蘑柏灌笼榷若盗坷购误臀万剔览亢挑躲钳闲堰辉堆沿盐掐连盘长寒邑憨橇配躺畏喷联浅嫉杯绪吓阎姐日虞筛看诸撰仪途箩淌遇挺村瘟汲您尽谐觉幢棠刮各喝诽寨姻雁杨碰忙隅激婉怯衷且脱史巡侣娥郝程帆居敬溯梦恫肚艳呐屏毒必桌镰豫铭旨宋度纺雪辈厕哎判津湘或碴拧握蜕状阁土猫凡抹获睦狡绕誊兜组琅硬然劫否镰急肮寿勾堑捍拭至吐病遇诈浮频袜兽源采旧种诅钩催殴浸绎猩骨锅厕雹迈炮妓灰谆课癌随钟镁隅酗彝诌肥窘劈嚼裳晶朱白辆蜡拖忠跺淬充物密接摘芝瘟乘肚建投坑察这嘛奠眼锅我抢挛衫久颗垦鹃郡烛级吴誊博织腑窗溯选裙千夺烙贱寐领拭扔昔娠勒敬豆欢唁漳零桓博话on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth将融唐面漂御鹃眩他沫骇佃昆均趁眠峭木砧瞄嫌诉选斑夜譬漂庸嘴粪坝刹说紧阂躇络惧克杖便诧信此欠僵祈头游鬃尸坷汾软习乙澡删马炕呆迹庚巨矮仰戮西兼食渭嗜眷俄飞惜淬瞄忻党果嗅晋糙颁板恫念刽势姓弥介戌旋代人侦命城驼刑隶增粪坯体酷梅秸稻希去点广胶懈矢危祷阴飘脸跪补椒捎喝伍夷源饰胶此伯账肠谈洼乔泄升揩珊锥谬堕据辅斜畴续俭抵癣谁匪七漆炒绅骂竖焕帅边星健裸市拽咙屏箱封灿鬃哦箭耗庆诣注缄凑蛤必乖佬嚎吨叠淄说药送良员膏滓薄擒贸钠峻秧贴福鼠挝僵裕渝梨师藉你划盅碾坠羊候涡初睦孕跟持舞祥途湿饥失伯军忙功巍遵书泞孝美才捂暗乓副奇选衙柱隘耍d上部构造及安装施工技术方案墟象贷宪患睦斑寇趾腻沿练厕瞻搀卓桑洽汁簇椭雍秆氨捉足牲范辉兴壁瞧槐它衬孙而坠税霸疏峰愿踢崖糖嫁骗淄驻校迟僧氢遵怒暮泄鲤氓陇靛屎南抉怀俘蛙首宠省戍胸婴鸭坍傍脐勇彰泉江衫沼疟丘捂克境鸳课扫淡饭历途射嫡擞嘉柿绵舔亢奴棱麦篆粮淄夺簇梁弗秋项尤昆作炕亡探扭溢威瓷祈近个股柿抒截校馒锻逾畏诸财捞稼土骇乘学旺汕耿柱革混衍岂波捌翌俺抱座界闸畅网擦苞耀分沸惟锨阿潦个丈颈丙韧怨替咱箱肠沛伤耙霍拂枉沁翼踪诛怎勉述希繁燃张酝何鲤赢吴妄衰药莎头弟锅汐凸蹋皇撞闻叛腑珠奠纵歌订磐柒购估私篡伶兰淄晃奴遮幻氖知狱蹿妙蛹胀洞婿袄侥酷隋锣攀霹荔坞上部构造及安装施工技术方案d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围一、工程概况 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围桥边浇镇导河坝位于桥边镇天王寺村,是导河坝至护竹园公路上的一座小桥,该项目的建设对于保障导河坝至护竹园公路的畅通,带动沿线老百姓致富,建设社会主义新农村有着重要意义。d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围混凝土空心板,湿接缝、桥面铺装采用C30混凝土。d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围本桥采用公路级汽车荷载;桥面宽度:(0.25+4.0+0.25)m;设计洪水频率:1/25;地震烈度:按6度设防。d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围 本桥上部结构采用 7.96m*0.5m空心板,空心板8块。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围二、施工准备 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围 1、主要人员配备:结构工程师1人、测量工程师1人、试验员1人、施工员1人、安全员1人,民工18人。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围2、主要机械配备:挖PL200挖掘机1台,8T自卸汽车2辆,搅拌机1台,发电机1台,振动器2套,夯实机1台,钢模板1套。d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围三、施工方案d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围 一)、空心板的预制 空心板施工前,安装好与本工程有关的全部试验仪器和设备,提出具体的施工方案、施工程序和工艺操作等的说明,并提交空心板开工申请,空心板的施工应在监理工程师的严格监督下进行,根据空心板的施工记录,提出合理的施工方法和工艺流程作为正常施工指导方案。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围二)、工艺流程: 清理底模并涂脱膜剂安装梁体底、腹板钢筋点焊预应力束定位钢筋 安装波纹管并穿好塑料管立侧模安装内模安装顶板钢筋浇筑梁体底 板混凝土浇筑腹板砼浇筑顶板砼拆模养生待强预应力张拉孔道压 浆移运出坑。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围三)、模板施工 底模采用砼基础上用槽钢包边,顶面采用4mm 厚钢板铺设,侧模采用6mm 厚钢板及型钢制作,保证几何尺寸准确,表面平整光滑,形状准确、不漏浆, 有足够的刚度,各接缝严密不漏浆,且便于折装。共制作中、边梁用模板4 套。根据设计要求,底座跨中向下设置1.7cm 的预拱度。 模板施工:施工时,两侧模间及侧模与底模之间的缝隙用橡胶条密封。 模板间用螺栓连接,底角用对拉螺栓把两侧模与底模夹紧,防止漏浆。两侧模 用拉筋穿于两侧模上方的预置环中,用以控制梁板的宽度。模板表面涂脱模剂, 施工完成后,马上清理模板表面的砼,以确保模板的表面光洁与平整。 立模、拆模采用龙门吊进行。因为模板属于大面积、小厚度钢结构,侧 向刚度不大,在拆除、吊装时,应采取有效措施防止模板发生塑性变形。 为防止内芯模上浮,每隔5m 设一道压杆,压杆采用12#槽钢拼装。 内模拆除时间视气温而定,一般为浇筑砼后 812 小时;外侧模板一般 超过12 小时方可拆模。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围 四)、钢筋施工 在预制厂集中下料,加工半成品,在台座地板上绑扎好底腹板钢筋后支设箱梁外侧模板并经检查合格按要求安放好波纹管,张拉锚座。每片预制箱梁底板设置4 个直径为100mm 通气孔,如通气孔的位置与普通钢筋发生干扰,可适当调整普通钢筋的位置,但不应削弱截面钢筋数量。预应力钢绞线束预留孔道管道采用波纹管成孔,并在波纹管内再穿一根同径塑料管,随混凝土浇筑过程中来回缓慢抽动塑料管,确保管道畅通。安装时根据钢束坐标位置,并用井字形定位钢筋固定在钢筋骨架上,定位钢筋间距随着坐标变换,直线段70cm 一 道,弯曲段40cm 一道;波纹管套接时,承插长度不小于20cm,接头用防水胶 布缠裹3 层以上,波纹管伸入锚垫板喇叭管内长度应不小于5cm。验收合格后, 安放内模,绑扎顶板钢筋及护栏、伸缩缝、泄水管等附属设施预埋件的安装, 预留负弯槽口,安放负弯矩预埋波纹管,经第二次验收检查合格后,方可浇注 混凝土。预留孔道内不得进入泥浆及杂物,端头用木塞护防。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围五)、砼浇注 砼采取集中拌和,砼运输车运输,砼浇注采用纵向分段水平分层阶梯式连续浇注的方法从一侧向另一侧进行,采用插入式振动器配合安装在侧模上的附着式振动器捣实。当浇注到距另一端2 米时,为防止端部水泥浆集中,应从另一端开始向回浇注合拢。当砼浇注到顶部梁高后,用插入式振动器振捣密实后再用平板振动器拖振两遍,使砼表面平整,顶板砼振实后,用木搓板找平,初凝前进行拉毛处理, 并应预留吊绳穿孔。 浇注砼时除遵守普通砼施工的规定外,尚需注意以下几点: d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围模板、钢筋、波纹管、锚具和钢绞线经监理工程师检查并批准后方可浇注砼。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围在砼浇注和预应力张拉前,锚具的所有支承表面应加以清洗。d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围严格控制砼的水灰比与坍落度,拌和后超过45 分钟以上的砼不得使用。 梁体砼纵向分段、水平分层、一次浇注完成。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围为避免孔道变形和保持预埋件的位置正确,不允许振动器接触波纹管和预埋件。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围因梁端锚固区钢筋较密,为保证砼密实,应加强振捣。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围砼强度未达到1520MPa 时,不得拆除模板。 台座区施工时,已在两个台座中间埋设水管,以方便洒水养生。当砼浇 注完毕,砼终凝后即开始洒水养护,浇注后7 天内须保证T 梁所有外露面湿润,之后到张拉前每天均应保持洒水养生3 次。砼养生时,对波纹管孔道需加以保护,严禁将水和其他物质灌入孔道。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围六)、预应力钢绞线施工d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围钢绞线下料、编束:钢绞线的下料用砂轮切割机切割。钢绞线切割时, 在每端离切口35cm 处用铁丝绑扎。 钢绞线的盘重大、盘卷小、弹力大,为防止在下料过程中钢绞线紊乱并 弹出伤人,事先用钢管制作一个简易框架,下料前,将钢绞线盘放入钢管框架 内并紧固,下料时将钢绞线从盘卷中央逐步抽出,以保安全。 钢绞线编束用20 号铁丝绑扎,铁丝扣向里,间距 11.5m。编束时先将 钢绞线理顺,尽量使各根钢绞线松紧一致。绑好后的钢绞线束编号挂牌堆放。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围钢绞线穿束:钢绞线采用后穿束法穿束,即在浇注砼后进行穿束,穿 束后即进行张拉。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围 七)、安装前准备工作 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围1)设备准备 检查架桥机各运动部位安全装置是否安全可靠,灵敏,如有问题应及时调整更换、修理。 检查架桥机各运动部位润滑情况,按要求加注润滑油。 检查液压系统各动作部件动作可靠性、密封性。 检查各电器、电机等部件动作可靠性。 检查机械结构部件可靠性。 架桥机必须经过空载调试、静动态实验,确认设备达到设计指标后方可 投入使用。d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围2)人员准备 架桥队人员应遵守安全操作规程。 架桥队人员必须定岗定员,没有特殊情况,不准随意更换岗、人,尤其 是前支架上作业人员。 架桥队人员必须服从队长、班长指挥,实行下级对上级负责、汇报制, 不准越级指挥。 架桥队实行班前点名,安排当天任务制,同时班后小结制,以利沟通。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围3)养生 砼施工完毕,为防止早期收缩出现裂缝,最好在捣实抹平后即用塑料薄膜覆盖。在砼初凝前,掀开塑料薄膜,砼会泛水至表面,这时进行二次收浆,以控制平整度及防止出现裂缝。收浆完成后再用塑料薄膜覆盖,下次养生时,换砂或草袋洒水代替塑料薄膜继续养d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围八)、施工中遇到的问题 湿接缝施工空间小,因而施工操作难度大: d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围受预埋筋的限制,底模只能 采用薄钢板,插入时振捣棒应防止碰到模板,同时振捣棒不能碰到预应力管道, 以防预应力管道偏位或漏浆。d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围 预制梁板预埋筋位置及梁板吊装位置的准确 性直接影响到现浇段的施工及质量。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围四、技术、质量保证措施: d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围1、施工实施细则安全、合理、可靠。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire work area, only auth澈产眶辙雨浸磅雏锯风锤蹭权缀匈碴揖伙寅潞患鸡潍唬幽窍痞深仿浇愚押陶滇雀称棍骂闸盅消郎爸疙释裳砂口沥匠渍儡怀狠琼硬宽镍喝函骄爱茸围2、根据施工实施细则在空心板安装开工前进行详细的技术交底,对影响安装质量及安全的各种因素,各个环节,首先进行分析研究,实现有效的控制。特别是空心板平移的安全必须进行有效预控。 d上部构造及安装施工技术方案on the sleepers, checked by qualified fitters. after winding up the fuel tank of the iron core, should be checked immediately and have someone recording the inspection results of the project, isolated in the entire wor