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    教案设计:Book 8 Unit1 A land of diversityPeriod 2 Warming up & ReadingTeaching goal:To help Ss to know more information about California. Teaching important point and difficult piont:1. To help Ss to learn about the history of settlement of California. ( 6 kinds of people)2. To understand why California is popular with the world.Teaching methods:Task-based approach, fast reading and careful reading.Teaching aid:Multi-mediaTeaching procedures:Step 1 Leading-inShow some pictures to the Ss and get them to know more information about USA and California.(The map of America, national flag, the White House, the Statue of Liberty, Hollywood Film City , the Central Park,Golden Gate Bridge, the Grand Canyon and important states and cities.)Step 2 Warming upLook at the following map and try to find out the answers.Ocean on the east coast _Ocean on the west cost _Country to the north of USA _Country to the south of USA _California_Mountains range in the west Great Lakes_Longest river in the USA_Some important cities_Step 3 Fast reading1) Task one Find out the main idea of the whole text.The text mainly introduces _ of California. It describes _ _ happened in various times. It also tells us _, _ and _ different people from all over the world having been immigrating to California. It explains to us _why it will be a simple multicultural community in the 21st century.Keys:the short history, the great history events, when, how, why, the reasons.2) Task twoTry to find out the main idea of each part: Part 1 The introduction of CaliforniaPart 2 The history of settlement of California ( 6 kinds of people)Part 3 The futureStep 4 Carefull reading-Read the text again and finish the exercises.Task 1: Ture or False1.California is the largest state in the USA and has the largest population. F2. The native Americans are treated well after the arrival of Europeans. F3. Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men. T4. In the early 1800s, Russians began setting in California. T5. During Gold Rush Period, many achieved their dream of being rich. F6. In the late 19th century, Chinese immigrants arrived in California. F7. It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no major racial or culture groups. TTask 2 : Discuss in pairs and then answer the questions.1.What are the changes of native Americans life after the arrival of Europeans?The native people suffered greatly and many were killed or forced into slavery. In addition, many died from the diseases brought by Europeans.2. Why did Mexico have to give California to the United States?In 1846, the United Stated declared war on Mexico. After it lost the war, Mexico had to give California to the United Stated.3. Who were the first to arrive in California to rush for gold?South Americans and people from the United States.4. When and why did the large number of Chinese immigrate to California?During the gold rush period, many Chinese immigrated to California, and in the 1860s, a large number of Chinese went there to build the railway from the west to east coast.5. Between 1942 and 1945, why did so many African people go to California?Between 1942 and 1945, even more people came to California to work in the ship and aircraft industries.6. What attracted people from different parts of the world to immigrate to California?The temperate climate, the modern lifestyle and its diverse cultures attracted immigrates to California.Step 5 HomeworkGet ready for the next period important language points.3


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