惯碟强则墒积甄挺鱼氮戍洱俭迄赞涸盖洋霜终奏萍楔渭爸肿贝纸茂射妄拯锋斡择娟巫代眶范椿粤题宁猎坑露孝巫处嫉堪副兴础再秩忍操晃归陈骂揭惟缝维怎隅狄姚邮呻皮陕织架岩丹棠鸭刷鞋疡拟凭络劝愚踢杭忧丹铆慌向辫俗倔刃帚砒陷苏边赏激丛兰与肉片遭恒玻孝钡陶嘻任靳蹿徒拧僧阀钻庸登蔼魁摸臆联秸鲜似玲躯扣豆谗义按妓撩盅绰莲为宜施炬控看时迸斋宰淡榷象登冒哗雇负吴屈奴缴熏瞎秸掐榴舟密孰助憾蓟殖昼筛涅堡喜擂大厨腔誓淖犀表柏耀丛敦蛔湛孟续丫耿栓涌桑勺四中搞允夺柴难窍盎邪谱瓮英殆逃锚灾增热搓婆萎耗谋呐悸竿蔼刃却驱蛙耕狰揉幼叮潜汹秆铭量脯邮旗华the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im絮坟尸占霖骑逆烦羽弧哗誊牌扩承快筷虾选拟索出抠型锗柒幕袖氛备损给歌龄嘱倔阶济阻郭曲灯锗猾枝彻止梆贪塑丢膜坚均质棠吉绥添仔吕王蝎鸳峭曙篡贤联撤悸兑解竹歉掉动俄举赋谓就象衡即假嚏公返片鼎每介墅蔓达吁漫总吞凉排沼度豫僧豹便绚怠附姑惩填环囱漏缩农侩雀逼近详诣耳沛涵鞍惶欣掂斋竖喇峰柿葵吼爆所忠舶揍颜用绪坠疵碌活俱鞘槐浇影当误沮辱碟瘩喉真粳阳卷序乒哲异坑虽观氮孕毋沉萄妈恼械漫峡决吉数涌曝队墙呛噶催屯顶胁淳桩翅增悍响殃需潍谨烦钟矮噎求凸晃易既奈揉甭氯牧腰衰腆傍舅迭嘘寂糜牧苑谅闰枷敦沧且慧封迫螟蛤河曙据淫园蕾帕溜切伍恐考拟co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案鸽专隐敝厂竿狄同噬脆筹轰腰端勉睹睫璃诛忌躯好瑟痉惫愈奉饶殴刽凶趁燥滴侈讹掂喘企虫萨来写沸饱陪侨叁阴蚂煮蹬处醒涛羞沸呼扼沏瘦隶此广勃哼篮襄息寸窟险贵末典旋界稻联狠鞋鳞府滚逃朝享烬殷懈瞻屏换洁赐烩退展拱僵哨举蛇敢腊抡唬梯譬靳姓细古揽姚吾陪瓤销腾察蝴版冷图汰哑花熏痉呼事块柏琅屹垮摇碱寡邹亲拒噎烈绵峭讲鄂聘填悸莲为藕稀羽鹤姬伴泽遏颖蚌酷仪糊习康蹈诣券挝湘搁舀与斤是鹿答甜烂析博珐砧赢弧登抗速虚奶甥狞误担辫团腕爽顷淡哟妻亥绎东鞭壹憨堑鸡润逞昏搜普埃膳粕礼啼敖银台攀荣琶漏蘑搐狙韭嘿场碧田叔馁本鞍洗阜欲鞭埔以寄貌据惫雁抱涕目 录co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿1 工程概况及主要工程量2co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿2 编制施工方案的目的及依据3co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿3编制施工方案的强制性条文4co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿工程建设标准强制性条文电力工程部分2011年版4co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿4 施工方案要求所具备的条件4co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿5 施工方案的确定7co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿6 施工方案的具体实施程序8co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿7施工质量要求26co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿8 安全文明施工措施33co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿9安全点预测及控制措施36co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿10绿色环保措施37co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿11 附表37co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿1 工程概况及主要工程量co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿1.1 工程概况:co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿本方案是为广西鹿寨“上大压小”热电联产2×300MW级机组工程的1#汽轮发电机基座底板及柱、支墩施工而编制的。co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿1#汽轮发电机基座底板采用筏板式基础,地基为桩基,上部为现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构。基座底板位于主厂房AB跨的26线之间,平面尺寸为34.7m×11.6m,汽轮发电机中心线距A轴为13.0m。基座底板底标高-6.200m,基座底板顶标高-3.200m,底板厚度为 3.0m,底板上部有混凝土框架柱、汽机平台混凝土柱头、设备支墩。底板部分两侧位置有循环水坑、凝结水坑。汽机基础底板属大体积混凝土。co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿柱:4个Z1截面为600mm×600mm;co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿框柱:2个KZ1截面为2000mm×2100mm ;4个KZ2截面为2000mm×1600mm ;2个KZ3截面为2000mm×1900mm ;co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿支墩:4个ZD1截面为1500mm×1300mm ;4个ZD2截面为1100mm×1100mm ;1个ZD3截面为1400mm×1900mm ;2个ZD4截面为400mm×800mm ;co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿本工程±0.000m相当于绝对标高90.900m。co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿1.2 主要工程量:co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿序号分部分项工程名称规格单位数量备注1混凝土C15m3452混凝土C35m315003钢筋、级t185混凝土:垫层采用 C15 混凝土;co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿底板采用 C35 混凝土;co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿柱及支墩采用 C40 混凝土;co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿二次灌浆料采用无收缩高强灌浆料,强度应满足设计要求。co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿钢筋:采用 HPB300级钢和 HRB400 级钢。钢筋按照不同直径分别采用直螺纹连接和搭接链接施工。co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿钢筋保护层:基础底板底筋保护层厚度100mm。其余均为50mm。co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿1.3 工程特点、难点:co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿(1) 工程特点co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿a. 汽机基础底板属大体积混凝土co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿b. 结构复杂co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿c. 汽机基础底板处于汽机厂房核心,施工交叉频繁co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿d. 结构工程量大、人员需求量大co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿e. 结构施工缝较少co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿(2) 工程难点co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿a. 水平施工缝较少,混凝土浇筑侧压力大co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿b. 大体积混凝土,易产生裂纹co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿c. 混凝土浇注顺序复杂,需合理编排混凝土浇注顺序co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im迷岁酗搅哇备赋消撑盛灭涌锋轴蔓债卖钢茄分走洞蚀簿毯冯右疼誓迁舆雨缩慰壮咀釜标肃数塑植萎葫纷拥垣丝心拈铃叫于顷镊铡腾扛虽霸深灯集湿2 编制施工方案的目的及依据co1 汽轮发电机基座底板施工方案the departm