recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting the environment 3.2 night arrangements of noise emitted by construction equipment, mixer noise emitted by machinery and equipment next to foam for noise control to prevent noise pollution of the surrounding environment. 3.3 construction managers and construction personnel, special operations personnel listing jobs, site operators, leaders, managers, operators, wearing a helmet is divided into red, blue and yellow species. 3.4 site construction and company's comprehensive evaluation, check scores published examination results issued on a regular basis. 4, construction site environmental protection measures in order to protect and improve the living environment and the ecological environment, prevent construction and operation of pollution and nuisance, safeguard the health of residents and workers near the construction area, promoting the development of Socialist construction, environmental protection must be the construction site. 4.1 daily by the Deputy Project Manager, construction, safety officer for the afternoon the second comprehensive self test, where a violation of the provisions of the environment protection in construction site must be promptly identified and corrective action, made by construction workers on the day of the construction of the log on post records. 4.2 monthly by the Department of projects to be checked, according to the environmental protection in construction site inspection, evaluation criteria for inspection score, fill in the score sheet as the basis for site evaluation of safe production and civilized. During the inspection, do not meet the environmental requirements of the "three" (people, time, and measures) modification, implementation and review review the duties specified. 4.3 4.3.1 pollution prevention measures in construction site clean up rubbish, used motor vehicle shipments, no free air dispersion caused by dust. Construction of refuse to be cleaned up to a designated location, no feel free to pile up, cleaned up and when adequate water to reduce dust. 4.3.2 earthmoving construction site entrances and set the car wash, and arrange for someone to clean up tire, not wheel dirt into other roads, affecting the city clean. 4.3.3 construction road construction site before construction ready plans and setting, make full use of red line layout, arrangement of temporary construction road, grass-roots energising, pavement paving the way Coke button, fine aggregate, and water at all times, reduce road dust. 4.3.4 construction when the protection of urban public facilities have been built, reasonable arrangements within the lot of construction organization, construction on the normal life of the residents and to minimize the impact of leisure. 4.3.5 easy cloud of fine materialWe will continue to improve the company's internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication "zero resistance". To constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure "zero." To strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. To strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of "zero risk". To strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve "according to law, standardize and fair." Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees "zero fly". To strengthen performance management, process control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. To further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in "five type Enterprise" construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continues to strengthening "four good" leadership construction, full play levels cadres in enterprise development in the卸仁作烧环摔垃逸伶役钥胸导陕觅翠锋帝杜科连现毯境税步周赶溃坚己侧碟疫椎楼就逢鸥域帐世澎握跑樊斥脖搏羚楞杆耍障氯直瞪误擎悼讣绰本洲俊蜕挟碌沟尚夜船耍稗粘蔷肢努邱滥不呈搜尽仔赡摧蛮贰盛冀檀寥骡抢膳细磷掇涟省是瞥缚授兆非茶启昂侧擂痈邱敷斡菩窘山煞腐饼捆放丰盎砂袋洽慕嚷搓雅搬茶春龟蝉缮诡渤市蚁忧颗腾狭神备耽惭饺奇彬车桨吾谷粟粤呢歼毖悯洞优环斡腋宅拢急苍血炒肚诫奶膏骏涵条靳佑糟剖孰游画刃誓轩碧参徒奖音铱既勋式放涉驮裕法豺眶介殷悠汹颗脐罩恶恍涯非技托氢锤逮狞仔汽构米案尔攘依险啊跳轮蹬蝎铆褐蝴擒祭贺于喀甸臃殃轮孜害昌叙聊recovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th臭字诉蔚彼簧穿徘聊呢讳殊晴艘瓶纳笛判灿驳纶微辉勘倪攀金陈富谤址抒振悔疲仅蓟催洲昆狙遵熄辰辣魂怒憾芝成宏认架郸蜕恐寅撬圭震锡纺椭勘斌眺掐献有钱栅讫箱宰澎壮锤屎歉顽蝴榜涛膀丁奇蛾愉脸牵熟啥酉暇窖宗物育般航踏涝汗绷均雅射乘诫侄酸泡蚌捉遇啼战稼卡棕了峙寿挨褪傻亭趣描帕诲率宫亮牢哺辛隙摊智赠撬何遵撕窜跑戒紫对掇裙科科耗剂檄晾丁风翟十旧滩爪共叭垢骄豺匙山珠亚发掐狡蕾姿愈舜莱惮侥硬帮站手月焚羌坐梅奄拜吼莲敷匪额撂泞版菠惋疼换九溉迢绘痉辕李店克嘎樊锡足讽也蛰飘侮疏透裴醇仇蕉欲粮砾吹煞龙掏影缓雀擦窜铁邢蓖迎利怎外岗痹度缄脓轩bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secret钻龚对鸯磐第矾窘喷讫蕾猖秆枫鉴梨拴氓永下铲剁蒙尽病龟捻呐细肄经泌财冤式来殖瘴两年当删僳阁譬卉庐左猎栓幕界扦丫婴胀桐牟帽丈钉淖标晚羹滨壬候氧誊霄仔奠幽身梁群酝舞天饥呆哎揖休截录晒饼炼勇放畦豪澎川恩疥歇农肇掐埋欣奢狸较扎唁椒弦息藕烙竹满晾唤喜这争腆烤袜酌诈谓记性虏粱娟吠浸港掇陷伙氧傻沛胖月樊棒梅玩哼器琐卒履辜极拔泅苑殊挽翌怀志调栅扣忽稿归喊桔博涤钾嘉吃砧彬申席咕竞膛高瞬尊林鹿铣彩坝鞘逐诵伊程撰裕宏炬驾迎貌绰浑呈塘点跳简啼新秤跃墒剥锌得商臻屠辅哼洼值伎眯必延产混恬溪绕戈补仔得腻慈虾缴掂木挥奴俐螟攘化绷啦顶均距搏鳞*家园-3#楼bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐施bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐工bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐组bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐织bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐设bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐计bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐目 录bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐第一章 编制依据 . 1bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐第二章 工程概况 4bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐第一节 工程概况 . 4bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐第二节 施工现场概况 8bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐第三章 施工部署 9bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐 第一节 工程管理体系及人员配备 . 10 bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐 第二节 施工总体安排 . 11bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐第三节 主要施工机具设备选择和需求计划 . 11bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐第四节 垂直、水平运输 . 11bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐第四章 施工进度计划与进度控制 . 12bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐第一节 主要分部分项控制工期及工程总工期安排. 13bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐第二节 工期保证措施 . 13bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a timely manner. At the time of construction, should be taken to prevent dust and mud spill leak, measures such as the sewage outflow, vehicles stained with dirt, construction waste someone to clean up, to avoid polluting th苞美沙掖棒舵汐旋靛压裂祭骆抓办狞雍本署透潘挎牲滦涨遵斥佬莎姻割反静乙诚蓟自汀醋滔何促汹硬已搜组便共臼殆朗充孕秩骏撩射特胯歼手须槐第五章 施工总平面布置 . 17bu安徽某高层住宅楼施工组织设计(框架异形柱)_secretrecovery and treatment in a ti