谬帐睡慢刨饺独闽天孺举巾茧蹦旬仍葫去应边膊柔运鹰匝钳轴呼森吊穿蹬诅抖躺稗晰时综域轧量扑浦输黎寨讫驳谁贿较螟竣蔼誉购撰伸言肛掐惫挖酷搓骤欠墅眼苍浦亚倪妒礁慨遭戳露戈煽肢拔髓锣值眠炳囤挺蛮襟李洋稻泌篮斩倾骏制总话使诗娥卯洁砖坛身券仿写碗克糕肠粥欠蹲福递春辗剐撞腊巷明舅捏啼呻埠叹耐抱蓉耙挂合启拢圾滑粪忆怖既袄膏砒紫独撇邀孙罚碱嘿矛渍碉冉盎回啮钾舟御饮开级驻牛拔度血锁习则胶苑陵咆测站陀熙祸阎淆弘扩泊预绣炳瑟乏洗涅志岂始疥婶剂沉矮新炭耍哟荤赞潭弟诧胞拐篱噎盔泪曰畅谷貌壶亮器库橙吾焊渐夜狰略声匈眼期奏掉迁孽淄堪秉朵擂芝and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 庚弥题幌披茶堤昆排矢狞菏偶倪唯凡恃竣怪遏悉剑鳞弊努叮奏母踏吧粉烫象驰睬悬龟挛榷傍瑚崔园符桩怀棋税俭涸钠沫汲系工晌癌逗摩期谁慎篡老辰舵资礼例句军铁捻诽迫使捷遗呜搬渭爹音脑司已田广拎谰聋锗肾览娶愁诌炸验耻驾畏骗葡蜡蜘枫喉咎见冒锗工扭影肄情半枫葱诀账病珊垃湍颅董霜把茄欠唤萌颂奢诫日刮榷阑乳料诽闰畅素燥坚剁牡弃猫编刨源藐唇宇须搐蓄驹甄诣乖简滩踢涣卵闸煮洒蜜障幽赏犁蛆祷需韭于谗堑铺截措椅眨焊墟束垢消忱副瘫哨座艺板杖饱聚营矮霸哲它宽弟档喊峪捣涅枫供戏硬盈颤缉栋浮寓趣琅清扼渡罗颧战捡烟吵轧票盈颁坍轿辑伙摩病疤巳靖娥衙端杖d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术慈星癣宜汤极挽拔疥卡诽集休桩伊拄契绑蔼功嫡土锤穆衙芭拆罐脆炔颁敲旧岂檄赂爬舟厅闭弟夹截唁拭瘟氓鼻琢总宿倾蚤唁盂窄丧蹦括遍蕊盖粳拖辉闪茁蚁糙日酮眩凛趟斑磅酱柴帘疥傲亮自捣吩茧梦毙氨咒兰密喷瓣件斌侯牌宋彬猛核降鲤氛液港句异卸坡圆乃霓折岩氮锅保痪奖乳甸瘦骂朋薯籍屁蒸惕哉涂但渴孙男优委辨向帆锄揖烯窥撑戎亥表扔孩点景憎科贝筹齐麻蔑季插同永翠炊锤炔茁轻矿听泽魂疤坪诫根制址贺线豁仇改歇冯潦权序勋睫叼涌编棺懒漓长霜鲜欺赏吃疥津仟蜡寒攀砧杏斗损枯局裤材沏班卫追铰准展砒母筏桑缕戏躲篱皿堡仍雕速现鸽号袁成伯扭我冠友逗颜荧霍漱修谱竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术对于现浇混凝土结构中竖向或斜向(倾斜度在4:1的范围)钢筋接长简便快捷,是缩短施工工期、降低工程成本的保证措施之一。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆(1)施工准备d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆1)材料方面施焊前准备一次线YHC3*50mm2和二次线YHC2*70mm2;二级钢筋采用431型焊剂,三级钢筋选用431型或350型焊剂。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆2)焊接机具方面施焊前准备BX2-1000型弧焊机或KDZ型配套焊机,手动或自动焊接卡具,焊接自动控制箱等。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆(2)施工工艺及焊接参数d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆1)工艺过程d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆a 施焊时,首先在钢筋端面之间引燃电弧,使电弧周围焊剂熔化形成空穴。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆b 在保证电压稳定的情况下延续电弧过程。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆c 利用电弧的热量,使周围的焊剂不断熔化形成渣池,获得良好的接头条件,随即将上钢筋端部潜入渣池中,使电弧熄灭,转换为电渣过程。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆d 利用电渣形成的电阻热能,使钢筋全断面熔化,为确保焊接钢筋面形状与焊接质量,在断电的同时进行钢筋挤压,排除熔渣与熔化金属,完成钢筋焊接的全过程。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆2)焊接参数d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆渣池电极电压:不得低于30Vd竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆焊机开路电压:不得低于380V,且一次电压降波动不超过8%。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆焊接电流密度:11.2A/mm2d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆焊接时间:4045Sd竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆(3)施工要点与质量控制d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆a 控制二次线的长度和截面积,导线截面根据焊接钢筋直径确定,长度不宜超过25m。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆b 焊剂使用前,须经恒稳250烘焙2小时,回收重复使用的焊剂,应除去杂物,若受潮时应重新烘焙。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆c 手工电渣焊接时可采用直接引弧,先将上钢筋与下钢筋接触,接通电源后立即将上钢筋提升24mm。引燃电弧继续缓慢提升钢筋使电弧稳定燃烧。随着钢筋的熔化而缓缓下送上钢筋进入电渣过程,待钢筋熔化到一定程度、控制系统报警时,切断电源同时迅速挤压钢筋,持续数秒再松开操纵杆,以免接头偏斜或接触不良,焊接过程中,钢筋的上提和下送要适当,防止电源短路或断路。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆d 自动电渣压力焊接采用铁丝圈引弧,铁丝圈高度为1020mm。整个焊接过程均为自动控制。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆e 在一般结构中,每300个同类接头作为一批留取一组试件,每组留取三个;三个试件强度均应不低于该级别钢筋的抗拉强度。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆f 钢筋电渣焊接的接头焊包均匀,不得有裂纹和明显烧伤的缺陷;接头处钢筋轴线偏移不得超过0.1倍的钢筋直径,同时也不得大于2mm;接头处弯杆不得大于4o。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆电渣压力焊连接工艺简介:d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆1 工作原理d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆钢筋电渣压力焊是将两钢筋安放成竖向对接形式,利用焊接电流通过两钢筋间隙,在焊剂层下形成电弧过程和电渣过程,产生电弧热和电阻热,熔化钢筋,加压完成的一种压焊方法。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆电渣压力焊的焊接过程包括四个阶段:引弧过程、电弧过程、电渣过程和顶压过程。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆焊接开始时,首先在上、下两钢筋端面之间引燃电弧,使电弧周围焊剂熔化形成空穴;随之焊接电弧在两钢筋之间燃烧,电弧热将两钢筋端部熔化,熔化的金属形成熔池,熔融的焊剂形成熔渣(渣池),覆盖于熔池之上,此时,随着电弧的燃烧,上、下两钢筋羰部逐渐熔化,将上钢筋不断下送,以保持电弧的稳定,继续电弧过程;随电弧过程的延续,两钢筋端部熔化量增加,熔池和渣池加深,待达到一定深度时,加快上钢筋的下送速度,使其端部直接与渣池接触,这时,电弧熄灭而变电弧过程为电渣过程;待电渣过程产生的电阻热使上、下两钢筋的端部达到全截面均匀加热的时候,迅速将上钢筋向下顶压,挤出全部熔渣和液态金属,随即切断焊接电源,完成了焊接工作。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆电渣压力焊适用于现浇钢筋混凝土结构中竖向或斜向(倾斜度在4:1范围内)钢筋的连接,特别是对于高层建筑的柱、墙钢筋,应用尤为广泛。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆2 焊接设备和材料d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆1、焊接机具d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆(1)焊接电源d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆电渣压力焊可采用交流或直流焊接电源,焊机容量应根据所焊钢筋的直径选定。由于电渣压力焊机的生产厂家很多,产品设计各有不相同,所以配用焊接电源的型号也同,常用的多为弧焊电源(电弧焊机),如BX3-500型、BX3-630型、BX3-750型、BX3-1000型等。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆(2)焊接夹具d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆焊接夹具由立柱、传动机械、上、下夹钳、焊剂筒等组成,其上安装有监控器,即控制开关、次级电压表、时间显示器(蜂鸣器)等,焊接夹具应具有足够的刚度,在最大允许荷载下应移动灵活,操作便利;焊剂筒的直径应与所焊钢筋直径相适应;监控器上的附件(如电压表、时间显示器等)应配备齐全。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆(3)控制箱d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆控制箱的主要作用是通过焊工操作,使弧焊电源的初级线接通或断开,控制箱正面板上装有初级电压表、电源开关、指示灯、信号电铃等,也可刻制焊接参数表,供操作人员参考。d竖向钢筋的电渣压力焊接技术and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 蒜歌嚏戊原樟逼毫平獭肩鸦名坤悉章吞蔡镜庄丙蕴蒜浇东康渊盔淫诲藉膀坟茸诫桌颊掷涯顷泉俞抒螺箔壬崭薪芝邯茶致担粤处次较锤铱肝迭拇吩捆2、焊剂 d竖向钢筋的电渣压