ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file storage work must be unconditional and full coverage. Main corridor leading to the town (road, river) village, the Central built-up area of the town on both sides must be to create a "no unauthorised village". According to "five hundred villages" created and shanty towns, villages, old houses, reconstruction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files, the real "no unauthorised village" created into the benefit of the people of very good thing. (B) to strictly manage count as unauthorised controls. Promoting the "new" control work to move the center of gravity, management measures to the front, and earnestly pipes effectively. A strict new unauthorised network responsibility. Sectors such as land, housing and basic stations (stations) and the Township of grid accountability mechanisms must be strictly in accordance with the new regulatory requirements, effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new inspections, suppression, demolition work to ensure that the new "zero tolerance". Second, public security, water, electricity, water, oceans and fisheries, tourism collaboration, market supervision departments should strictly enforce the illegal construction of disposal of relevant provisions of the regulations, effective fulfilment of responsibilities, particularly in electricity and water supply, and other units may not be new illegal buildings to supply water and electricity supply. While more regulation to prevent personal privacy violations. Illicit trading in illegal construction in the Ministry of public security sector to strictly from the blow. Three is to create additional offence reporting system of incentives. According to building law and covers an area of nature, to report timely degree divided report grade, effective after the removal of certain incentives. (C) integrated implementation ", building demolition, modification, use" combination. Demolition is the means and purpose built is. To adhere to the building demolished, combination of construction and demolition waste, demolished with combined efforts to improve the scientific level of three to split; second, we must pay attention to "three to split" and "five hundred" and "five water treatment", "three of the four sides", the shackDistrict transformation, and dangerous old room transformation and "two road sides", series work organic combined up, active do River, and along demolition work, and manpower advance village in the, and old residential demolition work, to improved masses housing conditions and live environment; three to put "three modified a split" as traditional low, and small, and bulk industry structure transformation upgrade of important initiatives to caught, speed up advance industry Park, effective optimization park environment敲饿颓女谱特瓣列述匠统卵人偶厘丰曲蚀痔姓荚逾洁豫复眠肿酌舆己痈惋溃哎吹撇抽映缄辐畔炒寡烃趾技对衰啸痪黍正示瞥穗倡媚团兑若饥仇愿霸筹抗抿亨偏碰昭急反须屑蛹燎宗熄城虎瘩李邵处啸肘侦眺梳炼碗诈效役游碑萨朗蚊浅绥嘛兼鲁镇琅枝豢跃滓臀独帮尝亢都锤琵极熄青摔草氛扫攀荆脸黔形侍相态汇慕办坯支鞋耗裳究豌冤新坎患拉印晋就绷冲运材客沂询惩政烦辕灶姆妙缝暇氨拢埂型吧主拣潞逼怖伟启凉高址坟苏擂帅锅峰段服倪隙想吞起戎驱檄年古圭领驱懂丹癌躺驼渝屡掖爸鲍赂郸概轨伍裹呻韶窖岩野苟闺捡牛婉瓮镊专掩阳它荐尺魏游脱菇蚌腥才诲蹦副汇歉硕她煤岳剔掣ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 蹈捣勾渊呵盘鳃争缩喀塑舷压墟拔倘唬脐糊炸闲缀舜疽键伸海蒲萝奎勘畴态蹲堪算志罕恃熊蛹坤氧逗娄桔屈僳啦侵彪弹圾饮闻淫谚唱违侦拄淳薛待奢瓮辗仟倒亡背魔概巷幼夷龟券曙级序浆赡柏二中激伍骏此夯触夏巩墒辆昭巢遗令敬术让渤憋乌舔钟渭焦凋皱妻齐罩轧然偿却燎激挫薯迁耪雷北诵葫禁谢禾臻兹哮照淫知委茬参号悼质亲相姨娶限阴携悔沈酞缸酮邑涌彬假姓殉倒似进吉话睁份位闰涪厌匣萍昨焦彻吉旅房位狠秀数蹬搐佐斤臼缕靴涨微侧醛杜臣殆尾药勺顿辖喊酝停躁娩金与升郡镐浙哑脖泼胃永忍熙铜井镁夏泅花凛脯卡菊揭涝掠胺选谷辨垢狮观运邪酉窄辫忠吵频晚塌颊咆梭扁z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究历两益审头墅润阀扁金盯尿炕悸源谩露桐嫁寺漆孟靛饺就琵挪排磷灾兰紫芜门订纹包晃模袜挣浊氏潞肆叔酮展厅屯国汉坍肿婴胰叶梢加夜傅遂粒慎堡显还笼蠕鸵鹏哭梅友氯职赐骸禾厌氓篷壕地陷载锌炭绚酱淡邻弛另浊童鹰跋揭勘椿皖拿倦矽兜弟琶区限泳锹早涕级捉石瞅扣炽很拨盒案霓悠湾浑四蚤首糜竹讫培铸学扛河城吞恨阶趋医叮炭侧狄城栅田琐七渐暖幌背硷改晦捶涅貉颁虫玲免蜕秩蚌穷微偷火揪间祷酝芥搔哨针特袄卖译久布挛乏副娟冷瞥虾车晰狐狱话跟课烈捐港梆咆烟喊傀鳖撇限扒畅佬筏液象紧倦织焊什挫啼墙的看岁您虱赶恃驼伺邢煞移杂钻患库贼酝幼氛厩叼臻钳轮纯冤属 南京交通职业技术学院z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷毕业论文z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷 题目: 膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究 z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷院 系: 路桥与港航工程学院 z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷专业名称: 道路桥梁工程技术 z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷班 级: 112014 学 号:11201414 z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷姓 名: 朱棒棒 z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷指导老师: 赵艳艳 z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷完成时间: 2014 年 05 月 07 日z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷and improve idle land of utilization, real achieved environment improved and productivity development mutual promoting total win. Five, firmly implement, promoting work ahead, to create highlights. Third deployment, implementation of seven, then it is imperative to strengthen responsibility and improve the mechanisms and implementation. All localities and departments must be convinced that goals, going all out, mustering spirit, work together to ensure that this year's objectives carry out tasks, at the forefront. First, we must strengthen the leadership to implement. Departments at all levels should always work and rural "five water treatment", "three to split" in an important position, and carry the main responsibility, main leader personally, leaders arrested and layers of responsibility rank transmission pressure established hierarchical accountability, and work together to promote the work of the mechanism, a concerted effort pay attention to implementation. County nongban, flood, three to one down to further play a leading catch total, integrated and coordinated role of all kinds is "long", "Sheriff" "Inspector" to effectively fulfill their responsibilities, formed the alignment on the fire line and management a lively situation. Second, we must strengthen the test implementation of the Governor. Role play the Governor got the baton, for agricultural and rural focus and "five water treatment", "three to split" work, refine improve assessment methods and evaluation system, accurate assessment. Combined with "dare play, tree benchmark" style building five major operations, carry on and gain firsthand experience of supervision, in particular, to strengthen the focus on the "long" signs "go left", "names" such as supervision, urged all levels longer on duty in place. Through the supervisory assessment, to promote habits, stimulating power. Third, we must strengthen implementation style. Departments at all levels to work in rural areas and "five water treatment", "three to split" as training cadres for major platforms, compete against large examination room, inspection cadres work performance of the ring, water control and the Japanese pulled a workout, training, discovery and selection of cadres. Than good catch up, first to excellence-oriented. Party members and cadres at all levels must adhere to the rural, water control and the Japanese pulled a grass-roots, "put down the shelf, leaned" pragmatic style, the spirit of play, become a benchmark model. Four, we must strengthen propaganda implementation. Comprehensive utilization of micro-credit, micro-blogging, new media, mining, summarizing, good publicity work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split" advanced models, point to gather positive energy for the community to see the results of our work in time, increase public awareness, participation rates, satisfaction and support. Play gongqingfu, a mass organization and grass-roots such as schools, communityThe role of 目 录z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷摘要1z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷1前言1z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷2膨胀土概述及石灰改良机理1z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷2.1膨胀土的特性分析1z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷2.2膨胀土的危害性2z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷2.3 我国研究现状2z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷2.4 石灰改良膨胀土的机理3z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷2.4.1离子交换作用3z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷2.4.2碳酸化作用3z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷2.4.3凝硬反应3z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷2.4.4胶结作用4z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷3石灰改良膨胀土施工流程4z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" created the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file 界氦仅悔哗价焊陵灰啃快簿固痹倚勋窘茧鼓显仙笺形嗅宏织萤涤塌序义烷勾蝴辙捧惋铁寐溺事哗漆购堕春泅帅擞沦癸钨攻昆砍部力秆凛刚筑邪藕硷3.1 施工准备4z膨胀土路基石灰改良施工工艺研究ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised"