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    外研初二年级(下),Module12Revision,知识探究,1.as well e out的多个含义3.hold4.宾语从句5.seem6.make的短语7.如何询问对方的爱好,as well as,1.她不但聪明而且漂亮。2.他弹吉他和他哥哥一样好。,She is beautiful as well as clever.,He plays the guitar as well as his brother.,3.We can write with e-mails.We can read with e-books,too.,We can write with e-mails.We can read with e-books _ _.,as well,come out,1.那个故事以书的形式出版了。2.花要开了。3.太阳不久就要出来了。4.不要泄露这个秘密。,The story came out as a book.,The flowers are coming out.,The sun will come out soon.,Dont come out this secret.,hold,1.请帮我那一会儿大衣。2.明天将举办运动会。3.这个房间不能容纳太多的人。4.别挂断电话。,Please help me hold the coat for a moment.,The sports meeting will be held tomorrow.,This room cant hold too many people.,Hold on,please.=Hold the line,please.,held held,seem,1.一切似乎很容易。2.他看上去像是个老实人。3.这道数学题似乎很难做。4.看来他在说谎。,Everything seems easy.,He seemed an honest man.,This maths problem seems to be difficult to work out.,It seems that he is lying.,make的短语,1.make the/ones bed2.make faces3.make mistakes4.make friends with sb.5.make a living6.make progress7.make sure,8.make a decision9.make room for10.make into11.make a cake,如何询问对方的爱好,Do you have any hobbies?What do you do in your spare time?Whats your hobby?What are you interested in?What are you interests?,Exercises,She seems to be worried now.(同义句)Its so crowded here.Lets make some _ for the baby.A.groundB.roomC.seatsD.chairs3.我经常听他在拉小提琴。,It seems that she is worried now.,B,I often listened to him play the violin.,Exercises,4.Dont _ others.Sometimes you make mistakes too.A.knock at B.laugh at C.look at D.arrive at5.I just cant stop _ the result of the exam.Relax.Youd better wait.A.worry about B.to worry about C.worrying about,B,C,Exercises,6.I cant imagine _ in such a dirty palce.A.to live B.live C.living D.lives7.She is afraid _ alone at this time of night.A.to walking B.walks C.walking D.to walk,C,D,Exercises,8.A _ likes _ some kind of _,such as china,stamps and match boxes.(collect),collector,collecting,collection,他集邮票。He _ stamps.(同义句)He has a _of stamps.,collects,collection,Exercises,9.我不会占用你太多的时间。10.这张桌子太占地方了。,I cant take up much of your time.,The table takes up too much room.,11.他每天整理卧室.He _ his bedroom every day.,tidies up,12.首先,让我们把它收拾一下.First of all,lets _.,tidy it up,13.What made you so interested in music?,make sb/sth+形容词:使某人/事 make sb+动词 原形:(让)使某人做某事,什么使你对音乐这么感兴趣?,那首歌使我很伤心.The song _.刚才让他在黑板上画了一只猫.The teacher _ a cat on the blackboard just now.,made me sad,made him draw,Exercises,14.I feel like _ a piece of bread.Im hungry.A.have B.to have C.having D.had15.I didnt know _ they could pass the exam or not.A.why B.when C.that D.whether,C,D,1、变宾语从句的四个要素:引导词、语序、时态和标点符号。2、牢记宾语从句中的陈述句语序。3、注意主句与从句时态的一致性(即:当主句是过去式时,从句要用过去范畴的某种时态,客观真理或自然现象除外)。,宾语从句,3.There are so many kinds of MP4 players in the shop.I cant decide _.A.what to buy B.which to buy C.when to buy4.Ladies doesnt like others to ask them _.A.how old are they B.what are their ages C.how old they are,B,C,1.Can you tell me _ ten years ago?A.where did you live B.where you live C.where you lived 2.Does your brother know _?A.where will the team play B.where will the team leave C.who will be our team leader,C,C,5.Teachers told us that the earth _ the sun.A.went around B.to go around C.goes around 6.Could you tell me _?A.how can I get to the hospital B.how I can get to the hospital C.how I could get to the hospital,C,B,7.你猜我买那手机用了多少钱?Can you guess how much _ the cell phone8.我认为他不会迟到.I _ he _ 9.你能告诉我如何去中山公园?Could you tell me _ to Zhong Shang Park?10.她问我是否到过巴黎.She asks me _Paris or not.,I spent on paid for,dont think,which is the way,whether I have been to,how to get how I can get,will be late,Complete the conversation,-hello,can I _ you?-Yes._ I speak to Alice Roberts?-May I ask whos _?-This is Jane Black.-_ the line,please,Ms Black._,Alice is at a meeting right now.Can I _ a message?-Yes,please.Could you tell her that Ill be free tomorrow?-Sure.Bye.-Bye.,help,Can/May,calling/speaking,Hold,Im sorry,take,


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