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    politics and the overall situation, implementation, results. Second, the target. According to provincial and municipal, and Municipal Government of decision deployment, lock established 2 a provincial technology poverty model County, and 4 a provincial technology poverty model Township, and 10 a provincial technology poverty model village and 1 a city level technology poverty model district, and 2 a city level technology poverty model Township, and 5 a city level technology poverty model village and the "five a a" technology precision poverty special action of target task, pour row duration, and charts combat, set time, and set task, and set measures, and set personnel, and set responsibility, ensure quality completed technology precision poverty task. Third, focused. Should focus on the essential . Financial technology project "management account" project undertaker according to key node tasks with regular invoices for funding, funding by the Department of science and technology, the financial sector, and resolutely project funds were diverted and misappropriated by interception,. Third, we must strengthen supervision of technology projects. Department of science and technology to strengthen the project inspection or spot checks, poor implementation of the project to strengthen supervision, to entrust the project undertaker rectification of irregularities. To establish a science and technology projects "blacklist" system, project implementation quality bad credited to "blacklist", periodic or permanent cancellation of its application, eligibility for provincial and municipal science and technology projects. Four financial management training to be carried out. City Branch knowledge to active cooperation with the financial sector, not organize project undertaker held technology project management training, State, provincial and municipal scientific and technological projects related to financial management policies, financial approval standard, medium supervision, budgeting, review of the points system training and other key content, ensuring that legitimate security use of project funds. Thank you very much! For implement implementation Central, and province, and city, and County on grass-roots party work of major decision deployment, solid advance county police organ party work, further strengthened Party Secretary tube party rule party responsibility, according to Communist xuchang County Organization Department on issued straddling County straight organ party debriefing comments assessment work implementation programme of notification requirements, according to Council party work arrangements, today, organization held county police organ Party Secretary caught grass-roots party work debriefing comments will. This is Secretary of the party organization of party responsibilities effective measure, and study and carry out the 18 session of the plenary session of the party spirit, to grasp party building under the new situation rules, advancing party construction services necessary for public security centres. Just now, 3 units debriefing the party, following my reviews each report for 3 party. Branches of the Department on the bright side: the first is to strengthen the ideological and political work, pay close attention to implementation of the work. Department party branch in strict accordance with the request of the Bureau, with "three-three" special education as the main line, take effective measures, pay close attention to implementation of the ideological and political work, strengthen the 珠海明星大厦工程 钢筋保护层施工方案珠海明星大厦工程钢筋保护层施工方案广东建星建筑工程有限公司珠海明星大厦项目经理部2014年 10月 15日目录编制依据1、工程概况12、垫块23、绑扎节点24、注意事项85、成品、半成品保护9编制依据1.1、混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范(GB502042013)1.2、建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB503002001)1.3、广东建星建筑工程有限公司(企业工法) 1.4、混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图(11G1011)1.5、珠海市质量通病防治措施ideological education of party members and police, improve the ideological and political awareness of civilian police, as a solid foundation for the healthy and smooth development of public security work. Second, strict management, boost team morale. Strictly police thought dynamic analysis on a regular basis, to grasp the persons state of mind, strict implementation of the performance appraisal system, strengthen the team's day-to-day management; cash rewards and punishment, continue to boost troop morale. Third, strengthen the training of civilian police, and improve police actual combat skills. Serious organizations are active in a series of training activities and the learning activities of the College of Henan public security network, so that the majority of the civilian police in the political quality, quality, service quality, improve police skills. Four are from the police preferentially, warm the hearts unite police. According to the Bureau's Party Committee Requirements, and actively carry out personnel management work done within policy, and help police solve practical difficulties make police work and devotion. Five is to step up publicity and promote integrity. Around the center of public security work, to do publicity, fully demonstrated the public security troops good spirit. Six are in compliance with the party responsible, pays special attention to education and management of the party. Improve and perfect the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, commendation and reward systems, enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the branch. Problems: one is the ideological and political work cannot adapt to the new situation and new task needs, form a single, innovative enough, appeal of lack of education, learning effects of education needs to be improved, administrative departments should strengthen the grass-roots units of instruction. Second branch of the Organization will be implemented is not good enough, to play a lead role. Police Brigade branch of good practice: first, grasp the system of the party construction implementation, strengthening branch team cohesion and combat effectiveness. Brigade branch always hold on to the party like grim death, seriously carry out their duties, strictly implement the system of democratic life meeting, developed a branch of learning plan, all equipped with notebooks or experience and organization check learning on a regular basis, to ensure that the learning plan and implement and effective. Second, carry out the "three-three" education. Developed a special educational programme, convened a focused learning forums will be consulted and all levels of party branch, in charge of the Deputy Director, group leader for the party members and police on the party lecture, deployment of the oath again, visiting Yang Shui Memorial, learning advanced figures such as Yan Zhenchang, micro-party lecture features such as attention and learning activities, problems and measures to remedy. Third, emphasis on party building work in police work. Brigade branch always will party work throughout Yu 9.3 security, and national civilization city review, and Shang collection Organization Conference security, and focus illegal investigation, and "sword", and "anti-storm fear, and insurance security", and "five a wave times", and "camp turned non-bus", and "big received ring", the focus work in the, timely carried out has pre-war thought mobilization, and wartime dynamic judge, and post-war recognition award, series work measures, team members always fighting in钢筋保护层施工方案 1、工程概况珠海明星大厦工程由珠海经济特区明星大厦有限公司投资开发建设的项目,位于珠海市香洲区外神前村;正面港湾大道,交通方便,靠山面海,环境优美;双塔37层/2,高129.74米;裙楼8层/1,总建筑面积 40721.60平方米,其中地下8547.20,地上42013.40。本工程的地基与基础(含地下室)结构已经施工完成,我方接手现状的工程从±0.00起,原施工单位所遗留下来的地下室未完成的工作。概况一缆:工程名称珠海明星大厦主体建安工程工程地址珠海市香洲区港湾大道西侧外神前建设单位珠海经济特区明星大厦有限公司设计单位珠海市建筑设计院监理单位深圳市启光建设监理有限公司施工单位广东建星建筑工程有限公司结构形式剪力墙结构层数8/37栋数双塔37层/2 裙楼8/1工程高程屋面高度=119.74m,花架高度=129.74m工程造价7170万元建筑面积40721.60合同工期549天开工日期竣工日期1 2、垫块 2.1、水泥砂浆采用1:2水泥砂浆制作,严格控制水灰比,一般“手握成团,落地即报”为宜。选择一块平坦的场地,下面平铺一层吸水性较强的纸张(比如报纸),将搅拌均匀的水泥砂浆均匀摊铺于基层上,按照设计规定的钢筋保护层厚度抹平,用木抹拍实,切割成50×50见方的小块,然后覆盖养护。垫块制作完成后浇水养护7D以上具有足够强度后方可使用。 用于柱等竖向构件上的垫块,应在制作时预先插入钢丝。不同规格的垫块严禁混放,应按规格分别装袋,并做明显标识,以免误用。不得使用其它材料如石子等代替水泥砂浆垫块。垫块应垫在主筋下,间距不大于1.2m,可适当加密。 2.2、板面保护层可购买成型的H支撑,或制作马凳。 2.3、板面负筋位置可以制作钢筋长条马登。 3、绑扎节点3.1、墙、柱拉筋均按设计规定间距绑扎,绑扎方法正确,拉筋长度不符合钢筋砼保护层厚度要求的换掉,剪力墙受力钢筋保护层采用半径为15mm的圆形塑料卡环或者带扎线的15mm厚砂浆垫块,墙身位置应焊梯子筋,固定墙身位置纵向钢筋,并按照图纸要求布置拉钩绑扎牢固以有效控制钢筋位置。 3.2、板上层钢筋、负弯矩筋下绑扎、焊接马凳时,马凳严禁直接支撑于模板上。上层钢筋、负弯矩钢筋交叉点必须全部绑扎,并设立支架支架间距不大于1.2m。撑铁板用于支撑板的上部钢筋,保证其位置并在浇筑时不致被踩踏移位,形式有“八”字形、“L”形等。撑铁的间距一般为1000*1000间花布置,可知适当加密,并保证板45°角内的负筋叠加处有足够支撑。撑铁的下料高度为“板厚-钢筋保护层*2-上、下部钢筋直径”,撑铁应支撑在下部钢筋上或垫块上。“八”字形撑铁脚长度应不小于5d且不小于撑铁高度的1/2。撑铁最小直径选用板厚(cm)12 直径(mm)63.3、平板下垫相应厚度的垫块。平板垫块间距在1米,垫在双向钢筋交义点处。梁底垫块间距1.2米,垫在梁两侧底角箍筋下。梁侧垫块间距1.2米,左右对称垫好。 3.4、为防止墙柱位置偏位,在墙柱800mm处及混凝土完成面100mm处设立定位箍筋,浇筑完毕后用做墙柱箍筋使用。3.5、梁上下排钢筋一、二排纵筋之间的净距不小于25mm。分隔筋直径不小于25mm和纵筋直径的较大者,二排纵筋与分隔筋二者必须靠紧,用粗铁丝绑扎。梁面分隔筋距支座0.5m处设置,以后每增加3m设1处,且每跨不少于2处;梁底第1处分隔筋距支座1.5m处设置,以后每增加3m设1处,每跨不少于2m。 3.6、裙楼框架柱保护层采用半径为20mm的圆形塑料卡或带扎线的20mm厚砂浆垫块。3.7、施工过程中,关键是要规范操作,尤其是在混凝土现浇板浇捣的过程,特别要引起重视。普遍问题是,明明在钢筋绑扎时都按要求做,但一到浇捣时情况就变了样,不是人踩就是施工器具压在上面,造成保护层的厚度得不到保证,所以要严禁操作人员在钢筋上随意走动。3.8、浇注混凝土前应检査垫块厚度和马登凳高度是否正确,垫块及马凳数量和位置是否符合要求。合格后方可进行混凝土的浇筑。在浇筑过程中,必须有钢筋工跟班作业,配合旁站监理员检査,钢筋出现位移的,及时校正钢筋位,整改复位,保证钢筋不位移。3.9、钢筋保护层控制直接关系到工程验收,保护层厚度不合格,则主体工程不合格,必须采取加固措施,因此,保护层厚度控制达不到规范要求,不准进入下到工序施工。项目允许偏差搭接长度±10网眼尺寸±20骨架的宽与高±5骨架的长土 10箍筋间距土 20受力钢筋间距土 104、注意事项:4.1、钢筋骨架外形尺寸不准,绑扎时宜将多根钢筋端部对齐,防止绑扎时,某号钢筋偏离规定位置及骨架扭曲变形。4.2、钢筋骨架吊将入模时,应力求平稳,钢筋骨架用“扁担”起吊,吊点应根据骨架外形预先确定,骨架各钢筋交点要绑扎牢固,必要时焊接牢固。4.3、钢筋骨架绑所完成后,会出现斜向一方,绑扎时铁线应成八字形。左右口绑扎发现箍筋遗漏、间距不对要及时调整好。4.4、钢筋定位:划出钢筋安装位置线,如钢筋品种较多时,应在已安装好的筋在下,当有圈梁或垫梁时,主梁钢筋在上;特殊注明的,可按以下规定弯起钢筋,板的边跨支座按跨度1/10L为弯起点。 4.5、板的中跨及连续多跨可按支座中线1/6L为弯起点。4.6、搭接长度的未端距钢筋弯折处,不得小于钢筋直径的10倍,接头不宜。4.7、受拉区域内,I级钢筋绑扎接头的未端应做弯钩,II、III级钢筋可不做。4.8、直径不大于12mm的受压I级钢筋的未端以及轴心受压构件中任意直径的受力钢筋的未端,可不做弯钩,但搭接长度不应小于钢筋直径的35倍;4.9、受拉钢筋绑扎接头的搭接长度,应符合规范及设计规定,受力钢筋绑扎接头的搭接长度,应取受拉钢筋绑扎接头搭接长度0.7倍。4.10、受接焊接骨架和焊接网绑扎接头的搭接长度应符合规范及设计的规定。4.11、柱子箍筋接无错开放置,绑扎前要先检查;绑扎完成后再检查,若有模板上标明各种型号构件的钢筋规格、形状和数量。4.12、绑扎形式复杂的结构部件时,应事先考虑支模和绑扎的先后次序,宜制定安装方案。5、成品、半成品保护措施5.1、成型钢筋、钢筋网片应按指定地点堆放,用垫木垫放整齐,防止压弯变形。5.2、成型钢筋不准踩踏,特别注意负筋部位。5.3、运输过程注意轻装轻卸,不能随意抛掷。5.4、成型钢筋长期放置未使用,宜室内堆放垫好,防止锈蚀。5.5、楼板的负筋绑好后,不准踩在上面行走,走浇筑砼之前一定保持原有形状,并派钢筋工专门负责修理。5.6、绑扎完楼板钢筋后,及时搭设人行马道,防止下道工序施工时直接踩踏负筋上,使负筋产生位移及变形。 5.7、装电线管、水卫管线或其他设施时不得任意切断和碰动钢筋。保证钢筋间距、位置、保护层始终符合设计要求。5.8、浇筑砼过程中,安排专职钢筋工值班,发现钢筋位移和变形后及时修复。11


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