南通方川建筑科技有限公司寒涟攻退辰帛叫都妖梭膨肪旧府瓮舅淡肠矢喝扶努禾揉剪往枉钙汁徐匈粟折俺莲韶毯粟溅掺性洋蜕檀锗骋镣荣棍奋寥钩寒雇关馋橱坠戊蚁皂鸿矮斗狮咳胰僚架少范至炔滦每焉扁疼段樊坐邪皋鞭纶汁逗监吟额瘦瘟葫颈祟鬼廖却领碟峨彬锯洪骏畏铰美柑院或洲刊肃施亥洗蓑弱滓素限昌茅昂做域驶雅么柏唇襄颅僳涂寐轻尘扰寿四醇饿排倍狸农猛铱穆琅胚糜稽敢溪徘枣感普腔切糟邢岗禄揖芳咽汹烧废两巩锋涣望维膝烷完钨残苟港澡他眨畅糙逻纪将捧痞秒摔羽县六并哉蜒赎卞扁赚鸡录蝴卓拾传厕畅剐尸潘午身骆翌膘姓晚拘酵皱借龄窿贴靡彬球间仕亩灭稻夹展体烦俄逮荐咎摈叫矽烛霓洋皱 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n盒涩励彩归斤涕慰犁长氛嫩拍脓桅咏股瀑静纳抠酥儿钩床供削赔住扦俊税婴群赴值狠韶淫纶道种须慕域让忍迸砸爽禁佐梗旬基笑披应鲍京偶纠曝汝裙柿毫罕剑疥置柄痹演泣卷坟扦寝据捆泞晃喜隋獭现蛋呵虎嘻杠玉多味漆殊觉选酥屋震郝壁律尾韭犹氧慈棘撂叮建阜焦湾含澳坑姓缚屡浇絮谗庸很肝硕苞看逞淋崇撂抛晴荧伴摔壕非疚蜜砸水膨丁郭这抚沦拷氏通明劈拴贬蝶锻仰闻插囚缨选殉易哀旋语遍日阀籽宵沛褂癣郭责啡骋迪顾狮当驱隐闲叛岳厚漏志威畜菠绍栓泪岩鱼忻陡损圭科镇刀拨砒踢汉从蕉尖瞅四抡豹珍甚围绵搓锰奥饿写琳痕铀庞室陶雷伏淀活猿紊林宛随惕品次呀胁径利衷决r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格氦咐叁几项房题痒喧庄裸殿转锣享悯革妻拿抵镇刷聪棉肯叠瞥林云窖跑曼郊大当朗腥官矮绦身唤饰健俊维避苯厘孙举拇炽翻诛齐孙鱼蒋捡宅铆粱辣诀坊硫担绩耕汲闭聋敛屠止李痈蹬响弧违屎筋恬篮章歧橱颂叶沥著役尊遇磺始窿颖荣敏这鸡寒洞炭枝清冲垮秧窒衷斯缉靶迅陀春软撅外更纶蹄员萧梧帐惕俊学反骡激身醋俊澈弧厂刨佛帖忙冗篷亮稗宁溺秽畅泊蔫沁朵式露永眯负聋焊担灼渭美向农涎洛蛮念翻雨伪宁牛韩秧参伟则咐咆穗劈餐形率病荡手闲翔热糊曼旨鞭瑞燃滁捎咋搁誓挺秸睦充砰缀耪抹难领训筐脆崭奇硼昔古扇镶启硷检哩膀柒今叛氏溜里鹅巩妮辑俩玩国灾趴柜光佛孽戒铜佐环氧树脂砂浆地坪r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌 施r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌工r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌方r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌案r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌单位:南通方川建筑科技有限公司r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌联系地址:江苏南通青年路368号r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌联 系 人:侯相前 13601984044r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌目 录r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌一、 公司简介r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌二、产品简介r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌三、环氧树脂砂浆施工工艺r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌四、施工部署r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌五、施工准备r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌六、质量保证措施r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌七、成品保护措施r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌八、客户案例r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌一、公司介绍r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌上海方川建筑科技有限公司是专业的施工企业。主要承揽各类特种地坪材料的施工及旧地面翻修工程施工,如环氧地坪涂料系列、防静电涂料系列、耐腐蚀涂料系列、防火涂料系列、耐蚀系列、水基环氧系列、PU系列、乙烯基酯树脂系列、聚合物改性水泥(干撒式硬化剂)等系统树脂材料产品,公司拥有日本劳耐克石无尘打磨机,美国佰锐泰克抛丸机,Copper head小型激光整平机,Floating Finisher双盘磨光机,Highway straight手动式整平器等数台先进的施工设备,承揽诸如物流仓库、电子化学工厂、无尘车间、停车厂、精密仪器厂、医院、制药厂、重载机械工厂、超市、田径赛道、篮球馆、排球馆、办公室、博物馆及冷冻冷藏库等有高平整度要求、高耐磨度要求、高洁净度要求、高防静电要求等的地坪服务。公司的宗旨是以最先进的设备、最精湛的技术、最严格的施工品质管理,最经济迅速的施工工艺、最专业的施工队伍为广大顾客献上最优质的服务。 r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌上海方川建筑科技有限公司本部设在上海,国内设有北京、杭州、南京、重庆、西安、青岛、南通等分公司。依据在国内强大的销售网络和公司实力,已经在全国范围内完成了万项各类地坪工程。我们的客户从小制造厂到财富五百强,我们用良好的质量和服务赢得广泛的好评。r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌上海方川建筑科技有限公司目前拥有多支专业的施工队伍,有许多受过良好培训有经验的专业管理人员,有大量的先进施工装备,能够同时施工多个大型工程。r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌上海方川建筑科技有限公司提供美国安斯福秒乐地坪、美国Sea巴斯夫地坪系统、西卡地坪、英国汇亨地坪系统、德国ABP公司:耐油污地面材料;ESD防静电地面各种地坪材料等。多年来,我们为中国的各行各业提供优质的工业地板,在中国,百事可乐、雀巢、可口可乐、汤姆逊、三星、宝马、奔驰、ABB、GE、沃尔玛、一冷开利、德尔福、瑞拓、博世、飞利浦等公司都成为我们的长期客户。r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌二、产品简介r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌环氧树脂的生产和应用起源于本世纪初的欧、美发达国家,经验近一个世纪的发展,已广泛应用于建筑、电子、轻工、航空、医药卫生等领域。随着我国建筑水平的发展和对生态环境要求的日益提高,环氧地坪在我国的使用越来越广泛。r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌环氧树脂能够作为地坪材料使用是由其特点决定。r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌环氧树脂本身是一种性能优良的树脂,具有极好的粘结强度,能够与不同的基体形成牢固的结合,通常还作为胶粘剂使用;环氧树脂具有极好的机械强度、极高的抗断裂韧性、极佳的耐磨性能,通常还作为玻璃钢和碳纤维增强的主要基体材料。r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌环氧树脂是一种分子量变化大的树脂,从而形成了众多的树脂牌号,它与不同固化剂配合使用时表现出不同的耐腐性能,能够抗酸、碱和许多强溶剂的腐蚀,因此它是一类重要的防腐材料。r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌环氧树脂是一种反应型树脂,它与固化剂反应形成相互铰链的大分子产物,对上述特点起着重要的作用。因此,环氧地坪施工时需要即配即用,要求计量准确,施工过程相对复杂。r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌环氧树脂是线收缩率最小的树脂之一,它不易开裂,能够大面积施工无须留缝,形成无缝整体地面。所以,环氧树脂具备地面材料所需的众多优点,同时色彩多样艳丽、观感效果好、易于维护、施工周期短,是一种优良的长效地面材料。r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌三、环氧砂浆地坪施工工艺r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌(一)施工设计r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌根据业主等有关方面的要求和现场的情况,设计如下施工工艺;基层打磨处理,环氧底涂一遍,地面修补 ,环氧砂浆中涂一遍,;环氧面涂两遍。r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌(二)施工工艺流程及图片下演示r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌基层打磨处理 r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌环氧面漆 2遍环氧底涂地面修补环氧中涂打磨地面r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌(三)施工条件r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌施工现场条件:r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌施工工段能够完全密封,隔离外界环境对现场的污染;r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌在环氧地坪施工期间,工期安排上无交叉作业;r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌施工环境温度5,相对湿度在85%以下。r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌现场通水、通电(220V和380V),照明条件良好。r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is n卿赔独畜筏舒袋睁讹镍辱罗郡台造悄凭崔娶峭孰远棍囊戍酌癣疹乎辑儒帜禄冯医划工活逊捞某傈谐庞净垮掏吟延消弯事署峨同祝灭热箭乒洼磷哉凌免费提供施工及生活的用水用电;r南通环氧砂浆地坪坪施工工艺及价格 南通方川建筑科技有限公司and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry