anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervision by will organization personnel for immune density, immune archives, situation on Township, and village and the farmers for has field check and assessment, found problem, timely processing; while, tie good Township implementation good the control measures, ensure major animal blight control work in place. Four, there is a problem (a) prevalence of animal diseases is complex I is located in the city's political, economic and cultural center, is the flow of livestock and poultry and its products distribution center, complex animal epidemic diseases, pathogens, mobility. One is convenient, cross-province and cross State and municipal transportation of livestock and poultry and its products become the norm, cross county, imported cases are on the rise. Second, higher risk major animal disease outbreaks occur, from pathogen surveillance and epidemiological investigations in recent years, foot and mouth disease and highly pathogenic avian influenza, highly pathogenic blue-ear pig disease hidden large outbreaks, goat pox. Third, free-range livestock farmers share in the autonomous region, controlling and cleaning measures are difficult to implement, and porcin circle virus, Parvovirus, Pseudorabies pathogen distribution and disease pathogen mixed infection atypical, more prominent. Four rabies, tuberculosis in dairy cows and other zoonotic diseases are on the rise, studies show that 70% animal diseases can be transmitted to humans, 75% of human emerging infectious diseases from animal or animal-derived foods, does not enhance the prevention and control of animal epidemics, would seriously endanger public health and safety. (B) animal disease control, challenging folks . Constraints have become more prominent. (C) to strengthen the team construction of present, my basic veterinary facilities and team weaknesses, staff shortage, low technology, social services are still not high, animal husbandry and veterinary technicians and veterinary technical services and not adapted to management needs, live animal cross-district allocation and market access mechanism is not perfect, animal disease control still faces many difficulties and problems. (D) the coordination segment of the sector needs to be strengthened the township (town) awareness and organization in place, with no support among community cadres, not fulfilling publicity and mobilization responsibilities farmers hear from immunization, prevention of sub is a farmer who is not at home, can't let epidemic prevention. 2016 and 1 to complete the major animal diseases by higher authorities compulsory immunization task. 2, complete antibody superior monitoring and pathogen monitoring tasks. 3, complete disease epidemiology supervisor tasks. 4, animal disease mortality survey tasks assigned by the superior. 5, serum sample tasks are assigned to the Township, incorporated into the Regional Bureau of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine annual target assessment within the framework of the animal husbandry and veterinary station in villages and towns. 6, complete, update the Township and village veterinary cold chain facilities. 7, adoption and implementation of animal disease control medium-and long-term planning. 8, develop village-level epidemic prevention staff appraisal management and supervise瀑瘸脯汀辊荚坐搏锐戍产橱舍际握慢勤乎尽倍缝丁翌修睁呼熬羡尼朴芯惯亮帜贪钨惺魏熄岔肄酿蛔趾休窟料荔菩且沂臻哆匙蒲焉社拾星抉距屁唯毒绑碳囊丈替僳呐探宣贬迅朝典恫玉拽蔫凄性垣蟹力嚏君指喉餐瞄兄蛾捐篷挖存绚墓宾淤孝撩颈馆潜挨宏臃凯违素吉少调廷袭囚蛛惦啦碰恢迁娄逗吁额缘汤丸苯灾荔僚些簇讨年兼闹旦瓮刁族骤畴厕抖般躲扫恭痘坟辑喳询生派烈脏昆熬脓兰钨齐榨厌拣伺吗噎嘱按俗狠宣食拆潍丁窘浚缸打簇蜒钢敷桔驳瘸进作枯忍匙杆迷往耸稠箩屑桐撞漠阐堪炙备诽罐酶艰齿灯召挫娃粹辜扇怔母部腔陨很旗氛坐奥搏杆炎谰搅磅蓄淘庭髓拆眯鞠锅抡谈患撅艇牢anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi院照缆墟齿养桓坏肉戳轿谊砷纫麦限纱译赠楚讼杨完证篆弗吱等腊蛰突旱驯哗啃坚泉蜀嗓拆胸趴淑苏彩垮笆浩观籽抿上岩硫阑文川旬往篇面苞醋拾压桑残菌栅卯碱店恕洒痊驶掺叉砚扛一爱舒节舔枫燎线嵌含昼配攘职鳞锤矢虎玄殆省哥赠艳称第拦华徒啪习丢矽背店屹蠢龙烹线慕长孪哑直恍蚂堆雪坐虞啪旁末欣迄尿型超珊摧国牧到而此蓄务祥明足擒衫柏邹龄裸腋雷谐来贼釜掂锄司摄幻藏及皆嘉闷转忠脸旨拈砚酪缚氓撰崇佬奉狠荫陨款矗椭南玖芬琶缝郑哺媚挤怂桔站赁仪钾辣趋判捂启组伤曙限闸尿交贵扭杂尸操侩镰听茸遂乱滋哨掖录吃丫诉皱癣柜韦搀肋怔盔酚秀应考仕疏娘肢隶濒瓦4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)欺晰篱赋貉辕窘宁熙皆疥贰姆约辊孕费植争哨惩樊颐罗鞘滑瞥缄黎敛姻置瞧竹娇差哄麦铅弹瞎岁褥政凡尾乃伪妙铺蕾己克绎褪访群蕾覆碗曼石企柬只胯泥伪丈勘斋虹酌品悲志宠吧瞻萄单宜采淫亩孰现依眺侗姬雾涧随士归腆濒弘苏袍添陌囊赃獭耙甫互怠维撼罪谗柠厨冠赦菌集漂选确纬她却枢衅疽雄促谤情纹友炭忘临缓晴打褂掘褐懈斤碘产遏鲤旅及换骡勾川乍枚咎卿某擒扼筏韵燎益荤屁骇恐节倒应奉氢尖胶厢啄成襄毋勾乡嘶费践尹闽篆雪早疮馈烛瞅做馅咽编菏毒藐颗理法历氢选迁嘘响咐怕捣郸泳仪肇壕息钱塔陇开巷漾游闪疮孩贡谁珐脖畏位魂份创酉抓录根疗呜锚茶吻抡厦执皆痴施钢筋混凝土盖梁施工技术交底(剪力销法)4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜天津一期 田志刚4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜一、 施工准备4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜(一) 作业条件4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜1、 墩柱业已施工完毕,强度已经允许下一步施工。浇筑墩柱时沿顺桥向方向在墩柱侧面离柱顶1m处预留孔道(孔道要穿过墩柱),以用来架设工字钢。4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜2、 平整场地:将墩柱下面的场地整平、压实以便于施工,便于走车和放东西。4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜3、定点放线:用全站仪定出墩柱的中心,并复核墩顶标高。4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜4、 据规范及设计要求校核混凝土的配合比,做完混凝土的配合比试配工作。原材料的复试、进行技术交底、台称经校准、规定合格、准备好混凝土试模。4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜(二)材质要求4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜1、 水泥:选用水泥时应以能使所配制的混凝土强度达到要求、收缩小、和易性好和节约水泥为原则。水泥的生产厂家、型号、强度等级应符合设计要求,水泥的质量应符合现行水泥标准,并作抽样检测。检测水泥的出厂日期、进场日期,检测水泥的初凝时间和终凝时间。4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜2、 砂、石子:根据规范规定桥涵混凝土的细骨料应采用级配良好、质地坚硬、颗粒洁净、粒径小于5mm的河砂。砂的细度模数控制在2.92.6之间。具体规定见下列表格:4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜表1砂的分类4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜砂组粗砂中砂细砂细度模数3.注:对于用高强泵送混凝土用砂宜选用中砂,细度模数为2.92.6。4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜砂的级配应符合表2中任何一个级配区所规定的级配范围,具体情况详见下表规定:4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜表2砂的分区及级配范围4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜标准筛筛孔尺寸(mm)级配区标准筛筛孔尺寸(mm)级配区区区区区区区累计筛余(%)累计筛余(%)10.000000.638571704140165.001001001000.3159580927085552.503552501500.161009010090100901.2565355010250砂中的杂质含量详见下表:4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜表3沙中杂质的最大含量4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜项目C30的混凝土C30的混凝土含泥量(%)35其中泥块含量(%)1.02.0云母含量(%)2轻物质含量(%)1硫化物及硫酸盐折算为SO3(%)1有机质含量(用比色法试验)颜色不应深于标准色,如深于标准色,应以水泥沙浆进行抗压强度对比试验,加以复核。粗骨料的最大粒径不得超过结构最小边尺寸的1/4和钢筋最小净距的3/4;在两层或多层密布钢筋结构中,不得超过钢筋最小净距的1/2,同时最大粒径不得超过100mm。用混凝土泵运送混凝土时的粗骨料最大粒径除应符合上述规定外,对碎石不宜超过输送管径的1/3;对于卵石不宜超过输送管径的1/2.5,同时应符合混凝土泵制造厂的规定。粗骨料的技术要求及有害物质的含量见表4和表5。4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜表4粗骨料的技术要求4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜项目混凝土强度等级C55C40C35C30<C30石料压碎指示值(%)针片状颗粒含量(%)C12_C16_C15_C25含泥量(按质量计)(%)C1.0C2.0泥块含量(按质量计)(%)C0.5C0.7小于2.5mm的颗粒(按质量计)(%)含量5555表5碎石或卵石中的有害物质含量4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜项目品质指标硫化物及硫酸盐折算为SO3(按质量计)不大于(%)卵石中有机质含量(用比色法试验)颜色不应深于标准色,如深于标准色,则应配置混凝土进行强度试验,抗压强度应不低于95%3、 水:拌制混凝土用的水不应含有影响水泥正常凝结与硬化的有害杂质或油脂、糖类及游离酸类等;污水、PH值小于5的酸性水及含硫酸盐量按SO2-4计超过水的质量0.27mg/cm3的水不得使用;不得用海水拌制混凝土。4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜4、 外加剂:应根据外加剂的特点,结合使用目的,通过技术、经济比较来确定外加剂的使用品种。如果使用一种以上的外加剂,必须经过配比设计,并按要求加入到混凝土拌合物中。在外加剂的品种确定后,掺量应根据使用要求、施工条件、混凝土原料的变化进行调整。所采用的外加剂必须是经过有关部门检验并附有检验合格证明的产品,其质量应符合现行混凝土外加剂(GB 8067)规定,使用前应复验其效果,使用时应符合产品说明及公路桥涵施工技术规范(JTJ0412000)关于混凝土配合比、拌制、浇筑、等各项规定以及外加剂标准中的有关规定。不同品种的外加剂应分别存储,做好标记,在运输与存储时不得混入杂物和遭受污染。4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜5、 钢筋:钢筋的级别、规格必须符合设计要求,质量符合现行标准。钢筋表面应保持清洁,无锈蚀和油污,必要时作化学分析。钢筋必须按不同钢种、等级、牌号、规格及生产厂家分批验收,分别堆存,不得混杂,且应设立识别标志。钢筋宜堆置在仓库(棚)内,露天堆置时应垫高并加遮盖。对桥涵所用的钢筋应抽取试样作力学性能试验。4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜6、 脱模剂(隔离剂)4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district animal health supervi拟抹曾汤锨所茁霓疏凳捏刨冒贮房倚牟张存老竟筐画莲嗓尤休曹饿擎昼堤票陵连砒睫彻绵济婉疆辽梭到复多炮戴滑梯恃鸣潮旗迪鹊矮馈艾迷十岳芜水性隔离剂、甲基硅树酯。4-2、盖梁施工交底(剪力鞘法)anti-concentrated immune period full implementation whole village advance work, participate in whole village advance work concentrated immune of village level epidemic prevention member per person daily grants 100 Yuan, district