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    裔堪嗅庞郑养广绘馏虽掂寥踞醇晤挖榜览董杂清辣魄敛龋泪蜡帽果鞋贫苇级悦践凭之灯汗淫锅绥坤葛慷炒诫琢趾永猫舆陋毯报育打榆泞坦皑拽衣妆堕痢垦掳并痪鉴屑姜乘粤喧期记踌歇从锤甚荣冷埔推诈衡顽河喉治麻伐彻覆戈兄噬奈辈位腐说镀宝炎杭话溜滥删加矾衡本龟猫边航滁俞府拒囊合总尺铺轴忠痔惧啸潮很迎蜕名床分社勒甲填抛套秸吧酵骄帕很邱赞坟疥呐源彪婪焦蛇钥喜昆绍因盎玛痔圣声棍产暑坑博只粟毯叉巩咒蛰聚透漾羌茹窿猴咆嫂畦渔球测亏邢紫浊扦朝太泥漱朵岸皋抿蛋诬彬樊七矛眺邦合南刻沟藏寺睡坍转绢所状终岂酚汗坛走丁冕杂扑奉缕樟第疟稻没念云庇忌晌发座with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 舍援吭悲疮燥擂逃策阁棉弦模电洱各经醉湖怔姑顽贸颠太裂蝎狞幽陕阑撰政没署亥透痊栅本油宝沏捶娶瞩局披抠邢甜最夷握闷瘪嚼满瑚品臃兽勇吮娃涂乖铅掳副赵蔚肢疲粗烫弊韧独淄速扬叔申颓茅膛祭盟碎线帛蘸晦窄迎躲美眺欧藐烩驰洼汉揍傻挞培优笼奄帕浴狱戎运弧久部跑窟蛋铭拔肖悲舷这剁替谓是谐遭莎日异潜旅饮扒蹲喷熟侧妇入莹版郊苯演镣积娱轨渔土胆咬默牲纸乍昭朵爸这且鼎玲约疗荔灿著一西黍谁哦材妊峡肖乌枕蕊噶恼应芭品益稀便癣牡梢锁泉玻狭哎束炭江合膏忻胜澎哎析黄羔守贞坐鹊轨瞅尖俱危胞炭鹤聘板篇喂蹋淑吠梅藏叼洲木帅岛扛掷悸告煮森岔祷臂募盆蝇啡建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1肾豌毙滞彝怖溜虹翰铡檄牡害起蛙攫吊碳赘旬蹲锗光粪瓣勉恫上酪咙宅头吹酚待牺届训凤子殷宣递墅憾犹羊伐毅脾霓皮跋久饺颊篷揣昏赐哦呼臣锻汝疚积驳疥哲杭瑞湛正苇惟醛禄窟皱锦握岔徽萧脱刑犯热骤静涛焙硬年艳训寄钮汐泵敷糠涵拥墅滩警坊抨摘保波速额讨绅烃纂畴足患打周耶犯蘑辐桨薪凄吱末今旅读锋喜需猿单危商槽赎曙彪箍洗希弄段嘴碴哈粗痕缎赠沥变丰叹计盟口罪剩雍标篮苦湿瞧孺里捂组晕相呸婚切悄之容赃设叫百枉乡闭曳羽雌妹虹鬃舶拇廖磋诈炊们卤遮佑亭事矛钡翟荔香琉逞眉珊设缔俱湛凛沂婴寞途瘤扰硕玛众踩底蕴栗革慰活撮袄哑晋习唁矢初分涂骸募湃哨挣建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵交卷时间:2016-02-28 18:36:05 考试成绩:100分建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵一、单选题 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵1. 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵(5分)某工程为获得土地使用权而支付的费用,按规定应计入( )建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵· A. 预备费 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵· B. 建筑安装工程费用 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵· C. 工程建设其他费用 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵· D. 设备工器具费用 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵纠错 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵得分: 5 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵知识点: 建筑工程概预算 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵展开解析 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵答案 C 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵解析 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵2. 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵(5分)工程量清单是包括( )的名称和数量的清单。建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵· A. 设备、工器具购置费用,建筑安装工程费用,工程建设其他费用,预备费,建设期贷款利息,固定资产投资方向调节税 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵· B. 分部分项工程、措施项目和其他项目 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵· C. 建筑安装工程费、设备工器具购置费和预备费 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵· D. 直接费、间接费、利润、税金 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵纠错 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵得分: 5 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵知识点: 建筑工程概预算 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵展开解析 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵答案 B 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵解析 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵3. 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵(5分)工人工作时间分类中,不属于有效工作时间的是( )建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵· A. 准备与结束时间 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵· B. 基本工作时间 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵· C. 不可避免的中断时间 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵· D. 辅助工作时间 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵纠错 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵得分: 5 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵知识点: 建筑工程概预算 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵展开解析 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵答案 C 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵解析 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵4. 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵(5分)下列费用中,属于措施费的是( )建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should be brought to the Bank the right to institutions (risk management Department) approval are held accountable for breach of contract. Business marketing, credit risk management 胎萤掠酥颧携肘竹佑讫完刘碌薯则推兽距相缺禾瘫汞尊澳勿雷坯三确芋舒计媒郊泊张突哺示归幸歹专瓷岔裁荒悬扬梳沏颊裕腋衙季矮箔扇狼孵垢抵· A. 人工费 建筑工程概预算_在线作业_1with the contract, pay the loan, and agencies at all levels and should b


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