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    sectionA(1a-1c)第一课时,Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?,如何提建议或请求,提建议或请求方式很多,本单元主要讲的是有关would 和could的使用。would 和could都是情态动词,后跟动词原形。常用的提问结构为:Would/Could+主语+动词原形+?-Would you mind opening the door?把门打开你介意吗?-No,not at all.不,一点也不。-Would you mind not playing basketball here?不要在这打篮球,好不好?-Sorry,well go and play in the park.对不起,我们将要去公园打。,1)would是一个情态动词,经常用来提出建议或请求。Would you like some bananas?你想吃香蕉吗?-Would you like to go with me?你愿意和我一起去吗?-OK.愿意。2)mind 介意。mind doing sth.介意做某事 Would you mind moving your car?把你的车移开,好吗?,Requests and responses/apologize,Would you mind(not)doingCould you Will you doWould you,No,not at all.Sorry,Ill do it right away.Ok,Ill do it in a minute.Sure,thats no problem.,Would you mind taking out the trash?,No,not at all.,A:Would you mind cleaning the floor?B:No,not at all.Ill do it.,doing the dishes,keep your voice down,Would you mind doing?,Would you mind cleaning your room?,Sorry,Ill do it right away.,Ok,Ill do it at once.,Would you mind washing your hand?,Would you mind not arguing?,Sorry,well stop.,A:Would you mind not smoking?B:Im sorry.I wont do it again.,再,a,b,c,_ a.Would you mind cleaning the yard?_ b.Would you mind not playing baseball here?_ c.Would you mind moving your bike?_ d.Would you mind turning down the music?,1,2,3,4,1b,Listen and number the resquests in the order you hear them,Woman 1:Would you mind turning down the music?Woman 2:No,not at all.,Conversation 1,Lets check,Conversation 2,Man 1:Would you mind cleaning the yard?Man 2:Sorry.Ill do it right away.,Conversation 3,Man 1:Would you mind moving your bike?Boy 1:Not at all.Ill do it right away.,Conversation 4,Man 1:Would you mind not playing baseball here?Boy 2:Were sorry.Well go and play in the park.,Work in pairs to make similar conversations.,A:Would you mind moving your chair?B:Sorry.Ill do it right away.A:Would you mind giving me the book?B:OK.Here you are.,1c Pair work,1.Would you mind _(wash)my clothes?2._ you mind _(clean)the house?3.Would you mind not _(sleep)in the class?4.Would you mind _(not talk)too loudly?,washing,Would,cleaning,sleeping,not talking,Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?,Section A(2a-2c)第二课时,5,4,2,3,2b.Listen again.Match the requests in activity 2a with the responses below.Write the letters a-e in the blanks.,Sorry.I wont be long.Im sorry.Ill do it right away.OK.Ill do them in a minute.OK.Ill put on another pair.5.OK,dad.Ill get up now.,d,c,a,b,e,2c.Pair work,Look at the requests and the responses above and make conversations.,A:Nick,would you mind not wearing those old jeans?They look terrible.B:OK.Ill put on another pair.A:Would you mind doing the dishes?B:OK.Ill do it right away.,Grammar Focus,Would you mind cleaning your room?Im sorry.Ill do it right away.Would you mind not playing baseball here?Sorry.Well go and play in the park.Would you mind moving your car?No,not at all.,Would you mind _(get)up?Would you mind _(not play)basketball here?I have to _(take)out the trash.Could you _(move)your bike?Please _(write)it in English.6.Would you please _(do)the dishes?7.Will you _(open)the window?,getting,not playing,take,move,write,do,open,Section A(3a-4)第三课时,Would you mind turning down the music?,Unit 7,Lets practice,Would you mind ing?,sweep the floor,Lets practice,Would you mind ting?,get up early,Lets practice,Would you mind ing?,cook,Lets practice,Would you mind not ing,play,the computer games,1.Would you mind_.2.Could you please _?3.Would you mind _?4.Please _.5.Also,you have to _.,washing the dishes,feed the dog,cooking dinner,go to the library,do your homework,3a,A:Would you mind getting up?You have to help me in the kitchen.B:Ok,Ill get up right away.Do I have to wash dishes?A:Yes,and you have to help me make dinner.B:Ok,when I finish,could you help me with my homework?A:Sure.,getting up,Ball For 2009 Hello,2009 Goodbye,2008 Just for you,we will have a ball.Time:7:30 p.m.,Apr.2 Place:Assembly Hall,Posters,Our task for school open day:Yan Ming,would you mind _?Jack,_?Jim,_?Lucy,_?,make posters制作海报,clean the school yard清扫校园,get ready for a ball game准备一场球赛,give a talk 作一个报告,Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?,Section B(1a-2c)第四课时,1a Have you ever complained about these things?Would you ever complain about them?,Your barber gave you a terrible haircut.,The sore clerk gave you the wrong size.,Your friends were late.,The movie was terrible.Your best friend said it was great.,The waitress brought you the wrong food.,The pen you bought didnt work.,1bGroupworkMake a list of other things you have complained about.Then rank the items from the most to the least annoying.,Report like this:I think the most annoying thing is that.The least annoying thing is that.,The sales clerk didnt talk to me when I ask her questions.The sales clerk followed me everywhere.My deskmate often quarreled with me.My classmates didnt return my money.,Listen and number the sentences in the order you hear them in activity 1a,Your friends were late.,2a,The store clerk gave you the wrong size.,The movie was terrible.Your best friend said it was great.,The pen you boughtdidnt work.,The waitress brought youthe wrong food.,3,2,1,Your barber gaveyou a terrible haircut.,Listen again and fill in the blanks in the chart.,got the wrong size shirt,will get a smaller shirt,restaurant,will bring some French fries,store,got a pen that didnt work,A:This dress is too big.Would you mind _B:_Here you are.,giving me a smaller one?,The store clerk gave you the bigger size.,Im so sorry,The waiter brought you the wrong food.,A:I ordered a hamburger,but this is salad.Would you mind_ B:Im so sorry._,bringing me a hamburger?,Ill bring you a hamburger right away.,A:I bought this pen here,but it doesnt work.Would you mind _B:Not at all.Here you are.,giving me a new one?,The pen you bought didnt work.,Im very hungry.,Mum,Im hungry.Would you mind _?,Ok,Liu Xing.Ill do it _.,Pair work,Mum:The baby is sleeping.Would you mind not _ here?Son:Sorry.Ill _.,Pair work,Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?,Section B(3a-4)第五课时,I cant stand it!We asked some people what annoyed them.Heres what they said:,I dont like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation.When that happens,I usually say,“Would you mind helping me?”And I dont like it when shop assistants follow me around.Then I say,“Could you please not follow me around?Ill ask you if I need some help.”Usually the shop assistants say they are sorry,but sometimes they get mad.If that happens,I wont go back to that store again.,I get annoyed when someone talks to me while Im reading.This happens to me all the time in the school library.When it happens,I usually talk to the person because I want to be polite.But because Im polite,people dont know Im annoyed.So they do the same thing again.Perhaps in the future I should try not to be polite.,Read it again and True or False,1.The girl doesnt care if she waits in line.()2.When the shop assistant is having a long telephone conversation,she often waits.()3.She usually asks the shop assistant not to follow her around politely.()4.When the shop assistant gets mad,she will never go to that store again.()5.To the boy,it is usually happens that someone talks to him while he was reading in the library.()6.He usually refuses(拒绝)to talk with the person()7.Perhaps in the future,he should try not to be so polite.(),T,F,T,T,F,F,F,3b Look at the pictures.Imagine you are the people in the pictures.Complete the sentences.,I get annoyed when someone stands in the subway door.When this happens,I.I get annoyed when people cut in line.When this happens,I.,would say,”Would you mind standing a little inside?”,may say,“Could you please not cut in line?”,n.门,插队,n.排;队;列,4 GROUPWORK,A:What annoys you,Lin Zheng?B:I get annoyed when classmates borrow my eraser and dont return it.A:What do you do?B:,v.归还;返回,一、单词的适当形式填空:1.would you mind _(not put)your books here?2._(drop)litter is never allowed in our school.3.Will you please _(return)the book to the library?4.Please _(not be)late for class.5.Its better _(keep)your voice down in public.,not putting,Dropping,return,dont be,to keep,知识拓展 学以致用,6.He tries _(not smoke).7.When we see someone _(smoke)on the bus,we should _(polite)give them some suggestions.8.Its _(polite)to drop litter everywhere.We will feel _(comfortable)if there is litter everywhere.,知识拓展 学以致用,not to smoke,smoking,politely,impolite,uncomfortable,Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?,SELF CHECK,第六课时,SELF CHECK,3.Would you closing the door?Its cold outside.,4.I dont know the way to the sports club.Can I you?,5.Sorry,I my food half an hour ago and it hasnt arrived yet.,turn down,wait,mind,follow,ordered,mind wait follow order turn down,词汇:考考你的记忆力,1、清扫院子,2、关掉电视,3、立刻,马上,4、一会儿,5、从出来,6、移动一下你的自行车,clean the yard,turn off the TV,right away,in a minute,get out of,move your bike,7、说英语的国家,8、与.在一起,9、某人出了某事,10、压低声音,使缓和,11、捡起,an English-speakingcountry,be with,happen to sb,Keep down,pick up,12、熄灭,put out,13、当心,小心,take care,14、洗盘子,15、帮某人做某事,16、变得生气,17、排队等候,18、插队,19、违反规则,20、感到不舒服,21、在公共场合,22、即使,do the dishes,help sb.with sth.,get annoyed,wait in line,cut in line,break the rule,in public,feel uncomfortable,even if,Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?Reading 第七课时,Quarrel,Make requests politely,different ways to deal with(处理)trouble,A,B,C,Could you please stop smoking?,Would you mind stopping smoking?,Look at this picture.Whats the problem?(T),You have to stop smoking.,Please stop smoking.,Impolitely:,Politely:,More politely:,Most politely:,The man is smoking.,Can you find a sentence that can tell us the main idea in each paragraph?,As we read,we need to find(),topic sentence,These sentences usually give us a“summary”,or overall meaning of each paragraph and help us understand what the paragraph is about.After the topic sentence comes more detail and explanation,If you spend some time in an English-speaking country,you might hear the term etiquette.It means normal and polite social behavior.s may seem like a difficult word at first,but it can be very useful to understand.,Would you mind keeping your voice down?,If you,you might,如果你,你也许会,If you become an athlete,you might win a golden medal.,Etiquette is a very important idea to understand.,Paragraph 1,term:术语 voice:声音,Etiquette is not the same in every culture,or in every situation.For example,standing very close to the person you are talking with is quite common in some Asian countries.However,if you do this in Europe,some people might feel uncomfortable.Even in China,we all know that etiquette is not the same in all situations.Perhaps we think that talking loudly in our own homes is fine,but there are other places where talking loudly is not allowed.For example,most people would agree that talking loudly in a library,a museum,or a movie theater is impolite.Even if you are with your friends,it is better to keep your voice down in public places.In fact,we should also take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public.,Asian adj.亚洲(n)的;亚洲人的,European 欧洲(n)的,uncomfortable adj.不舒服的,allow v.允许;承认,impolite adj.无礼的;粗鲁的,public n.公众,cough v.咳嗽,Paragraph 2,If we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette,we may politely give them some suggestions.Perhaps one of the most polite ways is to ask someone,Would you mind doing this or Would you mind not doing that.For example,if someone cuts in front of you in line,you could ask them,Sorry,would you mind joining the line?If someone is smoking on the bus,we could ask,Excuse me,could you please put out that cigarette?People dont usually like to be criticized,so we have to be careful how we do this.,break the rule 不服从;不遵守,politely adv.客气地;斯文地,smoke v.抽烟;吸烟,put out 熄灭,cigarette n.香烟;卷烟;纸烟,criticize v.批判,Paragraph 3,Although rules of etiquette can often be different,some rules are the same almost everywhere in the world!For example,dropping litter is almost never allowed.If you see someone you know doing this,you can ask them,would you mind picking it up?,drop v.扔;丢,litter n.垃圾,pick up 捡起,Paragraph 4,True or False:1.In Europe,standing very close to the person with whom you are talking is quite common.()2.Talking loudly in public is allowed in China.()3.It is better to keep your voice down in public places.()4.“Would you mind”is a polite way to give people suggestions.()5.We have to be careful to make requests.()6.Rules of etiquette are always different.(),F,F,T,T,T,F,Match the paragraphs with the best summaries,d paragraph 1 a.We have to be very careful when we criticize people b.The way people behave is different in different cultures and situations paragraph 2 c.Sometimes,rules of etiquette are the same almost everywhere.d.Etiquette is a very important idea to understand.paragraph 3 e.We might want to ask someone to behave more politely if we see them breaking a rule of etiquette.paragraph 4 f.People in China and Europe have different ideas about etiquette.,3a,b,e,c,Homework:writing,One day you saw someone breaking the rules of etiquette.Write a letter of complaint to your local newspaper.,Dear Mr.Etiquette,Im writing to complain _ Yours _,Goodbye!,


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