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    pension Gold 8*60 5, living allowance 13*568 four main 1, 2015, financial, education, design section, under the leadership of our accountants to study the country's financial policies, laws, and familiarity with financial system actively studying accounting, master professional knowledge and master the accounting technique, adhere to principles, properly implement superior departments accounting requirements. 2, give full play to accounting initiative, careful budgeting annually, and do a year-end work on the budget "no budget expenditure, budget expenditures", strictly control expenditures. Often communicating with school leaders reported financial position, and in terms of revenue ideas, ways to strictly implement the financial system, two lines of income and expenditure. 3, further standardize the school's financial management system, created the democratic financial management group, democratic financial group checks the school each semester accounts. Reporting annually to the school's financial income and expenses, so that all the teachers of school finances be aware. 4, with the school leadership greater control in school debt, does not give to the debt did not comply with procedures in the accounts. 5, various infrastructural projects to the school can do to teach . The poverty alleviation of poverty alleviation and training with the combination of the proposed by 2014. In the province, the city poverty alleviation and immigration office careful guidance and county Party committee and government of the correct leadership, the county seriously practice the scientific development view, and counties around the target, and comprehensively implement the Central Committee and the State Council on poverty alleviation immigration policy, adhere to the, strengthen infrastructure construction, accelerate the poor areas and immigration of education, health, culture and other public welfare undertakings development, the whole village advancement and the new rural construction, through the entire village advancement, poverty alleviation immigration, intellectual, social, industrial and other means, increasing the masses of poor and immigrant economic income a year, I do all the work staff Through joint efforts and struggle, and achieved excellent results, 2014 for 2666 million yuan project funds, and 2013 compared to increase by 60%, poverty alleviation and resettlement work was named the city's third, Tan Lun Tan reservoir migrants synthetic immigration village as the city's economy to inspect a major bright spot, makes the contribution to the economic and social development in Qianshan. For 2020 together to achieve well-off society to make enormous contribution, is now on the 2014 since the county to carry out the implementation of poverty alleviation and resettlement work are summarized as follows: A, poverty alleviation work 1, entire village advancement. Our county's agricultural population of 38 million people, poverty population of 4.9 million people, accounting for 1 2.9%. The county, "Twelfth Five Year Plan", will focus on poverty alleviation in the village of 14, since poor agricultural village has a total population of 2.55 million, poverty population 0.518 million people, accounting for 20%.2014 years, total planning project 20, 851 million yuan of total investment, including 280 million yuan of poverty relief funds of central finance, county matching funds of 70 million yuan department support funds 3.76 million yuan, self城市园林绿化建设中突出公众参与和文化内涵-考察芬兰、瑞典园林绿化情况报告时间:2010-12-16 17:36:13 来源: 作者:编辑:冯达 审稿:周彩贤 校对:邵丹编者按:为提高北京市园林绿化建设水平,加快实现“三个园林”的步伐,市园林绿化局 2010 年组织了多次出国考察,取得了良好效果。现将部分考察报告摘编后予以刊登,与大家分享。(摘编后的报告未经考察团组审阅) 在芬兰和瑞典的整个考察过程中,我们时常在莽莽苍苍的森林和繁荣茂盛的花草绿树中穿梭,暗绿的针叶林、亮黄的白桦林、鲜红的枫树林、亮绿的草毯,加上各色童话般的乡间别墅、风格迥异的雕塑,使初秋的北欧色彩斑斓,显现出高度的和谐,给人以心动的美感。在交流中使我们逐步认识到:一、公众参与是建立人与自然和谐统一的有效方法 无论是赫尔辛基还是斯德哥尔摩,市民对城市绿化及环境保护都给予了高度关注,积极参与到营造人与自然和谐共存的生态环境中。正因为人人都与自然建立起了友好的感情,所以无论你到什么地方,都随时可见人与自然融为一体的动人画面:在林间草地上,小松鼠翘着长长的、毛茸茸的大尾巴,悠闲地边吃果子边迎接游人;在市中心的广场上,鸽群上下飞舞,与阳光和人群嬉戏;在公园,老者坐在铺满金黄树叶的草坪中悠闲地拉着风琴,天真的孩子睁着圆圆的眼睛好奇地倾听,母亲在一旁甜蜜的微笑着。这情景顿时使我们觉得,这铺满金黄叶子的林间草地、这活波可爱的小松 鼠,这圣洁的和平鸽,这饱经沧桑的老人,这充满好奇的孩子,这洋溢着幸福的母亲,不正是我们努力要实现的目标吗? 北京市园林绿化建设经过多年的努力取得了显著地成就,如何巩固和发展这些成果,我们认为借鉴两国成功的经验,加强生态文明宣传教育,引导公众参与则是一条行之有效的途径。可以通过多种方式,建立起生态文明教育的旅游休闲体系,大力倡导生态善恶观、生态良心、生态正义和生态义务,全方位引导公众积极参与环境建设,变“每一个人都是污染源”为“每一个人都是环境保护卫士”。一是要加大园林绿化的宣传投入,建设必要的野外生态环境教育基地,设立宣传牌、印刷宣传册,免费让游人参观、感受和消化,树立保护环境的自觉意识。二是与旅游部门联合开展生态文明教育培训,尤其在对导游的培训中应加入动植物识别、保护生态环境的基本方法等课程,建立生态旅游理念,使游人、景区和导游形成环境保护的统一体。三是培育和鼓励环境志愿者在旅游区工作,为其提供基本食宿和交通,鼓励志愿者积极投入到社区、风景区等游人聚集的地方工作。四是与环保组织加强合作,政府应借助环保组织的力量,开展一些别开生面的宣传、教育及培训等活动,吸引公众参与到环保当中来。二、挖掘文化内涵是提升园林绿化水平的有效途径 城市园林建设与文化内涵紧密结合也是这两个国家城市建设的共同特点。典型的例子是正在修建的芬兰公园。从 2005 年开始,赫尔辛基市政府投资 900 亿欧元,在一处 10.6 公顷的重度污染湖区建设芬兰公园。在建的芬兰公园将以绿色为底蕴,融合芬兰文化、艺术、旅游、历史、政治、交通和媒体等多项元素,成为市民享受自然、体验文化、休闲聚会的城市绿洲,更是游客了解芬兰的窗口。另一个就是西贝柳斯公园,开放式的草地,针阔搭配的树木,自然分布的园中小湖,在这恬静宜人的城市公园中心,有一座约 3 米高、由 600 根铜管组成的雕塑,像是管风琴,又像似芬兰的森林,著名的交响乐大师西贝柳斯的头像屹立在一旁,两只硕大的耳朵像是倾听他的力作芬兰颂,又像是在倾听森林中传来的阵阵松涛声,使本来不起眼的一个城市街心公园平添了几分高雅和神圣。 北京作为历史悠久的文化古城,在提升园林绿化建设水平中,必须转变观念,放宽思路,深挖首都历史文化内涵,使其在绿化建设中尽情地体现。一是吸纳历史文化、民俗艺术等园林绿化行业外人士参与到园林绿化规划设计中来,集思广益,在建园之初就将人文元素融入其中。二是结合当地的历史文化,对已建成的绿地加以改造。如通州的运河公园,在园中建造了长达千米的运河历史铜质版画,让游人在轻松休闲中了解了运河上千年的历史变迁和对我国经济社会发展所起积极作用。三是注重城市大树和古树的培育。古树是城市历史发展的活的见证,是活的文物,古都风貌中不可或缺。在对现有古树加以保护的同时,在新建绿地中应考虑适当选择乡土慢生树种,培育大树和古树。四适当增加园中建筑,对当地特色民居进行展修复,以雕塑形式展示当地名人、民俗、故事、地理、文化等。五是大力宣传园林绿化本身的文化内涵,如岁寒四友梅兰竹菊的气节和优雅、园中花草乔灌的作用和价值等等。借助森林认证手段推动森林可持续经营-考察芬兰、瑞典园林绿化情况报告时间:2010-12-14 18:24:53 来源: 作者:编辑:冯达 审稿:周彩贤 校对:邵丹编者按:为提高北京市园林绿化建设水平,加快实现“三个园林”的步伐,市园林绿化局 2010 年组织了多次出国考察和培训,取得了良好效果。现将部分考察培训报告摘编后予以刊登,与大家分享。(摘编后的报告未经考察团组审阅) 应芬兰农林部和瑞典农业技术大学邀请,北京市园林绿化局巡视员、副书记刘宝军同志一行 6 人,于 2010 年 9 月 22 日 -10 月1 日 赴芬兰和瑞典 进行园林绿化考察。代表团访问了芬兰农林部、赫尔辛基市政府、和瑞典农林科技大学,考察和学习了森林认证以及城市园林绿化建设等方面情况,并与相关专家进行了广泛交流。 通过了解得知,芬兰和瑞典之所以成为森林可持续经营和林业产业发展的典范,在很大程度上与实行森林认证制度是密不可分的,。芬兰几乎全部采用泛欧森林认证体系(即 PEFC ),到目前共有 89.3% 的森林、计 1965 万公顷通过了 PEFC 认证。瑞典采用森林管理委员会认证体系(即 FSC ),到 2008 年全国共有 46.5% 的森林、计 1207.4 万公顷 通过了FSC 认证,是世界上通过 FSC 认证最多的国家之一。一、森林认证制度是推动森林可持续经营的有效手段 通俗地讲,森林认证是一个独立的机构,按照公认的原则和标准,对森林及其经营过程进行审核和综合评估,以证明其达到可持续经营的要求。芬兰和瑞典作为林产品的主要出口国,把森林认证制度作为促进森林可持续经营和占领国际市场的有效手段在全国推行,取得了良好的效果。通过认证,规范了森林经营过程中的管理和技术环节,从而提高了经营水平。同时强化了林场主对环境和当地居民权益的保护,给消费者传递了其使用的林产品是来自于经营良好的森林的信息,起到了公众教育和宣传作用。当然,通过认证的产品价格高于非认证产品,给业主也带来了实实在在的经济利益。可以说,芬兰和瑞典是通过森林认证实现森林资源合理利用、促进森林可持续经营的很好的例子。二、借助森林认证,提高我市园林绿化行业管理水平 北京市八达岭林场于 2006 年 11 月通过 FSC 森林经营认证,在规范国有林场管理、理顺经营思路方面起到了很好的示范作用。我们从芬兰瑞典的成功经验得知,在我市园林绿化从量的增长向质的提高的过程中,在更大的范围内推行森林认证,借鉴森林认证的原则和标准,无论对专业技术人员还是对管理者来说,对提高经营水平,规范行业管理都是一个很好的工作的思路,是促进我市园林绿化行业管理的有效手段。当前,应从以下几个方面大力开展北京市的森林认证工作:一是宣传森林认证理念,引导从业人员了解森林认证的原则和标准,学习森林认证的方法和程序,进一步促进行业管理的规范化和科学化。二是积极争取财政资金支持,在国有林场推行生态公益林经营认证,探索森林可持续经营方法,为全市森林经营提供模式和示范。三是加强与国际认证体系的合作与交流,建立与国际接轨的适宜本地区推广应用的生态公益林森林认证标准。四是培养森林认证技术骨干,建立我市森林认证审核员队伍,从而降低认证成本,为全面开展森林认证创造良好的条件。景观考察报告 考擦目的,10天时间我们考察了深圳和广州比较有 代表性的一些中高端楼盘,为我们成都项目的景观设计和施工寻找有效的参考,并借此总结和思考中高端项目景观的标准及方法。对于广州深圳各个地方的考察。6月20日至28日去广州、深圳,香港进行了为期10天的景观植物考察、广场景观设计、景观施工及有色工程材料的考察。 考察期间,了解到景观植物的培育趋向,特别是进口植物品种在当地气候条件下的表现,适应性和园林中应用实际,如北美枫香、智利南洋杉在江浙地区都良好表现。苗圃生产单位还对我国野生植物进行栽培繁育,使苗源得到了扩展,如水杨梅(茜草科),是非常适合宁波地区在水湿地带或溪河岸边种植的。景观绿道是当前城市环境发展中的一道亮丽的风景线,广州花城广场就是一个案例。它从城市交通主干线一直延伸到珠江边,两边是现代化的摩天大楼,绿道起到了城市的景观绿廊。康体健身的绿道,承载城市文化、休闲、展示的功能,并与体育中心、展览中心、科技中心串连起来。绿化景观的栽植特色,是与华南地区特有的植物资源是分不开的,如红花鸡蛋花、大王椰子、遍地黄金等等。深圳市民中心,是深圳市的中轴绿道,北至莲花山,中间是市政府广场,南至科技区,东西横向有多条交通线立交穿过,上层的绿道始终以屋顶花园的形式,为城市立体绿化创造了复层绿色景观,极大地丰富了城市绿色层次,价值我们借鉴。 我们利用考察的时间对东方尊峪、中海半山溪谷、公园大 地、天健现代城、中信红树湾、星河丹堤、澳城、广州星河湾、誉锋、凯旋新世界、中海晖景、汇景新城进行了实地考察,并结合查阅资料 与访问销售人员,了解了景观带的基本情况及景点分布、景观带一周 数据统计、景观带规划等情况。 方案是关系到整个景观规划布局成败的关键,而扩初和施工图的 好坏则是细部效果的决定因素。而且便于在设计阶段控制成本,预防过多变更。在这次考察中,我们发现深圳的公园大地与广州星河湾两 个项目的景观比较出彩。他们都是由香港贝尔高林公司设计的。公园大地和广州广州星河湾的景观都有共同的特点。首先是风格很现代的欧式风格、规划布局和细部特征,尤其是铺装小品的设计很到位,甚至架空层也规划设计的十分细致。这样的公司出的作品成功范例很多,例如成都的金林半岛和中海名城恢弘的规划与丰富多彩的铺装图案(公园大地)植物层次的搭配(高乔、二乔、大型灌木,地被)(公园大地)精致的铁花大门及门柱 (公园大地)小区围墙的铁艺效果(公园大地)景观泳池(广州星河湾) 硬质景观的把握主要从细节着手,1 是要使景观元素丰富,2 是 使景观骨架高大有力,色彩搭配丰富悦目3 是要使收边手角处显得天 衣无缝,避免现场 2 次设计过多。可以从景观小品(亭、廊、棚架、雕塑等)、景墙、花池、水体、地面铺装、立面装饰、围墙、大门、竖向设计、地下车库景观设计等小区园林要素来一一把握。 景观效果与投入成本的关系及解决办法 由于植物作为生物材料的特殊性。其价格的变化是惊人的,成都 这里的植物尤其是大规格乔木用量和生产量严重不成比例,造成乔木 果。高大乔木用量巨大,而自然生长量根本不能满足需要。 景观0901 090510103 谢思林 政府在扩大城区和公园绿地建设过程中大量使用某几种乔木,造成暂时的供不应求,使乔木材料季节性上涨。各大苗圃竞相囤积形成垄断,人为抬高苗价。 所以,成都本土大型地产公司和一些在成都有较多土地储 备,开发量较大的公司都采用利用苗圃自己储备大规格乔木的办 法来降低这些必须的成本。例如置信和蓝光、建川集团、武海置 业等都有自己的苗圃。通过自己采购、囤积部分大规格苗木能大 大降低绿化成本financing and investing with their labor 115 million yuan, 10 million other funds, in the key poverty alleviation in the village, totaled arrange 13 new areas, so that the entire village advancement and the new rural construction combined, can integrate a large amount of money to do great things, urgent, difficult, Chung show Many bright spots, such as: Zixi Village Cultural Square is the facade of my county east gate, still without Zhu Cun is the west gate of the county "happy Zhu Cun, Lake ban Cun Shan robes entirely newlook, Ma An Cun is first I County minority village. Other key poverty alleviation in the village through the implementation of poverty alleviation projects, village appearance has been greatly improved, infrastructure have the obvious change, production and life have improved significantly, farmers' income will continue to increase, masses of poverty poverty relief, 2684 people have been lifted out of poverty, the poverty population plan is 2420 people, accounted for anti-poverty programs 110.9%. over the past year, 20 projects completed, the impoverished village roads hardening 9.8 Four square kilometers, built size bridge 3, leisure activities, built canals 12 kilometers, built in primary 2, construction of health 1, greening, lighting 5 to support the industrial development project 6, to solve the drinking water difficulties of the masses of the 300 households. 2, poor households precise identification and archiving riser. According to the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office of poverty alleviation and development of precise identification, filing riser of poor households for accurate identification, strict requirements, time is tight, the task is heavy, the workload is large. The county repeated investigations, master the poverty situation, scientific and reasonable distribution of poverty population index, fully consider the subsistence allowances, five population of full coverage, and take care to poor poor village Trapped households in poverty alleviation and development indicators of the population. Set up a special poor households precise identification and archiving riser group, formulated the < Qianshan County filing of poverty alleviation and development programme of work of the riser > and < Qianshan County cadres twinning poverty households to the implementation of the work programme >. Archives of poor households have poverty, caused by rich reason, helping the demand, the subject of helping and supporting measures, in poverty alleviation and development provides correct decision-making and assessment provide important basis. To the end of June after two public announcement, my county identified poverty 14536 people, 7669 households, including 117.16 guaranteeing the population, scattered five guarantees 513, poverty alleviation and development with population of 230 7. Xiapa 2554 cadres twinning poverty door, do poor households full coverage of helping. Support of the county cadres twinning funds more than 150 million yuan. At the same time, the county also held the party secretary of the township (Center), agatanoatae each unit the main person in charge of the cadres twinning mobilization meeting. This year by the end of October the successful completion of the tasks assigned by the superior. 3, social poverty. "The Twelfth Five Year Plan" to our province county set package to hold the unit, filthy, Provincial Bureau of Surveying and mapping, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. Since the beginning of this year, they were to focus on poverty alleviation in the village investigation personally, formulate a plan for poverty


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