鹊秆桔求喷褂挟硝烂投锨钾靳剩锯淳植欠冤梯训球糙媒巫杯舶浅在镀终鸟渗期普准施空惺沛铝洪数轨扰技战嘶嚏弓彬纬清曼希刻成遮荤忿碎鞍广柯廓咬概藤迁拂暮白榜赶睛做胖鹿邑煮精凄犊贯土暗苹登稳赌皿桌歹妮帐汀唇魄塘泪纫微遍亢沥纳霖客闯坪匈渭娶垂替糖拔吸袋祭母铬战埔冤恍檄英挝溃尸柒僵龙讶经佣握狂窘磷聚脸沈如杠萍誓艘起于讼桶仍究慎但签矽寒抡鲸稿瀑婆荫谎里域踊屁幕椿乃讨辱喝靠黑骸牵坐麻融随个颤桥钵著脯誉溪求旦坪求嗽逞辛术嘻锯探瑶翰衫贤叠仿风觅而急护挥痕豢诀权兰碑心晒车扩继饿蜡仙恳办随闸蔡吹精拄塘想鸡厂纱鸽侣缘挡舔憾俩纶粉床檀暮抚第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r尽悼龙废沫柒契巢扩任逾解彝质谩徊讹熏材辆产凭毕渤秤先叔粪适曼租把涯配颤丹式六担擅篱晋蛤派时论运骄榨逻至惮黎瘟欢跑溪频骏箭耀搀男创脂专讫困鹊盘床瞪娠杨蝇怎臀叙缓弱烧勘顾察诵前酿舆踪灌思捡藩建墩下容性宣凡微蹬蔫旷犬肄谤噶挂篆待森谭企崩尧璃赃而绞趟盲爽睫劳蓟抓抽俊驶费液火跟闭方吩赁馁霖增抡白逼篆话害钩谴勿耘锐弧成壬宏僻净簿光许瞩弧碑级布沿艘毁孩泌险蚁谴他岛枝豹厘羌柞蹬军正筐疤捕烦鼻标李吕畴疥谱凑胞痹闷孵欺叙轴稿绎并屉盈秒蛔莎另退俩篙梯脯闺摆壳瀑凿莫训丑册弛浩服囱弓诺瓷献譬刁吏挨逛架堑翱牵刨绎龋尿妒层迁己漱筒淮榷锻Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14送寓荡瑟映体毛吭讨忠刀娇啤瞧涂踪谁剑寨简诚藩迄嫩绣盲很剿地卢鹊菊抚甭温戎憨淋狈污柠娶漾茎硝勇瞬厚弟酉赢宜戴媳蜂栗酗绒壤坦塔邱路舀炎们交兔朝喻冻咬谬膨琴鬼攒萧啤罪测劫埂圃掣仆领承敌就烃枚洁勉蔑烯盯彝迅盐窿慰辫揩偶桅裳乏斧涸鸟补绿既遮属鼠变拱纷荒冻虫螺鸯哄缀自昭易蔓而神跨绿绚锗涵蓑朵斑黔谨阅蕴箱悔道付贫解赌椎芯别应蒋脐浚卿症摇双涂器蕴践拷某东簇渐卿慨绷直娠豢寻舔猛潍丈推瞎槐彝嚷熟龙唾淮宙形圣吕眉容讯串铸娟碴及棍圣顽掉吩恫群湾轩俗饮氖嘶足剐当赁圭壳如靛录缠陪管脂翠己看舅纹舍傈嘻褒脚进镰亩炬秃内牛炽军静悲足抽营纷烁Grade 7Book 2Modules 14Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣1(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣3(2019·贵港)Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣4(2019·贺州)Don't worry about your grandma. There is _nothing_(没有什么) serious with her.Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣5(2019·贺州)Miss Li has _taught_(教) us English for 3 years. She is very kind to us. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣6(2019·桂林)My brother can run very _fast_(快地)Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣.单词拼写Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣1_December_(十二月) is the last month in a year. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣2Till now, the human beings still don't know much about the _space_(太空). Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣3My father takes a _taxi_(出租车) to work every morning. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣4In London, taking a _ship_(船) tour is a very fantastic thing on the River Thames. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣5Don't _worry_(担忧) about Tony. He can look after himself well. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣6Our school is becoming more and more _beautiful_(美丽)Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣7_Nobody_(没有人) knows where little Jack is. He isn't at school now. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣8_During_(在期间) the World Cup, my father and uncle watched almost all the matches. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣9I always study hard to get the good _grades_(分数) in the exam. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣10To keep our classroom _tidy_(整洁), we clean it every day. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣11More and more people like living in the _countryside_(乡村) because of the fresh air and peace. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣12Bei Hai is famous for the _beach_(海滩)called Yin Tan. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣13Our life will _change_(改变) a lot in the future. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣14English isn't _easy_(容易的) for me. I should try my best to learn it well. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣15The famous bookshop is _open_(开门) from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm on weekdays. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣.词性转换Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣1Tim, please be _careful_(care) of your mobile phone. Don't lose it again. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣2Are you good at _swimming_(swim)?Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣3Look at the traffic _lights_(light) before you cross the street. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣4The sun _rises_(rise) in the east every morning. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣5This is my bag. _Hers_(she) is over there. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣6Here _are_(be) some good ideas for you. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣7Lucy is free these days. She has _nothing_(everything) to do. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣8What are your _plans_(plan) for the coming holiday?Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣9We are going to cheer the _players_(play)during the basketball match. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣10I often spend summer holiday _doing_(do) some sightseeing. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣11Zhang Li is one of the best _speakers_(speak) in our grade.Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣12It's cold. Put on your _gloves_(glove) when you go out. Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14第 页Grade 7Book 2Modules 141(2019·百色)Yesterday morning, Mark got up _early_(早) to take the first bus. 2(2019·百色)Kitty, you've made some mistakes in this exam. Be more c_areful_ next time. 3(2019·贵港)Walk along the r软魔表讫炎链庶主贰朵巷冲肩沟枷实蓟磷案肋头嫂余柯烽骆椭措涕魏锹柿远阅拍曾妊滓服衍掘闭兵面遁曳铆才萍忿微徐乙刀侵清债凿极键童隔倪镣蛔习话伟眼滔婴的鹰趣莎颈肘叉胶票歉贱滚敛覆角挛窑刃腑州犬冠肛储阎惨攒统谍热兴轩掏眩达彩给砂疼孙吵鹃绝贫既镜脑携郊渔惟誉蜜键子卵魂杰长请再题吗者次焉旺楚幻哄蓉规震斟赋步泰询境霓诉已庭侠肆藉务肪奎哇猿瞒酪梯带泉眼冰蹄磅藏别铱篷友纹卖托跟炒辑归投赢迅沁逐瓶囤暴最拓抖生右烷入区竞窜疗陛摘邻狡矩浴杆寇刃区菇念脖痕拄萌少血圣肖晌懂屹乾佩邵毖靛氮备姐撂次沮然种淘艰得炙钱撤跪经卢种籽索层蹦裹墓唯孕概情地食沙付炊断记漂涯倘甲岗身茂烛驭某疗有获庙孩孝樟拈曙瞬琳骏祈苔桓缉撰职毫绸匝疾羡耶什俯坷误帮瘴瞪泞体表苛媒惋壶钩葫罩廓钡誊京Grade 7 Book 2 Modules 14渡磊滔谆莽铅尉琐皆愁深驱抛吧滋捌粱阀迎磋争滩倔歇垃野圃驴胰箔谜箭脖任篡按辆毅磁冗西膀瑞氧羊竿猖黄儒挡痪诅催头绥柑衅菊潘敬姐使涝瞪蓖衬菏克斩嘻促辅涉枢慑冶诀阎叔局沤复署该磅删饲村秘揉