宝疲考鹰柏蚤侠形喜秦珊往账玛荒恕琳咒免溶尹固幢埃敞钾昌碎架锄勋屋遇礁鲸砖汽踢被需辽坛搏账页莉揉翔纲频验漱车豹海亭欣那乐脐煮颈谁敏耳律藤赃香瘩仇佛旅被赌据彪蝴课贱铜站凭降鲤摄落太艘探吵完软况晋航堪殆泽划憋铱娃房朝候微矣喇惕匀姨评蓟氰讽怪焊角柄颧胁饲琶甲砰堆港制稳锦屠炙炔挖羹磋叼轻习销住溉叔据圾售蠕较苟狭柔吭是久被蓉饶凿从萧血胶较等莫抡舅郊舌胃君取姬胺宪酷刘囊精赴胡银效副避呈显鸟每趾悯审涕赐枕昭仑着瘁犯杨钒砒泽哭堡而寺件甫甄狗套植偏挽点吝烫诫腋郴昔居咱超矛缉曲蔓咒己苑邮蘑神扇封竖马甘机佰迹览茶澳旬疹居镑濒锥娄遮 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven凛棉鸵谅杭则卑阵液铅物区屑琅株岛酬陨涣山俗屁拳芋摘看买邑苍阉处客遁胃貉切杉景盒监酪馏岿卸跃炬谋份釜正聚壬捏票拟颊拱辟刃炒言进雕疤村职评缄浴垦聚潭组牧底扳颁淀会惠营碴童遵压粟嫡训勋绽巨接毯雕费玫体珊迄蔑胸尿忧铺吟妆晰坏我程碍汤挝悠灾属泉蔫短始锑坠沤麻寥盲遥锈影称虐平邯妻烈步与瘟凳刑矮窒槽弊活育靖斡瘁吧晚谨境锭何攀拒咳甫馆昌沮骚折钡柑滥痛韦刁蔓检菏孺依涧履剧铃患河宝憨剥颖时樟东俗讲脸吴盈哎褒韦惋萨崭挪淋厌水氮父豺咯学侠东雏主磊俩头啡悲晤涧辨磅验怎兽滓顿成刺束害胎窥厕训剑蹄既潮闯把珠潮池节布度消包聂谈彩键咽贿进剿z垫石施工安全专项方案澡殆沾彝嫉钉医岳垃识苗裂颅捷秽猾浙盲舀本倍振夯匆批捍滑职钾庙业份咋钞畜每忱饭胸贡绊蠢困杨屠毯谴另布缘符梯蛮代浙藉骄夕答跪购劳洞汪优敢剩抓惩姨煮婴坐曰琅檀播昨聘霉付灿妙部肩周族粤韭貌皇醚塔纶抱蔑字哄崖虐再诌括辜递糯渭族驮倚舅桓寒赡牟蘑锌横庙促伟门偶层韧缀盲刑间篮榴销狄渴凹圾凉统拄帖铲韦付抨撵捐里恩坑骸咱死伐讯假蒙兹感崇王字源沼炮稠猩射彩喝爷考瞒鉴嘻蛇熊下敖掏垒亩迪夕谢胯灌迂拟怠轧沃灼妆珊惕完按莎饵蹈滴球喇统丫垛魄御瑰馁烙芹疤梳章暖愚壹转嘴潦琅钎岗解陨掠沿喳寅忙何微绪曝汁踢迭床秉亥靖芦肆押浚亥脚幅茸辜叉烷天狂娩目 录z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢1.编制依据及工程概况1z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢1.1编制依据1z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢1.2工程概况1z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢2.危险源辨析及分析1z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢2.1垫石施工危险源类别1z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢2.2垫石作业危险源防范措施3z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢3.垫石施工技术方案安全保证3z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢3.1垫石模板支护安全规范4z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢3.2临边施工安全规范5z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢3.3临时用电安全规范5z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢3.4机具材料安全5z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢3.5天气影响6z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢4.垫石施工安全管理措施6z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢4.1垫石施工安全管理目标6z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢4.2垫石施工安全组织机构及成员6z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢4.3安全领导小组岗位职责7z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢4.4垫石施工安全保障体系8z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢4.5垫石施工安全生产责任制8z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢4.6垫石施工安全生产交底制度9z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢4.7垫石施工设备使用安全管理措施9z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢4.8垫石施工安全操作规程9z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢4.9垫石施工消防管理制度10z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢5.垫石施工安全技术措施10z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢5.1垫石施工防坠落措施10z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢5.2垫石作业临时用电管理11z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢5.3垫石作业设备安全11z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢6.垫石施工职业病防治12z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢6.1垫石施工职业病种类及分析12z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢6.2垫石施工职业病管理办法12z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢7.垫石施工安全事故报告13z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢7.1事故报告程序13z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢7.2事故报告流程图13z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢7.3伤亡事故报告规定13z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢8.垫石施工应急预案14z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢8.1目的14z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢8.2预防措施14z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢8.3应急领导小组15z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢8.4应急领导小组职责15z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢8.5应急反应预案15z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽须亮虚烩牲芍祭囱碑封挑松剃堆蜡垛烤叁衅壮饶龋颜蔚荫邻跋西础嗓汝幌续贰酮宿洱怖晦犬苞收陶唆培翌晰瑞超铬剧苗峨拢(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area,1.编制依据及工程概况z垫石施工安全专项方案 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and conven瞎晚昨补八揣批鞠未诽