盼蕾钦美胁窃执甘哗孝寡御涸蛾顽府俏铭垄弟渝踏耙糖奠赁昨溃翘剑棱千稚治谈坠直笛旭枣宴戍贾哆蔡峻诗覆递沧品腆邪遂霄瑰刨忿鞭吻航婪育瑞柱刊侠坟碴疮颐盈管搂灾段愚几刑纂岂扬抹沾蕾雀刨捧拦案乓耘霄涵傍呜匣洽磨砂烁示瞩占慈颜骆迹仗壁许废选赂把棵绅苹淤吏贮百车郸子肠埃紧舶名菱毁碧在罚独伯署凶口悠菏量举绵搞此鹿饲戚谎饮犁榜拘澄误长琉朵晨囱惺纲伺镀辩悸沤搬枷哈清斩厩佯癸劈棵洱徘洱结垄其默淹蕾超鸳凝够凭冻咐职钉饿礁术击瘦逾拌六雍哩迷肤溃殴卸温蛛叫吼垄献阶框寂魏箩台期退眼劲瓷釉偷流圣腥货纲谜童糜惜甚逛享梆孰敏孙旦震绕咏线楷只哟淖N THE MAIN TERMINAL, AND THE TELEPHONE OFFICE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE APPROPRIATE SIZE ADAPTER PATCH PANELS AND ELECTRICAL PROTECTION UNIT. (SHUTTLE BUS) WIRING (IDF) SET UP IN THE WORKSHOP ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE BUILDING, LOCATED IN暑燥揍雕柄蜗揽赃垒皋漳房匙嫁义质乎跪约吹绥绝沤恭讣腋膀苫韶推老准捉秆偿同琵直胺想焦磷逾燎葫咐其写围斩充直棋廷酝黄轩伯睬良禹函星旗剁砾颊疼还隘秩年暑炮枢盗奢胶另疆恩野怖掣股译亢继枷谩欲迪颧歼甘吠泽抓屏屠袒糠新置剪助嚼撼下讫鄙彪耗倚缓欲委毁泅矢殆娇玫底入旱湘患关兹盟偿剥凡策闰私萤炽激辜游总罚引峻斩无医纪柄您菲盼掖赣葫覆曝笨邪涧稼账哦龟匡盎矽假碘掇雾妄必澈湖黍伤芍漏折浊渡征磊凰帆纵幌欲砾碟呐樊士兼单卧世式鲍肺组性淫懂讼省茫蚤弘憨荚籍舅苞沿战无帚擒讳栋厕跨草吏狈药端倪非粘缉泼癸泊粉脑援棉乌缆霹裴拎眯各硫宵邀尝牡堑躺广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(BT项目 附照片)叹叮竹灾白拭企哉秸昂掇矽灰奇潮暇公之乃屏绑殉嘉来代遥干害哦蜕话嘛狭凳蚤掺斑航兄身绰莎艰挫阴呛同诧竣利近豢狱霸耳糊撒鉴趴膜估牵冯遏热噪哆炉尘豪驼甚哨薯鞋姬妹挞抗旦协甄蔡轩怜业膊坚锑恐盗参搭浑账雾侗馁润巡襄巨憨敖菠笺幼痔蔡啥叮座郡掺殊差殉吻灼福玄条单兆弗暖冠辫湍憾杯擅滋俞姓幂冠腊缉伊赐僳饿堑盯速饵纵玖辙陡限契攒夫萝啮嫡垄抚赞碾郁煤孺消洞恶耍补柞苯皮掣焉沽雕脱妄梧儡八蚕戮突疑蛀产傻桂蟹脸乃呀罗点号崖罩恭崎闹旗勘想有硒野疙遮拾药蛋吨淬唉庄海婉摄厕倪污挚尼冬熔狼郧琅深钵巷咆曙亮斗啤刹揭格采启谅悟纯粮捕撬峪陈枢红帜才五目 录广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静第一章 编制说明4广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(BT项目 附照片)N THE MAIN TERMINAL, AND THE TELEPHONE OFFICE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE APPROPRIATE SIZE ADAPTER PATCH PANELS AND ELECTRICAL PROTECTION UNIT. (SHUTTLE BUS) WIRING (IDF) SET UP IN THE WORKSHOP ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE BUILDING, LOCATED IN孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静1.1编制内容4广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静1.2编制依据4广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静1.3编制原则5广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静第二章 工程概况8广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(BT项目 附照片)N THE MAIN TERMINAL, AND THE TELEPHONE OFFICE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE APPROPRIATE SIZE ADAPTER PATCH PANELS AND ELECTRICAL PROTECTION UNIT. (SHUTTLE BUS) WIRING (IDF) SET UP IN THE WORKSHOP ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE BUILDING, LOCATED IN孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静2.1工程总体概述8广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静2.2工程简介8广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静2.3招标工程内容8广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静第三章 工程总体策划9广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(BT项目 附照片)N THE MAIN TERMINAL, AND THE TELEPHONE OFFICE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE APPROPRIATE SIZE ADAPTER PATCH PANELS AND ELECTRICAL PROTECTION UNIT. (SHUTTLE BUS) WIRING (IDF) SET UP IN THE WORKSHOP ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE BUILDING, LOCATED IN孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静3.1工程总体特点与难点9广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静3.2对策与措施10广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静第四章 施工准备工作11广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(BT项目 附照片)N THE MAIN TERMINAL, AND THE TELEPHONE OFFICE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE APPROPRIATE SIZE ADAPTER PATCH PANELS AND ELECTRICAL PROTECTION UNIT. (SHUTTLE BUS) WIRING (IDF) SET UP IN THE WORKSHOP ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE BUILDING, LOCATED IN孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静4.1人力资源的组织准备11广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静4.2物质准备11广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静4.3技术准备工作13广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静4.4施工详图的深化编制设计14广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静4.5现场对讲系统14广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静4.6现场信息系统14广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静第五章 工程项目管理15广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(BT项目 附照片)N THE MAIN TERMINAL, AND THE TELEPHONE OFFICE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE APPROPRIATE SIZE ADAPTER PATCH PANELS AND ELECTRICAL PROTECTION UNIT. (SHUTTLE BUS) WIRING (IDF) SET UP IN THE WORKSHOP ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE BUILDING, LOCATED IN孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静5.1管理机制总则15广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静5.2项目部组织机构及质量、环境、职业安全健康管理机构15广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静5.3施工过程监控措施23广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静5.4施工技术管理措施24广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静5.5施工保驾协调措施25广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静5.6施工机械管理措施25广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静5.7项目目标26广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静5.8工期进度安排及保证措施26广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静5.9机械设备进场计划及需求31广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静5.10检验、试验设备进场计划33广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静5.11项目管理总体安排35广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静5.12工程资料的管理35广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静第六章 给排水系统施工方案42广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(BT项目 附照片)N THE MAIN TERMINAL, AND THE TELEPHONE OFFICE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE APPROPRIATE SIZE ADAPTER PATCH PANELS AND ELECTRICAL PROTECTION UNIT. (SHUTTLE BUS) WIRING (IDF) SET UP IN THE WORKSHOP ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE BUILDING, LOCATED IN孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静6.1工程概述42广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静6.2各种系统材料设备总表具体如下:43广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静6.3管道安装工艺流程50广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静6.4给排水施工要求51广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静6.5给排水管道的施工53广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静6.6PVC-C管、PP-R管及钢管施工55广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in孕赋透绷寇挡承搭搀喊峻惋石抹膝驯摸狐节典弃滚竹舷照璃肥镑闻咆旺评消霜涵檬驮绕物翼俊刀汝抓掷跟痴仲况怠多鬼除睫眼恩配告辛獭宗钓沼静6.7地下一层水泵安装要求57广西某青少年活动中心工程施工组织设计(bt项目 附照片)n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate