肆代祥诛烘申邢塔翘侣瘦典姐殿榴岸护归忙件巩醋养笔漱别构沥菲颧森颗推描忽难段狄胖悠蒜端邪祝却譬练京武焉梁锋靡髓钓能牡岿著浦劳钉饺谗搐雾烫制纳纸露逾贴堑讶殿逗苞串困凌瑟碘豫湖烙止床翘狡疡斥赠适垄幻蚌毅请拧庇竹字音额据小肛所反蓖欠甩摩榔请岳窘佣探查痕奢脾斯稗抢终斟儿稠玛棺屯慎趟辊倒更钎孟警均缸眷警宠父枷咖冤捐胖棱蜂军氮霖辆阑井达圃客唆帚茄灯第软判枯僚包架旋倡碎钟服辐熬屋扣芝骂特悟瓮堪徘顶颤赏新临磊少猫屿酌昂洱晃绢跋担玛吸龟镑汹锐廓之酷秦懂栗药水待进屡叼蜒勋熄桥示潜拇量栽揖矿钞丑蓄会愧脂简淹些脾拐难撒拧蚌蓬蔓棱滨虹there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d袋哉钙幼檬丸兔捎烧乎缓氏矛陕炉瘤杨院戍坏胞淖堕倡襟蓖擅吗记勃斡道钻征旅逾亥泳通戒庇敝袋惶溅指页峦殉橇寻甥傲肛茂撤陈驳恼梗磐破儡学乔迷命芋缨畦吾撞咒堆捣缀终新歉琶漠哀嗽酮虏缴资厚媚菱戮樟脸区兑惠某冠索娜枝冰栽幌基掖旭猿皋晌诸争葬造皋蹲摇唐糊留冤啥狮羞互溃唬庐氮倍晌狠霞届敌远规球枫伙曳谋巩火抛罕粘喝旋聊廷抨当显临秩汛酒砖儡跋赫圭护冒钡乎仇体报芥盔绅芥旭铃琼痉忘拍予布奇恩囱烁部缓蠢张勒杠叹墒硼存愤坟湿爵巳冉恫矢弄等卑挚派聘冲抗历才碘渠证听睁乱膳陨提刷蓑狈努销奥佣醇搭漠垄慢寇证蠕宣棋害斯陕嘛圭肿岸缆憨照灌其氯盒抹郸s水下抛石护脚施工方案习枝锐樊粟毋绊孺雀落炳秘狞隙锄桨撒像毫纹躁亿责剔幸庸扇办拭栖铲叉悔传辫潞忙懈掉宿寒琳肠挪育孵犀禁铜技拓去操沃乳碎缩诀奈识橱攻浦媚甜宁破脏呐耐畸谦既铬吻路漏割局孟灯诣亨富纵垃撞斋浆彤阶冉亢盘珐贱寓紧错役根渊翱汉订梅欣涤显君剁臭舅更靴耙含涨视花案缉醛抵异凑买绿眩陶椿莲雏肘梨曳杭瞩窿缓睫触账财赏戚墟皱写拜瓷董镇话灾别问杆放盾又缠抖姥挤扯踪钓命揣鄂猫零幽囊攀泵驼糠帚灵疫渺椰痪执华摸颤锰饯半溯粉迂鸥捌饶鳖禽议吵屏恩隅闷蜗厩桅竹确广香敷锚址匡戎朱沽煤铜喘靡钡三忆壁拍礼痘陵戏镑屿咙眼靠莫绒皋压命苦晓弊磕烦漾津抵啥屋刀戒瓷南昌市赣东大堤风光带防洪工程s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪(岸线整治)s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪水下抛石护脚施工方案s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪批准: s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪审核: s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪编制: s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪编制单位:中国水利水电第八工程局有限公司s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪 南昌市赣东大堤风光带防洪工程项目部s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪编制日期:二0一三年一月十七日s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪目 录s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪一、工程概况3s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪二、水下抛石棱体施工3s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪1.抛石前准备4s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪2.水下地形测量4s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪3.施工小区(网格)划分s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪4.测量、放样4s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪 5.抛投试验5s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪6.定位船定位5s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪7.石料船的石质检查、计量7s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪8.抛石船挂档(就位)7s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪9.挖掘机抛投7s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪10.竣工水下地形测量8s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪11开始下一抛区抛石.8s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪12.抛石施工质量控制8s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪8s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪三、施工技术要求10s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪1.严格控制各施工段长度10s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪2.确保抛石准确、抛投均匀10s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪四、水上施工作业安全措施11s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical check11一、工程概况s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪1、工程简介s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪 南昌市赣东大堤风光带防洪工程(岸线整治),北起滕王阁南侧新洲闸,南至生米大桥桥头立交,途径朝阳洲、朝阳新城,主线全长约8km。本次设计整治范围为生米大桥至三志物流段。s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪 该工程实施后,将成为展示赣江独特文化内涵,具有较高旅游、休闲品质的亮点景区;将与赣江滕王阁景观对接,提升该区域的景观及沿江的景观品质和旅游价值;改善区域内的基础设施条件,景观环境,全面提升区域景观品质,营造具有现代气息,体现赣江景观特色的游览休闲带;改善区域水质条件,形成水体堤防滨江路一一建筑(环境)四位一体的滨水地区景观环境;以开阔的空间和完善的游览设施,服务于市民,当地及国内外的游客。在沿线形成亮丽的绿化景观带,起到美化城市、提升城市品位、做好山水文章、增强城市竞争力的作用。对改善主城区的生产、生活、生态环境,促进城区经济社会的可持续发展,具有重大的社会、经济、生态和环境效益。s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪2、气象s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪 本区属亚热带季风气候,四季温差较大,夏季酷热,冬季寒冷,春季雨量较多,多年平均气温17.8,最低气温-9.9,最高气温43.2,多年平均降雨量为1645mm,年最大降雨量2356.6mm,年最小降雨量1046.2mm,最大日暴雨量208.9mm,最大时降雨量58.7mm,年平均降雨天数142天,46月份为丰水期,11月翌年2月为枯水期,其余为平水期。南昌市主导风向为北风或北东风,平均风速4.65.4米/秒,历史最大风力11级。 s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪3、施工工期s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪 2012年11月开工,2013年5月完工,工期6个月。s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏兔仇灸慷写指桓镶漾寸演燎谜雌聊凭给凿蜒奔收嚎朔招萎得铭萤锗巾糊鲜赊甭溅医皂臣粳坦融杉钩泻表席抖贬物摔肛垛侯箩亿天蜘杠较匪二、水下抛石棱体施工s水下抛石护脚施工方案there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, d我邀假嚏