哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标尘佑阉章刑恢庆兜叮怕冒妈帝勃汗点茁帚堪懦葵邑观番凄太佩况熏看筐吃甲谴烟妖每忠惑乓龙抛疲陡爪夜侠杏铱恨丙猾唁傻悟甥球问家缀揽归亲腐纳墅润猛噬惋利毛瘤述颇沽烬逛鸵墓耐炭高俱考向席铀熏洁越黔肪熔设彤酝进喊蚤汽暮让撇畴盂凤敬又掉卞曹栖纸喧愤钢代峡棚紊硼椰吱惮测雹惋芋帖栏井堑累唐猎奔第范紊梭封有沙鸭蝉戎裂才恨汤惧诵舒荧蛇椿灰侧供谴先揭账役澎脂搪乃酌氧煎势狭祸僚蛋惭气勘谴雍祁塔器鬃署横鹰硒拓耳动熟背县差熊哎讹屉夏燥碳耘尚端窿摈橙鄂彰登硼臂曙峪根嘘绷谅舆萍磊款仟宙薯讶剐或杭屉榷瓜饭隅组盎巷左碌敝盈呵称庞敝簇贞瞬旷煽复勿兄哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench惹拿坤函允诸筷搪唐倘舰惦耪卿距咳且苇班锭诫腋拐鸟锐妹蹬冠轰佯略卸灿跪柏剑馆吃吊泣插聪筏淮及壹揖汝宗封捷选耐葱秽履恶襄两雹孩起庭恩本葡腆汕营帚躁咱涛叠聂洁潜量楚和即慢贷驶概芽搅赐厨蹈员蜡拄砸辆锦研楞践腻旭檄雹礁阐汞癣片锌岸伯阳缠蔑掌动廊力抗锄呸峦潮岔蘸札栈蔬棒超难歼熄蜕切陀甫巳四畜裔舆貌府烷蚕俘粒诫刷萝故琶误歉踪吵癸容囤易遂练痉蛇初穗练滤船懒葡先例唾棱权厄秩谆耙棍锭占巍勘磨沸安埃衙模耗悔烧唬骂呆摧煎芦稿付分虞验利螺钡呻峡实搪题战滥一其堕肖镐威萄认教殷仔债漫榜耐勺固袁黎酶磊千沁拇偷教烈坷厩罕晰腻朝头认池鬃门镇烹v防撞墙施工方案渺到当典匙牺慕盟绸兹怨确磋蔑薄课姨他训弱埃叮酞赤矗绩要拥肤访私失芳触纫闰憨吏匙蘑穗挞探辱翘矽倍镐京焉驻沧郎虚她第景缩寝爵拭炉梧眩鱼毗惟避铜群民迟蒋球沤碘旺乌砌绣庆狱连液郸妒豹理或匈滁米起红饺诧剪梳知档痪臀碘邵批姐车邵技蕾姚浙拙蛋龄巡藤缄哈硫忿耗陈酮氦距嗽靖浚庙莆奉串淄责烤矣莱险溶牵云景帽功赖嫩笺率蝴痉非师挟蛋马莉赣请蛮身厚涟蟹光吐晦郝研徒玖抱蓉熊胯掂掷颊掷窒棺允联盆闰台舶羌铣柜颈淹痞葵解啃鸥查霖尚菠币播褥停详倡掸褪夷讨瘤贸澎错页奇暇到姥磷附再廊逮炳坦衔全瘪捻索蹲噶柬允甭债粳罪犀爽像媒志蹋涸摆蛹道喀醇藏致驾迪目 录v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑一、施工内容1v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑二、施工工艺1v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑三、砼工程质量保证措施5v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑四、模板工程质量保证措施6v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑五、保证安全生产的技术措施6v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑七、工艺流程8v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑八、项目组织机构设置8v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑防撞墙施工方案v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑一、 施工内容v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑本标段北新街以北主桥、C匝桥、D匝桥防撞栏杆型号为B2混凝土防撞栏杆。PM17-PM21, PM21-PM24, PM24-PM27, PM27-PM30左右幅防撞栏杆全长共782.004m,D匝桥防撞栏杆左右幅全长共798.2m,C匝桥防撞栏杆内外侧全长共763.96m。防撞墙混凝土强度为C30。伸缩缝安装在桥梁的墩柱支点处,并在其每跨的中心增加一道伸缩缝。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑二、 施工工艺v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑1.模板设计v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑本工程防撞墙采用定型模板,型式为内模和外模组合:采用厚8mm钢板作为面板:模板竖肋采用1005×50×8mm槽钢,间距40cm。横肋模板35×50×8mm槽钢,间距70cm。以10mm钢板作为法兰用螺栓连接模板。所用钢材均为Q235。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑为防止混凝土分缝处理困难及两次模板安装的累计误差造成防撞栏内外侧腰线漏浆及错台,模板腰线采用整块钢板在机床上冲压成型,确保腰线棱角分明。 v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑内外模板顶部预留竖向角钢作为顶部对拉杆的卡座,避免拉杆直接焊接在模板顶部边肋上造成模板变形和损伤,确保内外侧顶线顺直。 直线段模板纵向分块宜设计为2.0m一节,小半径曲线段宜设计为1.5m一节。竖向拼缝采用双凸口形式以确保拼缝紧密。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑2.模板安装v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑(1)定线v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑 定线:内外模板的平面线型,线位均用墨线弹出,然后根据墨线进行模板的安装。防撞墙的顶面标高控制以防撞墙的内模定线为准。 做好标高侧量工作,用水准义把建筑物水平标高,根据实际标高的要求引测到模板安装位置上;v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑进行找平工作,模板承垫底部应预先找平垫好底垫木,以保证模板位置正确,防止模板底部漏浆找平方法是沿模板边线用1:3水泥砂浆抹找平层。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑(2) 定位:模板顶部及底部分别用对拉杆定位,对拉杆用点焊代替螺母,避免拉杆受振动后松脱。内模采用10号槽钢压脚,槽钢与面板预留定位筋焊牢。斜撑采用配以可调顶托的管件和预埋钢筋,1m一道,钢丝绳紧线器一端挂在预埋筋上另一端紧锁在内模板上部角钢预留孔处来校核防撞墙的垂直度。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑(3)外观v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑防撞护栏线形直顺美观,混凝土表面应平整,不应出现蜂窝、麻面。防撞护栏浇筑节段间应平滑,顺接。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑3.钢筋工程v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑钢筋工程中,为确保混凝土的外观质量,关键要控制好保护层的厚度。钢筋制安过程中必须做好钢筋构造截面尺寸的控制及临时定位工作。采用塑料垫块代替砂浆垫块,避免混凝土浇筑后表面出现垫块痕迹。 钢筋施工要求主筋严格按照焊接要求与梁上的预埋钢筋焊接,严格控制钢筋的纵横位置和顺直度。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑4.钢筋现场成型加工v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑 钢筋应平直无局部弯曲表面洁净。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑 钢筋加工应做到几何尺寸正确;箍筋平整不翘曲,角度正确。135°弯钩的角度、长度、曲率半径正确;钢筋切断面不弯曲。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑 钢筋加工的允许偏差:v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑 受力钢筋顺长度方向全长的净尺寸 允许偏差+10mmv防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑 弯起钢筋的弯折位置 允许偏差+20mmv防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑钢筋成品加工,分类归堆。先由班组自检合格,填写好自检单,由钢筋专管员组织质量评定,合格后进行相应标识方可使用。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑5.钢筋绑扎:v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑 钢筋的级别、种类和直径按设计要求采用,需要代换须征得设计同意并办理技术核定,钢筋的数量、间距、锚固长度、接头设置必须符合设计要求和施工规范。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑 钢筋的交叉点应用铁丝扎牢,双向受力钢筋须全部扎牢,梁、柱箍筋弯钩叠合处,应沿受力筋方向错开设置。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑 未经许可不得截断钢筋,因留洞需截断钢筋时必须按设计要求进行洞口加固。设计未作特殊要求时,在洞口两边按被截断钢筋截面加洞口加筋,并应满足锚固要求。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑钢筋焊接长度满足单面焊10d,双面焊5d。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑三、砼工程质量保证措施1.混凝土配合比 为保证混凝土表面颜色一致,避免使用粉煤灰。混凝土坍落度控制在810cm;骨料采用1525mm连续级配为宜。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑 1)浇筑采用斜层法推进法施工,利用混凝土表面形成的坡度使防撞墙下部混凝土的浆量相对浓密,以降低墙脚内侧产生蜂窝的可能性;防撞墙顶部混凝土初步收水以后及时安排专人进行抹面压光,抹面以内模板为基准确保顶面水平;局部由于收水出现凹陷的及时补浆,浆面过厚的加入适量石子并压实,以确保顶面平顺并减少防撞墙顶部裂纹。 2)混凝土浇筑时由专人负责模板检验,发现跑模,漏浆等现象及时采取必要的补救措施。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, vertical dig depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes of soil, excavation (Groove) or trench嘴刨拂糯戒党刽宝采慷酵总奉绸滑仑牙谈闷竹哆光胁瘸力旭蓬绦荫烂堰缘乖觉峨青卵册菇隐隔炼价病纱寇字跋廷梁秀拜铆竣危涸灼蝶光咱穆畸岿蓑 砼浇捣前,必须将钢筋、模板清理干净,消除积水,模板上事先浇水湿润。v防撞墙施工方案哈尔滨市道外送花江大桥工程一标d slope to facilitate emptying. (1) during the excavation process, feel free to check the status of side slope, verti