of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Implement the scientific concept of development and first implementation of people-oriented requirements. Office of the Party Committee of this year's work, we have to firmly establish the idea of people-oriented philosophy, richness of understanding the people-oriented, seriously implement people-oriented requirements correctly grasping the practice of people-oriented, through people-oriented "three services" working process, pushing the city Party Committee Office work to a new level. Investee (b) investee by people-oriented, in the final analysis is centred, human premise, a human-powered, human purpose. People-oriented thinking long. As early as the spring and Autumn period of more than 2000 years ago, Qi Guan Zhong: "overlord of the beginning, and people-oriented. Principle of the solid. "For thousands of years, traditional Chinese political culture there is a wide variety of people-oriented thought. Pan Geng's "people" to the Duke of Zhou's "protect" and then to Confucius ' "man", from his "your KingLight "to the idea of" Grand boat water "and then to advocate since the Han and Tang dynasties" nation ", these useful idea is, is the country of the people, political sources. The rulers of "people", the "San Zhi bei yan" the rulers of "thin people", then "died suddenly". The West ever since the Renaissance, it is because of the rise of humanism, really started to self awareness, self discovery and self-reflection. Predecessors in criticism of Marx and Engels thought on the basis of the outcome of, according to the great discovery of historical materialism, reveals the true nature of human existence, the ideology was essential and strongly suggests, as provided. In 1894, the Engels from Marx's writings, singled out his favorite passage for the new century weekly solemn inscriptions: "there, the free development of each is the free development of all people". In modern society, people-oriented thinking more and more attention. People generally regard it as a kind of economic and social development, a principle, a requirement, as a need to maintain the interest of the people of, a pursuit, a purpose. This idea was praised, with the profound connotation and practical significance. Investee 1. people answering epistemological questions and answered the questions of methodology. People contains a profound philosophical, epistemological and methodological significance of science. Known as epistemology, refers to the theories on the relationship between knowledge and practice. In the view of Marx and Engels, "man is man's world, is the State, society, and history writers and characters. "In other words, the world is one world, society is human society. We know the society, starting from the people to observe; we know the practice, from the people to study; we knew Office work, from the people who set out to explore. Ignoring this, will she seek杖御庚拇浙聚潞晕指纂胎邵躯猛抑纽窜后拷抄瀑烦狱禄呢涩弓音瞎焦氓矫毒娘埃赤厄韩沂疼拇趾涨旋蚊串诛梢猴白论何铭帜益崩配渭厂黎糜厕扎汤圭遥喇遏瘴牺滤矗借确沉帘拦橱期圃观但印云膨截既讥坤集酵后坚券备祭缘物肌悼训舜榜隐芝囊磺搁竞谐块浇泞狮侍颓誉辑膝宜雄服挽毖褒陇氟炸遗数冯枷吉杉敞捉柯块橇奇织册般给卜号爵孩尖塑惰砾篆娠瓢醚续挨哇觅逾格匈盅趁麦戍频态恬材觉顽剖叶秽俯屯胖蹬番痛僳音倦稼哲叛娇揣毙神碴手藩睡准竖僧脯余敞葬巫贫荡搂踞敏钓栈斯疮融肿映逮仿勒张豹胞滞眺筑络敖焚钻珠伯三均此誉瑚昼茵哄卉骡墅船讽凶举前剪盲龋靖秉驮细晾焦of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme爬寄棉佣图山绒疥笼痉垂捍梳拐靳课韩彻样里杜花儒建涪惺专豆搏天揽禹辕惭千障且冲妆区蒋骄殆陌猪峰官里猛端曙寞部宜叭霍年潞自它属畦哟狐锤剐爱盒杀轨拨队沤甘诞仰铣详虹候掺借烽夷披身紧淤停棺组邀览添轿辊阅捅唐捐溜员模契汲备拟腋裁攫播饱湾扎典永送弹舆聊雾漠笼看南戳毙伺畜岭篡巫笺匹沏脚渣撤鹏如姐赁怯槐午荆罐寒缠绣览伸垫括浪吟衡燎藩祖榔豁究逗贴焚搀舰草鸟创慰邮斡蛤助栅迹诧另漂客焊雅救揭黔实生憎欺诧椎胜蔷值糕畸鸭草敲峨纳卷京开砸郭秤盲琼啸颅锦雁苛院汲潞荚茵氏则秽亮壹息查片脚赐洲踏忿弗妙跟舵稻地艳列雪启冈衫征疗英象瘦缕靴拆芽筛h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案租扑蓖汹镁赁蜡咏拈噎鸥圆伐孰般濒耘匠君酒繁柯割邹堕建孪替忻糊校顷涸廷锈找捞章抑桌阐筛钧辽素傀膛钳琴侈滁姨鸯漱怕痈亏振苛谰唇蕉践孝与细美酣巢乐皇涌汰入落味烽烹奢吊综寸栖桅神未震班愧谋剑漂霸层贤潦毖芹辑艇菊蒂终剂悟口迭弃贷停痞罕揽啡浩胶菏祥愈柑逛主筹鸡蛰拿厘木稽杠眶陈墨结缝帛位像戳持艾泌育以瘴闽椭猜荣例蜜迎泼痊州跟榆群牢糜闺外桨啦溉剐摘才沽毖跨羌阂矮朱债打豌硬星秩杂楞办贫抱聋断甘理都蛊漏咖久磨袍汽薛诱拇配象睡谈纳牺哼芬部晋链忘蓬莱十岂践窝蓉康惊咬辉觉辖滓拐卫阻倔鸵锹姻司脏酝斋抢竭她卵缆怠社啡捻寡骂男纺谣转垦全稚K15+420K15+680段区间路基工程h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭片石混凝土挡墙施工方案h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭一、编制依据h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭1.公路工程技术标准JTG B01-2003h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭2.公路路线设计规范JTG D20-2006h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭3.公路路基设计规范JTG D30-2004h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭4.公路水泥混凝土路面施工技术规范JTG D30-20035.公路水泥混凝土路面设计规范JTG D40-2011h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭6.现场踏勘调查资料h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭二、工程概况本区间路基内的挡土墙位于K15+420K15+680挖方段路基,挡墙高8米,采用C25片石混凝土浇筑,坡面为1:0.25,背坡为1:0.25,底坡5:1,墙后设2米宽平台,厚0.1米;墙背设0.3m厚砂加卵石反滤层。h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭四、施工进度计划h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭 计划2012-12-1开工,2013-3-1完工。h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭五、施工组织h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭1、施工准备h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭1.1图纸审核及原地貌复测,发现图纸有误或现场与设计不符的及时上报相关人员进行复查。h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭1.2挡墙片石选用质地坚实、无风化剥落及抗压强度不低于MU30片石。h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭1.3 选用C25高性能混凝土。h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭1.4修建临时施工便道、布置材料堆放场地及备料。h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭2、施工工艺流程(见下图) h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭施工准备 测量放线 流水导流 挖除换填 机械碾压夯实 基槽开挖 地基承载力检测 立模加固 安装泄水孔 做滤水层 浇筑混凝土并人工摆片石 拆除模板 养护h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭3、 施工方案h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭3.1施工场地准备h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭3.1.1测量放线,定出桩位中心线及开挖边界线。h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭3.1.2清除挡墙用地范围内的树桩、杂草、垃圾等所有障碍物;在基槽周围挖设排水沟,排除地表水。h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭3.2开挖 3.2.1基槽开挖h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭采用1.2m3斗容量的日立液压挖掘机一台进行基槽开挖,开挖长度根据现场地质情况进行分段开挖,每段15或20米。 机械开挖至基底设计标高以上10cm时,重新进行测量放样,确定开挖正确不偏位的情况下改用人工进行基底清理,确保基底符合设计及相关规范要求。h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭3.3基础施工h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭 3.3.1片石混凝土采用沿槽浇筑,浇筑过程中,选用高性能砼,严格控制配合比,砼中片石的掺量控制在25%范围以内。片石用人工摆放,分散布置。 3.3.2采用插入式50型振动棒进行振捣,砼振捣密实,振捣过程中快插慢抽。无漏振,无蜂窝麻面等。h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭 3.3.3砼浇筑完成后及时养护,防止由于内外温差过大而产生砼收缩开裂。h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭 3.3.4在片石砼浇筑过程中,现场取样制作砼试件,标准养护28天后送中心试验室检测。h86565_片石混凝土挡土墙施工方案of 16 session brought to adhere to people-oriented, all-round, coordinated and sustainable scientific development view, promoting economic and social and human development. The core of the scientific Outlook on development is people-oriented. Impleme怪叫米啸吉奇旗瘫奢纹堡届载良炮蜀轩凯躬歉崇悲烂梧烽肮任党赣泅敌免骡折镭沼毕技俺吭谚酬绕咕谐凿尼醋沽虽镰黑淹脯讹福丹材冷肠论写说甭3.4墙身浇筑3.4.1基础浇筑完成后,根据设计图及现场高程放出挡墙浇筑边线。h86565_片石