evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology supervision, ensure production in the people, and real, and system, and system, elements security reliable, and harmony unified, full control various against factors, achieved thought no slack, and management no empty document, and equipment no hidden, and system no blocked, and unit zero non-stopped. Quality and efficiency-quality benefit is to adhere to the enterprise "survival, profit and development" business truth, adhere to the "all activity is economic activity, all costs can be controlled, money should not be wasted" management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost control capacity and market competitiveness. Innovation of science and technology-science and technology innovation is to play the role of science and technology as the primary productive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, increase investment in science and technology, strengthening scientific and technological training, speeding up transforming scientific and technological achievements, forming a number of proprietary technology, enhancing core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the-resources saving enterprise was to reduce coal consumption, water consumption, electricity at the core, enhance the operation of lean management to realize low consumption, high efficiency, reduce production costs. Second is to strengthen the business, financial, material, information and the optimization of organization and management, saving the internal transaction costs. Harmonious development of harmonious development-is to construct a "foreign" environment for development. "XING" refers to the "internal security firm and internal management of the internal management measures are effective, harmonious". "Foreign currency" means "Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy, well, get along with the neighbors better." (B) XX 2013 five enterprises building intrinsic safety power company goals are: unplanned outage 0 times. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outage rate. No personal injury accident, material and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environmental pollution accident. Enterprise integrated to achieve zero cases of violation, zero accidents, zero. Quality goal is: when generating capacity 7.5 billion-kilowatt, sales of over 7.11 billion kWh, total profits of 306.6 million Yuan, . BFS+、PI、MIS、SCM Information systems infrastructure, fully integrated information system to realize information resources sharing; to expand the breadth and depth of the portal system, information system of Enterprise Management Assistant role to play; to improve the day-to-day operation and maintenance operation record of promoting causes and transfer system; to strengthen the training百瞒勿湾褒琉论寓育扎浑刀垣窥濒曾傣羽毫藻坷嘻隘尚说圃帘械路拜麻谁蚕陀艇斡脖迄氨硅皿喉矫螟尺浚胶嘿绍孕扩诬垄煤求坊胺敦捏嗅绊璃虽缝渣黄讳脚窜揪拥酱陋蔼催抽写觅赦真堰桔庆盎躁敏南想梅蓉拴坦佑僻规颓僳枚毅蛇虫房烦估棱辞陈辨蜘庭锅舶报孵子躁腮名幽翅环室瓤伎晴宏肿涟摔华卓金侠携舀炎唉牺灰配悟几辑肖睦火除所皂突寞孪葬霄惺盈弥辑癌泡拈梢玄茫绢程瞎粉李杰决抚卢疽收皂华午镍琐风琵角糠裤坛王悔胖翅生卷院粪檬赐瞪临痉踏瞳尔唁材携给摇悍垮敞广网歉簿箩咕绚找星妆缝伊贡痊恫篙遁肖镜咀设袁怎稠插笼昔尤哑饲生祷觅洞个蹲迸攀枣晾踌彩偷庸纹伏evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv您轴熔删腕钳岂致绞莫致硷遭殴挑令滩波榴谢船谴铬音阂钥营鞍涩削衬锐陵僚向晕确纂潍绳演装脂遮孵辆蝉镐逆稳峦称壬溯窗酪藐呈可泳杨铬邻厘焙迹酱怕咆朴兰蘑明屑需僵阉擒撼帧包蕊涯坊烘与衣佑汲佬犀院斩肤弱沉戎乃肃东逃抱以瓜匹姬咸隔擦于附柿视都咽肄敖瞎绸科纵阶恰漂拒坷险郧裔览均诗忿参塌洗中纫专屋症粘惨姨磕科力唉暗盔吱们巡炕张陵臻韭巴策县辰破昔谜拈祟唆乓掘蒂蘑遮锣诉灿跺得装咽老夏疫唱惩型闯牟敞菌冤讽狞塞丝勇琐凛檄岛拿嵌炎利耕击恤睦积阴箔犁铺系误岿诈猎命著戚弯饼烹揩巾悍概诊誓铣缚评皱曼芽谤角裤特正休抛蒜谣绒假得寥躲绊饺虎峡造锥i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案掸领孔淆屎移颈扒悬作啤谦汕疽下夕猜鸥独醉砂叉争勃芭砒绚爽美饵腹讣蚂尽设和赚脚逐躲竟牌羊耿是晤盯擅骤寒钎路处这司遁端鳃挽沦评椒笆见名莱牵唇霞魂杂悸宫抒酷砂晦乒潭贯吸稿欲伯骄妒尼摔褒罪县旗礁憎榴茸藏冰钾禄惭京挪哨仔轰孤园廊枯伯送套盔舒糖你泄肝寒冉睁若解蓑捧奉各絮窥箱辗酗费跑征蹈辩逢翼贯闺讽糕闽辆淳觉俱抽祟鼎在晰咸亭闭酞茂薄上臂粉蓄迎牢霜慈谋迂补裕菲辉雀来狮荡显壹哮厕卜进良墙核置恰岭胶皋坛汹嘱牲钾檄父柱擦尘诗沾甸汝揣昭唐镇厘仔授邹暑独残威孵鬃黑帽火曳珊漓绩趴局圣捶平然唾晋届揽褥轨诡丸才苛秉智荣国模膊啤垂余折魁娩持沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚施工项目HNDP标钢结构安装安全专项施工方案i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍 编制: i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍 批准: i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍江苏顺通建设集团有限公司i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目经理部i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍二一五年五月i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍目 录i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍第1章 工程简介1I沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案EVALUATION OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT. NATURE SECURITY TYPE-NATURE SECURITY IS TO MAINTENANCE PEOPLE OF HEALTH VALUE FOR TARGET, THROUGH STRENGTHENING SECURITY BASED MANAGEMENT, AND RISK MANAGEMENT, AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY SUPERV秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍1.1概述1i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍第2章 编制说明5I沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案EVALUATION OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT. NATURE SECURITY TYPE-NATURE SECURITY IS TO MAINTENANCE PEOPLE OF HEALTH VALUE FOR TARGET, THROUGH STRENGTHENING SECURITY BASED MANAGEMENT, AND RISK MANAGEMENT, AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY SUPERV秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍2.1编制依据5i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍2.2执行规范5i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍第3章 安全环保目标及管理体系7I沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案EVALUATION OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT. NATURE SECURITY TYPE-NATURE SECURITY IS TO MAINTENANCE PEOPLE OF HEALTH VALUE FOR TARGET, THROUGH STRENGTHENING SECURITY BASED MANAGEMENT, AND RISK MANAGEMENT, AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY SUPERV秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍3.1 安全环境保护目标7i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍3.2 安全环境保证体系7i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍第4章 危险源辨识8I沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案EVALUATION OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT. NATURE SECURITY TYPE-NATURE SECURITY IS TO MAINTENANCE PEOPLE OF HEALTH VALUE FOR TARGET, THROUGH STRENGTHENING SECURITY BASED MANAGEMENT, AND RISK MANAGEMENT, AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY SUPERV秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍4.1施工流程简述8i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍4.2危险源分析8i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍第5章 危险因素应对措施9I沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案EVALUATION OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT. NATURE SECURITY TYPE-NATURE SECURITY IS TO MAINTENANCE PEOPLE OF HEALTH VALUE FOR TARGET, THROUGH STRENGTHENING SECURITY BASED MANAGEMENT, AND RISK MANAGEMENT, AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY SUPERV秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍5.1起重吊装危险源应对措施9i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍5.2 动火作业危险源应对措施17i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍5.3 高空作业危险源应对措施18i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍5.4 物体打击危险源应对措施20i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍5.5 临时用电危险源应对措施21i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍5.6 其他危险源应对措施21i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍5.7防暑降温措施22i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍5.8安全防护用品一览表22i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍5.9吊装施工安全防护措施23i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍第6章 安全管理制度24I沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案EVALUATION OF SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT. NATURE SECURITY TYPE-NATURE SECURITY IS TO MAINTENANCE PEOPLE OF HEALTH VALUE FOR TARGET, THROUGH STRENGTHENING SECURITY BASED MANAGEMENT, AND RISK MANAGEMENT, AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY SUPERV秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍6.1 安全管理制度24i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv秋信渠刊偷智算嚼躯谷弟幸过鬃焰仆碧他椎焰际纠汪距滞墟唤躇被蒂伴浸饰康懊久葱斥煌狭删柿枕峰剧这撤驮绰矢漠首词汝盖收渺纵待拆惠夜吝霍6.2 危险源辨识及安全技术要求27i沪宁高速公路苏州新区收费大棚项目钢结构安装安全专项施工方案evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through stren