关于小学英语语篇教学的几个问题,扬州市广陵区教育局师资培训中心 龚海平()2010.04.30 海门,一、语篇教学的概念,1.广义的语篇教学的概念 任何以完整篇幅呈现的文字材料的教学,都是广义的语篇教学。这就包括各种文体的语篇教学,散文、诗歌、戏剧对白、说明文、记叙文、论说文、应用文等。2.狭义的语篇教学的概念 以文章形式出现的文字材料的教学,属于狭义的语篇教学。例如:散文、说明文、记叙文、论说文、应用文,等等。,3.小学英语语篇教学的概念 小学英语语篇教学,是指通过对语篇的阅读理解教学,以获取、分析、整理和应用文本信息为主要目的,而不以生词教学和新的语法项目的教学作为重点。4.对小学英语语篇教学概念的误解 现在,有人把小学英语语篇教学理解成在语篇教学中同时完成词汇和语法教学,或把不去处理生词和语法的语篇教学为主,谓之“整体语篇教学”。这是错误的!,附:前语篇的概念,1.前语篇的概念前语篇是由著名的美国语言学家Widdowson率先提出的一个学术概念。他认为,人们在阅读或以其他方式获取语篇信息之前,人们实际上已经在某种程度上拥有了有关语篇文本信息的部分知识、经验、感受和个人看法。不同的人的这些因素,对语篇的理解会产生不同的作用,形成不同的结果。这些先于语篇信息获取、理解的个体因素就是“前语篇”。,例如:Hi!Im Wendy.This is my school.Its small!有一定英语基础的阅读者依据自己的前语篇至少可以做出如下判断:1)Wendy是一个外国小孩,而且是女孩 2)Wendy的学校可能在外国,也可能在中国 3)Wendy的学校房子少、规模小、人数少,2.前语篇与语篇教学的关系1)前语篇是语篇教学的基础2)前语篇能够为语篇教学服务3)教师要尽可能激活学生的前语篇,并引导学生将 前语篇积极地为语篇学习服务,并正确地理解前 语篇4)前语篇激活的关键时机在“阅读前活动”这一教 学环节,二、语篇教学的意义,语篇教学的主要意义是:1.培养学生从整体上(结合上下文及语言信息的相关语境)正确把握语篇信息的能力,而不是只看到局部,以避免望文生义现象的产生。如:A:Wheres your cat?B:There,over there.(第一个there的语义是什么)I like surfing the Internet.Its interesting.(这里的“it”究竟指代什么?)2.培养学生结合上下文对具体语境中的生词的词义作出合理推断的能力。(It says,“PLEASE KEEP OFF THE GRAASS.FINE¥10.”中的“fine”的词义推断。6A,P.11),Patty:So where are we going?Grandma:Were going to a special place.Patty:I know.But what kind of special place is it?Is it a restaurant?Oh,are we going to a buffet?Roger:A buffet?Are you hungry?Patty:No.But I am curious.Roger:Patty,this isnt a mystery.Just enjoy the day.Patty:OK.Are we going to a party?Roger:Patty.Patty:OK.OK.No more questions.,3.培养学生运用语篇文本信息解决问题的能力。如“任务型阅读”。4.培养学生的英语写作能力和发展学生的话语交际能力,丰富学生的话语表达内容与方式。5.有机渗透素质教育的其他方面的要求,不拘泥于学科教学。,三、语篇教学的程序与方法,一、语篇教学的程序1.基本程序与各个程序的任务(1)Before-reading activities predicting.(2)During-reading activities reading for the main idea(s).(3)After-reading activities reading for specific information.,2.各个程序的活动安排(1)Before-reading activities:a.Brainstorm Ask your students what words or ideas they can suggest that relate to the text that they will read,or to a picture from the text or to the topic or title.b.Discussion Ask your students to discuss a picture from the text or the title.They can talk about whay they think the story will be about,who will be in it,and what might happen.c.Questioningd.Pre-teaching difficult key words,(2)During-reading activities:a.Reading for the main idea Finding key words and topic sentences;True or false sentences written on the blackboard to be checked,according to the text;Fill in the blanks in the passage with sentences,or match the topic sentences to some paragraphs in the text.b.Mid-text predictingc.Reading for specific informationd.Gap-filling exercise Remove some key words from the text,ask students to guess the missing words from the context.e.Pronoun checks and guessing unknown words,3.After-reading activitiesa.Retell the story in small groups or as a class.Students act out the story,using their own words.b.Rewrite the story in their own words,preferably in pairs or in groups to encourage discussion.c.Discuss the story in pairs or small groups,giving their opinions of what they have read,or suggesting different endings.,二、语篇教学的方法1.Check understanding of“essential”vocabulary.But dont spend too much time on this!2.Establish interest in the topic.(6A Unit 1 Public signs,应先补充一些标志,如:Up,Down,Open,Closed等等。再如:对6A Unit 2 Bens birthday的处理,不宜先教课文,而应先讨论学生平时是怎么过生日的。)3.If you set two or more reading tasks,you should give the easier task first,to build students confidence.4.Move on to providing a task(s)that require(s)more detailed reading.5.Speaking activity based on the text.,三、实例 Its a spring morning.Paul is going to school on his bike.On the way to the school,he finds a wallet and picks it up.There is two hundred and fifty dollars in the wallet.“Whose wallet is it?”he wonders.Then,an old lady comes over.Paul asks the old lady,“Is it your wallet,madam?”The old lady says,“Yes,its mine.”“Whats in the wallet,then?”Peter asks.The old lady say,”Two hundred and fifty dollars.”,Paul says,“Thats right,madam.Here you are.”And he gives the wallet back to the lady.The lady smiles and says,“You are a good boy.Here is twenty-five dollars for you.Thank you very much.”Paul says,“Youre welcome,madam.Bye,bye.”Then he rides his bike to school.沪教版小学英语分级阅读(五上),其隐性教学目标有:通过再读课文,使学生加深对文本的理解,从而对其进行思想道德教育,引导其学习和养成拾金不昧的良好品德;通过小组合作学习,使学生智慧地处理较为复杂事情的生活能力得到形成和发展;通过对话语的比较,使学生的英语语言文化知识进一步增长,英语交际中的语用能力得到提高。,针对隐性目标:在“阅读中活动”中向学生提出了问题“What do you think of Paul?Why?”,让学生带着问题再读课文。学生的答案:1)Paul is an honest boy.2)Paul is a smart boy.3)Paul is a polite boy.4)Paul is a kind boy.5)Paul is a silly boy.,针对隐性目标:在“阅读后活动”中向学生提出了问题:“What will you do if you find a wallet in the street?AndWhy?”,让学生通过小组讨论后再回答。在多数学生主张拾到钱包交给警察时,有一名男生提出“But are all policemen good?Im not so sure.”的疑问。,针对隐性目标 在口语操练中设计了这样一道选择题:Which of them is better?Why?1)a.Then,an old lady comes over.b.Then,an old woman comes over.2)a.Peter asks the old lady,“Is it your wallet,madam?”b.Peter asks the old lady,“Is it your wallet,granny?”通过反复比较,学生逐渐明白了“an old lady”与“an old woman”在英语语言文化上的语义差异,也认识到了“madam”与“granny”作为称呼在英语口语交际中语义的本质区别。,实例(2)深圳版英语B9,U6,p.52Dear Jane,Last week Sam and I visited Animal Land.It was great.First,we rode through Lion Land on a train.After that,we drove to Hippo Pool in little cars.Then,we had lunch in the Spring Restaurant.After lunch,we stood near Monkey Mountain.We had some food.The monkeys came to us.After that,we saw the zebras in the Zebra Zoo.They really are black and white!Then we went to the gift shop and bought this postcard!Love,Candy and Sam,四、语篇教学中的生词处理,1.在生词不多的情况下,可以不去单独处理生词;在生词较多的情况下,尤其在有关键词是生词的情况下,应先处理生词,再进行语篇教学。2.在生词不多的情况下,可以直接让学生进入语篇学,相关生词可以让学生结合上下文猜测词义。3.在生词较多的情况下,必须先教生词,否则教材B部分的安排就失去了应有的意义。,一、阅读前活动Questioning:1.Did you go to a zoo some day before?2.Whats the name of the zoo?3.Who did you go to the zoo with?4.How did you go there?5.What did you see in the zoo?6.Did you have a good time there?,二、阅读中活动1.Questions given before reading.1)Who wrote the postcard?2)What was the postcard about?2.Questions given before reading again.1)How did Candy and Sam visit the Lion Land?2)Where did they have lunch?3)What did they do after lunch?3.Number the following in order after reading again.(略)4.Dealing with the exercises on p.52.,三、阅读后活动1.What does the underlined words mean?1)It was great.2)After that,we drove to Hippo Pool in little cars.3)They really are black and white!2.Make a dialogue about your interesting visit.3.Talk about your interesting visit.4.Write a postcard to your best friend about your interesting visit.,五、语篇教学中的语法处理,1.如果语篇教学的内容涉及到语篇的理解,那么理应先处理语法教学内容。2.如果语篇教学的内容虽然涉及到语篇的理解,但并不影响语篇的理解,那么可以不先教语法,因为语法教学毕竟是为语篇教学和语言能力发展服务的。,六、语篇教学中的语言技能培养,1.要坚持听、说、读、写的有机统一。2.要坚持以“阅读为主、其他为辅”的方针。3.要在语言教育中体现英语语言文化教育。如:Im Nancy Black.(3A)4.对语篇教学的效率与效果的评价直接取决于学生解决实际问题的能力。其次是语言文化意识的培养。再次是素质教育其他要求的有机渗透。检验的方式主要是口语表达和笔头练习。,七、语篇教学中课标理念的体现,1.要坚持面向全体学生。2.要致力于促进学生英语语言能力的发展。3.要关照学生的个别差异。4.要体现英语语言教学中的文化意识。5.要着力于对学生实际应用英语的能力的培养。6.要尽可能运用建构主义等先进教学思想组织教学。同时,要善于向语文教师学习、借鉴一些好的语篇教学方法。,一、建构语篇内容的轮廓,让学生带着有准备的头脑进入语篇的学习状态。成功与否,重在导入。It is Sports Day.All the students are very excited.Su Hai and Su Yang are watching the running race.Su Hai wants to take some photos.She is looking for her camera.Su Yang is helping her.(6A),二、建构语篇学习的背景知识,激发学生学习兴趣,激活学生的思维活动。Hobbies(5B)Bens hobby is collecting stamps.He has many beautiful stamps.He is showing them to his classmates.,三、语篇教学一定要围绕语篇教学的中心任务、抓住语篇结构的框架、突出具体语篇的基本特点以及关键词展开,切实培养学生的语篇意识和语篇阅读、语篇写作能力。,欢迎批评指正!,我的电子邮箱:,向工作在教学第一线的英语老师们学习、致敬!,谢谢大家!再见,