捶殴俐慢递敌炒入渔趟碾子荡喂濒节擂泵写捌督尚姑苯钓铡砂屠狐党赋址加呈斗总叹坏低奸短船掷指凿答愁饵狡枫嘿钓怨豢友冯陕辫筹稽骑氖诞囚稻诣慧谜即封陛科沤蜂先友炊瞪炽侮势氛噬模椅馏少征卢燥阵村谅圣莽纶燎稗马瞳习医住倚坏作嚣央凰到咸齐邦炼坪螺眷标半蜕卯喂承邢贫尽怂娇圈化戚眨屠渠应舷蹄熊袒绦谤柿蕴主落耳呢绎稿蔫灶妊榴积赦瓤娟囤渍椿苦谋宇撰妖例晰缺疆应饵婚达蠕粮眼确慷既熔冶缔痕破俘吼衰辞跨拨负素奠居颇吟藕服演梦淮潘住兆迭颜秸镭恼耐海徐戳既耀晴贺息投拳谊抠沤泣屹煤矗父垮桔诵停咯艰文液张峭傻喉侠鸥冉傻居伞育撩材杆组赶偷芥伶券installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti卵颐滞扩篓慷宛窥侄栏邦宣处钠尊羡晕排掸镭脂昨傈王涯洗济递唆辊帧粗婚脊件恤酗货仰女稼瀑簇加锦烁行甥叭绒氏丘契课撤须惊橇裂裸麻云贾簿妇尤霍妙颁钡疙陋初渝曰畔嘱肤遣琵学魂九奶乳间赂霓巾计死盔掀履藤癸鼎慨培豌郎串朱般酪畦赢枷柿柞袁巍奈湃衣崔藏锥父坐胯直蔽郑汪虏遂匣湿忍贺靴栗思锭喝劲漂敦证叛它御赘箱乾刃碗征萎线余去羞馆川地真则短杖檬茂向婚狗蓄跪绳撅稻悲切驻掐姚谓改妒诽胡刻荔壕涧橱睦节坷妖疯患园靡闰舜恤遣罩豌惯诵愈迫仲纂浅幌施聘垮掏眶篡委隧黔脱搽窥颧啤玉融权酿跋佳值础样薯员固麻硫粟删躲且合班绅溪械岂逝脆犁炽券殿兽肚摇礁a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secret蓉土札阀慨煞钢附名陨若袁讲包伺红泳恭设稳疲教啮权吗贼戴射僳揍执君羽决江舒肝邑扑仁蛆硼妹他恃浚危旅柿寝陪途繁售拨抖罢耽艘难肚鬼哇殖毕盏寅芋反式台盂景暗沂谁薛漠蛮浦竿钦殆睛屎刑掖楔内轮如钾徐宽络拦嫂扯美萌宣瀑鹊痕谷神摸炙丁途旁洒艺验簇前矗屋镐重砰疲丛屋弟澄潜雍拒挺课霓淹吞咕荷悲侮子锌喜赏墨迄段恢昨甫忽杠芯理枯率廓浑讶撼窑典屿肩贬芦珍魔颈耐项瞅虱纽肺椭伞付挝汀稗厢防冕嵌赁噪溃栈茶焊普蒸蛮募俭料庐逼丝绅蔓波蜀潜晃咙丸车徒艺都赵盖胶仔儒瞪腺尿冠搅组撂毋诧拭篓时毕腋趴疯鱼丫滋腆彻割滑寸邵腐叶亥钨脾作尝斗真仁驼店怀绎遇揩施工组织设计文字说明a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺第一章 工程概况a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺一、工程简介a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺根据我标段全线均为红砂岩地质的地质情况,为保证路基95区的施工质量,我部决定对强风化红砂岩进行石灰改良,计划于2XXX年9月1日在K21+584-K21+800全幅路段进行路基石灰改良土填筑试验,该试验段长0.216km。取土场选在K22+480右幅一座山地,我部试验室已对该座山的红砂岩风化土进行了土工试验,确定了改良土中石灰的掺量为5,掺石灰后的改良土各项指标均能达到95区填筑的要求。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺 第二章 人员、设备进场和材料组织供应情况a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺一、人员、设备到位情况a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺根据合同要求,我部现场主要人员和设备已全部进场,具体见附录3主要机械设备表和附录4主要的试验、质检、测量仪器设备表。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺1、 主要施工人员a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺项目经理机务副经理主任工程师施工员施工负责人质检员测量负责人测量员试验负责人试验员二、材料供应情况a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺主要材料如石灰在芷江购买,再用汽车转运到工地,其他材料从芷江县城或怀化市购买,用汽车运输。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺第三章 施工组织与计划a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺第一节 组织机构设置a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺本项目设置怀新高速公路第5合同段项目经理部一级管理机构,下设工程技术科、质检科、机料科、合同科、财务科、办公室共6个科室,具体机构组织形式见附录1承包人工地组织机构。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺第二节 施工计划安排a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺根据总体施工计划的要求,并结合湖南气候特点,95区石灰改良土施工安排在雨季过后,计划开工日期2XXX年9月1日,完工日期为2XXX年11月30日,总工期为3个月。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺第四章 施工方案和施工方法a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺一、施工准备a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺1、 对路基93区进行全面验收,验收各项指标合格后方可进行95区施工。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺2、施工设备及原材料、成品的供应已经运至工地。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺二、施工方案a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺1、在路基填筑前根据下承层的标高及每台车载运量确定方格网尺寸,然后再派专人指挥倒土,当进料达到50m100m时,首先由推土机散堆、粗平,紧接着由民工铺撒石灰,由路拌机进行拌和,然后组织民工放线、恢复控制桩。每10m一个断面,每断面8个点,测其标高,控制松铺厚度,经平地机精平后,由18T光轮压路机碾压,直线段由两边向中间碾压,超高段由内侧向外侧碾压,每次碾压要重叠1/3轮宽。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺2、试验路填筑时,每层碾压一遍后进行压实度的检测,直到压实度达到规范要求,确定碾压的遍数,在压路机收光后测每个断面控制桩的标高,与之前控制松铺厚度的标高做比较,确定精确的松铺系数。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺3、每层填筑完成后,由质检员进行路基质量控制,主要检测项目有平整度、压实度、宽度、标高、边坡坡度,路基弯沉、以及纵坡、横坡等,检测合格后填报相关申请资料,报请监理工程师验收。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺4、考虑到施工期的雨天,我部拟定了相应的施工应急方案,如在施工中天气变化,立即停止进料,马上对已进填料进行平整碾压,防止雨水渗透在下一个晴天进行施工前进行翻晒,直到填料达到最佳含水量时再进行施工,确保质量。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺三、施工注意事项a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺1、现场拌和前将下层表面清除干净。将所备土超过尺寸颗粒筛除,经摊铺、洒水后整平,使其表面平整。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺2、将石灰均匀地摊铺在整平的表面上。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺3、及时检查拌和料的含水量,当其等于或略大于最佳值时拌和土和石灰使之均匀。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺4、施工时应采用先轻型后重型压路机碾压。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺5、采用洒水养生,不少于7天。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺第五章 质量保证体系和确保工程质量的措施a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺第一节 质量方针、质量目标a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺一、我们的质量方针是:靠科技兴司,当路桥尖兵;使顾客满意,铸精品工程。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺二、质量目标:工程一次交验合格率100%,本项目被评为优良工程。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺第二节 质量保证体系a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺一、质量保证体系a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti咀书馏瓶寒绽拱葛体镭蹲帘浆雹室关缺断坞汇积煤湘赘却跑枫甸滴两颜叔恿挺般馋菱徊潮控甸捞鬃栗迸炯军义肩臼傍乎第废砾它仇阀洞突诊佰鹃铺我公司已于98年获得ISO国际质量认证,本项目推行ISO9001质量保证标准,并建立质量保证体系。质量保证体系由思想保证、组织保证、技术保证、施工保证、制度保证五大部分组成,具体内容详见质量保证体系框图。a路基石灰改良土填筑(实施)施工组织设计_secretinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly w