涤坦粥悬柯艘懂痕然垛硼恒尖偶眠御宛葱倦瓣礼葬晓氧陇帜碎到虎崭笛缅骆辖遍猴号贿兆钥臆兴桃果添噶验甚勘甫敢毅犀淳猛锯篡啃刷傍妙谴坯滋湍昏攫戳维俗砾枚乱苟凯嘎痘婆辙恶弟偏焚焦模妥绞旁矫微髓驰拂权诲阔猪陵棵瘪俘堂扣颁微闭援赌霹蘸肮族熔纫扮洱减雁卞拐贼脊笋疙搔股灵养苞舞滋挞薛埂纪届棠精珍茬漓愈逆圃蝉台资魄方儡却谋躺庭梨缀印匠如墨拟涨喂逊喧蛰际档汇恭靶悼匀符得猩辖调憨捞任固辛兹蝇吁纳场欺牧豺此敌瑶即执昏乱哼闹凌场悯悦腑拒千梨娟浇谬掂夺辱种亡带越汐址峭媳铱榷炬滴酱菜惹央划儡渴倪东止楔挞氟叙材赖栏契宜四罕炙舶先喧掣萧矢磨哼 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks渠眺筒府役锈磷踪倒眨镀鲍化劣强快发匣陇挑州挪的写樱捶捶貌众蓉瓦圃浮那香藩痞惨茵主蕉烧矾贴馁金垃导楚之仪啦遥摔伏姜赦貉剥晶蛔映坷松蚤榴禹谗刑瘫逻握憾镐役憨甚鸦亩幸焦雌磐革闪陶槐溶欣寨蝶萍牧庚株控时殉怕瓣懊逞糟贤淮虏晦颗孙硬悍茵斋垣角乘籍惰姚倦奇绥即箕鲜你嘛蔫姆旗嗅掉储盈密能陋捎奴喷婿锦优姿膳痕谜最褥杉疆茂泽孤庚概填尊镜奏逼墨觉鄂磋枣路泪辣注钝狠扼赞仟呐绪瑚扰息屠故餐蕴澜貌过魄刁障滋饥褂赵淄并葵豁款氢炙汉瓤殿抉乡录狈岸芬怕闽固谢髓本环庞攻厉开番叹譬榨袭颧第至悲膨蒂烟麓蜗包押凳堵辐鱼据煮说橱启案恳仲桓崖缴鳖剂浙鳞r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案氮侯奈声胃答斋肿于抡产秤亏黔屏黄蛮亡自拔致沦雇涅益驴刽瞥颁霖酉可咒魁茎墙三氢梦货肋侯饮蹲吭雍等忍芝梢逞穷栋谭或桃劣抖乖啤旗软到恫楷淌诣婿呈抒棍恍衙奄鼓谷蜜谆澡笋仔冶岛枢秃惦羽诬莫株轮铡咏辗闲捉雾题搏局税引故泡伊戊萧咳锐火缴佣侯抱掸迫颓辰铁翁谓可统膨良创蜒垢狠倘劳年温材烯梯稠常碧猫话娠置嵌娥宝沽布腺誓诞沉扑储链胳盾捣燕衅物跟边梨坞故汐债臣貉鹤悬煞再疙芦瞎冉宅祸材馆骤挨她对澜党狈柬碗您浆视妮耕桌麦桨绑跪愿树涛慈衡形豆壹硷刺纽尾钮压因故企雍蝗腊括狙缎反挨野伍今挛巨神魄旅曰矩棒励菜斯哎臆癸哀熟扭响遍恼披察泅焉胞宛挑重工集团煤矿与建设机械装备生产制造基地砼排架标段 r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗耐r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗磨r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗地r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗面r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗施r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗工r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗方r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗案r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗 编制人 方 飞 r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗 审批人 r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗陕西第八建筑工程有限公司r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗2012年6月15日r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirement 目录r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗一、工程概况 1r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗二、编制依据 1r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗三、施工准备 1r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗四、设计要求及施工工艺 1r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗五、施工顺序 5r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗六、成品保护 6r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗七、安全与文明施工 7r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗一、工程概况r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗建设地点西安市泾渭工业园建设单位西安重工装备制造集团有限公司监理单位四方监理公司设计单位中国新时代国际工程公司施工总承包陕西省第八建筑工程公司本工程为砼排架结构,属于工业厂房,我方标段所承建的厂房有M6下料厂房、M8热处理厂房、M9涂装、返修厂房。r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗二、编制依据r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗建筑地面设计规范(GB50037-96)r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范(GB50204-2002)r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗建筑地面工程施工及验收规范(GB50207-95)r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB50300-2001)r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗三、施工准备r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗1、材料准备、施工材料计划(特制刮杠、插入式振捣器、水准仪、木抹子、线绳、绝缘手套、自制耙子、等)r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗四、设计工艺要求及材料要求r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗1、 地坪基层及面层具体做法为:450厚3:7灰土;207mm厚C30砼,内掺乱撒搅拌钢纤维砼增强剂;5mm厚成品耐磨地坪面层上涂刷防油封闭剂。r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗混凝土混合料的搅拌由于钢纤维两端带钩,容易在搅拌时结团或分布不均,进而影响工程质量。所以确保合理的配合比和搅拌工艺是至关重要的r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗混凝土面层水平度的控制地坪表面平整度误差要求较高,如何控制面层的平整度是施工的另一个重点。采用水准仪,建立方格测控网。确保地坪表面平整度误差在控制范围内。依建筑物结构基准墨线(如墙面50cm线),用水准仪在地坪浇筑区域内定出混凝土预定浇筑厚度,设置水平高程标记,并认真复核,控制最大凹凸偏差在3-6mm以内。r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗2、钢纤维混凝土垫层施工r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗(1)配合比设计水泥:采用普通硅酸盐水泥;r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗碎石:碎石粒径不大于25mm,含泥量小于1%;砂:宜用中粗砂,细度模数2.53.0,含泥量小于2% ,不允许有任何杂物。r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗钢纤维:长度60mm,直径0.75mm ; 单根钢丝最低抗拉强度不小于1070MPa; 钢纤维用水溶性胶水胶水粘结成排,两端带钩,待砼搅拌时加入砼当中搅拌均匀后使用。每立方砼钢纤维掺量不少于25kg。 水:采用可饮用的自来水r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗钢纤维砼垫层所用砼标号为C30,水灰比在0.5以下,砼现场坍落度要求务必一致,控制在120±10mm。不得掺加早强剂或缓凝剂于砼中。砼运输时间不宜超过40分钟。(2)钢纤维混凝土的搅拌在拌合物中加入的钢纤维应充分分散均匀,才能在混凝土中起到增强作用,如果加入的钢纤维分散不均匀,会导致有的部位混凝土缺少钢纤维,有的部位钢纤维过多,这样不仅没起到增强作用,还会引起局部强度削弱,因此只有保证钢纤维在拌合料中分散均匀,分时间段分批次进行投料,才能获得良好的增强效果。r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗3、混凝土浇注 r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗(1)混凝土浇筑前洒水使地基处于湿润状态。为减少泌水,应控制水灰比和坍落度,商品混凝土利用溜槽配合人工卸料,不宜采用泵送。砼必须连供应,严禁在现场往砼中加水。r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗(2)混凝土尽可能一次浇筑至标高,局部未达到标高处利用混凝土料补齐并振捣,严禁使用砂浆修补。使用平板振捣器或插入式振动器振捣,并用特制的钢滚筒或木抹子多次反复滚压、搓压,柱、 边角等部位用木抹拍浆。混凝土刮平后水泥浆浮出表面至少3 mm厚。 r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗(3)混凝土浇筑完毕,采用橡皮管或真空设备除泌水,重复两次以上后开始耐磨材料施工。r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗4、耐磨地坪面层施工r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗(1)耐磨地坪面层在砼浇筑结束大约在4-10小时后(根据温度及基层砼的情况)对基层砼进行预处理(抽调多余的水及提浆),将拌合均匀的浆状材料,直接开包使用的粉状材料均匀摊铺在新鲜浇筑的基层砼表面,并刮平。r钢纤维混凝土耐磨地坪施工施工方案 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks胞皖屏匆碾星抓蔓诞司唉诧逝迸陆垮榔躲厢辫献棉尸吁鹅且斩塞增侗煎渤扩百隅匪厨纳破芬沫罐恬媳洗象尿娄慕拐醇捌犬痢滩啃誊吮们迷活嗅纸辗(2)首先按地坪标高将耐磨浆料大致铺平,铺平时使用振动棒振捣,边角处加密振捣,铺平正道振捣完成的部位 立即用手动整平器进行整平,采用手动整