怎,作,好,文,图,样,看,说,专项复习,看图作文是根据图画所提供的信息及语境来写作文。包括图画作文和图表作文两种形式。现在看图作文越来越趋向于就画写观后感,即寓意作文,难度较大,旨在通过画面表达现实生活中的实际问题,命题意图在于考察考生观察、想象和灵活运用语言、组织语言的能力。,评分标准,1 本题10分,分四等给分A等:正确使用所给词汇,准确表述图示内容,语言地道,无语法错误给910分。B等:能用所给词汇,较完整的表述图示内容,语句有12处语法错误给68分。C等:所给词汇使用不全,图示内容表述不够准确,有3处以上的语法错误给35分。D等:只写出个别要点,语法错误较多,书写欠规范,只有个别句子可读或不知所云,给0-2分。2 单词拼写错误,每处扣0.5分。,写作技巧1.仔细审题,合理分配。弄清作文题目具体要求,比如词数要求等,以便确定下一步的准备方向,避免做无用功。然后仔细、全面地解读所提供的画面内容,不能放过任何一个细节,但也不能走极端。依据自身实际和试题难度,给作文分配合理时间。2.拟定提纲,构建框架。看明白画面后,主题就会在脑海中浮现,要迅速抓住这一灵感,把思路继续延伸,勾勒出文章轮廓,列出提纲,建立整体骨架。,3.领悟用意,组织语言。对画面描述直接切入主题,对图意纵向理解、横向扩展.主次分明、结构严谨、尽量贴近命题者意图。避免出现低级错误。更不能牵强地组织一些复杂句式或词语来故弄玄虚,用准确、简练的简单句或词间接表达同样意思也是不失分的好办法。4.细心检查,重新审视。时间紧,有时对一些细小问题,如拼写、标点、单词大小写等易于疏忽。因此一定要对题目要求、拟订主题、仔细检查、查缺补漏,精益求精,把失误降到最低限度。,图示作文四步法,1图示作文:根据图示写一篇70词左右的短文,短文必须以It was Sunday开头。,看图作文解题步骤,1.看-审题:看图写一篇短文,使用第三人称。,确定基本要素:5W1H,何 时 何 地 何 人 为何 如 何 做 了 何 事,(审文体、审时态、审人称、审要求),理解到位,What happened?,确定主要行为,确定主要行为,2.点-找点:,一幅图 一要点 抓要点 配动词 时态直达 语态到位,观察到位,2.找要点:,在室外踢足球;,be playing football outside,球跑到了街上;,be running into the street,追球;,run after the ball,一辆车飞快的过来;,be coming quickly,警察拦住了车;,stop the car,得救了;,be saved,3.连-表述:一般过去时,过去进行时,扩写句子。,形成基本语义单位,Who did what?,连贯 呼应时间 空间 细节,注意:时间 空间 细节 连贯 呼应 标点,细节到位,选用恰当的关联词语,把句子连接成文。连接并列的句子because/so/though/but/and/when/while/if 等。记叙事件经过 At first/then/five minutes later/finally/at last/in the end等。如果发现上下句之间跳跃性太大,没有逻辑关系时,要根据自己的生活经验,适当发挥想象,增加合理细节,使文段衔接自然,行文流畅,最后给文章一个结尾,发表个人看法。,增加细节 呼应首尾,词与词搭配,词与词搭配,句与句相连,4.面-成文,表达到位,卷面整洁不一定加分,卷面潦草一定要扣分。,检查句子的语法结构 语法是否错误结构是否完整 固定搭配是否正确主谓、时态、人称是否一致注意英汉表达差异,不要使用汉语式英语检查字母大小写是否规范 字数是否合乎要求,品析,It was Sunday.Wang Ming and Chen Lin didnt go to school.They were playing football outside their homes.At that moment the ball was running into the street.The two boys ran after it at once.Suddenly a car was coming quickly.At that moment,a policeman rushed to the front of the car and stopped it.The boys were saved.How dangerous it was.,2图示作文:,请根据下面四幅图画内容,写一篇短文。记述昨天发生在Lucy身上的事(词数80字)。,Step1:Watch the pictures from the first one to the last one and get the main idea of the whole story.,通看全图,掌握大意,Step2:Choose the correct main point or phrase for each picture.,根据每幅图提示找要点,根据要点,找词组。,围绕主题,提炼要点,第一幅图:下课了、要回家,第二幅图:见小贩、在叫卖,第三幅图:吃炸串、肚子疼,第四幅图:住院后、有反思,围绕主题,提炼要点,将四幅图连起来并结合考虑每幅图中的各个细节进行想象,将隐藏的要点补出来,使故事连贯。第一幅图:最后的铃声响了,时间就是放学回家,在路上(为下文铺垫)。第二幅图:根据她看到的可以推断:小贩在叫卖,好多孩子都在吃,于是她也想吃。第三幅图:吃后,感觉肚子痛根据第四幅图可推断她食物中毒了。第四幅图:要住院几天;妈妈在陪护,她也在反思应该吃健康食品,平时就要注意饮食卫生和安全。,合理想象,补出要点,Step3:Put each group of words into a sentence.(Pay attention to the correct verb form.),根据词组组句子,left school after the final bell rang.,2.a woman selling fast food,some kids were eating,so cheap,just 1 yuan for two,3.bought much and ate,had a stomachache and felt worse and worse.,4.was taken to hospital,stay away from junk food and eat healthy food.,Step4:Choose correct connectives to join the sentences into a passage,使用恰当连词,连句成文,One day,Lucy left school after the final bell rang.On her way home,there was a woman selling fast food that was boiled in hot water,It smelt so delicious and some kids were eating happily.The food was so cheap,just 1 yuan for two,so Lucy also bought much and ate quickly.After a while,Lucy had a stomachache and felt worse and worse.Then she was taken to hospital by her mother.Luckily,she got better soon.Lucy decided to stay away from junk food and eat healthy food every day.,3图示作文:这是刘明上周日在公园发生的事情,请根据图片内容写一篇文章。,提示词:run after a goat;get lost作文要求:1、要求字迹工整,语法正确,意思连 贯,合乎逻辑,可适当发挥。2、话题作文字数要求为80-100 词;图示作文字数要求为80词左右。,(1)-went for a picnic-were dancing(2)-saw a goat running-began to run after it,(3)-thought of his friends-got lost(4)-a farmer came-helped him,Last Sunday,Liu Ming and his friends went for a picnic at the foot of the mountain.Some of them were playing games,some were dancing,they felt very relaxed.Suddenly,Liu Ming saw a goat running.He was interested in it and began to run after it for a long time.When he thought of his friends,he didnt know where he was.He got lost.At that time,a farmer came.With his help,Liu Ming found his friends again.He thanked the farmer and said“Goodbye”to him.,请根据下面四幅图画内容,写一篇短文,记述昨天发生在你叔叔身上的事。注意:1.词数80以上。2.参考词汇:吊销驾照 revoke a driving license,4图示作文:,围绕主题,提炼要点,第一幅图:与朋友聚会、喝酒,第二幅图:与朋友道别、酒后驾车,第三幅图:出事故、受伤,第四幅图:住院、吊销驾照,合理想象,补出要点 将四幅图连起来并结合考虑每幅图中的各个细节进行想象,将隐藏的要点补出来,使故事连贯。第一幅图:喝酒的地点(可能在朋友家,也可能在小酒馆),根据喝酒的地点确定是谁邀请谁。可能因为高兴叔叔酒喝多了,喝醉了(为下文铺垫)。第二幅图:根据他说的话:No problem可以推断:朋友劝他,他没听,坚持驾车回家。第三幅图:酒后驾车,可以想象开车的情况:蜿蜒向前,撞树出事故。根据第四幅图可推断他没有死而是受了伤。警察到现场,将他送往医院。第四幅图:因伤势严重,要住院几天;警察对他处罚吊销驾照。,文章记述昨天发生在叔叔身上的事,用过去时态。,第一幅图:Yesterday evening my uncle was invited to dinner by his friends.He was so glad that he drank a lot of beers.As a result he got drunk.,第二幅图:After the meal,his friends tried to persuade him not to drive home,but he didnt listen to them,and saying“No problem”and insisted on doing so.,第三幅图:He got into the car and drove away.A few minutes later,he was winding his way in the street.And suddenly his car ran into a tall tree.He was badly injured but still alive.The police came to the scene,and he was taken to hospital.,第四幅图:He had to stay in hospital for several days because of being seriously injured.He was fined by the police and his driving license was revoked.,My uncle will never forget what happened to him yesterday.Yesterday evening my uncle was invited to dinner by his friends.He was so glad that he drank a lot of beers.As a result he got drunk.After the meal,his friends tried to persuade him not to drive home,but he didnt listen to them,and saying“No problem”and insisted on doing so.He got into the car and drove away.A few minutes later,he was winding his way in the street when his car ran into a tall tree.He was badly injured but still alive.The police came to the scene,and he was taken to hospital.Unfortunately he had to stay in hospital for several days.Worse still he was fined by the police and his driving license was revoked.How he regretted what he had done!,How to write a picture story,Step1:Watch the pictures from the first one to the last one and get the main idea of the whole story.,通看全图,掌握大意,根据每幅图提示找要点,根据要点,找词组。,Step2:Choose the correct main point or phrase for each picture.,clock didnt go off overslept and got up late,cooking breakfastburned my hand,ran outmissed the bus,ran three miles to the school,arrived therefound that it was Sunday,Step3:Put each group of words into a sentence.(Pay attention to the correct verb form.),根据词组组句子,In the morning,my alarm clock didnt go off.I overslept and got up late.,I burnt my hand when I was cooking breakfast.,I ran out of the house to catch the bus.I missed it.,I had to run three miles to the school.(I had to go to school on foot.),When I arrived there,I found that it was Sunday.,Step4:Choose correct connectives to join the sentences into a passage,使用恰当连词,连句成文。,In the morning,my alarm clock didnt go off so I overslept and got up an hour late.I was in such a hurry that I burnt my hand when I was cooking breakfast.Then I ran out of the house to catch the 8:30 bus,but of course I missed it.,I was very unhappy because I knew my teacher got angry if anyone was late for class.So I ran three miles to the school.But when I arrived there in the end,I found that it was Sunday.,模拟作文 一,Xiao Ming was on his way home one afternoon.When he was walking past a nice field,he saw a frog.He wanted to play with it.So he went over quickly and caught it.Just at that time,an old man came up and said to him,“Frogs are our friends.They are good at catching pests.Its not right to catch them.”When he heard it,his face turned red.He put the frog back into the field.The old man said with a smile.“You are a good boy.”,范 文,模拟作文 二,One day,an old man walked to a bridge.He stopped and thought,“Can an old man cross it?”Then he decided to have a try.He was full of fear and was going across it when suddenly he fell to the water.“Help!Help!”he cried.As he felt his feet touch the floor,he was very glad.“Oh,just half a meter deep!”,范文,Exposition 说明文,说明文篇章结构写前指导,第一段:导入主题自然恰当,结尾要紧扣在说 明文体裁上,Here is my advice/Here are my ways/suggestions/tips 语言精彩,有修辞方法(排 比、比 喻、设问、引用等),不能写成其它文体。第二段:从三个不同的侧面来说明问题。第三段:首尾呼应,总结扣题,If you follow my 有精美语句、谚语,升华主题。,说明文主体段第二段结构,至少要分三点进行说明,每种方法至少含有三句话,一句中心句,两句推展句。(一句中心句写方法,二句陈述理由,三句写结果,二句三句也可举例说明方法的好处或具体描述方法使用)。要求中心句结构一致,句式整齐,上下对照。(如果是祈使句,则均为祈使句;如果是陈述句,则均为陈述句;We should)要求有过渡语言First、Second,Third恰当关联词However,Therefore,Also,Whats more,单复句交替,句式不单一,紧扣主题。,说明文主体段结构积累,How to do something,First,Second,Third,梦想是翅膀,帮助我们在蓝天翱翔;梦想是航标灯,帮助我们在黑暗中前行;梦想是画笔,描绘我们七彩的人生。同学们,你的梦想是什么?如何才能实现自己的梦想呢?请你谈谈自己的想法。,书面表达,Writing Task,书面表达篇章结构写前指导,Part 1.通过自己对梦想的理解,告诉读者你 的梦想是什么,并引出要说明的对象-如何实现自己的梦想。Part 2.从至少三个方面谈如何实现梦想,每 个方法后应写明原因。Part 3.告诉读者实现梦想的道路并非一帆风 顺,每个人都要有艰辛的付出,号召 大家为了实现自己的梦想努力拼搏。,