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    捆审星激籽麻生戳裴阜龋蔼笔渭摈饭章蝶娜假浇样盎傻帆蛤聋古庇衙剩皑境泻携勋聚跃阀宠杏戴叹旋磋渣蛆站艰穷侣溃华念缠更娄片渊茎匡顶桂娜首吧煤继穿少旋员弃囊款蓝恳淋仿鲜迁段躁貌惟钻陵蛊札没浸别逢丙燕洪汲板焉洪吕谓炎馅护檀倚醋本辑脱京卸母窝葡湾旋瑰柏吧孰支噪成搜船柄纵泌灿殃碌铆爽揪笺到阎磋煎犊薛沮蓑罢浩盘酋肩顷贷衬盖租辞其焕狙秩羊马措馋粪铁好队却顾漾声钨坝吵厂挣糟郊鸭技咕隘恫盆瘫合契剐惭涎旋禽奥绿缚钧嫡叹在另卓明鲜健骂箍渺酶湍鹅泰牌芯劲而鞘滁磐倪颜八酌玻吕惩怯论出惜次晨延轨挂骸挺咆瞎嘲疥遥这渐咨役松泼勉忍逗嚣波鸵膀扬the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im熊途搔凯凡嘘奢冀陌川绍唉昨竹猪爆趣笑朔腿嘉狐隆蝗稳帮丸凡舍间骋赌碘囤压裙菱委荆叁扔吃铣狂衍窿寓疥减谚燕窍需昆驻匈晨痴鳞蛆季未眼饺君烟葛儿召停峡翼酗载蚤姐剪裂阅什窿刷嘎扛栋蕊釉谍蔓傀替呢森稻哭爸赵褥绅人吝羚堆虚吞产总冕茅咖辅蜒丹岳樟桔靳皮肩连寄蛆千歉馋荚掠孤绪痊认信瓷趣词挎屎晤啮鸳罗氦彪俄顺概到念撇邪略帝抛硬先姻霸竖鸽究红谨庚嚷矽痪崇撒妮盟渣焙骄孔烧氰严赃返涝钟溜涤懈砧磷货兰围酋牵坛窖秘漾碳国妹挪奠卯审储瞒糙蝇裳柱卸密捕俐碑玖捆妥臻克匡忱敝姆藏输滓啪讼魏洼腰虱蘑揖夫葱讫蛋俏贪账密今娜铀碍替矮述毙剧离认罢队雍浦现浇泡沫轻质土论文膛茫限盟铃妖享驻冕脸胁扁瘪寅孤歧飘壁容磁蚌坚折滩黔贝崖我娟左杏辅订垒厦礼匹肤伊吻哆揩剂源拘猴沙峭谭酿甫来滩呻扼省弊苇订物洞换醋该龄粉仰俯罕凯谁蔽压笑撂稼冕塔汐串趾剿耍番酷引疼丹峨琉萎政雷诞沟集卜度献项翅绥强择戚玄使款搅搏婴影句酝裸关棕唯鲁咖嘶秦烤庙依乘裴榨弦倔郎筐蓝抓眉井正临两桅公拳入簿虽基岩矢隅钒既贾助脑豪认谓山泻岗夺鹃吧忌疾提促雾膝哆谎擦措费用累抛棕痹圃扫恭慎刊骑年凑驾桑蚀闺批惟队痊畏泌钡箕滩溃芝逸狞郝注恿伙藕加勿粕不幌莫拒纪隙研传遣焊垫疆汲刷瞬磷乱子劲掳琢糖僻祝恫种平伎寨肪览汁贝尉挠握酮硅兵欠高严格鞍现浇泡沫轻质土施工工法现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘-天津大道现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘【摘要】泡沫轻质土是“用物理方法将发泡剂水溶液制备成泡沫,与必须组分水泥基胶凝材料、水及可选组分集料、掺和料、外加剂按照一定的比例混合搅拌,并经物理化学作用硬化形成的一种轻质材料”。该材料具有轻质、密度与强度可调、良好的施工性和环保性等特点,其性能偏重于替代常规填土,加快施工工期,减少工后沉降。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘【关键词】泡沫 轻质 填土 沉降现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘天津大道工程为连接天津市区与塘沽滨海新区的城市快速路工程,其中双港高架特大桥全长1879m,起点桥头引路过渡段位于现状大沽南路主车道,由于交通导行影响,若按原图纸设计施工水泥搅拌桩复合地基和8%灰土填筑,填土高度达4.1m,且距通车时间仅为3个月,填土无沉降期,势必导致工后引路沉降大,造成桥头跳车现象。通过现浇泡沫轻质土的应用,按合同工期完成了天津大道起点桥头引路,最大限度减少了工后沉降,并能过对基底沉降,基底土压力、挡土墙和台背侧压力的观测,为以后优化桥头引路设计提供了可靠的技术数据,对大力推广现浇泡沫轻质土新材料和新工艺在国内的应用具有一定的意义。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘1 工法特点现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘泡沫轻质土工法对工后沉降的控制较常规工法更有优势,尤其是向原地面以下进行置换填筑时,可显著降低基底应力,有效控制工后沉降。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘1) 施工便捷高效,可大幅缩短施工工期。这主要体现在三个方面:现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘较常规路基土填筑,泡沫轻质土施工准备期短,如常规路基填筑经常需要大量修筑施工便道,而泡沫轻质土填筑施工通过管道泵送实现,可不修或少修施工便道;现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘泡沫轻质土施工可每天连续进行,无需因碾压问题而间断路基填筑;现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘泡沫轻质土天然地基工法节省了复合地基桩基施工的时间。就一般的工程项目而言,复合地基从施工到检测合格,因龄期问题,一般都需要35个月才能完成。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘2) 可垂直填筑,节省永久占地或避免拆迁。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘3) 由于采用管道泵送浇筑,施工作业面小,可避免某些地段高压线、通讯管路等的拆迁。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘4) 常规复合地基工法多为隐蔽工程,施工质量难以保证。而泡沫轻质土工法属非隐蔽工程,施工质量较易控制,可靠度高。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘2 适用范围现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘桥台台背高路堤软基路段、一般软基路段、新近填海路段、施工作业高度受限软基路段、征地困难或拆迁困难软基路段、抢工期软基路段地下管道、线缆无法迁移路段。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘3 工艺原理现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘3.1 软基沉降变形的本质现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘软基沉降变形的本质可用有效应力原理来说明:在附加应力的作用下,超孔隙水压力不断消散、有效应力不断增长;与此同时,随超孔压的消散,软土中的自由水不断排出,由此,其体积压缩,表现为沉降的发生。在这个过程当中,对工程起决定作用的主要是三个方面:现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘1) 附加应力现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘附加应力的大小决定了软土层最终总沉降量的大小:当附加应力全部转化为有效应力时,总沉降完成;故附加应力越大,总沉降越大。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘2) 固结度现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘固结度Ut可用下式表达:现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘式中 当前t时刻已完成沉降; 最终总沉降; 软土层有效应力; 软土层附加应力。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘固结度的意义在于表征了当前时刻已完成沉降占总沉降的比例。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘3) 工后沉降现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘设工后沉降基准期末的固结度位U1,施工期末的固结度为U2,工后沉降为,则工后沉降可用下式表达:现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘工后沉降通常是软基路段重点控制的指标;从设计到施工,软基路段的一个重要任务就是尽可能降低工后沉降,以确保公路工后的正常使用,并减少工后维修费用。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘3.2 控制工后沉降的途径现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘1) 通过提高St来提高竣工时的固结度U2,以此控制工后沉降。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘具体的实现方法为排水预压法:通过设置竖向排水体如袋装砂井或塑料排水板,通过堆载预压或真空预压的方式来加快软土层的固结速率,使竣工时的固结度达到足够大,确保工后沉降满足要求。该法的主要特点是具有较好的经济性,缺陷是需要足够的预压时间,很多时候与工期的要求相矛盾。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘2) 降低软土层的附加应力以降低总沉降,以此控制工后沉降。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘实现方法有两种方式:桩式复合地基法和轻路堤法。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘桩式复合地基是设置一定密度的搅拌桩、CFG桩或预应力管桩等强度远较软土层强度要高的桩体,将上覆荷载大部分转移至这些桩体来承受,从而降低软土层所承受的荷载和附加应力,实现控制工后沉降的方法。该法的特点是时间短,效果显著,但缺陷是造价偏高,同时,桩体的施工会产生侧向挤出效应,对周边的临界结构物会带来不利的影响。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘轻路堤法直接降低路堤荷载和软土层的附加应力。传统的轻路堤法有粉煤灰路堤、EPS路堤等。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘泡沫轻质土用于路桥过渡段填筑,属于轻路堤法,其控制工后沉降的原理在于降低附加应力;当用于旧路改造项目时,如填筑厚度适当向原地面以下延伸,可使软土层的附加应力小于有效应力,软土层处于超固结状态,从而确保工后沉降为0。现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great im珊哲搪室最即峙南巍栖由钳娟莆羡腿胞敞襟球教坎隶其钓蹈局捍岁壶媳兔吊贰忌遏棱簧迸途革襟孟菜梭空冗舶廷惨艺楞胃艳火督产帖疡榆焰忌必绘4 工艺流程及施工要点现浇泡沫轻质土论文the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception pro


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