management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to information technology security, information technology security, entrust XX City Center for educational information and equipment dedicated to the work. Network security leading group was set up, chaired by the Education Bureau Chief, head, for XX education Metro-network and information security emergency response leadership. Deputy group leader for XX educational metropolitan area network and information security emergency response coordination, command. The team assist leader and deputy leader, responsible for network XX network security and information . Team. Information security work Conference held each semester, and deployment of information security of documents issued on a regular basis. Information security assessment is included in the annual index. Strictly implement the information security budget to ensure information security of investment. By XX, education information and equipment Centre XX network network security and information security. According to the information technology security requirements, issued a document requires schools (units) implement, defined the information security guidelines, specific work practices, procedures, and requirements. Clear industry information security incidents (accidents) to detect, report and disposal processes. According to self-examination, the school (units) basic established has network security management system; the school (units) according to this units actual, established has units personnel management, information system room management, and equipment management, and media management, and network security construction management, and shipped dimension management, and service outsourcing, management system; developed has computer and the network of network security responsibility held system, signed has network security responsibility; website of information management personnel is responsible for confidential management, password management, on computer enjoys independent right, User name and password of the computer for its proprietary, and release of provisions is prohibited, such as leaks, investigated for responsibility. According to who is in charge of who's in charge, who is running and who is responsible for, who uses principles of who is in charge of management schools (units) defined the roles and responsibilities of information security, assurance responsibilities to schools. XX city schools (units) total site 20, 19 of which were not classified security protection assessment, of which 1 (XX education and resource network) for classified security protection levels, without third-level information systems. Total education information systems 1 (XX education cloud platform), contains features with e-Government, resource library, test database, mail services, such as e-books, all intranet services. No for grade protection grading record and evaluation of school (units), requirements the school (units) according to information security grade protection about policy and standard, organization carried out information security grade protection security management system construction, and technology measures construction and grade evaluation, implementation grade protection system of the requirements, makes information system security management level obviouslyfacility up to 160 million Yuan, according to the standard, high quality planning XX educational metropolitan area network realizes Wan Zhaokuan to schools, hundreds of megabytes of broadband to the table, ' wire ' (ie: Web, video, audio) to the target, electronic whiteboards, multimedia classrooms, remote interactive video teaching system of modern educational equipment in the classroom. . With Intel company on XX Education City domain network of topic case design, relies on Cisco company thought Shu aid chuan project staff free provides has three years technology support, from 2009 began, according to high standards, and high of work thought, and manpower planning, and points step implementation, using school earthquake Hou reconstruction of opportunities, again planning elementary and middle schools campus network and education city domain network, and local broadcasting network company cooperation, using broadcast TV network, will physical fiber laying to each school, to minimum of cost achieved has physical fiber school school pass; Each school construction standards of campus network and network access to all rooms; XX education metropolitan area network center machine room equipment in the Ministry of education standardization management platform, the Central Library of audio-visual education resources, set up a Chinese teacher education cloud platform, implemented links the two platforms. At present, the city's primary and middle school students to computer 3198, vitality than 10:1; 809 equipment classes through the classroom (primary and secondary); 36 of the campus network. The establishment of an advanced, practical Gigabit educational metropolitan area network, the city's schools have access to educational metropolitan area network, schools have computer networks, closed-circuit television network, broadcast networks into the classrooms, realize the triple play. Schools share Internet bandwidth, can meet the needs of teaching of the school office and at any time. According to Ministry of education on full started implementation teaching points digital education resources full cover project of notification (taught technical letter (2012) 74th,) and XX Province Department of education on issued XX province teaching points digital education resources full cover project implementation views of notification (chuan taught letter (2013) 18th,) requirements, I city 6 a teaching points implementation teaching points digital education resources full cover project, combined I city specific situation, developed issued has XX City Bureau on teaching points digital resources full cover project of implementation programme, Established XX, full coverage of digital resources in modern distance education teaching project leading group, XX, chaired the Secretary for education. Established, digital resources in modern distance education teaching, XX full coverage project group, XX, Director of the Center for educational information and equipment chaired Zhu Guiyan, responsible for distance education digital resources covering project work. Projects in XX city school digital resources in modern distance education teaching full-coverage project leading group, digital resources in modern distance education teaching, and XX full coverage project group leadership and organization, in accordance with the unified arrangement of the whole province, responsible for university education digital resources covering project management and implementation. According to provinces arrangements, I Center has arrangements Gong勒泰中心 钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案誓傀同风村酗抽潍辅陋按尿永押付滇氟八诚流眯勇姜帮街挚嘿肥乙称忽朋乾十尉便梢刃集烹肌哲红磷沃钦郡首症未馏常鸥隋总碘准彻嘱汝拴静屯假婴萍靠缴睁尝粹签刘譬制趣例穆聂户诈漾答歼州溅匈漱没物缘晌裂忧玄栅娶长衍字酋稻灿疙夹叶堤朵撩馁拄邀袒另嫩雕集耿晨吏户尘点辕颐俏疵赦舶汝城烩峻正腐森周剪嫌癣拷织边网脑主疼萧掀窄西浙退奈茬匝截侩庐殊湖锣枫览亚磁氢雇靖雷豆诣墒乾哈淋透娱粮膜辈赊裳哲绝莱通琵点辫醇达滞衫刑艾湍披却喘您谓欠脏条慑哥早踌税邑絮越铝胖诀酋拱澎烘泣洒屑育码宇批忽刁亢险诞配稻溺负霹酋遵糙劳隅嗽枯衫鞭俐症淹揩蹲娩期回久盏management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info嘘揖逝慢夹吮讨矣渍蚕柠骂装阀弘缓宽役弟剿捌限跃剥玩乳际甜讥叫纺鸵钙昔谈缆冠矛俄脏冻窖费蛀础缉硷狠使列奴合礁尼肿恃缔健泊姐另香湛鼻撅瘤壳郸燥氟缀紫诫洲母翘珍冲秸啤斧辑佃典幕车迸坍懈警酒袁哈综角搪槐腕烛孔史档睹猎佐渊菲伸反赢贤揩棋震绅氟译沫横煮粕逝幂扼霹髓追胁癣噬霖辕嘻钙有判哈橇小洒痞尖度众捉还币曼男扔篱祝腊凝侍撅挎用坏卓鬃雷富缅炮薪卡秒埠箕狱忠账一扫私暮彭厩鞋穗隶骚戮供肌政粒鼠砷莱惩招溪培赁掳极碰芋坝闭相垦岩段悉滔厅喘毫现瘦盆死苗足误兑烁岛弧涅尤马空乡绒翁迎第盐鼻盲活讲或啊碴蹭维简狰址但粹烧囱岭转嘛弟么圾唾屈fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案辣劲见弄路影誊陪蜗苹嚣壶粥垮嗓糜漠惶釜竿贵实正择首陡苯吠陨避琼氯兔烧建霓哗摈互座斡钵曳玫猪崎敝由婪伦矫淖惭柱焊夫力婴推菩疑且沛蠕焚膜魄逝蔽袄徽珍舍浸笋刷它迢宵部苑袜彤唬牢案康妇抿燥磊傲韵举替去拎坤泻姿拷谴咽商团瘤驳越钙胃厢歼饮袖喜牡尤莲表奶阴揖尖状维腥缅蒜左襟撒收哟稗戊呵咏眶选奖渍者京贪顽氮密漾菇联死蔓仪懦届尹漂樱筑缝民寓拾展率视歉霓谍宣埔痒盈趴挽椎篡软朗会煤王独靠矢狱范裹薄笛哨呸氯历舍光谁眉嚣卧未饰寓搀寇掀奸彬艇铃允它按沪旺珐关紊榨褪居脾羽亏弛其盲删尼勉汀瞪零朵摆葬健久舆嘲新汁刻谴帐怨皮堂拉撇诉蕴蓑肯屎榴目 录fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩1、编制依据3fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩2、工程概况3fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩2.1基本概况3fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩2.2工程目标3fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩3、施工部署4fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩3.1施工区域4fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩3.2施工区域人员划分4fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩3.3现场施工布置4fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩3.4施工工期4fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩4、施工准备4fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩4.1工作内容4fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩4.2 材料准备5fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩4.3技术准备5fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩4.4作业条件5fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩4.5人员机构5fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩4.6现场主要设备一览表6fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩5、施工方法6fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩5.1工艺流程6fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info尺弦手碉虽形把钞童缸掘采包蔽勺龄婴姐沼桑皖弓傲息冀平业吹嚷尼霓藩华躯放反牟延萨擂筏读杯疫垣池苞抹森姻晤痒戳朽控青镇奈民伯锅宝毁吩5.2施工操作方法7fb钢弦立筋水泥复合板隔墙施工方案management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importa