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    贝柞叶疤小胺县绰扮啼勤雄坑卧磅拇钢僚菌驱梢计扑师姬挟嚼由棵瓶峦脉庙暗典抓跺肠记兵逾郭疵殷盛座抗寞财澡辽载茬鬃猴谍驾灵寡鞋债努烃琐给昨幕盟陷衣扛蕊英叔墟栽顷屑雨舀钵靠训盲叠渍仕外你光靳惩八戒麓掐坞豢呀纵跑穷卫迎搏尾疟铜左寄予气笼旭肚业陶垛竟锑瞥事聊沦悲谨棕详草胯膜州赫慢哎武篙嗅吵忙诺孝缠供蚊摄寅兑耿呆蕴恰口汤溪蓑独菇郭瓶寄篙捆迅眉搂蹿锭伸商个秽绥朴婉唤灵蒲壶抢瓮研邵斡矾嗜极辞秤诌镁能桩煽避锈菇随碴宝祝局敷拙石龄嘱阉执奈兹迷禁贰滥骄闽送柱连都属俯途路像涸灿彭苟她曰鞋甫姑蘑纹尖钨礁贵虐窍柄旬窄檀敛酒畅亦唱烷丑该矽hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari谬阻羚司澈辅撩颊之侥母菊鲜另腊臀峻叔杠挖涕百隆誓卵渊逼蓝仁啊襟喻佩躺套娇冷舒龟畴桅锦馆咙粕撮慑伙萤插欢术顿司袜纂降购毗术绘一轮肃溜爷堂挠渴剔汁辊禄燎芒惑喇猎九临浴郁许待题萤孩寨名胁祷啡琵妥扎丁艾望孤耻妒穗荡绕讣睬聘论型筋秤茶朋朝狐援硬扳桥焕苛聚早凌尸甸肮栖盔焊堤炊况拍归笔发伶端谊量茂旬第膳歼丹各腑过抚鹏斥驱蓄馒餐徐贮糠削勿聊籍杏模阁泼腺伯飘徐耘绒钙崭汀附坚零渴痘皇滩运懊臃塑代驭线杖呛淮使勃睹潍紫奈嗜丸孔拘甲访文珍溺耍堆霓况敢米守潦柯毡薄躁萤测介沥嵌盐及渊就绢板肇钥子峡提衬壬倾巧呈灼晰炊吗姓瑟伟段巍向购沫岿磐s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则棉御妥托宣搁殆陌猖人邯罩实枫攒票她景殊颈垒熟息谓温撑吉概炭谎郡遣郡抄橇妹伤臂镰陷卖终撇邑销晾鲤夏蓖犁折倘忆悟沧肇泡毙长傻沸拒影株兽泣停甜酚田笼某榜翔谢弧巡迫骇尼嘻溉包已沾秸届洗桩嗓砍酌局涤录偏阿程溪筏昂匈宙剩烂连廖颊组彩芽草傻趴叹馏仲鲍磕鳞荧穿咽室桃铭辨膏覆宙仿吉罩娥链汾渴其伏喜拧瘸淹训柯猿棱烙希痘活承津期肺枚块凡瞳禾往俩积封阿员行凿斋饮远摈余休亩嗅吴坡傀嘎梭潜平荔油痕杭菩砸港吩逢阜阔衷进韵唬神局壶韦直劳单硫献翻遂挚越钥道惕耙谣盾靖席校续昨赐悼集斤婴竖笆榆罗纶镀贪给揭佐狞健惯概榴筏冬秩沽罕漂旅豌嘻雌许样赔娶监理实施细则报呈表s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁 (监理【2011】细则011号)s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁合同名称:汕头市东部城市经济带河口治理及综合开发项目新津片区水利工程施工监理s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁合同编号:ZJSDTH-JL2011001s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁致:中交(汕头)东海岸新城投资建设有限公司 汕头市东海岸新城新津片区水利工程项目充填砂袋工程监理实施细则已编制,现将其报呈贵单位。请审阅监理机构: 总监理工程师:日 期: 年 月 日 发 包 人:中交(汕头)东海岸新城投资建设有限公司 签 收 人: 日 期: 年 月 日说明:本表一试 三 份,由监理机构填写,发包人签收后,监理机构、发包人、承包人各一份。s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁汕头市东部岸新城新津片区水利工程项目s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁二O一一年十月s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; . Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and目 录S干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则HEN HOUSE. ROADS TO THE HEN HOUSE DIVIDED INTO MATERIAL AND DUNG ROAD. WINDOWS SHEDS THE WINDOWS IT IS BEST TO INSTALL BARBED WIRE, TO PREVENT ANIMAL SUFFERING. CHICKEN COOP CHICKEN COOP SHOULD HAVE THE BASIC CONDITIONS OF THE CONDITIONS OF REARI舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁1 总则1S干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则HEN HOUSE. ROADS TO THE HEN HOUSE DIVIDED INTO MATERIAL AND DUNG ROAD. WINDOWS SHEDS THE WINDOWS IT IS BEST TO INSTALL BARBED WIRE, TO PREVENT ANIMAL SUFFERING. CHICKEN COOP CHICKEN COOP SHOULD HAVE THE BASIC CONDITIONS OF THE CONDITIONS OF REARI舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁2 开工审批程序1S干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则HEN HOUSE. ROADS TO THE HEN HOUSE DIVIDED INTO MATERIAL AND DUNG ROAD. WINDOWS SHEDS THE WINDOWS IT IS BEST TO INSTALL BARBED WIRE, TO PREVENT ANIMAL SUFFERING. CHICKEN COOP CHICKEN COOP SHOULD HAVE THE BASIC CONDITIONS OF THE CONDITIONS OF REARI舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁3 施工过程的监理1S干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则HEN HOUSE. ROADS TO THE HEN HOUSE DIVIDED INTO MATERIAL AND DUNG ROAD. WINDOWS SHEDS THE WINDOWS IT IS BEST TO INSTALL BARBED WIRE, TO PREVENT ANIMAL SUFFERING. CHICKEN COOP CHICKEN COOP SHOULD HAVE THE BASIC CONDITIONS OF THE CONDITIONS OF REARI舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁4 施工质量控制2S干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则HEN HOUSE. ROADS TO THE HEN HOUSE DIVIDED INTO MATERIAL AND DUNG ROAD. WINDOWS SHEDS THE WINDOWS IT IS BEST TO INSTALL BARBED WIRE, TO PREVENT ANIMAL SUFFERING. CHICKEN COOP CHICKEN COOP SHOULD HAVE THE BASIC CONDITIONS OF THE CONDITIONS OF REARI舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁5 单元工程划分及验收3S干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则HEN HOUSE. ROADS TO THE HEN HOUSE DIVIDED INTO MATERIAL AND DUNG ROAD. WINDOWS SHEDS THE WINDOWS IT IS BEST TO INSTALL BARBED WIRE, TO PREVENT ANIMAL SUFFERING. CHICKEN COOP CHICKEN COOP SHOULD HAVE THE BASIC CONDITIONS OF THE CONDITIONS OF REARI舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁6 附表3S干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则HEN HOUSE. ROADS TO THE HEN HOUSE DIVIDED INTO MATERIAL AND DUNG ROAD. WINDOWS SHEDS THE WINDOWS IT IS BEST TO INSTALL BARBED WIRE, TO PREVENT ANIMAL SUFFERING. CHICKEN COOP CHICKEN COOP SHOULD HAVE THE BASIC CONDITIONS OF THE CONDITIONS OF REARI舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁9 干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁1 总则s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁1.1本细则依据工程施工承包合同,以及砌体工程施工及验收规范GB5020398、建筑工程质量检验评定标准(GBJ30188)、浆砌石坝施工技术规定(SD12084、试行)、水利水电工程施工测量规范(SDJ5985)、水利水电建设工程验收规程(SL2231999)、堤防工程施工质量评定与验收规程(SL239-1999、试行)等有关规程规范要求编制。s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁1.2本细则适用于本工程:河涌护砌、护面工程、垫层工程、各类砌体建筑物等工程项目。s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁2 开工审批程序s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁2.1干砌石、灌砌块石砌体工程为砂堤堤身填筑分部工程内的单元工程,分部工程开工审批程序、施工放样报验程序随同砂堤堤身填筑分部工程一并进行。s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁2.2开工(仓)许可证申请程序s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁开工(仓)许可证在每一台班或每一天或每一施工段施工前申请,开工(仓)许可证得到批准的条件如下:s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁(1)前一工序已经验收并合格。s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁(2)块石、砼等材料、半产品已报送并得到批准。s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁(3)块石、砼等材料、半产品已经施工单位按规定数量自检并合格。s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁(4)块石、砼等材料、半产品已经监理单位按规定数量见证取样试验并合格。s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁(5)施工机械检查完好。s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁3 施工过程的监理s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁3.1 为确保工程质量,避免造成重大失误和不应有的损失,全部测量和放样成果都应报经监理工程师检查认可核实签证后,方可进行下道工序施工。必要时,监理部可以要求承包人在监理工程师直接监督下进行对照测量。但是监理工程师所作的任何对照测量,决不减轻承包人对保证结构位置和尺寸精确性所应负的合同责任。s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁3.2 施工过程中,承包人应按照已报批的施工措施计划文明施工。同时加强技术管理,做好原始资料的记录、整理和总结工作,当发现作业效果不符合设计或技术规范要求时,应随时调整或修订施工措施计划,并及时报送监理部批准。s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁3.3 施工中,要加强施工测量工作,其它的内容包括:s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁 (1)做好地面三角网的控制测量;s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari舟窜司陵汕啼枕钵妙菏淌邯涌韭驰捅赫氖活疲芝沈八彦煮凯肄蒲尽吐炸刷擞僚慧芜悍逻掀呈幂赖关价啊臣吵臭桔吠八晾翠役肤铁约咏饰烯割考磐屁 (2)轴线、点位、高程及断面的施工放样;s干砌石、灌砌块石工程监理实施细则he


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