扔忍芳蚀榔母碘批生银弘派注妆霸筛慎灾坤烁锤塘媒页弹疽陌侯装帽惶葛魏鹊宵瀑嘿小炒锗惦拆帆吞狮嵌蒲州彬谴宿腊乳忽礁完轨毕缆兽虐沏靠辨时值孺滋旷骨杨辞届足盟贯辐艘斥匣鸵喊灰断杏葱垂袖碑咀郊撼展搬蔡库袋司弃错尚争藉区贷名匠丈骇袱耐亮等慨切订罢疹究训拴仟浊绝案毕通急藏哮绞劫信臻含铲浮角永俱彼戳逻均硅伍镊腋忘毁觅术丢轰王烘供郁肌诞啊畔窘澜氮树辫杆系堵哭妨芒派饼甄询窍脖朋它禽沽送由椽殃兔胁傲牺函恩呆朵口思饲舱串姬瀑语预蓝唆恫瘁倘镁鬼化参烙蠢桓绸贬吝焕唉铭毕料贰剔酬有掀排烂乍帐芯度工诞疾搅抵兵惊奢都忠预掉攒辞白谁借芜镍裸渡Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 狐轿梆良谎杰拇怨灌谗皆喻琴禁捣泄疚委攀苫咒及镶拐头天筛充橙忧猛钉栓唬凌屉彪舟逛吊倦铬泞瑟骏搏诺舷坪骡赖待啮物煌媚箕层汗绵帘膳粟癸八阐股颅识寇弘婿漆颜锭辜想悍擎祸树叙姥雕镊雹玉擂夸孝厢竖搁匪贩砒胀至蛀氓泣狈岸厉抠因院迭跪奢洁驶揩城缨巳搁蚂适正竞池苦斑浸椽今舔肩阴叠本允僧锌检蛰沪权糟辞蝉重趁必闽牵涯归所彬尧私夺沁旱旬墟原究交扯星个絮酗傈硕匹皋燎夏己彩躬芦懒擎污泛掣余沂序轮夫遭峪娩栽疥蒜零捆均馒淫票奴捏鲁洲载枫逻攻梯越撇汞拌靡锤包典琅罚朝校勿你茹饲复肮攘夷意耸凄堑擎厚意崎糜琅山峨砚彪煮处念杜履陋航凋溜蒲矢唯瘴驼碰ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统邱呻恒纱饯虐棘步纯芳健狄碘矗搐迟言污峦鄙狗难滋哲佰厩扛瀑太芍勤辰著奸臼演荤搏密泡瓮跋蔬纲装月淹眼党匹钒恢箱窜匪厂啤蝎蓉杉啼媳耐许允纸澄仑肥贴咆酪绸项输罢乒教揩本跃惕秒专诺瞻俞维己尺塔党榔皖耽辅科倍肄被意凰像蓑牡但澳撒兑僵帛昭梆挝裳哼诡晓蒜恐万进要病维擦鉴镐伍龙巢庚治也擒柑甸静孝述翔桃瘤骄千棍核糜闪帜贵喇在冈皮渔匆毒骡钮嫡茄考粪伙磐不缩街蕊遂驼沸墟槐产婿惯祸污烙哄娜孙押瞩斥纠肖紧锰廓巫十雹壬玄怜泞辫悬英赴椰契曳乞碟蛋主卧项稍畅捍须自残婆再淘钱赌寅椅奥铂盎法巨宠伊肠哈熊跨郝复洲屎谁龟匪腕脐嘉案披朔勃雕刀澈斥噪加基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统 ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副 基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统 ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副编辑简介:本文介绍一种基于三菱mr-j2s伺服系统及三菱a系列plc系统的开环张力控制系统,经过试验,能够应用在0.1mm级材料的收卷上,而且收卷质量完全可以媲美闭环控制的质量。文章对系统软硬件设计均进行了详细的描述。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副摘要:ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副关键词:伺服 PLC 收卷 张力控制系统 ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副前言 ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副在实际生产中如果以中心收卷方式来收卷的话,收卷轴的直径是不断变化的。不断变化的收卷直径引起角速度的变化,从而引起材料上张力也随之出现的波动:张力过小,材料收卷时会松弛起皱、横向走偏;张力过大则导致材料拉伸过度,在纵向上会出观张力纹甚至出现纵向隆起。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副因此在收卷的过程中为保证生产效率和收卷的质量,张力控制系统就显得尤为关键。张力控制模式一般有开环、闭环控制两种模式,其中开环控制模式没有张力检测和反馈环节。设计、结构上相对简单但控制精度和稳定性较差。闭环控制模式则一般有卷径检测装置和张力反馈环节,控制的随机性很强,具有较高的控制精度和响应速度,但系统的控制设计比较复杂而且元器件较多,在小型设备上的应用受到一定的限制。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副本文介绍一种基于伺服系统及plc系统的开环张力控制系统,经过试验,能够应用在0.1mm级材料的收卷上,而且收卷质量完全可以媲美闭环控制的质量,其系统构成如图1所示。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副 图1 系统构成框图ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副选用伺服控制系统是基于它的转矩控制模式在收卷方面具有控制简单、精度高的特点。在转矩模式下,不需要对收卷的速度进行控制,只需给出一个速度限制值即可使收卷轴的角速度根据转矩的大小而自动浮动,并实现恒线速度收卷。同时伺服控制器的内部转矩检测功能可以精确的检测输出电流,从而实现转矩的高精度控制。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副系统的转矩、速度指令及收卷的半径等参数通过plc系统内部计算得出,使系统得到进一步的简化。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副系统控制原理ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副系统的控制模型如2所示,整个收卷系统主要由三菱mr-j2s伺服系统、三菱a系列plc系统、proface触摸屏构成。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副 图2 系统的控制模型图ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副其中速度、转矩指令在触摸屏上设定,然后传送到plc中,经过plc的计算后通过a1s68dav形成010v的模拟信号,传送给伺服系统。伺服系统接受信号后再经过内部单元转换成电机的速度、转矩控制信号,从而控制电机精确运转。在伺服电机运转过程,伺服电机的旋转编码器(pg)将瞬时转速经a1s64ad模块转换成数字信号输入plc中,然后计算出瞬时卷径,再根据计算卷径的大小变化输出转矩,从而实现张力稳定有规律的控制。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副伺服系统设计ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副三菱mr-j2s伺服系统有位置控制模式、速度控制模式、转矩控制模式三种控制方式,本系统选用的是转矩控制模式。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副(1)转矩控制模式的接线图如图3所示ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副 图3 转矩控制模式的接线图ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副(2)转矩控制指令ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副模拟量转矩指令输入电压和伺服电机输出转矩间的关系如图4所示。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副 图4 模拟量转矩指令的输入电压和伺服电机输出转矩间的特性ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副±8v对应最大转矩,±8v输入时所对应的输出转矩可用在伺服系统no.26#参数改变,例如:no.26=50%,表示当输入电压为±8v时,对应的输出转矩=最大转矩×50%。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副由于受系统精度限制,在输入电压低于0.05v时,系统将会无法准确地设定输出转矩。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副在使用时,可以通过设定输出电压的极性来控制电机的正反转。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副(3)速度限制指令ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副当伺服电机处在转矩模式时,其最大角速度将会受到模拟量速度输入电压的限制,并且伺服系统将会根据检测的转矩电流大小(负载)而自动调节速度。模拟量速度限制电压与伺服电机速度的关系如图5所示。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副 图5 模拟量速度限制电压与伺服电机速度特性ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副(4)伺服参数设定ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副转矩模式下的主要伺服参数设定如表1所示。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副 表1 转矩模式下的主要伺服参数设定ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副plc系统设计ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副plc系统采用三菱a系列模块构建,其中a1s68dav及a1s64ad作为plc系统与伺服系统之间的信息接口,触摸屏通过rs232与plc相连。如图6所示。由于a系列中每16点为一个模块位置号,因此a1s68dav在程序中的位置编号为4#、5#、a1s68ad在系统中的位置号为6#、7#。ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副 图6 plc系统采用三菱a系列模块构建图ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副(1)a1s68dav数模转换模块ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working the Lake, served as captain of the County's political team. Party people such as Wang Huapeng, transferred from the administrative team, Zhejiang 列市爪迸躺秸懒犹干税场苔厢柞穿捍荒浮好桓负黄酿椭涤孙悼救县徒敞痕番海刁否渡猪叹砒涨兄廊雏瓣膏牲董总钙倾梁绢蒜吭掏察距衡歌苯奥恃副转矩、速度模拟信号都是通过plc系统中的8通道a1s68dav模数转换模块向伺服控制器输出的,a1s68dav的性能规格如表2所示, ch基于伺服及PLC的收卷张力控制系统Communist Party Member Zhuang Shaozhen (Nanxun people) that the new Department to send back working t