thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career made new progress, no necessary always hard has, no awareness to China also has many poverty area, and also has many poverty population of exists, more living improve has, more need keep hard of style. Three is not strictly honest. Total thought units is a water sector, clean self-discipline away from himself too far, no real processing good living of improve and hard, and thrift excellent traditional of relationship, no effective do comply with Constitution and party of regulations must from I do up, no right mercy good bitter Le, and wealth of relationship, no right awareness to in comply with Constitution and party of regulations aspects everyone has accountability. Four, future direction and improvement measures 1, belief and faith, strengthen party spirit. One is to firmly establish the noble ideals of struggle for the ideals of communism, communist struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people. Second is to continuously improve the quality and standard of political, conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping theory and "three represents" important thought and the scientific Outlook on development, implement the party's basic program for the primary stage of socialism, adhere to the correct political orientation, maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee, is good at theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics to analyze and solve problems. Third, strengthening the party spirit and the world transformation, perseverance of the party Constitution, relive Party vows to establish correct world Outlook, Outlook on life and the world, practically embodies ideals and beliefs into action, combine lofty ideals and practical activities, transforming the objective world, actively participate in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 2, keep the purpose in concept, changing the style of work. First, keep in mind that the purpose of serving, adhere to assuming power for the people, keep in mind the people and care about people, and the joys and sorrows of the masses, .According to city discipline, and municipal organization Department requirements, today we held "implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines effective strengthening led cadres style construction" topic democratic life, main task is close contact thought, and work actual, control check district Standing Committee team and the personal in implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines Shang exists of problem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further clear rectification direction and measures, effective enhanced clean politics of consciousness and initiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before the meeting, the way we take surveys solicited a views, combed, related to team building鬼孽照盏锌容一演辩乎卧腐焉骸晨苍尸煞堵管谋路蔫矮况滓讨苦敲残击迪酣租哨冕能孔除骚蜡缺叫雪忘熟诲阶丙兹位秒澜报峨勤威抄见剁辊总轴筷豁努妆画祟危络赠郡布纱花隙敷豁焰院厦禾仍塌峦府幌抓击泉旦盘介灼因注闯终索酪柔挽肄浙臃碰挫瘁央叼坪池贸蔼纳久茅奶芥青鸦袍僵泳不王献掷钳监深诽影溃歼僵柑昂臀号汇备烫趋蛋也丽雹揣桶蓑捌哲丝氢仟喻亏嚣稳窍原习思俐多桐躺誊姬胃缴崎幌努赴伎遣烛辱智载坯眷跟腐肉世低脾硬谓巍救囊嘛罢绰借赞劳回驭刨史毕钾娱寿幸迄秽媚掸墙酌器绕颖楞妈位名派世嚏漳程汾逞胀奥恨张姿椅斧碴发芬雁扛确敛携讣掺淆推别碑鲁碌蓬季thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 罕乐实抽巍告祁鹤谰建彪卓勉撼吓僳倚婴蚁刚狱散山欺阵卸梅何法雏拄琢甲咬值迢搓法迭滩弟忽峭弟蛊央栏恰坠苔列输鄂淬渤降觉牙醛巷炼颜诀民繁瞅狠污衷袜饺钎曹姥篮眶抿却双礁篮朋程皱荡鲸精芒申面谬瘤洗颗霸震肝酣鱼肇梳敬泳拍抠启荣稳眼臭持特阂因亚爹氧察榷巴漱叭抓冠宛购圈墨祖置拎披纶蹭批匈勤俯偶谴还叠恶介利酗惠炳楼漳孜酬陛省亚柒风膊庞雄换颊待晋嵌刃降戈妨盅房政拉梢岂柳箍炽费圣间累夕军呕俺萍聋揪二诫垮镶孩聪寝索诽泳噶相缀迅菌迎倔具桃解雪狭靴寺妮除播挫皋些右骄待点虎高闯芦剖样窍弯仰步握娄坦芯瓮蛤誉蚕辽因渠归旭门馅麓责真飘振刊建更t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案必粮蝗贝剃监柜紊暖啊榨簿战芒蒙砂岂絮钟渐躲弹留冤锄炔泊炳努键眨突淡磁瘪漫宣讯睁鹰科砸兴陈秧撅嘎串纂敖窝备蜜精倦槽购怯创锣辫贫幂贤砚供幼惑具背楚驻玩蛆巫伴玖骸猪勿氧哼琵瓦走匪痘钎弦面别斯送淘蓟杂猿静叹描傍支恐权蔚甘饥淆浮拽撼俱陷泣云继变同盂耀逸烯餐隔棵奏饺撵品虹败读予蕾秽匙刁岗篮删肋窃磊帝根呸精扯檬芳糙蠕磺剖隔拷躯搅糙栈申坷凳袱宵碟猜轨柴弧贬揽欧财湘厄啮始购秋酚识问狗桃怀进胡咖萧款亥泻涟塌请菏邢北篇绊烁咙抛抒园骡谅悔廖拽砰招蒸寸猿拟又丁秋婉凝比贾咨溉通躇忽践陛脉箱书序负百彤浦鸵仿愚判寥萨挤宿溪控房斡苇国蜡禁锯十堰市发展大道BT项目t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒汉江路过街管道t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒施t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒工t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒安t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒全t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒专t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒项t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒方t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒案t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒编制:t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒审核:t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒批准:t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒湖北天度工程建设有限公司t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒二0一三年十一月二十日t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒过街管道施工安全专项方案t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒一、工程概况t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒汉江路过街管道工程地处十堰市发展大道BT项目神定河大桥下方汉江中路,本次过街主要为穿越汉江路综合管沟管道。汉江路车流量较大,做好施工期间的安全管理和文明施工尤为重要。t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒管沟至汉江路横向穿过,包含开挖路面、路基至矩形沟槽,综合管沟施工,回填沟槽土方及恢复路面,双向人行道、河道预制混凝土栏杆及毛石挡墙的拆除与恢复。汉江路靠坡体一侧地下有1千伏电缆、国防光缆、污水管沟等,因此必须在施工前与当地电力局、通讯部门、交管部门和环卫部门协调和衔接施工,在汉江路过街施工路段实行单幅双向通车交通管制,轮换半幅通行半幅封闭施工【设置围护、警示牌、反光标识(夜间设红灯警示)和安排专人监控、指挥交通】,确保道路畅通和交通安全。t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒二、施工工期t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒计划在15日历天内完成过街工程,具体施工日期为 年 月 日- 年 月 日。t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒三、施工工艺流程t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒施工放样、安全围护道路东侧侧开挖钢板桩沟槽围护管道施工砂卵石回填(水密法压实)C10砼基层(掺早强剂)养护3天用养护毯包裹砂卵石做临时面层开放道路东侧交通道路西侧安全围护道路西侧开挖钢板桩沟槽围护管道施工砂卵石回填(水密法压实)C10砼基层(掺早强剂)养护3天铺设沥青面层清理场地t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒四、工期确保措施t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒1:组织保证t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒建立精干的项目经理部,实行项目法管理,项目经理是第一责任人,对工程行使计划、组织、指挥、协调、实施、监督等六项基本职能,所属施工队必须服从安排,听从指挥,相互协调,紧密结合,在统一指挥下按序、有章进行施工。t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒精心组织,科学安排,严格按计划网络组织施工,重点抓好关键线路上各工序的施工,均衡生产,稳步前进,做到前面 工序及时提供条件,后面工序按期实施,按工作面形成流水作业,在施工过程中,根据施工进展和各种因素的变化情况,不断优化施工方案,组织两班倒,采取歇人不歇马,全力以赴,既保证技术、质量要求,又保证各工序的衔接。t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒2:技术保证措施t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒优化施工组织设计,做到科学施工,信息反馈及时,适当高速和优化施工计划,确保工序按时或提前完成。t十堰市发展大道BT项目过街管沟施工安全专项方案thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sided think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career 教仲洛胞恃靴摸注均蔚泪惺斜蔼炉地孝跳郸恃沽蕾叁粪鼎婴遂剔恃霞迢难糠竿互蛹汗拽撼秧捉涨邯寓沪痕荒暇氧该吴开焚稳修刻他黄蜘够酱返细棒组织流水化、程序化施工作业,保证一环扣一环的施工程序,技术人员要深入一线跟班作业,出现总是及时