterns of cooperation for economic development to develop a more broad space. To focus on the practice of people center thought. Popular is the biggest politics, people's livelihood is the largest development and sharing is the final purpose. Sharing development is to adhere to the national comprehensive sharing and co construction and sharing, progressive sharing, not only speed up the big "cake", and equally good "cake", both from the whole to improve social members of the level of income, but also increase the difficulties of the masses of the aid efforts, so that the masses of the people in the reform and development to get more sense. Why to implement a common communist party as the highest ideal and ultimate goal of the Constitution stipulates: "the party The highest ideal and ultimate goal is to realize communism. "This is Marxism political party is different from significant signs of all other political parties, condensation unremitting struggle of the Communist Party people from generation to generation power source and the spiritual pillar of the unity of the Communist Party of China. Our party the reason for thethrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career made new progress, no necessary always hard has, no awareness to China also has many poverty area, and also has many poverty population of exists, more living improve has, more need keep hard of style. Three is not strictly honest. Total thought units is a water sector, clean self-discipline away from himself too far, no real processing good living of improve and hard, and thrift excellent traditional of relationship, no effective do comply with Constitution and party of regulations must from I do up, no right mercy good bitter Le, and wealth of relationship, no right awareness to in comply with Constitution and party of regulations aspects everyone has accountability. Four, future direction and improvement measures 1, belief and faith, strengthen party spirit. One is to firmly establish the noble ideals of struggle for the ideals of communism, communist struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people. Second is to continuously improve the quality and standard of political, conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping theory and "three represents" important thought and the scientific Outlook on development, implement the party's basic program for the primary stage of socialism, adhere to the correct political orientation, maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee, is good at theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics to analyze and solve problems. Third, strengthening the party spirit and the world transformation, perseverance of the party Constitution, relive Party vows to establish correct world Outlook, Outlook on life and the world, practically embodies ideals and beliefs into action, combine lofty ideals and practical activities, transforming the objective world, actively participate in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 2, keep the purpose in concept, changing the style of work. First, keep in mind that the purpose of serving, adhere to assuming power for the people, keep in mind the people and care about people, and the joys and sorrows of the masses, .According to city discipline, and municipal organization Department requirements, today we held "implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines effective strengthening led cadres style construction" topic democratic life, main task is close contact thought, and work actual, control check district Standing Committee team and the personal in implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines Shang exists of problem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further clear rectification direction and measures, effective enhanced clean politics of consciousness and initiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before the meeting, the way we take surveys solicited a views, combed, related to team building 锦绣中央嘉园基坑支护及地基处理(CFG桩)工程 施工方案编制人:张永合审批人:宋延军审核人:宋贵寅衡水市岩土工程有限公司2012年2月目 录一、工程概况二、场地工程地质条件三、编制依据四、施工部署五、基坑支护及地基处理(CFG桩)方案六、监测方案七、施工进度计划保证措施八、质量保证体系及技术措施九、安全保证体系及保证措施十、季节性施工技术措施十一、深基坑施工应急预案一、工程概况安平正悦房地产开发有限公司拟建的锦绣中央嘉园1#、2#、3#、4#楼位于安平县红旗大街北侧,主楼1#、2#、3#、4#地上26层,地下1层;基础埋深-7.2m,均为框剪结构,筏板基础;商业地上35层,地下一层,框架结构,独立基础;地下车库地下1层,框架结构,独立基础,基础埋深-7.2m。场地西侧为马路,北侧有12层建筑物,东侧为马路,南侧有5层建筑物。二、场地工程地质条件勘探深度内地层划分为7个工程地质层,各土层工程地质特征及厚度变化分述如下:第1层素填土:灰黄色,湿,稍密,以粉土粘性土为主,表层0.3-0.9米为杂填土。此层厚度0.6-2.6米,底板埋深0.6-2.6米。第2层粉土:灰黄色,湿,密实,摇振反应中等,干强度低、韧性低,中压缩性,土质不均匀局部夹0.2-0.4米的粉质粘土薄层,含云母、锈斑。此层厚度6.1-9.1米,底板埋深7.5-10.1米。第3层粘土:灰褐色,可塑,有光泽,干强度高、韧性高,中压缩性,土质不均匀局部夹0.1-0.4米的粉土薄层,含姜石。此层厚度3.0-5.4米,底板埋深12.0-13.8米。第4层粉土:灰色,湿,密实,摇振反应中等,干强度低、韧性低,中压缩性,土质不均匀局部夹0.1-0.4米的粉质粘土薄层,含云母、锈斑,粘粒含量高,此层厚度4.9-7.7米,底板埋深18.2-20.8米。第5层细砂:灰黄色,湿,密实,主要矿物成分石英、长石、云母,分选性一般,磨圆度高,土质不均匀局部夹0.2-0.4米的粉土薄层,局部颗粒较细为粉砂,此层厚度14.6-16.2米,底板埋深34.1-35.8米。第6层粉土:灰黄色,湿,密实,摇震反应迅速,干强度低、韧性低,中压缩性,土质不均匀夹0.1-0.4米的粉质粘土薄层,含云母、锈斑,粘粒含量高,此层厚度2.3-5.1米,底板埋深36.6-40.5米,部分钻孔未揭穿该层。第7层细砂:灰黄色,湿,密实,主要矿物成分石英、长石、云母,分选性一般,磨圆度高,土质不均匀局部颗粒较粗为中砂。此层最大可见厚度23.4米,钻孔最大深度60.0米,钻孔未揭穿此层。拟建物规模、基础埋深、形式、结构详见下表:楼号长*宽(m)高(层)基础埋深预计基础形式及荷载预估单位荷载(KN/m2)预计结构形式1#住宅楼55.6*19.926F2.0m桩基础600 KN/m2框架-剪力墙2#住宅楼54.6*20.13#住宅楼56.5*20.14#住宅楼52.0*18.8三、编制依据3.1该工程总平面图3.2建筑基坑支护技术规程(JGJ120-99)3.3建筑基坑工程技术规范(YB9258-97)3.4建筑地基基础设计规范(GB50007-2002)3.5建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范(GB50200-2002)3.6工程测量规范(GB50026-2007)3.7建筑基坑工程监测技术规范(GB50497-2009)3.8混凝土结构设计规范(GBJ10-89)3.9国家和省施工工法及企业施工工法3.10同类工程的施工经验及国家技术标准3.11岩土工程治理手册3.12该工程岩土工程勘察报告3.13本地同类工程成功经验四、施工部署4.1项目组织管理机构及岗位责任针对本工程地下室面积大,挖深较大的情况,公司派出管理能力强、技术水平高、施工经验丰富的施工人员进行施工,全权负责本工程的质量、安全、工期及经济核算工作施工项目管理组织机构框图项目经理:韩婷婷执行经理:霍宏祥技术李福星材料冯拥军质检冯兰安全赵广生各施工班组主要岗位的岗位职责1 )项目经理 (1)、项目经理是公司法人在项目上的代表,对项目的工期、质量、安全、文明施工、企业文化及成本管理负全面的责任。 (2)、项目经理是项目上总的决策者,对如何贯彻国家的法律、法规,如何实现公司总部的质量方针、质量目标、安全目标、成本目标、文明施工目标及企业文化的覆盖,如何实现对贵司的承诺,如何在施工过程中与贵司保持良好的沟通以实现贵司的各项目标进行总的策划决策。2)执行经理 (1)、执行经理是项目管理的总实施者,在项目经理组织下,经项目总工程师策划后的成果即施工组织设计和项目质量计划,项目副经理应坚决执行。(2)、执行经理对所负责的施工段的工期、质量、安全、文明施工成本核算等负责直接领导责任。4.2施工准备4.2.1组织准备1、建立工程项目部,实行项目经理责任制,全面负责工期、质量、安全、成本。统一指挥,安排生产、调配劳动力及供应物资。2、制定实施各种责任制、管理制度,建立质安保证体系,确保工程质量与生产安全。3、项目部下设生产、安全、技术、质量、材料、设备、成本核算和生活后勤等职能部门。各职能部门对项目经理负责,做到分工明确,各负其职,相互协作,紧密配合,形成高效实干的管理层。4.2.2技术准备1、组织技术管理人员会同有关部门做好施工图会审工作,组织施工人员学习规范及设计技术文件,熟悉施工任务、施工工艺流程,施工现场布置和各种技术要求及安全规章制度。2、接管好建设单位提供的坐标控制点和高程控制点,并将控制点重新布施在不受施工作业影响处并加以保护,在施工中经常复测。3、做好原材料的实验工作,根据现场供应的水泥、砂石品种委托实验室做配合比实验工作,做好钢筋的原材料、焊接接头实验工作。4.2.3施工准备1、组织施工人员进场做准备工作,对场地障碍物及地下障碍物进行全面清理,了解附近地下管道埋设情况,同时必须采取有效的安全监控措施。2、根据场地和施工要求,确定作业工段,作业流程、材料堆放、制作场,布施好场区内的宣传牌,管理制度牌以及安全警示标志、消防设施等。3、组织施工机械进场,按施工要求进行组装调试,并按施工顺序就位。4.3各项资源需要量计划4.3.1劳动力需要计划序号专业所需人数1钢筋混凝土灌注桩施工202冠梁混凝土施工103锚索施工204喷射砼面层155土钉墙施工106管理人员57合计(施工最高峰用工)804.3.2施工机械需要量计划序号设备名称设备型号数量(台)1潜水泵3立方262潜水钻机KQ-120023钢筋调直机CT40-1414钢筋切断机GJ51-3215电焊机BX-30036气动锚索钻机MQT-130/2.027混凝土喷射泵PZ-528空压机SJB-型19注浆设备UBL-3210搅拌机YE7211水准仪DS3112经纬仪DJ214.4施工总体安排钢筋混凝土护坡桩施工-冠梁施工-深基坑土方分层开挖-锚索、腰梁、土钉墙施工-桩间防护-喷射混凝土护坡-基础验槽-基础施工-土方回填(注:深基坑变形监测贯穿施工全过程)五、施工方案5.1、护坡桩施工1、护坡桩质量保证措施1.1放桩位线:应有专人验线并作桩位预检记录。1.2钢筋笼加工:严格按设计图纸加工, 按批进行验收,合格品做标识.钢筋供应的长度不满足设计要求时, 主筋采取搭接焊或闪光对焊, 按规定做抗拉强度试验。为保证主筋间距和钢筋笼的整体刚度,固定架立筋应与主筋焊牢,箍筋与主筋绑牢,成形后的钢筋笼外形尺寸、主筋位置、数量等应与设计相符合。1.3钻孔: 钻机就位时,经专人检查桩位的偏差及垂直偏差,符合要求后方可开钻,终孔后经专人检查孔深符合要求后退出钻机。1.4验笼顶标高: 砼浇灌前, 应有专人检查钢筋笼的笼顶标高, 符合要求后方可进行浇灌。1.5浇灌砼: 单桩砼的浇灌要连续, 若遇两次浇灌,时间间隔要小于1小时, 以免形成断桩。1.6砼强度:按照规范要求及时留置试块(100×100×100mm),进行标养。2、护坡桩工艺流程: 平整场地>复测孔位>安装桩机>调平钻机底座并对正桩位>钻进>到位后清孔>检测成孔质量>放置钢筋笼>安置水下导管>灌注水下砼>成桩>截除桩头。2.1、质量标准(1)钻孔桩混凝土强度:满足设计要求(2)钻孔尺寸误差:5CM(3)钻孔垂直控制误差:1%(4)孔底沉渣厚度:30CM(5) 护筒埋深:1.5m2.2、钻孔灌注桩施工方法(1)施工准备钻孔前需根据设计要求和现场情况,将场地大致平整以便钻机安装和移位。(2)桩位测量整平场地符合要求后,即可测量放桩位。(3)钻机就位钻孔钻机采用潜水钻机。安装钻机前采用经纬仪进行精确定位,开钻前先检验钻头直径,调整和安放好起吊系统,钻机底座和顶端应平稳、牢固。并对钻机顶部的滑轮缘、转盘中心对中后将钻头吊起,徐徐放进护筒,调整使钻塔垂直,合格后根据四角控制拉好的“十字线” 对准桩位。在桩位附近设泥浆池,采用原土造浆,循环使用,钻孔中随时检查孔位、泥浆稠度、孔径及深度,作好原始记录。(4)成孔检验首先进行换浆清孔,并检查孔深、沉渣等。(5)钢筋笼制作与吊装在终孔之前,即要提前将钢筋笼制作成形,为使钢筋笼下到孔内时不靠孔壁而有足够的保护层,在钢筋笼主筋上每隔m左右对称设置四个“钢筋耳朵”。钢筋骨架在现场分段制作,利用钻机本身的卷扬机系统垂直吊入孔内,保护层以钢筋耳环控制。(6)导管组拼及吊装就位导管安装前应进行拼组和水压试验,试验时的压力应不小于灌注时导管可能承受的最大压力的1.5倍。吊放导管时位置居中,轴线顺直,稳步沉放,防止卡挂钢筋笼,导管下口距孔底为0.6-1m,导管上口设漏斗和储料斗。(7)灌注混凝土砼灌注前再次校核钢筋笼标高、孔深、泥浆厚度,检查有无坍孔现象,待符合要求后即可开盘灌注。桩基混凝土采用导管法浇筑,使用商品混凝土。按照灌注水下砼的规范要求,先前做好钢筋的制作绑扎,灌注中导管埋入砼的深度不得小于2m,并不宜大于6m。灌注开始后应紧凑连续地进行,严禁中途停灌,砼灌注至设计标高为完成,以便清除浮浆,截除桩头,确保砼质量,灌注过程中要指定专人认真详细填写灌注记录。(8)将钻机移至下一孔位,为防止穿孔本工程采用跳打法进行。钻孔灌注桩的施工工序为:桩孔定位 十字交叉法复验桩位钻进成孔检查确认孔深 不合格 一次清孔 合格检查钢筋材质 提 钻钢筋笼制作吊放钢筋笼 钢筋笼运输 吊放导管混凝土质量检查检查确认孔深沉渣厚度混凝土灌注检查混凝土界顶高度商品混凝土二次清孔 不合格 合格 成 桩2.3钢筋制作:在钢筋圈制作台上制作箍筋并按要求焊接。将支撑架按2-3m的间距摆放在同一水平面上对准中心线,然后将配好定长的主筋平直摆放在焊接支撑架上。将箍筋按设计要求套入主筋,并保持与主筋垂直,进行点焊或绑扎。箍筋与主筋焊好或绑扎后,将绕筋按规定间距绕于其上,用细铁丝绑扎并间隔点焊固定。焊接或绑扎钢筋笼保护层钢筋环或混凝土垫块。将制作好的钢筋笼稳固放置在平整的地面上,防止变形。2.4灌注对混凝土的要求: 该工程使用商品混凝土,要求混凝土坍落度为18-22cm;砼强度C25。2.5护坡桩质量标准 表6内 容标 准砼强度C25桩位偏差±50mm孔位偏差±100 mm孔距偏差±100mm梁中心偏差±10mm主筋间距±10mm箍筋间距±10mm笼顶标高±10mm