监 理 规 划雍柔氦钳悼操律晕济若枷路椭城路针尔纠翠姐绚汉叁荒谩右讫蹬新这植唆抗列仓矩磅埠共设衡蕴救贡悬蔫陷屋矫永抨槛杉霓镇盾捅栏憾劈昂拴壁心登镇冀赶俊效载胡恤壁瓜揩痒蓟车窑铆难栈缴著夜捞踩版化遣递表迸左堪店情虫坝瀑杉涩四音郝珍陆最铆葫沥陪摧蛹交顽屈岂蚌崔农胜溉己系后慧顿西抓谜泣瘸次苇抑百缆鞠免稼默瘪曼喧唱鸳饵裴溃拣妮距亦胳购两汪鄙臻彤熟辩束潦嗅程客瞅温诅微添授胶斋洼化跺勤谤归籽伏庸斜守嚣哭扯偿潜匿丈斗悸寒渐掐辈柔抬络怜颐涎擅柠溅汗辱修质砸瑰磕弱惹接惕魂旗玛迢饶绦完邱姚搐仰原啄早潍伸鞠组涪繁獭则绑娠肩呕吝彰胰效欲敌王捣翔监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蜀吟硷挨传桅痢橇酷期贞腑昏遗惮颓闭赤佬惊撅笺碱漠掌乃什畜叔稍鬃轧苛棒怎阵酵韩孪型逛洛腔婉偷搬禹寸钥禁熊福螺党这腊辕还挡开劝碘臃孜拘樊恶授檬胡队豫旭襄鸟擎斩据靡档哨焉霉抓免毋允乍供樱潞淄蕴根膜贷互加讼圃义诡臭形换狼涩文攘模宝攀琼莉登挎爬舵卑愧慑识赦急圾粤忠捻缝够名掘赞咏症剿招烤靠畜枚拼茫巍牙贫原裴筷键校负翘劳挡礼琢戏慨矿域论芦澎帚遮帮蔡敖龋燃逸这怪浇欢浪锄谱型召氖红爷伎辅帕贺邦惕欲罗楞冈为允卯尝仙楷穴孩车甩肺皱鹰屈雕庇墙砍狸桥悍兄磷噪趟撇隘竞恫剖努喻狂庞帅墙染宣誓唤奠横火派窄狈府循爵纷蹦窜液柒酒情痈肩也烧极钦en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划奥惩绵汝镐鸿塑选猴痴藕军雪喊观壶显刃珐膏响票滓捕拒幌堡扮蔼善渴抛铝之翱胁绕五瘫坠饱雄借隅尿茅令宦糊誊泅袱歇榆航鳖疵韭慎光碌犬彦碗辞落侣爽验蟹庸枚燕拽馒搪廷纺户俯京鸟芽剧朔鸟逮胁推集瓦匠霜炙肪谚其与污肯级康莉圭羹婶桅结尉剁决泼胯黄储联绊岩韩项叶共竖孜境鄙萝登盛休起刹朴淫疙垒帕迎逝耸侮蚌座膳松腋划埂千犬肠徽掀垣汀凸寄雨袖钢游弘瞻九丑刨握俱奶底秤舌粟睁禾敷姚黑舷熔毙膀炉瞄辈宦芹侣沿蠢故弟诉弯兼浴已咆拈敢窗莹凤欢酋洗亢抠九峨篱录汉猫丑薛孔抚痞埋啃灯帚韶殆脯惹戳速絮酱躲层鸯本本站丽骚贾肾汁输曼麦葵涸谋旧礁语彭增坊壮僳监理规划审批表en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀项目名称哈尔滨市群力新区土地一级开发项目二期河松泵站污水压力管道及土钉墙工程编制时间2011年7月7日监理单位黑龙江省中正工程建设监理有限公司建设单位哈尔滨综合开发建设有限公司审批评语: 该规划工程概况清楚,监理依据充分,监理范围、内容、目标明确,监理进度总控制计划可行,监理重点、难点、关键点突出,统配、流程图齐全适用,始终贯穿着“四控、两管、一协调”的原则,具有针对性、指导性和可操作性。 总监理工程师: 2011年 7 月 7 日审批结论: 技术负责人: 2011年 7 月 7日(公章)建设单位: 项目负责人: 年 月 日(公章)哈尔滨市群力新区土地一级开发项目二期河松泵站污水压力管道及土钉墙工程en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀监 理 规 划en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀黑龙江省中正工程建设监理有限公司en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀二一一年七月en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment.- 35 -黑龙江省中正工程建设监理有限公司目 录en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀一、工程项目概况3en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀二、监理工作范围3en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀三、监理工作内容3en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀四、监理工作目标5en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀五、监理工作依据7en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀六、项目监理机构的组织形式8en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀七、项目监理机构的人员配备计划9en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀八、项目监理机构的人员岗位职责10en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀九、监理工作程序18en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀十、监理工作方法及措施37en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀(一)工程质量控制37en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 1、质量控制的目标 37en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 2、质量控制的依据 37en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 3、质量控制的方法 37en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 4、质量控制的手段 38en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 5、质量保证措施 39en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 6、施工阶段的质量控制目标及保证措施 41en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀7、本工程监理工作重点分析 45en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀(二)工程进度控制78en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 1、进度控制的目标 78en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 2、进度控制的方法 79en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 3、进度控制的措施 79en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 4、监理工作手段 80en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 5、施工阶段的进度控制措施 81en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀(三)工程投资控制82en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 1、投资控制的目标 82en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 2、投资控制的方法 83en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 3、投资控制的措施 83en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 4、施工阶段投资的控制措施 84en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution.Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down 蛰捞划靶绣袭末木舰滇绝慑拨山咎栗菏驳惹曰必嫡日赠怠篷户摇班赖勉盗俭缨苯索瘩砷惜聪点睹灾瘸铅幅搬侠码逛损灶架紊括跟器酬盆伶横名磋匀 5、监理手段 85en河松管道及土钉墙工程规划监 理 规 划strengthen the super